Shabbos Parshas Tazriah-Metzorah

Shabbos Parshas Tazriah-Metzorah

Shabbos Parshas Tazriah-Metzorah


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The Shul<br />

W E E K L Y M A G A Z I N E<br />

Weekly Magazine Sponsored By Mr. & Mrs. Martin and Ethel Sirotkin<br />

and Dr. & Mrs. Shmuel and Evelyn Katz<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong> <strong>Parshas</strong><br />

<strong>Tazriah</strong>-<strong>Metzorah</strong><br />

<strong>Tazriah</strong> <strong>Metzorah</strong><br />

Iyar 2 - 3, 5770<br />

April 16 - 17, 2010<br />

Candle Lighting: 7:26 PM<br />

(See page 5 for full <strong>Shabbos</strong> schedule)<br />

B”H<br />

An Institution of The Lubavitcher Rebbe,<br />

May His Merit Shield Us<br />

A House of Torah, Prayer And Acts of Goodness<br />

Yom Hazikaron<br />

Sunday, April 18, 2010<br />

Iyar 4, 5770<br />

Serving the Communities of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek and Surfside<br />

9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside, FL 33154 Tel: 305.868.1411 Fax: 305.861.2426 www.TheShul.org Email: info@TheShul.org

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Weekly Message<br />

Thoughts on the Parsha from Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong> <strong>Parshas</strong><br />

<strong>Tazriah</strong>-<strong>Metzorah</strong><br />

The different names of the 53<br />

portions of the Torah are<br />

significant and give an<br />

essential identity to the<br />

general theme of that portion.<br />

The two portions that are read<br />

in tandem this week have<br />

seemingly opposite and even<br />

contradictory meanings.<br />

<strong>Tazriah</strong> means to give forth<br />

seed – be impregnated – relating to birth and life. It regards the<br />

laws pertaining to a woman who has given birth and the<br />

obligation to circumcise a son on the eighth day. <strong>Metzorah</strong>, a<br />

leper – is one who has been infected by a dermatological<br />

eruption, abrasion, rash or discoloration that renders him<br />

impure, contaminated, spiritually defiled. This particular state is<br />

the harshest kind of impurity requiring excommunication and<br />

quarantine. In fact, our Rabbis state that a <strong>Metzorah</strong> is<br />

considered like a dead person. The degree of spiritual impurity<br />

engendered by the <strong>Metzorah</strong> is more extreme than even the<br />

defilement caused by a dead person. The proximity of these two<br />

concepts and their integration into a single weekly portion must<br />

have significance.<br />

As completely and extremely polarized that life and death are<br />

from each other, they are like two sides of a common coin. Two<br />

realities that are divided by the thinnest demarcation that often<br />

blurs their distinction. Life can at times be death, and death life.<br />

Our Rabbis teach that “Righteous even in death are considered<br />

alive”, while “Evil ones even in their life are considered dead”. As<br />

much as life and death are biological and chemical and are<br />

measured and determined by physical factors i.e. breathing,<br />

heart beat, brain function, blood flow etc., there is another<br />

dimension to these states of being. Have you ever heard or<br />

experienced a comment or feeling “He/she is like a dead<br />

person”, “There is no life in him”, “I have no desire to live”, or<br />

similar statements?<br />

To know death one must know life. What is life? Is it existence<br />

with the aforementioned symptoms? If one’s heart is beating<br />

and brain waves moving but is in a deep coma is that life? Of<br />

course it is technically and legally living, but is it life?<br />

True life has an eternal quality that never ceases and contributes<br />

a sense of meaning and purpose to everything and everyone it<br />

contacts. Before we read the Torah from the Torah Scroll we<br />

proclaim the verse “And you who connect with the Lord your G-d<br />

are all alive today”. The Torah is the tree of life to those who<br />

hold onto it”, “G-d is called alive”. The Torah teaches us that we<br />

each have a choice for life or death as it states clearly, “I hereby<br />

give you today life and good and death and bad - choose life”.<br />

When we are born, we are given the opportunity to utilize the<br />

eternal life that has been imbued in us by G-d to vitalize our<br />

physical body wherein that life force (soul) is contained and the<br />

entire space that one will contact in their time span in this<br />

physical world. That requires a total commitment to G-d which<br />

is represented by circumcision and a life that will be devoted to<br />

G-d’s ways. On the other hand, when one utilizes his life force<br />

to beget negativity through gossip, tale bearing, character<br />

assassination and selfishness, then his life has been usurped<br />

and integrated into death.<br />

The word Truth in Hebrew is Emes, which is one of G-d’s<br />

signatures and represents eternity. It consists of three letters:<br />

Aleph, Mem and Sof. Aleph represents the Master of the<br />

Universe - Mem and Sof make up the word Mes - meaning<br />

death. When the Aleph/Hashem is there then you have Emes/<br />

truth - eternity. When however the Aleph is absent then you are<br />

left with Mes – death.<br />

Let us utilize our potential to bring life to oneself and to our<br />

entire world in preparation for Moshiach when “all impurity will<br />

be removed from our world” and “death will be abolished<br />

forever”.<br />

Have a great week and a good <strong>Shabbos</strong>.<br />


Mazel Tov to Aleah Salzhauer, daughter of Dr. & Mrs. Michael and<br />

Eva Salzhauer on winning the first place blue ribbon in Creative<br />

Writing at the Miami Dade County Fair for her poem.<br />

Your Children’s Cry<br />

By Aleah Salzhauer<br />

In rows of solid Iron Gate,<br />

Where troubled prisoners<br />

Sealed their fate,<br />

In line they stood,<br />

Neither food nor drink,<br />

Not even a chance to think,<br />

Children crying,<br />

Screams of pain,<br />

Nothing will ever be the same,<br />

Sounds of shotguns rung in their ears,<br />

All alone, they cried out tears,<br />

Families perished,<br />

Mothers wept,<br />

Barely anyone was left,<br />

There they stood,<br />

Famished and ill,<br />

Bodies piled up in hills,<br />

And then they wept out to the sky,<br />

“Please hear your children’s cry”<br />

And then he saved us,<br />

With an outstretched arm,<br />

“Am Yisrael Chai”<br />

And our nation lives on.

T ake a Deeper Look<br />

Celebrating <strong>Shabbos</strong><br />

Schedules, classes, articles and more... Everything you<br />

need for an "Over the Top" <strong>Shabbos</strong> experience.<br />

Kiddush Bank<br />

The Investment with the Guaranteed Return<br />

A Time to Pray<br />

Check out all the davening schedules and locations<br />

throughout the week.<br />

Community Happenings<br />

Dates to Celebrate and Commemorate.<br />

Inspiration, Insights and Ideas<br />

Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE.<br />

Events Calendar<br />

A great listing of the places you want to be and the<br />

things you want to do!<br />

Get the Picture<br />

The full scoop on all the great events around town.<br />

Kids Corner / Teen Seen<br />

Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!<br />

Latin Link<br />

Reflexión Semanal<br />

French Connection<br />

Réflexions sur la Paracha.<br />

Just for the Gals<br />

Delve into the power, strength and beauty in the life<br />

of the Jewish Woman.<br />

The ABC's of Aleph<br />

Serving Jews in institutional and limited environments.<br />

The Network<br />

Get Connected! All your advertising needs<br />

in one convenient spot.<br />

It’s Good To Know<br />

Find out what's going on and how you can get involved.<br />

Daily Study<br />

A complete guide to all classes and courses offered<br />

at The Shul.<br />

Community Nachas<br />

A Peek at Recent Happenings.<br />

Featured Upcoming Events<br />

Events you won’t want to miss.<br />

Shul Office Hours<br />

Mon. - Thurs. 9 am - 5 pm<br />

Friday 9 am - 2 pm<br />

*National Holidays and Chol Hamoed 9 am - 2 pm<br />

The Shul Weekly Magazine<br />

Everything you need for every day of the week<br />

4-5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8-9<br />

10-14<br />

15<br />

16-18<br />

19-21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26-28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

Light & Power and Wine for Kiddush & Havdalah<br />

for the month of Iyar is sponsored by:<br />

“Those who establish Synagogues for prayer and those who come there to pray,<br />

those who provide lights for illumination, wine for kiddush and havdalah, food<br />

for the wayfarers and charity for the needy, and all those who occupy<br />

themselves faithfully with communal affairs— may the Holy One, blessed be<br />

He, give them their reward, remove them from all sickness, heal their entire<br />

body, pardon all their sins, and send blessing and success to all their<br />

endeavors, together with all Israel their brethren; and let us say Amen.”<br />

- Shacharis for <strong>Shabbos</strong>.<br />

Contacts at The Shul 305-868-1411<br />

Rabbi<br />

Rabbi<br />

Rabbi’s Secretary<br />

Development<br />

Kolel / Library<br />

Youth Director<br />

JLAC/Outreach/Adult Ed.<br />

CYS College / Senior Kolel<br />

Accounting<br />

Controller<br />

Events /Office Manager<br />

Kashrus Contact / Bulletin<br />

Singles/Special Projects<br />

Youth Oversight /Dinner/<br />

Lay-Leadership<br />

Operations / Maintenance<br />

Reception/Accounts Payable<br />

Pre-School<br />

Sephardic Minyan<br />

Hebrew School<br />

Rabbi Sholom Lipskar<br />

Rabbi Zalman Lipskar<br />

Mrs. Fay Garber<br />

Mr. Terence Speyer<br />

Rabbi Eily Smith<br />

Rabbi Mendy Levy<br />

Rabbi Shea Rubinstein<br />

Rabbi Dov Schochet<br />

Mrs. Geri Kelly<br />

Mrs. Janice Barney<br />

Mrs. Pnina Wuensch<br />

Ms. Lydia Hasson<br />

Ms. Miriam Gitman<br />

Mrs. Devorah Leah<br />

Andrusier<br />

Mr. Shlomie Katan<br />

Mrs. Renee Moore<br />

Chana or Shani<br />

Chazan Shimshon Tzubeli<br />

Mrs. Aurit Katan<br />

Ext. 7315<br />

Ext. 7345<br />

Ext. 7315<br />

Ext. 7326<br />

Ext. 7304<br />

Ext. 7333<br />

Ext. 7342<br />

Ext. 7343<br />

Ext. 7341<br />

Ext. 7318<br />

Ext. 7313<br />

Ext. 7314<br />

Ext. 7319<br />

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The Falic Family<br />

In honor of our brothers and sisters in the<br />

Holy Land of Israel. L’Tiferet Medinat Yisrael Hakedosha.<br />

Happy Birthday Shmuel, Danelle, Yosef and Rachel<br />

Please remember to take personal belongings with you when you leave The Shul.<br />

Special Thank You<br />

Gabayim Corner<br />

The Shul’s Gaboyim:<br />

Mr. Allen Berry / Mr. Mauricio Fux / Mr. David Pollack /<br />

Mr. Andrew Roth / Mr. David Portnoy /Mr. Henry Eichler<br />

Please note that the distribution of Aliyot according to our customs<br />

is in the order of certain Simchot, Yahrtzeits, Birthdays, Guests and<br />

general rotation. We encourage you to participate in the weekday<br />

Davening and Aliyot on Mondays and Thursdays.<br />

Attention members and guests:<br />

During the taking out of the Torah for leining, please allow seat<br />

holders to return to their seats before occupying open seating.<br />

Designated seats are for the use of members who dedicated them.<br />

On <strong>Shabbos</strong> and Yom Tov, dedicated seats may be occupied by<br />

anyone after 10:30 a.m. in the men’s section and 11:00 a.m. in the<br />

women’s section.<br />

Ext. 7328<br />

Ext. 7322<br />

Ext. 0<br />

Ext. 7325<br />

305 790-4634<br />


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Celebrating <strong>Shabbos</strong> With Our Youth<br />

Everything you need for an "Over the Top" <strong>Shabbos</strong> experience<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong> Schedule<br />

No longer will your children get lost amongst the crowds in Shul on<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong> morning. The Shul youth has worked together to organize a<br />

highly educational and fun program for children and teens of all<br />

ages. Each <strong>Shabbos</strong> morning program involves a mix of Tefilla<br />

(prayer), Parsha (weekly Torah study) and general "Jewishness",<br />

through games, songs, and stories. Taught by our very own Shul<br />

Bochurim and youth girls, each child will experience <strong>Shabbos</strong> in its<br />

full glory; leaving with a taste of holiness and fun memories that will<br />

keep them coming back from week to week. A Kiddush exclusively<br />

for the children culminates the exciting program.<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong><br />

