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THE EDUCATION OF AYN RAND, 1905–1943<br />

To effect this transvaluation of values Rand had to carefully redefi<br />

ne selfi shness itself. Egoism or selfi shness typically described one who<br />

“puts oneself above all and crushes everything in one’s way to get the<br />

best for oneself,” she wrote. “Fine!” But this understanding was missing<br />

something critical. The important element, ethically speaking, was “not<br />

what one does or how one does it, but why one does it.” 6 Selfi shness<br />

was a matter of motivation, not outcome. Therefore anyone who sought<br />

power for power’s sake was not truly selfi sh. Like Rand’s neighbor, the<br />

stereotypical egoist was seeking a goal defi ned by others, living as “they<br />

want him to live and conquer to the extent of a home, a yacht and a full<br />

stomach.” By contrast, a true egoist, in Rand’s sense of the term, would<br />

put “his own ‘I,’ his standard of values, above all things, and [conquer]<br />

to live as he pleases, as he chooses and as he believes.” Nor would a truly<br />

selfi sh person seek to dominate others, for that would mean living for<br />

others, adjusting his values and standards to maintain his superiority.<br />

Instead, “an egoist is a man who lives for himself.” 7<br />

What sounded simple was in fact a subtle, complicated, and potentially<br />

confusing system. Rand’s novel reversed traditional defi nitions of<br />

selfi shness and egoism, in itself an ambitious and diffi cult goal. It also<br />

redefi ned the meaning and purpose of morality by excluding all social<br />

concerns. “A man has a code of ethics primarily for his own sake, not<br />

for anyone else’s,” Rand asserted. 8 Her ideas also reversed traditional<br />

understandings of human behavior by exalting a psychological mindset<br />

utterly divorced from anything outside the self.<br />

As Rand described Howard Roark, she reverted to her earlier celebration<br />

of the pathological Hickman from “The Little Street,” again mixing<br />

in strong scorn for emotions. “He was born without the ability to consider<br />

others,” she wrote of Roark. “His emotions are entirely controlled<br />

by his logic . . . he does not suffer, because he does not believe in suffering.”<br />

She also relied liberally on Nietzsche to characterize Roark. As she<br />

jotted down notes on Roark’s personality she told herself, “See Nietzsche<br />

about laughter.” 9 The book’s famous fi rst line indicates the centrality of<br />

this connection: “Howard Roark laughed.”<br />

Like Nietzsche, Rand intended to challenge Christianity. She shared<br />

the philosopher’s belief that Christian ethics were destructive to<br />

selfhood, making life “fl at, gray, empty, lacking all beauty, all fi re, all<br />

enthusiasm, all meaning, all creative urge.” She also had a more specifi c<br />

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