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Feverish illness in children<br />

National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health<br />

(NCC-WCH) [2007]<br />

Adebayo Akande Research fellow<br />

Monica Lakhanpaul Co-director in Child Health<br />

Chia-Wen Lee Research fellow<br />

Michael Corkett Information specialist<br />

Rosie Crossley Work-Programme coordinator<br />

Hannah-Rose Douglas Health economist<br />

Peny Retsa Health economist<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

We would like to thank the Patient and Public Involvement Programme (PPIP) of the National Institute<br />

for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) whose glossary was adapted for use in this guideline.<br />

Francoise Cluzeau and Bobbie Lloyd also gave us support in conducting the Delphi consensus<br />

technique. We are grateful to all the healthcare professionals and parents and carers that took part in<br />

the consensus exercise. Diane Crawford gave us invaluable information about thermometers. We<br />

obtained information about the burden of infectious diseases from Roderick MacFaul, and Matthew<br />

Thompson kindly visited us to talk about his research on feverish illnesses in children presenting to<br />

primary care.<br />

1.2 Definitions used in the guideline<br />

Definitions used in the guideline<br />

At the first stage of the guideline development process, the GDG recognised that it was necessary to<br />

have a definition of fever and also to decide what outcomes they would look for in terms of serious<br />

illness.<br />

It was necessary for the GDG to define certain terms that could be used as inclusion or exclusion<br />

criteria for the guideline and literature searches.<br />

Definition of fever<br />

The GDG considered several definitions of fever that have been used in the scientific literature. The<br />

GDG was aware that normal body temperature varies within and between individuals. It was also<br />

recognised that the measurement of body temperature can vary with the site of measurement and<br />

type of thermometer used. Accordingly, it was acknowledged that any definition of fever based on a<br />

fixed body temperature would be arbitrary. It was therefore decided to use a well-recognised<br />

physiological definition. 16 For the purposes of this guideline, fever was thus defined as ‘an elevation of<br />

body temperature above the normal daily variation’.<br />

It was also decided that the entry point into the guideline would be a child presenting to health<br />

services with a measured or perceived fever. It was recognised that not all parents and carers have<br />

access to thermometers and it was considered appropriate that the definition and entry point allow the<br />

inclusion of children who are deemed to have a fever, with or without the use of a thermometer.<br />

Despite agreeing on the above definition, the GDG recognised that other definitions of fever are used<br />

in most of the scientific studies that appear in the literature searches and evidence tables. For these<br />

studies, the inclusion criteria typically defined a fixed body temperature such as = 38°C or higher.<br />

Definition of serious illness<br />

Much of this guideline is devoted to identifying children with serious illnesses from among the many<br />

who present to healthcare professionals with a fever. The GDG recognised that it would be necessary<br />

to have a definition of serious illness to be used as an outcome measure in literature searches, etc. In<br />

addition to mortality and morbidity, it was agreed that a list of diagnoses that represented serious<br />

illnesses was needed. For the purposes of this guideline, serious illness with fever is defined as ‘an<br />

illness with fever that could cause death or disability if there were a delay in diagnosis and treatment’.<br />


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