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.<br />

Boys, ages 5-9: 2nd floor Youth Synagogue<br />

Boys, ages 10-13: Main Sanctuary<br />

Girls, ages 6-9: 2nd floor Classroom #2<br />

Girls, ages 9-12: 2nd floor Classroom #2<br />

10:30 a.m. until the end of Shul Services<br />

Teen Girls, ages 15-18: Child Enrichment Center Classroom # 2<br />

(At the back of the women’s section of the Sanctuary)<br />

10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.<br />

Tween Girls, ages 12-14: Rabbi Lipskar’s Conference Room<br />

10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.<br />

Toddler Program with Morah Malkie (ages 0 - 4)<br />

Teen Girls Room (front of Women’s Sanctuary)<br />

6:15 p.m.<br />

Father & Son resumes this week (2nd floor)<br />

Sponsorship available at $100<br />

7:25 p.m.<br />

Leibl’s Mishnayos Ba’al Peh for all Boys (Youth Synagogue)<br />

Messibos <strong>Shabbos</strong> for Girls: Classroom 1<br />

For more information on any of our Youth Programming, please contact<br />

Rabbi Mendy at 305 868-1411 ext 7333<br />

Father & Son<br />

Every <strong>Shabbos</strong> at 6:15pm (2nd floor)<br />

Learning * Stories * Ice-Cream * Lucky Dips<br />

Sponsorship available at $100 - please contact Rabbi Mendy Levy at<br />

305 868-1411 ext 7333 or send an email to mlevy@theshul.org<br />


Messibos <strong>Shabbos</strong><br />

For Girls<br />

An exciting program for all Girls: 1st-5th Grade.<br />

Every <strong>Shabbos</strong> afternoon at 7:25pm (Afternoon Mincha)<br />

In Classroom # 1<br />

Come and Enjoy Tzivos HaShem learning, great food &<br />

nosh, prizes, games and stories.<br />

Leibl’s Mishnayos Ba’al Peh<br />

For Boys<br />

Every <strong>Shabbos</strong> afternoon between Mincha & Maariv<br />

In the Youth Synagogue (upstairs)<br />

Shalosh Seudos Served!<br />

Be There! GREAT PRIZES!!!<br />

Prizes kindly sponsored by the Goldczer Family<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong> with the Teen Boys Minyan<br />

Ever wonder how you can teach your son to follow with a real<br />

Minyan, or even run his own? The Shul youth has created the scene.<br />

Every <strong>Shabbos</strong> morning, each teen has his own chance to play a<br />

vital role in his own Shul Minyan, lead by one of our very own<br />

Rabbis and Youth leaders. Every week all the boys have a chance to<br />

act as Chazzan, Gabbai or ‘Rabbi’. This hands-on approach gives<br />

each teen the opportunity to experience Shul and prayer to its<br />

fullest, by involving them in every aspect of the Davening.<br />

For Boys Only: ages 14-18<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong><br />

Child Enrichment Center Classroom # 2<br />

10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.<br />

*Please note: The Teen Minyan is strictly for the Teens. We would<br />

appreciate it if adults would stay in the Main Sanctuary.<br />

For more information: Contact 305 868 1411 ext. 7345<br />

Torah Quiz<br />

Questions This Week:<br />

1. Whose “bad breath” was deadly? (Tur)<br />

2. Which Jews got Tara’as on the 17th of Tammuz 2448?<br />

(Vayikrah Raba)<br />

3. What is the word <strong>Metzorah</strong> an abbreviation of? (Vayikrah<br />

Raba)<br />

Answers for Last Week:<br />

1. There are 21 different non-Kosher birds. They are<br />

categorized and distinct by their violent nature. (Rambam<br />

Macholos Asuros 1-14)<br />

2. Certain grasshoppers are Kosher but, since we are not sure<br />

which ones, we don’t eat any of them. Some Sephardim<br />

still have a tradition which are the permitted ones and eat<br />

them. (Taz Yoreh Deah 85, Aruch Hashulchan)<br />

3. The Berocha upon kosher grasshoppers is Shehakol. (Others<br />

held no Berocha would be said, since they are damaging to<br />

crops.) (Berachos 40b)<br />

New Rules for The Torah Quiz...<br />

One winner per question. Each child may only answer one<br />

question. Answers may be given from after Mincha on Friday<br />

afternoon until the printing of the next week’s bulletin. Tell your<br />

answer to Rabbi Mendy Levy or e-mail them before or after<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong> to: mlevy@theshul.org. If you answer your questions<br />

correctly ten weeks in a row, you will qualify to win a MP3 music<br />

player!<br />

Prizes kindly sponsored by the Goldczer Family.<br />

Last Week’s Winners<br />

There were no winners last week<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong> <strong>Parshas</strong> <strong>Tazriah</strong>-<strong>Metzorah</strong><br />


GIRLS:<br />

Adina<br />

Mushkie<br />

BOYS:<br />

Chaim<br />

Eli<br />

Shimon<br />


Friday Night<br />

Yedid Nefesh pg. 151<br />

Vayedaber pgs. 99-101<br />

Ashrei pg. 101<br />


Friday Evening<br />

Early Mincha / Kabbalat <strong>Shabbos</strong> 6:00 p.m.<br />

Candle lighting 7:26 p.m.<br />

Mincha / Kabbalat <strong>Shabbos</strong><br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong> Day<br />

7:30 p.m.<br />

Hashkama Minyan 7:15 a.m.<br />

Tanya / Hayom Yom 8:35 a.m.<br />

Shacharis (Morning Services) 8:45 a.m.<br />

Children's Program 10:00 a.m.<br />

Teen Minyan (Haime Library) 10:30 a.m.<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong> Women’s Tanya: Classroom #1 +/- 11:40 a.m.<br />

With Mrs. Vivian Perez After Davening<br />

Kiddush 12:00 p.m.<br />

Father & Son (2nd floor) 6:15 p.m.<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong> Women’s Class 6:45 p.m.<br />

Ethics of the Fathers 6:30 p.m.<br />

Daf Yomi 6:30 p.m.<br />

Mincha followed by Shalosh Seudos<br />

Avot Chapter 2<br />

7:15 p.m.<br />

Leibl’s Mishnayos for Boys 7:25 p.m.<br />

Messibos <strong>Shabbos</strong> for Girls 7:25 p.m.<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong> Ends / Ma’ariv & Havdalah<br />

Weekly Video of The Rebbe<br />

In the evening count Sefira 19<br />

8:20 p.m.<br />

Sephardic Minyan<br />

Friday Evening<br />

Mincha<br />

Shabbat Day<br />

7:30 p.m.<br />

Shacharit 8:45 a.m.<br />

Mincha 7:15 p.m.<br />

Shabbat Ends / Arvit & Havdalah 8:20 p.m.<br />

Next Week: Acharei-Kedoshim<br />

Candle lighting 7:30 p.m.<br />

Mincha 7:30 p.m.<br />

Eruv Information<br />

We would like to emphasize that every Erev <strong>Shabbos</strong>, individuals<br />

should call the Eruv Hotline to make sure that the Eruv is<br />

operational prior to carrying on <strong>Shabbos</strong>.<br />

The number is 305- 866-ERUV (3788).<br />

The Eruv message is recorded approximately two hours prior to<br />

Candle lighting. Please note that the Eruv in Bal Harbour and<br />

Surfside does not include the path along the beach. The backs of<br />

the buildings form the Eruv in that section. It is forbidden to<br />

push strollers or carry anything on this path or beach area on<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong>.<br />

Celebrating <strong>Shabbos</strong><br />

Everything you need for an "Over the Top" <strong>Shabbos</strong> experience<br />

The Friday Evening Service and <strong>Shabbos</strong> Torah Portion<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong> Day<br />

(Stone Chumash)<br />

Torah Portions pgs. 608-634<br />

Haftorah pg. 1172<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong> Day<br />

(Gutnick Chumash)<br />

Torah Portions pgs. 88-126<br />

Haftorah pg. 257<br />

Kiddush This Week<br />

Sponsored by Mr. Sami Rohr in honor of the yahrtzeit of<br />

his mother, Perel bas Reb Meir HaLevy o.b.m., on Iyar 7.<br />

May her neshama have an aliyah.<br />

Shalosh Seudos This Week<br />

Available for Sponsorship<br />

Please help us cover the cost of non-sponsored Kiddushim<br />

by becoming a Partner or Patron of our Kiddush Bank.<br />

Kiddushim at The Shul<br />

Please help us continue to provide our weekly <strong>Shabbos</strong> Kiddush<br />

and Shalosh Seudos by offering to become a sponsor.<br />

Sponsorship by one or more individuals is encouraged.<br />


KIDDUSH!<br />


$770<br />

The following dates are available for sponsorship:<br />

Kiddush: Shalosh Seudos:<br />

Apr. 24 Apr. 24<br />

If you wish to become a sponsor, please speak with Pnina<br />

at 305 868-1411 x 7313 or email: pwuensch@theshul.org<br />


5770<br />

PATRON<br />

$360<br />

The Shul has a “Kiddush Bank” to ensure that there are always<br />

adequate funds to cover the costs of our weekly,<br />

non-sponsored <strong>Shabbos</strong> Kiddushim and Shalosh Seudos.<br />

There are two levels of participation:<br />

Partner - annual contribution of $770<br />

Patron - annual contribution of $360<br />

Please help make our Kiddushim special.<br />

Partners and Patrons will be matched with un-sponsored<br />

Kiddushim and your name will appear in the bulletin as the<br />

Kiddush sponsor on the week your donation is applied.<br />

To participate in this mitzvah please call Pnina at (305) 868-1411 x 7313<br />

Or email pwuensch@theshul.org<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong> <strong>Parshas</strong> <strong>Tazriah</strong>-<strong>Metzorah</strong><br />


6<br />

Kiddush Bank<br />

The Investment with a Guaranteed Return<br />

KIDDUSH BANK 5770<br />

Our very special thanks to the following Partners & Patrons<br />

whose contributions helped us to cover most of the costs of the<br />

un-sponsored Kiddushim and Farbrengens as listed below.<br />

Partners - annual contribution of $770:<br />

Mr. Bernard Werner<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Moishe and Fayge Hersman<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Bernard and Carolyn Baumel<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen and Bella Brenner<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Boruch & Yonit Duchman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward and Pauline Kopelman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Temuri and Maya Nanikashvili<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sholom Moshe and Sarah Sheridan<br />

Mr. Peter Schwalbe & Mrs. Jody Soltanoff<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael and Dana Werner<br />

Total Revenue for Kiddush Bank 5770: $11,300<br />

Dates Un-Sponsored Events Paid by Kiddush Bank<br />

Sept. 20 2nd Day of Rosh Hashanah Farbrengen $1,000<br />

Oct. 4 Sukkot Kiddush (2nd Day) $1,600<br />

Oct. 9 Eve of Shemini Atzeret Hakafot Kiddush $900<br />

Oct. 9 Shemini Atzeret After Hakafot Meal $900<br />

Oct. 10 Shemini Atzeret Day Special Kiddush $1,600<br />

Oct. 10 Eve of Simchat Torah Hakafot Kiddush $1,500<br />

Oct. 31 <strong>Shabbos</strong> Kiddush $700<br />

Dec. 5 <strong>Shabbos</strong> Kiddush $700<br />

Dec. 25 <strong>Shabbos</strong> Kiddush $700<br />

Jan. 2 <strong>Shabbos</strong> Kiddush $700<br />

Feb. 6 <strong>Shabbos</strong> Kiddush $700<br />

Feb. 13 <strong>Shabbos</strong> Kiddush $700<br />

Feb. 20 <strong>Shabbos</strong> Kiddush $700<br />

Feb. 27 <strong>Shabbos</strong> Kiddush $700<br />

Total Expense on non-sponsored 5770 Kiddushim: $13,100<br />

Current Shortfall: $1,800<br />

Patrons - annual contribution of $360:<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Silvio & Carina Sitkowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Neil Pershin<br />

Mr. Abe Stein<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Beryl & Florence Miller<br />

Rabbi & Mrs. Simeon and Rose Schreiber<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Baruch and Feige Knight<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan & Blimie Levy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey and Lillian Glick<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Gene and Sandra Moteles<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Martin and Susan Packer<br />

(Excluding the expenses for all the non-sponsored Shalosh Seudos<br />

meals provided by The Shul)<br />

Make a deposit in our Kiddush Bank<br />




Call Pnina at 305 868 1411 ext. 7313 to share in this special mitzvah.

