an index to neoplastic diseases - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

an index to neoplastic diseases - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library an index to neoplastic diseases - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library
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EAR (Cont'd) Lindahl,J .W .S . ; Boland,John ; and Paterson, Ralston . . .(Royal Society of Medicine) 3899 DISCUSS10N ON MALIGNANT DISEASE OF THE MIDDLE EAR AND MEATUS . J.Laryng .& Otol . 69 :502-510 (July) 1955 . Morris,Francis 0'N . . .(Whittier,Calif .) 3900 ACOUSTIC NEUROFIBROMA ; THE RELATIONSHIP OF X-RAY FINDINGS TO THE OTOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS . A .M .A .Arch .Otolaryng . 62 :18-27 (July)1955 . Sercer,A . ; and Zdravev,P . . .(Zagrel,Skopj6- Yougoslavia) 3901 LE PROBL~,'ME DU CHOI,SETEATOME DE L' OREILLF . (Cholesteatoma of the ear) . Ann .d'oto-laryng . 70(11-12) :689-711,1953 . EMSRYOMA SEE Infants & Children 4114 ; Kidne s 4156 ; Skin 4455 ; Testes 4511 , ENDDMETRIUM SEE Ovary 4316,4317; Uterus 4589 Sadler,John M . . .(Univ .of Pittsburgh School of' Medicine, Pittsburgh,Pa .) 3902 PROBLEM.S ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT OF CANCER OF THE ENDOMETRIUM . Am .J.Obst .& Gynec . 70 :17-28(July)1955 . ENDOTHELL0MA SFE Breast 3744 ENZYMES SEE Brain 3723 ; Carcinogenesis 3830 ; Chemotherapy 3869,3870 ; Experimental 3922,3944,3946,3947,3968,3970,3997, 4003,4014,4021; Leukemia 4183 ; Liver 4210; Metabolism 4274,4275 Barendre t,T .J . ; Emmelot,P . ; and Bos,C :J . . . Netherland Cancer Inst .) 3903 FATTY ACID OXIDATION IN MALIGNANT AND NORMAL LIVERS . III . THE STIMULATING EFFECT OF OX-OXYCOPROATE ON FATTY ACID OXIDATION OF NORMAL LIVERS STUDIED WITH C14 . Enzymologia 17 :9-12(July 15)1954 . Huant,Ernest . . .( 904 ACTION DE LA COLCHICINE - ET DE LA RADIOTHERAPIE - EN MILIEU BIOLOGIQUE MODIFIE . (Action of colchicine and of radiotherapy in a modified biologic (metabolic) environment) . Gaz .Hop .civ . et mil . de Paris 126 :373-379(Aug .31)1953 . Mor,F . . .(Univ .di Genova) 3905 RICERCHE ISTOCHIMICHE SULL'ATTIVITA SUCCINODEIDROGENASICA IN VARI TIPI DI TUMORI UMANI . (Succinic acid dehydrogenase activity in various human tumors .) Rass .ital .de chir .e med . 4 :227-234(April) 1955 . Sylven,B . ; and Malmgren,H . . .(Stockhplm) 3906 TOPICAL DISTRIBUTION OF PROTEOLYTIC ACTIVITIES IN SOME TRANSPLANTED MICE TUMORS . Exper .Cell Research 8 :575-577 (June)1955 . EPENDYMOMA SEE Brain 3724 K1ein,Gunter . . .(Hamburg) 3907 UTER EINIGE BESONDERE EPENDYMOME . (Description of atypical ependymomas .) Zentralbl .f .Neurochir . 13(3)150-158,1953 . EPITHElIOMA SEE Bones 3693,3705 ; Breast 3744 ; Bronchi 3781; Cervix 3843,3850 ; Chemotherapy 3862 ; Esophagus 3921 ; Eyelids 4046 ; Face 4055; Fallopian Tubes 4060 ; Intestines 4122 ; Lips 4203 ; Metastases 4279; Mouth 4281 ; Ovar 4312,4316 ; Skin-4438,4440,4453 ; Statistics 4465 ; Thymus 4534 Apffel,C .A . . .(Tangier) 3908 DIE ZYTOSTATISCHE WIRKUNG VON CHINONEN UND IHREN DERIVATEN . (The antimitotic effect off quinine and its derivates .) Deutsche med .Wchnschr . 80 :414-416(Mar .25) 1955 . EPITHELIU M SEE Breast 3736 ; Cervix 3848 ; Stomach 4491 ; Uterus 4566

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