A Time to Pray<br />

Davening schedules and locations throughout the week<br />

MORNING SCHEDULE - Monday through Thursday<br />

6:20 - 6:50 am Sichos Kodesh <strong>Parshas</strong> Acharei-Kedoshim R’ Zalman Lipskar<br />

7:00 - 7:25 am Halacha Kitzur Shulchan Aruch R’ Dov Schochet<br />

8:00 - 8:45 am Daf Yomi Sanhedrin R’ Dov Schochet<br />

8:45 - 9:00 am RamBam 1 Chapter per day R’ Dov Schochet<br />

8:45 am (approx) Halacha Sephardic Custom Shimshon Tzubeli<br />

10:00 - 10:45 am Sichos Sicha of the Rebbe - Textual R’ Shea Rubinstein<br />

(earliest preferable Ma’ariv)<br />

(Times taken from www.chabad.org.<br />

Please note that during the week the times may vary by a minute or two.)<br />

Daily Learning Schedule at The Shul<br />

Daily Chumash & Tanya after every Minyan<br />

EVENING KOLEL SCHEDULE - Monday through Thursday - 8:00-10:00 pm<br />

Mon. to Thurs. 8:00 – 9:00 pm Chavrusah ~ Subject of Choice 1st Session<br />

Mon. to Thurs. 9:00 - 10:00 pm Chavrusah ~ Subject of Choice 2nd Session<br />

Daily Minyanim at The Shul<br />

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday <strong>Shabbos</strong><br />

6:50 am No Minyan R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Zalman Lipskar<br />

7:30 am No Minyan R’ Shimon Shur R’ Mendy Levy R’ Mendy Levy R’ Shimon Shur R’ Mendy Levy<br />

8:00 am R’ Dov Schochet No Minyan No Minyan No Minyan No Minyan R’ Dov Schochet<br />

9:00 am R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Dov Schochet R’ Dov Schochet R’ Dov Schochet R’ Dov Schochet R’ Dov Schochet<br />

2:00 pm No Minyan R’ Mendy Levy R’ Mendy Levy R’ Mendy Levy R’ Mendy Levy No Minyan<br />

7:30 pm R’ Shimon Shur R’ Dov Schochet R’ Dov Schochet R’ Dov Schochet R’ Shimon Shur R’ Sholom Lipskar<br />

10:00 pm TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA No Minyan<br />

Sephardic Minyanim at The Shul<br />

This is Hashem’s House!<br />

When in the Sanctuary ……...…shh!…...…...<br />


If you speak in Shul...then where do you Pray?<br />

7<br />

See Complete<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong><br />

Schedule<br />

on page 5<br />

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Shabbat<br />

8:00 am Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli<br />

9:00 am Shimshon Tzubeli<br />

7:30 pm Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli<br />

Halachic Times for the Week: Based on times for Apr. 21, 2010<br />

Alot Hashachar / Dawn 5:40 am<br />

Earliest Talit & Tefillin 6:05 am<br />

Netz Hachamah / Sunrise 6:52 am<br />

The Shul of Downtown<br />

Shacharis Monday & Thursday only 8:00 am<br />

Mincha Monday through Thursday 2:00 pm<br />

(Earliest Amidah)<br />

Latest Shema<br />

Zman Tfillah<br />

10:05 am<br />

11:10 am<br />

Rabbi Chaim Lipskar<br />

48 East Flagler Street, #363 (3rd Floor), Miami<br />

Chatzot / Midday<br />

Earliest Mincha<br />

Plag HaMincha<br />

1:19 pm<br />

1:51 pm<br />

6:25 pm<br />

305-373-8303 or 786-368-9040<br />

Email: RCL@ShulofDowntown.com www.shulofdowntown.com<br />

Shekiah / Sunset 7:46 pm<br />

(preferable latest time for Mincha)<br />

Tzeit Hakochavim/Nightfall 8:15 pm<br />

See Complete<br />

Shabbat Schedule<br />

on page 5

8<br />

Community Happenings<br />

Dates to Celebrate and Commemorate<br />

Iyar 3<br />

Birthdays<br />

Mr. Jackie Abraham<br />

Iyar 4 Ms. Laurie Laulicht (Hoste)<br />

Iyar 4 Mr. Murray Laulicht<br />

Iyar 4 Mrs. Nancy Karp<br />

Iyar 4 Rabbi Jacob Katz<br />

Iyar 5 Mr. Alexander Shear<br />

Iyar 5 Mr. Ezra Cappell<br />

Iyar 5 Mr. Mayer Rivkin<br />

Iyar 5 Mr. Michael Szafranski<br />

Iyar 5 Mrs. Shena Dominitz<br />

Iyar 6 Ms. Debby Tabacinic<br />

Iyar 6 Mr. Moshe Retelny<br />

Iyar 6 Mr. Igal Fedida<br />

Iyar 6 Ms. Natalie Brod<br />

Iyar 7 Mr. Jack Azout<br />

Iyar 8 Mr. Lloyd Stanley Rubin<br />

Iyar 8 Mr. Menachem Koegel<br />

Iyar 8 Mr. Velvel Freedman<br />

Iyar 9 Mr. Avraham Dorfman<br />

Iyar 9 Mr. Joseph Musikar<br />

Iyar 9 Mr. Mark S Herskovits<br />

Our Kids’ Birthdays<br />

Iyar 4 Shmuel Falic<br />

Iyar 4 Matt Levine<br />

Iyar 5 David Yerushalmi<br />

Iyar 5 Adina Amelie Andrusier<br />

Iyar 5 Rachel Noa Groisman<br />

Iyar 7 Joshua Diener<br />

Iyar 9 Sarah Btesh<br />

Thanks to Our Volunteers<br />

The Shul thanks all our Volunteers for their<br />

invaluable help:<br />

Mrs. Sarah Libke Caplin for assisting at the front desk<br />

Mrs. Ofelia Wiener for assisting the Hashkama Minyan<br />

Bikur Cholim<br />

If you or someone you know is not feeling well or is<br />

undergoing health issues and would like a visit, we want<br />

to hear from you.<br />

Please call Fay at The Shul or send an email.<br />

Tel: (305) 868-1411 ext. 7315 or Fay@theshul.org.<br />

Tehillim<br />

Please continue to daven for these Israeli soldiers<br />

still missing in action:<br />

Zacharia Baumel Guy Hever<br />

Zvi Feldman Gilad Shalit<br />

Yehuda Katz Ron Arad<br />

Yahrtzeits<br />

Iyar 3 Jacob Chosher obm<br />

Grandfather of Mrs. Chava Fux<br />

Iyar 3 Ze'ev ben Shimon obm<br />

Father of Ms. Shay Kardonski, Mr. Henry Kardonski<br />

and Mrs. Raquel Gilinski<br />

Iyar 3 Harry Naimer obm<br />

Father of Ms. Vivian Naimer<br />

Iyar 4 Hannah bas Esther obm<br />

Grandmother of Mrs. Orly Kulman<br />

Iyar 5 Moshe ben Eliyahu Hacohen obm<br />

Father of Mr. Elias Sussman<br />

Iyar 6 Yisroel ben Reb Shneur Zalman Halevi obm<br />

Father of Mr. Boruch Duchman<br />

Iyar 7 Yaakov Yosef ben Manes obm<br />

Brother of Mr. Natan Kaufman<br />

Iyar 7 Perel bas Reb Meir HaLevy obm<br />

Mother of Mr. Sami Rohr<br />

Iyar 7 Felix Shalom obm<br />

Father of Mrs. Sarita Lekach<br />

Iyar 8 Chaim Leib ben Yitzchak obm<br />

Father of Mrs. Lillian Glick<br />

Iyar 9 Josef ben Shimon Hanouch HaCohen obm<br />

Husband of Mrs. Marilyn Cohen<br />

Iyar 9 Rochel Esther bas Benjamin obm<br />

Mother of Dr. Fran Glicksman<br />

Refuah Shleimah<br />

MEN<br />

Allen ben Rebecca<br />

Chaim ben Nechama<br />

Mayer ben Jamie<br />

Eliyahu ben Batiya<br />

Joseph ben Alegria<br />

Moshe ben Henia<br />

Ariel Leib ben Nechama<br />

Baruch ben Tzipa Faiga<br />

Yitzchak Chaim ben Rivkah Yehudis<br />

Rachmiel ben Miriam<br />

Beryl ben Miriam<br />

Levi Yitzchok ben Tzirel<br />

Binyomin ben Chasha Riva<br />

Yaakov ben Esther Gittel (Mr. Jacob<br />

Farkas)<br />

Avraham Yosef ben Sofie<br />

Yishaia ben Celia<br />

Yitzchok ben Chana Rochel<br />

Avrum ben Moshe<br />

Moshe Yehuda ben Sheva Ruchel<br />

Yaakov ben Miriam<br />

Aron Wolf<br />

Baruch Chaim ben Tuve (psalm # 5<br />

for his speedy recovery)<br />

Ariel ben Miriam<br />

Mordechai Gershon ben Malia<br />

Rochel<br />

Raphael Moshe ben Sara<br />

(Mr. Moshe Behar)<br />

WOMEN<br />

Pnina bat Hannah<br />

Miriam bas Rivka<br />

Rachel bas Yula<br />

Leah bas Shaindel<br />

Rivka bas Esther<br />

Itel Dina bas Shivra<br />

Shima bas Sarah<br />

Chaya Leah bas Yenta<br />

Rachel bas Bracha<br />

Chayah Yehudis Meusheres<br />

bas Rachel Sheli<br />

Pessa Devorah bas Malka<br />

Sandal bas Leah (Sonia Kawa)<br />

Bracha bas Sarah<br />

Leah bas Feiga<br />

Esther bas Hilda<br />

Chaya bas Ginta<br />

Miriam Hagar bas Chayenah<br />

Michlah<br />

Chaya bas Rachel<br />

Leah bas Miriam Rachel<br />

Freda bas Adelle<br />

Haddassah Rivka bas Sara<br />

Ilana Leah bas Shaindel Rochel<br />

Malka bas Shoshana<br />

Ruchama Alisa Sara Chana bas<br />

Esther Liba<br />

Rina Chaya Miriam bas Leah Bracha<br />

Plutno. Please read Tehillim<br />

especially #10, for her speedy<br />


Special Thank You<br />

We sincerely thank the following members & supporters of The<br />

Shul for donations received between 04/06/10 and 04/12/10.<br />

We apologize for any errors or omissions we may have made.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jackie Abraham<br />

Mr. Yosef Anatian<br />

Anonymous<br />

Anonymous<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Attias<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Boruchin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gershon Brenner<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Barry Cohen<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Jean Jaques Edderai<br />

Eichler Andrusier Partnership<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Elferssy<br />

Ms. Marta Feigenbaum<br />

Mr.& Mrs. Garrick Feldman<br />

Ms. Fay Garber<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Garson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gellman<br />

Anonymous<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Moises Gilinski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Goldfarb<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Horacio Groisman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Hersman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Reuven Herssein<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Herzka<br />

Anonymous<br />

Mr. Leon Jakobs<br />

Ms. Shay Kardonski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Kavana<br />

Ms. Rebecca Kevelson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mendel Knoll<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kopelman<br />

Rabbi & Mrs. David Krinsky<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kupferman<br />

Mr. Shmuel Levinsky<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eliyahou Lipsker<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Lipton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lazer Milstein<br />

Mr. Uzi Mizrahi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Temuri Nanikashvili<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Morton Nyman<br />

Ms. Dinah Pinczower<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Saul Retelny<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Roth<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Michael Salzhauer<br />

Schakolad Chocolate Factory<br />

Dr. & Dr. Stephen Robert<br />

Scheinman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Shainbaum<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Silber<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Slone<br />

Mr. Isaac Sredni<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Menahem Srur<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Weintraub<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Weiss<br />

Mr. Dan Wiener<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Woldenberg<br />

Rabbi & Mrs. Aryeh Wuensch<br />

Communal Notice From The<br />

Greater Miami Jewish Federation<br />

ParnossahWorks Miami<br />

The ParnossahWorks program matches Employers and Job<br />

Seekers. This new community employment program<br />

provides Job Seekers with tools for finding employment as<br />

well as Employers with an opportunity to find pre-screened<br />

candidates. This service is free for the Miami-Dade Jewish<br />

community.<br />

Job Seekers should post their resumes directly to the website<br />

where they can apply for a position or contact a career<br />

counselor at the number below. Do not hesitate to contact<br />

me with any questions. We are truly partners in "repairing<br />

the world."<br />

B'shalom,<br />

Sydney Carpel<br />

ParnossahWorksMiami<br />

Employment and Business Development Specialist<br />

786-866-8488<br />

scarpel@gmjf.org<br />

Community Happenings<br />

Dates to Celebrate and Commemorate<br />

Kashrus Korner<br />

Please be advised that ARAVA DIABETEA distributed by<br />

Orient Secrets (Israel) and Magnit Enterprise (Staten Island, NY)<br />

bears an unauthorized OK symbol on the label. This product<br />

is not certified by OK Kosher Certification. Corrective measures<br />

are being taken. If you see this product on the market, please<br />

call us at 718-756-7500.<br />

Chocolate Signatures Inc -- COR 669 is no longer under<br />

COR certification. Certification has been terminated due to<br />

kashrus violations. Any product manufactured from March 29,<br />

2010 and after, should not be used even when bearing a COR<br />

symbol.<br />

Olympus Authentic Greek Kefalotyri (cheese), Tyras S.A.,<br />

Greece: This product bears an unauthorized OU symbol.<br />

Consumers spotting this product are requested to contact the<br />

Orthodox Union at 212-613-8241 or email kashalerts@ou.org.<br />

For a complete list of Kosher Miami certified establishments,<br />

please visit our web site at www.koshermiami.org . To sign up<br />

for kosher notifications by email go to www.ou.org,<br />

www.koshermiami.org and/or www.star-k.org<br />

Do you need help with going Kosher? For personalized<br />

assistance, call Lydia at 305 868 1411 ext 7314<br />

Special Notice<br />

Missed The Eighth Miami International<br />

Torah & Science Conference?<br />

Now you can find all the<br />

intellectually stimulating talks at<br />

www.<br />

TorahScienceConference.<br />

org<br />

For more information about the<br />

Miami International Torah & Science Conference<br />

or to join the mailing list,<br />

please call Miriam Gitman at<br />

(305) 868-1411 ext. 7319<br />

or send an e-mail to<br />

Miriam@theshul.org.<br />


10<br />

Don’t Kill the Love<br />

Cultivating Sensitivity toward the Birds<br />

By: Rabbi YY Jacobson<br />

Searching for the Discrepancies<br />

Jews have long known that the Hebrew Bible can be truly<br />

appreciated only when attention is paid not only to the explicit<br />

narrative and message, but also to the text's apparent<br />

discrepancies, grammatical flaws and unusual syntax. In fact, one<br />

of the outstanding features of Jewish biblical literacy produced<br />

over the past two-and-a-half millennia is its incredibly rich<br />

interpretation of the Bible's apparent errors, a study that almost<br />

totally escaped the eye of many Bible critics of the past two<br />

centuries.<br />

In this week's essay, I wish to draw our attention to one such small<br />

anomaly in this week's Torah portion, Tazria, which, upon further<br />

reflection, exposes to us the Torah's majestic attitude toward the<br />

cultivation of sensitivity and empathy.<br />

Post-Birth Offerings<br />

The beginning of this week's portion, Tazria, discusses the offering<br />

every Jewish woman would bring during the Temple days following<br />

the birth of a child. This offering, representing post-birth healing<br />

and dedication, was brought forty days after the birth of a male,<br />

and eighty days after the birth of a female.<br />

The type of this offering depended largely on the financial means<br />

of the family. Here is how the Torah describes it (1):<br />

"She shall bring a sheep within its first year for an elevation<br />

offering, and a young dove or a turtledove…<br />

"But if she cannot afford a sheep, then she shall take two<br />

turtledoves or two young doves… and she shall become purified."<br />

The Anomaly<br />

It seems quite clear and straightforward. Yet the discerning<br />

student of the Bible will notice a glitch here. The Torah has already<br />

discussed a number of times the possibility of specific individuals<br />

bringing turtledoves or young doves as an offering to G-d (2). Later,<br />

too, the Bible will discuss this type of offering repeatedly (3). In<br />

each of these instances, the Torah first mentions the turtledove<br />

(tor, in Hebrew), and only afterward the young dove (ben yonah, in<br />

Hebrew). Here too, when discussing the offering brought by the<br />

woman possessing smaller means, the Torah states, "She shall<br />

take two turtledoves or two young doves," first mentioning the<br />

option of offering turtledoves and only afterward the option of<br />

young doves. In all of the nine times this offering is discussed in<br />

the Bible, the turtledove precedes the young dove.<br />

There is, surprisingly, one exception. In our portion, while<br />

discussing the offering presented by the woman of larger means,<br />

the Torah states (as recorded above), "She shall bring a sheep<br />

within its first year for an elevation offering, and a young dove or a<br />

turtledove." Here, suddenly, the order is changed. First the young<br />

dove, and only afterward the mature turtledove. Why?<br />

The Pairs<br />

Inspiration, Insights & Ideas<br />

Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!<br />

One of the greatest legal and spiritual personalities of the Middle<br />

Ages, Rabbi Jacob Ashkenazi (born 1270 in Germany; died in 1343 in<br />

Toledo, Spain), in his Torah commentary known as "Baal Haturim,"<br />

offers a simple but profoundly moving two-line answer.<br />

Parsha Messages<br />

Wherever the bird offering is mentioned throughout the Torah,<br />

says Rabbi Jacob, it is always in the context of a pair of turtledoves<br />

or a pair of young doves. The above quote is one example: "But if<br />

she cannot afford a sheep, then she shall take two turtledoves or<br />

two young doves." Birds are offered in pairs of two.<br />

The only exception is the woman possessing greater means, who,<br />

following childbirth, offers one sheep and one bird. Here the Torah<br />

states, "She shall bring a sheep… and a young dove or a<br />

turtledove." This is why the Torah, in this instance, changes the<br />

order of the birds, first mentioning the young dove, than the older<br />

turtledove. The Torah is attempting to teach us that in a case when<br />

a single bird is offered, preference should be given to the young<br />

dove over the older mature dove. The older turtledove should only<br />

be brought as a last resort, if a young dove could not be found.<br />

This requirement would not apply when a pair of birds is being<br />

offered together.<br />

Loyalty of a Dove<br />

The logic behind this is moving.<br />

Most animals do not enjoy monogamous relationships. The<br />

majority of animals belong to the 'sowing wild oats' school of<br />

thought, in which they are constantly switching mates, even in a<br />

single season. The male chimpanzee, for example, goes so far as to<br />

invite different females to mate by just spreading his legs.<br />

Creatures such as fish (and particularly sea urchins) take it even a<br />

step further: They release their eggs and seed into the sea and<br />

hope that some of each will meet up and fertilize.<br />

There are a few exceptions to the non-monogamous trend among<br />

animals; one of them is the dove. Many (though not all) birds of<br />

the dove family are loyal to their mates, sometimes over many<br />

seasons and even years. In fact, the Talmud states (4) that if the<br />

Torah had not been given, we would have learned how to be loyal<br />

to our spouses from the behavior of doves.<br />

The passionate words expressed by the groom to his bride in the<br />

Song of Songs (5), "Behold, you are lovely my beloved; behold you<br />

are beautiful, your eyes are doves," is understood in the Midrash<br />

(6) as G-d's profound compliment to the Jewish people. "Just as<br />

dove, from the moment it recognizes its partner, never exchanges<br />

it for anybody else, so the Jewish people, from the moment they<br />

recognized G-d, never substituted Him with any other deity."<br />

The Lesson<br />

There are even certain doves who mourn the death of their mate,<br />

not easily choosing a new partner. That is why in the case of a<br />

woman offering only one dove, the Torah is urging us to avoid<br />

taking a single mature dove as an offering, since we might be<br />

depriving its partner from his or her mate which has ascended to<br />

G-d. The preference must be the young dove which has not yet<br />

began to mate. In all other instances, though, where the<br />

instruction is to offer two doves, no partner will lose its mate,<br />

hence the Torah does not give preference to the young doves over<br />

the mature doves.<br />

This conveys a profound lesson on the sensitivity the Torah<br />

demands of us toward feelings of animals, even toward a bird left<br />

over after its mate has been offered to G-d. Certainly, it tells us<br />

how we must honor the dignity and feelings of a fellow human<br />

being. How much more must we deeply honor and cherish the<br />

emotions and experiences of our partners in life.

Halacha of the Week<br />

By Rabbi Dov Schochet<br />

Customs during the Omer<br />

Between Pesach and Shavuot 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva<br />

died in a sudden and severe plague. To mark this tragedy, which<br />

also left a great void in the study of Torah as these were all of his<br />

students, there are customs of mourning which are practiced in<br />

all Jewish communities during this time.<br />

The tradition is that they all actually died during a 33 day period<br />

which is when the restrictive customs are in effect. Exactly when<br />

these 33 days are is a matter of dispute. While some maintain<br />

that the plague began on the first day of the Omer (the second<br />

day of Pesach) and finished on the 33rd day of the Omer (Lag<br />

BaOmer). A second opinion holds that the 33 days of mourning<br />

actually begin from the first day of Rosh Chodesh Iyar (the 30th<br />

day of Nissan) and conclude on the 3rd day of Sivan, 3 days<br />

before the festival of Shavuot.<br />

While some communities accept either the first or second<br />

opinion, for many communities (including Chabad) the custom<br />

is to be strict like both opinions. Although usually one who<br />

accepts stringencies of two contradictory opinions (as in this<br />

case) is called “a fool who walks in darkness” when one behaves<br />

like this because of a doubt as to which opinion is correct, the<br />

behavior is acceptable.<br />

One does not get married during this time, although there is a<br />

permissive position if the man getting married has no children<br />

the custom is not to have weddings in all cases.<br />

One should not take a hair cut during this time (if there is a<br />

circumcision all those involved i.e. the Mohel, Sandak, and<br />

father of the child can take a haircut the evening before the Bris).<br />

Even amongst men who regularly shave some refrain from<br />

shaving during this time. One may trim their mustache if it is<br />

disturbing their eating.<br />

One is allowed to get engaged during this time, even with a<br />

festive meal provided there is no dancing or music.<br />

We do not make the blessing Shehechiyanu (the blessing recited<br />

over eating a fruit the first time in the season) during these days<br />

except on Shabbat<br />

There is a custom not to work from sundown until one counts<br />

the Omer.<br />

The Talmud tells us that the reason<br />

this plague struck was that R’ Akivas<br />

students didn’t treat each other with<br />

the proper respect. The lesson is clear<br />

that this is a time when we must learn<br />

from their mistake and work to<br />

strengthen our respect and love for<br />

every Jew. As the Rebbe frequently<br />

pointed out that through Ahavat<br />

Yisroel we can end all suffering and<br />

mourning and usher in the coming of<br />

Moshiach.<br />

Inspiration, Insights & Ideas<br />

Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!<br />

Weekly Words of Wisdom<br />

The Shul’s<br />

Halacha Hotline<br />

Call 786-539-8521 anytime<br />

(besides <strong>Shabbos</strong> and Yomtov)<br />

to ask a halachic question.<br />

Your Guide to Personal Freedom<br />

Counting the Omer: Weeks Three/Four<br />

This is an excerpt from “A Spiritual Guide to Counting the Omer”<br />

by Rabbi Simon Jacobson<br />

Day 18 - Netzach of Tiferet: Endurance in Compassion<br />

Is my compassion enduring and consistent? Is it reliable or<br />

whimsical? Does it prevail among other forces in my life? Do I<br />

have the capacity to be compassionate even when I'm busy with<br />

other activities or only when it's comfortable for me? Am I ready<br />

to stand up and fight for another?<br />

Exercise for the day: In the middle of your busy day take a<br />

moment and call someone who needs a compassionate word.<br />

Defend someone who is in need of sympathy even if it's not a<br />

popular position.<br />

Day 19 - Hod of Tiferet: Humility in Compassion<br />

If compassion is not to be condescending, it must include<br />

humility. Hod is recognizing that my ability to be compassionate<br />

and giving does not make me better than the recipient; it is the<br />

acknowledgment and appreciation that by creating one who<br />

needs compassion G-d gave me the gift of being able to bestow<br />

compassion. Thus there is no place for haughtiness in<br />

compassion.<br />

Do I feel superior because I am compassionate? Do I look down<br />

at those that need my compassion? Am I humble and thankful<br />

to G-d for giving me the ability to have compassion for others?<br />

Exercise for the day: Express compassion in an anonymous<br />

fashion, not taking any personal credit.<br />

Day 20 - Yesod of Tiferet: Bonding in Compassion<br />

For compassion to be fully realized, it needs bonding. It requires<br />

creating a channel between giver and receiver; a mutuality that<br />

extends beyond the moment of need. A bond that continues to<br />

live on. That is the most gratifying result of true compassion.<br />

Do you bond with the one you have compassion for, or do you<br />

remain apart? Does your interaction achieve anything beyond a<br />

single act of sympathy?<br />

Exercise for the day: Ensure that something eternal is built<br />

as a result of your compassion.<br />

Day 21 - Malchut of Tiferet: Nobility in Compassion<br />

Examine the dignity of your compassion. For compassion to be<br />

complete (and enhance the other six aspects of compassion) it<br />

must recognize and appreciate individual sovereignty. It should<br />

boost self-esteem and cultivate human dignity. Both your own<br />

dignity and the dignity of the one<br />

benefiting from your compassion.<br />

Is my compassion expressed in a<br />

dignified manner? Does it elicit dignity<br />

in others? Do I recognize the fact that<br />

when I experience compassion as<br />

dignified it will reflect reciprocally in the<br />

one who receives compassion?<br />

Exercise for the day: Rather than just<br />

giving charity, help the needy help<br />

themselves in a fashion that<br />

strengthens their dignity.<br />

During the fourth week of counting<br />

the Omer, we examine and<br />


12<br />

Inspiration, Insights & Ideas<br />

Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!<br />

Continued from p. 11<br />

refine the emotional attribute of endurance known as Netzach.<br />

Netzach means endurance, fortitude and ambition and is a<br />

combination of determination and tenacity. It is a balance of<br />

patience, persistence and guts. Endurance is also being reliable<br />

and accountable, which establishes security and commitment.<br />

Without endurance, any good endeavor or intention has no<br />

chance of success. Endurance means to be alive, to be driven by<br />

what counts. It is the readiness to fight for what you believe, to<br />

go all the way. This, of course, requires that endurance be closely<br />

examined to ensure that it is used in a healthy and productive<br />

manner.<br />

Day 22 - Chesed of Netzach: Loving-kindness in<br />

Endurance<br />

For anything to endure it needs to be loved. A neutral or<br />

indifferent attitude will reflect in a marginal commitment. If you<br />

have difficulty making commitments, examine how much you<br />

love and enjoy the object that requires your commitment. Do I<br />

love my work? My family? My choices?<br />

For endurance to be effective it needs to be caring and loving.<br />

Does my endurance cause me to be, or seem to be, inflexible?<br />

Does my drive and determination cause me to be controlling?<br />

Am I too demanding? Do others (my employees, friends,<br />

children) cooperate with me out of the sheer force of my will and<br />

drive, or out of love?<br />

Exercise for the day: When fighting for something you<br />

believe in, pause a moment to ensure that it is accomplished in a<br />

loving manner..<br />

Day 23 - Gevurah of Netzach: Discipline in Endurance<br />

Examine the discipline of your endurance. Endurance must be<br />

directed toward productive goals and expressed in a constructive<br />

manner. Is my endurance and determination focused to help<br />

cultivate good habits and break bad ones? Or is it the other way<br />

around? Does my endurance come from strength or weakness?<br />

Does it come out of deep conviction or out of defensiveness? Do<br />

I use my endurance against itself by being tenacious in my lack<br />

of determination?<br />

Exercise for the day: Break one bad habit today.<br />

Day 24 - Tiferet of Netzach: Compassion in Endurance<br />

Healthy endurance, directed to develop good qualities and<br />

modifying bad ones, will always be compassionate. The<br />

compassion of endurance reflects a most beautiful quality of<br />

endurance: an enduring commitment to help another grow.<br />

Endurance without compassion is misguided and selfish.<br />

Endurance needs to be not just loving to those who deserve love,<br />

but also compassionate to the less fortunate. Does my<br />

determination compromise my compassion for others? Am I able<br />

to rise above my ego and empathize with my competitors? Am I<br />

gracious in victory?<br />

Exercise for the day: Be patient and listen to someone who<br />

usually makes you impatient.<br />

<br />

Weekly Words of Wisdom<br />

Yom Hazikaron 5770<br />

By Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar<br />

N ext<br />

week, millions of Jews in Israel and the entire world<br />

will commemorate two days that will arouse all kinds of<br />

deep emotions and reactions. First is the day when the<br />

Jewish world remembers and gives tribute to the thousands of<br />

Jewish soldiers who gave their lives to protect the Jewish People<br />

and the Jewish Land. All of Israel will stop for a long moment as<br />

the realization of everything moving is due to these selfless<br />

sons, daughters, husbands, brothers, sisters and Parents who<br />

selflessly and courageously became the shield that stood at the<br />

frontlines of the wars against hate, evil and anti-Semitism.<br />

As the Day of Remembrance reaches its dusk and the new day<br />

comes, those millions of our brothers and sisters will continue to<br />

commemorate the world’s recognition of the right and need for<br />

Jews to return and govern their eternal Homeland, Israel.<br />

In the midst of this is a dark cloud of anxiety and worry as the<br />

same world, who 62 years ago collectively expressed guilt for<br />

their malfeasance or nonfeasance in watching the brutal murder<br />

of more than 6,000,000 men, women and children, is today an<br />

ill-spirited cabal who work hard to de-legitimize Israel, casting<br />

libelous assertions that cross the line of anti-Semitism.<br />

In the second decade of the 21st century when we thought that<br />

baseless hate and racism expressed against the Jewish People -<br />

who continue to contribute disproportionately and very<br />

significantly to the advancement of civilization - would be a<br />

painful blot on the historical past, it is alive and aggressive.<br />

Why, and what can we do?<br />

It has been a part of our rich heritage repeated many times by<br />

our Prophets, Judges and Leaders that only the Jew has the<br />

power and ability to destroy a Jew. Yes, many nations have hurt<br />

us and some tried to annihilate us but their power is incapable<br />

of realizing their heinous machinations – protected by G-d<br />

Almighty Himself.<br />

The Torah and the Prophets have warned us millennially that we<br />

make ourselves vulnerable to the pernicious forces of evil when<br />

we are not covered by the impregnable shield of G-d.<br />

To activate, maintain and sustain that enigmatic force we must<br />

be connected to G-d and follow His directives. When we do, He<br />

promises that all will be fortunate and blessed while we live in<br />

peaceful security without fear or sorrow.<br />

It is not that our Father in Heaven punishes us; it is only that he<br />

allows the natural world to function in accordance to its natural<br />

base instincts, without interfering in a beyond natural way. G-d<br />

doesn’t make our enemies hate or want to kill us – they do so<br />

because of their inherent hate stemming from jealousy, bigotry<br />

and egocentric power. It is no great feat when hundreds of<br />

million or billions go up against a few millions – seventy wolves<br />

can easily devour one sheep.<br />

Only our transcendent and eternal covenant with G-d obligates<br />

Him to interfere with the natural order and fight our battles. Of<br />

course, we cannot stand aside and expect to succeed without<br />

our own actions. We do need the best soldiers and the best<br />

technology and the best strategy but at the bottom line it is<br />

not the USA that is the most important ingredient in our

safety and security, it is G-d Almighty.<br />

When we abandon G-d and think that it is our strength and<br />

capabilities that give us what we need and we insist on being<br />

like all the other nations, we are in trouble.<br />

On one hand, we have a world that is particularly belligerent<br />

against us reflected by the tragedy of Mumbai, terrorist attacks<br />

against Jews in the former Soviet Union, a remarkable increase in<br />

anti-Semitic occurrences all over the world, Iran, the United<br />

Nations house of darkness and an underlying feeling in many<br />

countries that Israel and the Jews are responsible for all of the<br />

world’s problems.<br />

On the other hand, we read that more than 55% of young Jews<br />

are critical of Israel, assimilation has reached drastic proportions,<br />

Goldstone, J. Street, Jewish writers who publicly denounce Israel<br />

and its leaders, a Jewish Washington Post columnist who is<br />

writing a book explaining how Israel was a well-intentioned<br />

historical error, and unfortunately much more.<br />

It is time to reverse the trend. We have been warned, cajoled and<br />

inspired to live Jewish lives, to abide by the Torah and perform its<br />

mitzvahs. The Rebbe, leader of our generation, constantly<br />

encouraged maximizing our Torah study and mitzvah<br />

performance especially during trying times of peril. The Rebbe<br />

always said that we must listen to the military experts and was a<br />

strong supporter of military/strategic excellence but all of that<br />

requires the Hand of G-d to lead and protect us.<br />

That we can attain through following G-d’s instructions.<br />

In commemoration of these days of central significance to the<br />

Jewish People let us become more consciously Jewish, let us live<br />

more Jewishly, let us be more holy and then we will overcome all<br />

obstacles and fulfill our objective to be “a light unto the world”.<br />

Recently in The News<br />

Observing Sabbath Saved Life of<br />

Poland’s Chief Rabbi<br />

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu<br />

(IsraelNationalNews.com)<br />

A Jewish<br />

delegation from Poland, including the Americanborn<br />

Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich, was spared from<br />

certain death by refusing to violate the Sabbath to fly with<br />

President Lech Kaczynski.<br />

The president, his wife, his military chief of staff and senior<br />

political leaders were killed on Saturday when the plane crashed<br />

en route to a Russian city.<br />

The Jewish delegation was supposed to fly with the president,<br />

according to Warsaw Rabbi Meir Stembler. “The delegation<br />

canceled its participation after it was understood that that plane<br />

was to fly on the Sabbath,” he said.<br />

“They planned to say Kaddish [the mourner’s prayer] at the<br />

planned commemoration ceremony in a Russian city, marking 70<br />

years since the Soviet murder of 20,000 Poles.<br />

Rabbi Stembler said that President Kaczynski was personally<br />

responsible for helping with the construction of a Jewish<br />

Inspiration, Insights & Ideas<br />

Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!<br />

Recently in The News<br />

museum in the location of the former Jewish ghetto in Warsaw<br />

and which is to be dedicated in the near future. President<br />

Kaczynski helped promote and encourage the building project<br />

when he was mayor of Warsaw and continued his efforts as<br />

president.<br />

“The relation between the Jewish community and the president<br />

was very strong,” the rabbi said. “He took care of all of its needs,<br />

not just in words but also in deeds. There were not any major<br />

events where he did not honor the community with his<br />

presence.”<br />

The crash on Saturday wiped out a large part of the elite<br />

establishment of the government, and it is not clear why the<br />

government took the risk of allowing all of them to fly on one<br />

plane. The pilot, who also died in the crash, was blamed for<br />

ignoring Russian air controllers’ advice not to try to land under<br />

severe weather conditions.<br />

<br />

Thousands join March of Living at<br />


L ed<br />

13<br />

by Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharanksy and tennis<br />

pro Shahar Pe’er, thousands of young Jews marched with<br />

Holocaust survivors Monday at Auschwitz to remember<br />

those who perished in the Nazi death camp, and to honor<br />

Poland’s late president.<br />

The 10,000 or so people from around the world walked the<br />

annual March of the Living stretch of about 3 kilometers<br />

between the red-brick Auschwitz compound and the death<br />

camp’s wooden barracks section of Birkenau.<br />

At least 1.1 million people – mostly Jews, Poles and Roma – died<br />

in the gas chambers at Auschwitz or from starvation, disease<br />

and forced labor at the camp built in occupied Poland during<br />

World War II.<br />

Many in Monday’s annual march also wore black arm bands or<br />

carried black ribbons in memory of Poland’s President Lech<br />

Kaczynski and his wife Maria, who were killed in a plane crash<br />

Saturday along with 94 others en route to World War II-era<br />

observances in western Russia.<br />

Israeli Ambassador Zvi Rav-Ner read out a message in Hebrew,<br />

English and Polish saying this year’s marchers were also “paying<br />

homage” to Kaczynski and the other plane crash victims.<br />

“Lech Kaczynski and his wife were friends of the State of Israel<br />

and of the Jewish nation. Today we will march in solidarity with<br />

the entire Polish nation,” Rav-Ner said while standing by the<br />

infamous gate with the sign reading “Arbeit Macht Frei,” or<br />

“Work makes you free.”<br />

Rabbi Yisrael Lau, chairman of the Yad Vashem Council, said in<br />

his speech that the world had not yet learned its lesson about<br />

keeping silent, referring to captive IDF soldier Gilad Shalit.<br />

“This young man has been sitting in a dark basement, an hour’s<br />

drive from Tel Aviv, for nearly four years. Not a single doctor has<br />

visited him in this time. An objective doctor, from the Red Cross,<br />

from the United Nations. Where is the UN? Where is the

14<br />

Inspiration, Insights & Ideas<br />

Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!<br />

Continued from p. 13 Recently in the News<br />

world?” demanded Lau. “The Nazis waited to see what the world<br />

would say or do. They did nothing.”<br />

Sharansky, meanwhile, said the Jewish people were not alone in<br />

remembering the Holocaust.<br />

“Young people stand with us here today. They, like millions<br />

around the world, are determined to remember the Holocaust<br />

and make the world a more just place. This is exactly what Lech<br />

Kaczynski tried to do, and we are greatly indebted to him,”<br />

Sharansky said.<br />

<br />

Jews Shocked at Life Sentence<br />

Request for Rubashkin<br />

Jewish Leaders Raise Concerns of Overzealous<br />

Prosecution After Disproportionate Sentencing<br />

Recommendation<br />

NEW YORK — American Jewish leaders are expressing shock and<br />

outrage at the federal government's recommendation that<br />

Sholom Rubashkin be sentenced to life in prison for his role as<br />

an executive with the Agriprocessors kosher meatpacking plant<br />

in Postville, Iowa. It is the latest example of a prosecution that<br />

has repeatedly targeted Rubashkin for unfair treatment<br />

compared to others who have been accused of employing illegal<br />

immigrants or compromising the security of a bank loan.<br />

The sentencing recommendation submitted by prosecutors to<br />

the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Iowa is<br />

inconsistent with sentencing of other corporate executives<br />

convicted in comparable cases. Rubashkin was originally<br />

indicted for employing illegal immigrants, an offense that has<br />

been punished with probation or a short prison term. After seven<br />

superseding indictments, prosecutors chose to proceed to trial<br />

on alleged bank fraud charges in an effort to increase<br />

Rubashkin's punishment, even though interest was paid on all of<br />

the money drawn by the loan and the bank has acknowledged it<br />

received approximately $21 million in profit from the interest<br />

payments.<br />

The bank loan was not paid in full because of the government's<br />

raid on Agriprocessors, which caused the company to declare<br />

bankruptcy. The bank “called” the loan when Agriprocessors<br />

could not continue to make its payments. The May 2008 raid<br />

included a military style raid and more than 600 federal agents.<br />

It was widely criticized for the extreme tactics utilized by<br />

prosecutors and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The<br />

raid destroyed the company and had disastrous lasting effects<br />

on the community of Postville and the kosher meat industry.<br />

Prosecutors and the U.S. Probation Office have calculated the<br />

total offense committed by Rubashkin at level 45 under the<br />

Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Because the federal Sentencing<br />

Table caps at level 43, the Probation Office has calculated the<br />

total offense at level 43. An offense level of 43 is punished with a<br />

life sentence under the sentencing guidelines, which the<br />

Supreme Court held as no longer mandatory.<br />

Rubashkin's attorneys have asked the court to impose a<br />

sentence no greater than 72 months, noting his positive history<br />

and character, his extraordinary family circumstances, and the<br />

arbitrary nature of the now-advisory guidelines used by<br />

prosecutors. They emphasize that Rubashkin's conduct was not<br />

done for personal gain, that he did not intend any loss to the<br />

bank, and that a 72-month sentence would allow the Bureau of<br />

Prisons to place Rubashkin in a facility with experience in<br />

effectively and humanely incarcerating observant Jewish<br />

inmates.<br />

In Rubashkin's bank-fraud trial, prosecutors were allowed to<br />

present inflammatory evidence regarding the employment of<br />

illegal workers, even though the judge had previously ruled that<br />

such evidence would prejudice the jury and had severed the<br />

immigration and bank fraud charges for that reason. The charges<br />

regarding harboring illegal immigrants were eventually dropped.<br />

The prosecutors have subjected Rubashkin to more severe<br />

restrictions and potential punishment than other employers<br />

whose work premises were raided by ICE and who were found to<br />

have hired larger numbers of illegal workers. The country's<br />

largest meatpacker, Swift & Company, was raided in six different<br />

states in December 2006, and almost 1,300 illegal immigrants<br />

were arrested. No corporate official of Swift & Company has<br />

been prosecuted. RCI, International, a restaurant janitorial<br />

service operating in 17 states, was raided in 63 locations in<br />

February 2007. Its owners, who paid their employees (all illegal<br />

immigrants) in cash, were found to have defrauded the United<br />

States of more than $18 million in taxes. Its chief operating<br />

officer was sentenced to 10 years in prison. The owner of a<br />

Massachusetts manufacturer of leather goods and handbags<br />

raided by ICE in March 2007, when 326 illegal immigrants were<br />

arrested, was sentenced to one year and one day in prison.<br />

Advocates for Rubashkin are urged to support an online petition<br />

at the “Justice for Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin” Web page at<br />

http://justiceforshalom.org. The Web site also provides other<br />

tools for community members to contact the U.S. Attorney<br />

prosecuting the case and the Department of Justice.<br />

Thought for the Day<br />

From the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem<br />

Schneerson, of righteous memory; rendered by Tzvi Freeman.<br />

Greater Miracles<br />

There will come a time, very soon, when we will be shown<br />

miracles so great, they will make the ten plagues and the<br />

splitting of the Red Sea appear as ordinary as nature itself.<br />

So great, no mind can begin to fathom them;<br />

so powerful, they will transform the very fabric of our<br />

world, elevating it in a way that the wonders of the<br />

exodus never did.<br />

For then, our eyes will be opened and granted the power<br />

to see the greatest of miracles: Those miracles that occur<br />

to us now, beneath our very noses, every day.

Daily Mon.-Fri<br />

Morning Chassidus &<br />

Davening Program<br />

with Rabbi Zalman Lipskar<br />

6:20 am<br />

*See p. 7 for more details<br />

Iyar 6 Apr. 20<br />

Tues.<br />

Meditations in Prayer<br />

with Rabbi Mendy Levy<br />

11:00 am<br />

*See p. 17 for more details<br />

Iyar 7 Apr. 21<br />

Wed.<br />


Tanya<br />

11:00 am<br />

Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar<br />

*See p. 17 for more details<br />

Iyar 14 Apr. 28<br />

Wed.<br />

Beyond Never Again<br />

JLI 6 Week Series of Lectures on the<br />

Holocaust<br />

Session 1<br />

8:00 pm<br />

*See p. 16 for more details<br />

Events Calendar<br />

A great listing of the places you want to be and the things you want to do!<br />

APRIL<br />

Daily Mon.-Thurs.<br />

Rohr Community Kolel<br />

Individual Yeshiva Style<br />

Learning<br />

8:00 - 10:00 pm<br />

*See p. 7 for more details<br />

Iyar 6 Apr. 20<br />

Tues.<br />

Hebrew Ulpan<br />

with Mr. David Adar<br />

6:45 pm<br />

Beginners<br />

8:00 pm<br />

Advanced<br />

*See p. 17 for more details<br />

Iyar 7 Apr. 21<br />

Wed.<br />

Holocaust Film & Discussion Series<br />

Part 1: “Against All Odds: Israel and<br />

the Holocaust”<br />

12:00 pm<br />

*See p. 32 for more details<br />

Iyar 5 Apr. 19<br />

Mon.<br />

Women’s Study Group<br />

8:30 pm<br />

*See p. 24 for more details<br />

Iyar 6 Apr. 20<br />

Tues.<br />

Rabbi Lipskar’s Tuesday Night Class<br />

8:00 pm<br />

Rabbi Zalman Lipskar<br />

9:00 pm<br />

Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar<br />

*See p. 17 for more details<br />

Iyar 8 Apr. 22<br />

Thurs.<br />

Mishmar & Cholent Night<br />

9:00 pm<br />

*See p. 17 for more details<br />

More Exciting<br />

Events Coming<br />

Soon!<br />


16<br />

Get the Picture<br />

The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town<br />

Spring Semester<br />

Six Wednesdays, starting<br />

Wednesday, April 28<br />

8:00 - 9:30 pm<br />

with<br />

Rabbi Dov Schochet<br />

The Shul<br />

9540 Collins Ave, Surfside

Rabbi Lipskar’s<br />

Tuesday Night Class<br />

April 20 ~ Iyar 6<br />

8:00 pm<br />

“Acharei-Kedoshim: “Acharei Kedoshim: Experiencing<br />

the Miracle of Yom Kippur”<br />

Rabbi Zalman Lipskar<br />

9:00 pm<br />

Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar<br />

The Shul ~ Social Hall<br />

9540 Collins Ave, Surfside<br />

Download and listen to the latest classes and lectures<br />

http://www.theshul.org/audio<br />


at The Shul (Haime Library - 2nd Floor)<br />

Please join us for spoken Hebrew classes with<br />

an experienced and professional teacher<br />

Mr. David Adar<br />

You will learn the four skills of the language:<br />

Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening<br />

Classes for beginner and advanced levels<br />

with a minimal cost. Men & Women Welcome!<br />

Tuesdays<br />

6:45 - 8:00 pm: Beginners<br />

8:00 - 9:00 pm: Advanced + 2nd Session<br />

To register please call Mr. David Adar at<br />

786-541-6579<br />

Get the Picture<br />

The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town<br />

Mishmar & Cholent Night<br />

Is Back at The Shul<br />

Thursday Nights at 9:00pm<br />

For Men & Women<br />

April 22: Counting the Omer: The Halachic<br />

Perspective of the International Date Line<br />

April 29<br />

Topic to be announced<br />

May 6<br />

Topic to be announced<br />


11:00 am - Meditations in Prayer<br />

with Rabbi Mendy Levy<br />

12:00 pm - Ein Ya’akov: Stories of the<br />

Talmud - with Rabbi Dov Schochet<br />


11:00 am - Tanya<br />

with Rabbi Sholom Lipskar<br />

17<br />


11:00 am - Mitzvos of the Weekly<br />

Parsha - with Rabbi Shea Rubinstein<br />

12:00 pm - Jewish History: Joshua and<br />

the Conquest of Israel - with Rabbi Dov<br />

Schochet<br />

You can join these classes at anytime during the course.<br />

All classes are followed by complimentary refreshments.<br />


Call Rabbi Dov Schochet at 305 868 1411 or email dschochet@theshul.org<br />

The Shul, 9540 Collins Ave, Surfside<br />


18<br />

Get the Picture<br />

The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town<br />

Ki Haadam Aitz Hasadeh ~ A Man is Likened To A Tree of The Field<br />

The Shul’s Tree of Life,<br />

a beautiful permanent structure, enables you<br />

to honor a family member or friend,<br />

commemorate an occasion or memorialize a loved one.<br />

Kindly call Zisa at The Shul<br />

at 305- 868-1411<br />

to place your order<br />

or email sisterhood@theshul.org<br />

The Tree of Life<br />

ORDER FORM ~ Mail: The Shul Sisterhood, 9540 Collins Ave, Surfside FL 33154 or Fax: 305-861-2426 Attn: Zisa<br />

In choosing to purchase a commemorative piece of the Tree of Life, you gain a permanent place of recognition and support<br />

the critical work of The Shul Sisterhood, which beautifies our Shul home and supports our Shul Family in times of need.<br />

Rock “...G-d is a powerful rock. His acts are perfectly balanced...” ~ $5,400 each <br />

Dove “...Doves flow peacefully as they are balanced in the environment’s atmosphere...” ~ $3,600 each <br />

Apple “...Sweetness of sustenance are expressed in G-d’s gift of the apple...” ~ $1,800 each <br />

Leaf “...Every single leaf is directed by G-d’s breath...” ~ $180 each <br />

Dedication wording can be a maximum of five lines. Please print text clearly:<br />

Line 1: ___________________________________________________ (25 letters max)<br />

Line 2: _____________________________________________________(21 letters max)<br />

Line 3: ______________________________________________________(31 letters max)<br />

Line 4: _______________________________________________________(30 letters max)<br />

Line 5: ________________________________________________________(17 letters max)<br />

Name_______________________________________________________________________________<br />

Address_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

Phone_________________________________________ Email__________________________________<br />

Payment: check enclosed, payable to: The Shul Sisterhood Visa MasterCard Amex<br />

CC number: ____________________________________ Exp: ___________ Sec:_______<br />

Payment in full of $__________1 Year Installment Plan: _____installments of $_______ = Total: $__________<br />

A project of The Shul Sisterhood

Mother & Daughter<br />

Monday, April 19<br />

from 6:00 - 7:00pm in Classroom # 1<br />

Mothers and daughters are invited to join and participate in this<br />

fun and educational program.<br />

The program starts with a study session for each mother and<br />

daughter as they explore their heritage and its place in the home.<br />

Following the study session the mothers and daughters<br />

participate in cooking, crafts and quality time.<br />

For Girls : 1st - 5th grade<br />

Fee: $12 (mother and daughter included)<br />

Art expression with Sarah Libke Caplin<br />

An innovative program using various art mediums to convey<br />

feelings about Torah and Mitzvah messages.<br />

Boys ages 6-10: Mondays from 5.00 - 6.00pm<br />

Girls ages 6-10: Tuesdays from 5.00 - 6.00pm<br />

In the Teen Girls Room (Back of Women’s Sanctuary)<br />

Fee:$15 (including snacks and materials)<br />

Also available upon request: individual classes, classes for<br />

younger girls & boys. For more information call Sarah Libke on<br />

786 389 6528 (space is limited)<br />

Imagine Tomorrow Computer Classes<br />

Tuesdays<br />

3:30 - 4:30pm and 5:00 - 6:00pm<br />

Custom Software, curriculum, and classes developmentally designed<br />

for young learners ages 4-7.<br />

For more info visit www.imaginetomorrow.com<br />

Cost: $20<br />

Classroom #2 - Enroll now as space is limited. For more<br />

information call Iesha 305-967-3604<br />

Bar Mitzvah Club<br />

Every Tuesday from 7:00 - 8:00pm<br />

Call Yankee at 718-757-6659 for more information<br />

Bat Mitzvah Club<br />

Every Wednesday from 7:00 - 8:30pm<br />

Call Dobie at 305-984-8805 for more information<br />

Mishmar for Boys ages 7 - 11<br />

Each Wednesday from 6:15 - 7:30pm<br />

Spanish Library #2<br />

Call Eli at 305-742-3375 for more details<br />

Weekly Tutoring Program<br />

Monday - Thursday from 5:00 - 6:30pm<br />

For boys ages 6-13. Does your son need help with his Jewish<br />

Studies Homework? Bring your son to The Shul to learn with<br />

one of our student Rabbis. To schedule a learning time, please<br />

call Rabbi Mendy Levy at 305-868-1411 ext. 7333.<br />

Kids Corner / Teen Seen<br />

Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!<br />

Exciting After School Programming!<br />

Tzivos Hashem for Girls & Boys<br />

Every Sunday<br />

10:00 - 11:30am in the Social Hall<br />

For Boys & Girls ages 4 - 6<br />

For Girls ages 7 - 11 years old.<br />

(NOTE: Please call Michal Adar at 305.655.1720 before joining the<br />

group to confirm whether there is space in the class)<br />

Come enjoy a morning of learning, arts & crafts, music and<br />

prizes! Homemade pancakes served each week!<br />

Story Time For Kids!<br />

Monday, April 26<br />

From 5:45 - 6:30pm<br />

Come & hear a Jewish delightful story with your kids!<br />

For Boys & Girls: Ages 3 - 6<br />

Kids are encouraged to come in Pajamas!<br />

A Jewish Bedtime Experience!<br />

Tae Kwon Do with Master Steve Parker<br />

Mondays from 3:30 - 4:30pm<br />

For Boys & Girls ages 4 - 6<br />

To enroll your child/ren call Yankee at 718 757 6659<br />

Tween & Teen Girls Activities<br />

Tween Club<br />

To be announced<br />

Contact Zisa to join the Club and to receive weekly texts about<br />

upcoming activities. ZisaLevin@gmail.com<br />

Teen Community Service<br />

All teens are invited to come and help with various<br />

Community Service Activities, with snacks, music and a<br />

great environment. In the Teen Girls Lounge.<br />

Teen Learning:<br />

A nurturing environment for teens to learn and grow.<br />

With light dinner. Teen Girls Lounge<br />

(Back of Women’s Sanctuary)<br />

For more information on the Teen Girls Programs, please<br />

call Mushkie Parshan at 347-633-5286<br />

Teen Boys Activities<br />

Mishmar Night & Talmud for Teen Boys<br />

Every Wednesday from 8:00 - 9:00pm<br />

Call Chaim Mochkin for details: 310-770-4053<br />

The Shul Youth 305.868.1411 ext. 7333 mlevy@theshul.org www.TheShul.org/kids<br />


20<br />

Kids Corner / Teen Seen<br />

Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!<br />

Does your son or<br />

daughter need help<br />

with his/her<br />

Jewish Studies<br />

Homework?<br />

Join Our Weekly Homework Help Program<br />

For Boys & Girls ages 6-13<br />

Every Monday - Thursday<br />

from 5:00 - 6:30 pm<br />

Bring your son/daughter to The Shul<br />

to learn with one of our student Rabbis/<br />

Girl’s Youth Counselors.<br />

Topics & Classes Will Include:<br />

• Code of Jewish Law:<br />

Fundamentals in Judaism<br />

• Talmud:<br />

Textual Based Learning & Stories<br />

• Jewish History:<br />

Lessons For Life<br />

• Chumash & Parsha Study:<br />

In-depth Learning & Discussion.<br />

*All With Practical<br />

Hands-On Approach!*<br />

To schedule a learning<br />

time, please call<br />

Rabbi Mendy Levy at<br />

305-868-1411 ext. 7333<br />

Following many requests we are happy to announce<br />


Every MONDAY<br />

From 5:00 - 6:00 pm<br />

In the Teen Room (Back of Women’s Sanctuary)<br />


FOR GIRLS AGES 6 -10<br />


Every TUESDAY<br />

From 5:00 - 6:00 pm<br />

In the Teen Room (Back of Women’s Sanctuary)<br />

$15 per session for both boys & girls<br />

including materials & refreshments<br />

Also available upon request:<br />

individual classes,<br />

classes for younger girls & boys<br />

For more information<br />

call Sarah Libke on<br />

786 389 6528<br />

(space is limited)<br />

To enroll your child/ren<br />

or for more information<br />

call Yankee at<br />

718.757.6659<br />

or email<br />


The Shul<br />

Bat Mitzvah Club<br />

Wednesdays<br />

7:00 - 8:00 pm<br />

At The Shul<br />

Call Dobie Rubinstein<br />

to enroll:<br />

305 984-8805<br />

If you are 11 years old<br />

join us for an awesome<br />

year of learning and fun<br />

in preparation for your<br />

Bat Mitzvah<br />

Kids Corner / Teen Seen<br />

Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!<br />

Daven for the amud in our very own Shul<br />

Young Teens To Lead Shul Services!<br />

Teen Chazzan Training Program<br />

The Teens get an individual opportunity to lead a part of<br />

the <strong>Shabbos</strong> prayer services at The Shul!<br />

Invite your family and friends to come and watch you<br />

Daven at the Amud!<br />

The Teen boys once again will have the opportunity to Daven on behalf of the<br />

congregation as authentic Chazzanim in The Shul Main Sanctuary! Every week<br />

the boys will get together with Chaim Mochkin and go over the Davening<br />

inside the Siddur, while practicing the different tunes and songs unique for<br />

the <strong>Shabbos</strong> day. Stay tuned for a <strong>Shabbos</strong> coming soon with one of our very<br />

own Teens as Chazzan!<br />

If you would like your son to participate in this learning experience, please<br />

email: chaimmochkin@hotmail.com or call: 310-770-4053<br />

**Great incentives and prizes to be won! **<br />

For Children ages 3-6 from 5:45 - 6:30 pm<br />

Monday, April 26<br />

ext. 7333<br />


22<br />

Latin Link<br />

Reflexión Semanal<br />

Enfoque de la Parashà<br />


¿Qué Aprendemos esta Semana de la Parshá?<br />


“Cuando una mujer engendre”. Tal como la creación del hombre<br />

tuvo lugar después del animal, la bestia y el ave cuando fue el<br />

génesis, así también su ley fue explicada a continuación de las<br />

leyes del animal, la bestia y el ave. (Rashi Vaikrá 12:2)<br />

A continuación de la Parshá anterior donde la Torá explica las<br />

leyes de pureza e impureza en los animales, la Parshá Tazría (y<br />

Metzorá) se dedica a las leyes de pureza e impureza en los<br />

hombres. Esto lo explica Rashi en el principio de nuestra Parshá<br />

de la siguiente manera: “Dijo Rav Simlai: tal como la creación del<br />

hombre tuvo lugar después del animal, la bestia y el ave en el<br />

génesis, así también su ley fue explicada a continuación de las<br />

leyes del animal, la bestia y el ave”.<br />

De esta explicación surge que la secuencia en la creación<br />

(primero fueron creados los animales y luego el hombre) es la<br />

causa al orden que siguieron las Parshiot de la Torá. Pero en<br />

realidad el tema es justo a la inversa: la Torá existe ya antes de la<br />

creación del mundo, y de acuerdo a las palabras de nuestros<br />

Sabios Z”L es el plano de acuerdo al cual fue creada la existencia.<br />

¿Cómo puede decirse que el orden de la secuencia de los temas<br />

en la Torá surge del orden y la secuencia en la creación?<br />


Podría decirse, que hay aquí una alusión a dos etapas en el<br />

servicio a Hashem: en la primera etapa es la Torá la que<br />

determina la realidad, puesto que la realidad por sí misma aún no<br />

concuerda con la Torá. En la segunda fase la realidad se eleva<br />

hasta transformarse ella misma en sagrada, al punto que de ella<br />

puede aprenderse sobre la Torá.<br />

Estas dos fases están implícitas en el principio de “naasé<br />

venishmá” –haremos y escucharemos. La primer etapa consiste<br />

en “haremos”- la obediencia al mandato Divino. La propia lógica<br />

y la percepción natural no condicen aún con la Voluntad de Di-s,<br />

y por lo tanto se exige del hombre someterse a lo que Di-s quiere<br />

de él, dejando a un lado la propia inteligencia y sentimientos.<br />

Esta es la base primaria y fundacional.<br />


Pero con ello no es suficiente. A continuación debe pasarse a una<br />

fase más elevada, la del “escucharemos”. La Voluntad de Di-s, lo<br />

que Él quiere del judío, debe penetrar en él, hasta que la propia<br />

persona, por su propia razón y sentimientos, comprenda y desee<br />

aquello que Hashem desea. Este es un nivel superior, donde la<br />

lógica humana y los sentidos naturales se elevan tanto que ellos<br />

mismos buscan a la santidad.<br />

Es imposible alcanzar este nivel sin pasar antes por la etapa<br />

donde el hombre se somete a lo que Di-s quiere de él. Primero<br />

viene la etapa del “haremos”- la obediencia absoluta a Di-s sin<br />

tomar en cuenta las ideas y sentimientos personales; pero luego<br />

se llega al “escucharemos”- que lo que Di-s quiere se convierta en<br />

nuestra voluntad personal, con total comprensión e<br />

identificación.<br />


¿Cómo puede un judío alcanzar tal grado de plena y profunda<br />

identificación con la Torá?. La respuesta está oculta en el nombre<br />

del autor de esta frase: Rav Simlai. El mismo es conocido por otro<br />

dicho3, de que cuando el feto se encuentra en el útero materno<br />

se le enseña toda la Torá, y luego se la hacen olvidar. Este estudio<br />

de toda la Torá es lo que confiere la fuerza para alcanzar el apego<br />

total con la Torá, también desde la perspectiva personal.<br />

Por ello, el hombre no debe desesperanzarse cuando analiza y<br />

medita sobre su estado espiritual. Debe saber que posee las<br />

fuerzas para llegar a un nivel donde la Torá penetre en su interior<br />

hasta que él mismo, por su propia razón y sentimiento,<br />

comprenda y sienta lo beneficioso, lo preciado y la dulzura de la<br />

Torá y sus preceptos.<br />

Clases y Eventos<br />

Porción Semanal<br />

Rabbi Shea Rubinstein<br />

Lunes 8:45 p.m. - 9:45 p.m. Sinagoga Principal<br />

Lecciones practicas para nuestra vida cotidiana<br />

(Para Mujeres)<br />

Sra. Vivian Perez<br />

Martes 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.<br />

198 Park Dr., Bal Harbour<br />

Por favor llamar a las 305 213 3202 para confirmar<br />

Kolel Español<br />

Moshe S. Lerman<br />

Miercoles 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Domingo 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.<br />

Tanya<br />

Moshe S. Lerman<br />

Miercoles 7:15 PM - 8:05 p.m.<br />

Haime Library - 2do piso en Shul<br />

Sra. Vivian Perez<br />

Jueves 2:00pm – 3:00 pm<br />

Nota: El cambio de sede<br />

Chabad of Aventura,<br />

21001 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura

Des Mots et des pierres<br />

Le danger du « parler mauvais »<br />

par Yanki Tauber<br />

Vivre avec la Paracha<br />

A Médzibotz, la ville natale de Rabbi Israël Baal Chem Tov<br />

(fondateur du 'Hassidisme, 1698-1760), deux habitants de l'endroit<br />

s’affrontaient dans une amère dispute. Un jour, dans la synagogue<br />

locale, alors qu’ils étaient en train de crier l’un sur l’autre avec<br />

colère, l’un d’entre eux hurla : « Je vais te mettre en morceaux de<br />

mes mains nues ! »<br />

Le Baal Chem Tov qui se trouvait alors à la synagogue, demanda à<br />

ses disciples de former un cercle, chacun mettant les bras sur les<br />

épaules de ses voisins, et de fermer les yeux. Rabbi Israël lui-même<br />

ferma le cercle. Soudain, les disciples poussèrent des cris de<br />

frayeur : devant leurs yeux fermés, ils voyaient l’homme en colère<br />

déchirant réellement l’homme, comme il l’en avait menacé !<br />

Les mots sont comme des flèches, dit le Psalmiste, et comme des<br />

charbons ardents. Comme des flèches, explique le Midrach, car un<br />

homme se tient à un endroit et ses mots font de grands ravages<br />

dans la vie d’un autre qui peut se trouver à des milliers de<br />

kilomètres de là, et comme du charbon dont la surface extérieure<br />

peut être éteinte mais dont l’intérieur reste incandescent. Ainsi les<br />

mots malveillants continuent leurs dommages bien après que<br />

l’effet extérieur en ait cessé.<br />

Les mots tuent de nombreuses manières. Parfois, ils mettent en<br />

mouvement une chaîne d’événements qui s’avère être une chaîne<br />

prophétique qui s’accomplit ; parfois ils sont détournés de l’objet<br />

de leur venin pour frapper un spectateur innocent et parfois, ils<br />

reviennent comme un boomerang, frapper celui qui en est à<br />

l’origine. Mais quelle que soit la route qu’ils empruntent, les mots<br />

pleins de haine conduisent inévitablement à des actions odieuses,<br />

quelquefois même des années ou des générations après qu’ils aient<br />

été prononcés. La nature humaine est telle que les pensées aspirent<br />

à trouver leur expression dans des paroles émises et les paroles<br />

émises cherchent leur réalisation en actes, souvent par des<br />

chemins déviés que le locuteur originel n’a ni désiré ni anticipé.<br />

Mais la force du mot va plus loin que son potentiel pour la<br />

transformer en acte. Même si ce potentiel ne se réalise jamais,<br />

même si les paroles prononcées ne se matérialisent pas dans le<br />

« monde de l’action », elles existent toujours dans le monde plus<br />

élevé et plus spirituel, le « Monde de la Parole ». Car l’homme n’est<br />

pas seulement un corps, il est aussi une âme ; il n’est pas<br />

seulement un être physique, il est aussi une créature spirituelle. Sur<br />

le plan matériel, les mots prononcés peuvent n’être que des actions<br />

potentielles ; dans la réalité spirituelle de l’âme, ils sont effectifs.<br />

C’est ce que le Baal Chem Tov voulait montrer à ses disciples en<br />

leur permettant de jeter un regard dans le monde des mots habité<br />

par les âmes des deux adversaires verbaux. Il voulait qu’ils<br />

comprennent que chaque mot que nous prononçons est réel, qu’il<br />

s’accomplisse ou non dans le « monde de l’action » dans lequel<br />

résident nos corps physiques. A un niveau plus élevé, plus spirituel<br />

de la réalité, une réalité aussi véritable que la réalité physique,<br />

chacun des mots que nous prononçons est aussi bon (ou mauvais)<br />

que s’il était transformé en acte.<br />

Il en va de même, bien sûr, dans le sens positif. Un mot de louange,<br />

un mot d’encouragement est aussi bon que la façon dont il<br />

s’accomplit dans la réalité spirituelle de l’âme. Même avant qu’un<br />

mot positif se soit transformé en acte positif, il détient déjà un<br />

effet profond et durable sur notre être profond et sur notre monde.<br />

French Connection<br />

Réflexions sur la Paracha<br />

Ce chabbat, nous devons lire deux Parachiot, Tazriya et Metsora,<br />

car l'année 5770 est une année ordinaire. Ces 2 péricopes traitent<br />

du problème de la pureté et de l'impureté: Hatamé véhatahor.<br />

Le mot TAZRIYA signifie, concevoir (un enfant) et METSORA<br />

signifie, lépreux. 17 mitsvot gèrent cette question.<br />

Lors de la naissance d'un garçon, la maman est impure 7 jours. Le<br />

8e, c'est la Mila. Ensuite elle attend 33 jours avant d'aller au<br />

"mikvé" de purification. Ce, pour reprendre une vie intime<br />

normale.<br />

Pour une fille, c'est le double: 2 semaines, puis 66 jours. Après<br />

cette pèriode, la femme devait apporter un agneau et un<br />

pigeonneau ou une tourterelle pour se purifier. En cas de manque<br />

de moyens, 2 touterelles ou 2 pigeonneaux suffisent. Ces règles<br />

ont pour souci de préserver la famille et d'assurer la pureté<br />

familiale ou Taharat Hamichpaha.<br />

Viennent ensuite les maladies de la peau, du cuir chevelu. Le<br />

Cohen Gadol préconisait les soins appropriés.<br />

Les lèpres, de l'homme et de la maison. TSARA'AT est une maladie<br />

grave et contagieuse. Certains font le rapprochement avec le<br />

Lachon Hara, c'est à dire la mauvaise langue.<br />

Le Cohen prenait 2 oiseaux purs, une branche de cèdre, un<br />

morceau de laine de couleur pourpre et de l'hysope (une plante).<br />

On égorgeait l'oiseau, on trempait dans son sang le cèdre, la<br />

laine, l'hysope et l'autre oiseau vivant. Le malade était aspergé 7<br />

fois. Il devait par la suite se laver et se raser les cheveux. Il restait<br />

en quarantaine 7 jours. L'on procédait ensuite au sacrifice de 2<br />

agneaux et d'une brebis.<br />

Que penser de ce système? Il faut dire que la sale faute du<br />

"lachone hara'", doit être traitée de façon radicale. Les oiseaux<br />

conviennent tout à fait, car ils "pépillent" comme celui qui<br />

pratique la mauvaise langue. La couleur pourpre était obtenue à<br />

partir d'un ver de terre. Le malade doit en effet s'abaisser jusqu'à<br />

terre.<br />

On procédait de la même façon pour la lèpre des maisons.<br />

La paracha traite à la fin des problèmes de l'impureté. Ceci<br />

concerne les periodes menstruelles, les pertes éventuelles, les<br />

pollutions nocturnes, les écoulements de tous genres... Tous ce<br />

cas étaient traités par une purification en règle.<br />

De nos jours, le MIKVE permet la Tahara ou purification.<br />

Chabbat Chalom<br />

ALBERT<br />

23<br />

Cours de Torah en Français<br />

Tefillah (pour Femmes)<br />

Rabin Zalman Gansburg<br />

Jeudi de 10h30 à 11h15<br />

Talmud (pour Femmes)<br />

Rabin Zalman Gansburg<br />

Jeudi de 11h30 à 12h15<br />

Haime Library

24<br />

Just for the Gals<br />

Delve into the power, strength and beauty in the life of the Jewish Woman<br />


Monday, May 24, 2010<br />

Can you sing, dance, act or recite,<br />

play an instrument, do magic tricks,<br />

crack us up with your stand-up comedy,<br />

perform ventriloquy or do you have<br />

any talent?<br />

Well, you can have a chance to<br />

win a $1,000 cash prize<br />

and a video of the game show with<br />

your 15 minutes of fame!<br />

This will be a night to remember<br />

filled with lots of fun and laughter, and a<br />

great way to see beautiful talent in our<br />

very own community.<br />

women only<br />

A project of The Shul Sisterhood<br />

To To Arrange Arrange An An Audition, Audition, Call Call<br />

Feige Knight at 305 978-8817 or Fortuna Kopel at 305 794-1982<br />


Who This Really Is<br />

What you see of a person, you<br />

may not like.<br />

Yet who this person really is, you<br />

can never know.<br />

As for the G-dly soul inside—it is<br />

the unknowable itself.<br />

Speak to that: Look past the outer<br />

shell and talk to the unknowable<br />

inside. Only from there can come<br />

real change.<br />

Weekly Classes<br />

Monday<br />

Practical Halacha Rabbi Dov Schochet 11:00 - 11:30 am<br />

Women’s Study Group - Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 8:30 - 10:00 pm<br />

At the home of: Mrs. Jenny Tate<br />

12855 Biscayne Bay Dr., Keystone, FL 33181<br />

Tel: 305 987 7166<br />

Tuesday<br />

Tanya Class in Spanish Mrs. Vivian Perez 1:45 - 2:30 p m<br />

~ 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village<br />

Torah Portion Class in Spanish Mrs. Vivian Perez 2:30 - 3:45 pm<br />

~ 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour<br />

Wednesday<br />

Parenting Class Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 9:15 - 10:00 am<br />

Morning Torah Class Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 10:00 - 11:00 am<br />

The Weekly Portion - Woman’s Perspective<br />

~ Haime Library<br />

Tanya Class in English Mrs. Vivian Perez 1:30 - 3:00 pm<br />

~ 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour<br />

Thursday<br />

Tanya of the Week Rabbi Eily Smith 10:30 - 11:15 am<br />

~ Women’s Sanctuary - Teen Lounge<br />

Tefillah Class in French Rabbi Zalman Gansburg 10:30 - 11:15 am<br />

~ Haime Library<br />

Talmud Class in French Rabbi Zalman Gansburg 11:20 - 12:00 pm<br />

Tanya in Spanish for Women Mrs. Vivian Perez 2:00 - 3:00 pm<br />

~Chabad of Aventura, 21001 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura<br />

Establishing a Jewish Home<br />

Evening Study for Brides and<br />

Newlyweds / Bridal Class<br />

Please call Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar for<br />

an appointment 305-868-1885<br />

Women’s Mikvah:<br />

Please call Mrs. Devorah Failer for an<br />

appointment<br />

305-866-1492 or 305-323-2410<br />

Who we are...<br />

The Women's Circle comprises all of The<br />

Shul's programming and classes geared<br />

toward women in the community. Our<br />

objective is to bring women of all ages and<br />

backgrounds together to learn, laugh,<br />

experience, and rejuvenate their mind, body<br />

and soul. Meet new friends, relax and get<br />

inspired!<br />

If you would like to be a part of the<br />

Women's Circle at The Shul, please call<br />

305. 868.1411

The ABC's of of<br />

Aleph<br />

Serving Jews in institutional and limited environments<br />

To contribute to The Aleph Institute’s programs, or to volunteer your time, please call 305.864.5553<br />

www.AlephInstitute.org<br />


26<br />

The Network<br />

All your advertising needs in one convenient spot<br />

Hallandale: Parker Plaza. 1/1.5 Oceanfront/Oceandirect. Priced to sell at $195K<br />

Aventura: Turnberry Marina 4/4.5 5000+ sq. ft unit mansion in the sky. New kosher<br />

kitchen, views of all directions. Large rooms, wood floors, walking distance to Shul. $1.1M<br />

Bal Harbour: Tiffany Condo. Large 2/2, completely redone. New kitchen and baths.<br />

$4,000/MO<br />

Bay Harbor Islands: 3/2 condo. Professionally decorated, kosher kitchen, panoramic<br />

ocean and bay views. Shabbat elevator Sold furnished. Dock included.$499K<br />

Surfside Palms: Gorgeous 1/1.5. W/D in unit. Available with or<br />

without furniture. Price slashed to $219K. Also for rent at $1,400/MO.<br />

Sunny Isles: Full service 2/2 furnished luxury condo hotel suite.<br />

You can occupy and earn income when not here. Reduced to $757K<br />

Sarah Sheridan<br />

Macken Realty 305-527-6888<br />

Sarahshomes@aol.com ~ www. SarahSheridan.com<br />


Call 305 978-8817<br />

Teri (Feige) Knight<br />

• Loan Modification<br />

• Short Sales Negotiations<br />

• FORECLOSURE Defense Team<br />

Call Today for a<br />


All Work Done Through Licensed Florida Attorney<br />

JOIN THE<br />


Call 305 868 1411<br />

To Place Your Ad<br />

Jewish Cooperative School<br />

“A different kind of Orthodox Day School”<br />

Open Registration for 2010-2011 School Year<br />

10 children per class ~ Reasonable Tuition ~ Limited Space<br />

Convenient N. Miami Beach Location with Amenities Galore<br />

Tour our new facility at our next meeting:<br />

April 21 at 7:00 pm<br />

17051 NE 19th Ave, NMB, FL 33162<br />

Real Estate<br />

General<br />


Raquel Sragowicz<br />

Cell: 305-588-2481 E-mail: raquelsold@aol.com<br />

Please Read Only<br />


Bal Harbour Village: Best Deal!!! 3 Bed 3.5 Baths. 2 Car<br />

Garage. Reduced!! $1,380,000.<br />

Bay Harbor 97th Street: 4 Bed/ 3.5 Bath $1,100,000.<br />

3,208SQFT, 2 Car Garage.<br />

Surfside Dickens Ave: 4 Bed/4.5 Baths $499,000. Wood<br />

floors, 2,624SQFT, New Kitchen<br />

Surfside Towers: Unit #411 2 Bed/ 2 Bath $399,000. Tile floors, Oceans Views,<br />

1,690SQFT<br />

Surfside Towers: Unit # 1006 1 Bed/ 1.5 Bath $235,000<br />

Surfside Waves 4 Rent: 2 Bed/ 2 Bath. Yearly. $1,800. Furnished, Tile Floors, Ocean<br />

views!<br />

Seasonal & yearly rentals<br />


FOR RENT<br />

Furnished, corner unit with 2 bedrooms<br />

+ office/extra room, 2.5 baths with many<br />

upgrades! Apartment in very neat &<br />

clean condition. Easy to show!<br />

Synagoge located in same building.<br />

Community offers: 3 pools, spa, tennis,<br />

marina, fitness center, children's play<br />

area, restaurants, party rooms and<br />

much more!!!! Beautiful place to live!<br />

Rental: $2600 per month!<br />

Call Esther at (917) 865 – 4349<br />

www.jewishcooperativeschool.org<br />

786-541-8527 provider11@bellsouth.net<br />

Paid advertisements do not constitute endorsements by any Rabbis or The Shul. The Shul reserves the right to accept or reject any ad submitted.

Please Read Only<br />


DADE (305) 757-0651<br />

BROWARD (954) 462-3711<br />

FAX (305) 758-2967<br />

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CGC # 010159<br />





7933 N.W. 7th Avenue ~ Miami, FL 33150-3298<br />

English, Spanish, Yiddish, Creole & French Spoken<br />

5555 Anglers Ave, Suite 4<br />

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312<br />


President<br />


Vice-President<br />





954-961 0078 ~ CELL: 786-486 9802<br />

E-mail: enrique@gefloridacontractors.com<br />

Your Simcha Is Our Reputation<br />



Visit Our Website For Audio And Video Demos<br />

www.ybo.us<br />

954 - 205 - 9538<br />

If you would like to place an ad in<br />

The Shul’s Bulletin<br />

Please contact<br />

Lydia @ 305 868 1411 x 7314<br />

The rates are as follows:<br />

Size Cost # Weeks<br />

Business Card $ 25 /week Min 13<br />

Quarter Page $ 70 /week Min 13<br />

Half Page $ 130 /week Min 4<br />

Full Page $ 250 /week Min 4<br />

The Network<br />

All your advertising needs in one convenient spot<br />

General<br />

Call For All Your Office & School Supplies<br />

Supplier to The Shul & Aleph Institute<br />


Now in Florida! Berkshire, Levante, Melas and Mayer<br />

PANTYHOSE, knee highs, thigh highs...all colors & sizes.<br />

Call now to order.<br />

For your convenience, we will be delivering,<br />

so no need to worry about coming here.<br />

Only a phone call away. Don’t wait! Call today for best<br />

selection. Merchandise is going fast!<br />

Near Shul of Bal Harbor<br />

Call Faigie 786-972-9150<br />

www.Esheershop.com<br />

Paid advertisements do not constitute endorsements by any Rabbis or The Shul. The Shul reserves the right to accept or reject any ad submitted.<br />


28<br />

The Network<br />

All your advertising needs in one convenient spot<br />

Joel S. Baum, CPA<br />

Certified Public Accountant / Masters Degree – Taxation<br />

Over 30 years of experience<br />

Income Tax Preparation / Financial Consulting<br />

For a private and strictly confidential appointment<br />

at my office or your home<br />

Call (954 ) 899-1712<br />

605 Lincoln Road - Suite 210, Miami Beach, Florida<br />

Diplomate, American Board of Plastic Surgery<br />

1140 Kane Concourse, Floor 3<br />

JOIN The Shul’s<br />


♦ Expand your Client Base<br />

♦ Create Customer Loyalty<br />

♦ Maximize the Visibility of YOUR<br />

Business with Search Optimization<br />

♦ Support The Shul<br />

ONLY $30 PER MONTH<br />

Financial<br />

Medical<br />

FUNKY<br />

FRAMES<br />

Please Read Only<br />


Choose your fashion frames in<br />

the comfort of your own home.<br />

We come to you!<br />

Includes your prescription lens<br />

all for under $100 .<br />

For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact:<br />

Aurit Katan 786-389-9274<br />

Florida Sales Positions Available<br />

The First 50 Subscribers<br />

will receive a $150 valued bonus<br />

FREE Business Card Ad<br />

for 4 weeks in The Bulletin<br />

Call Lydia at 305 868 1411 ext 7314<br />

Paid advertisements do not constitute endorsements by any Rabbis or The Shul. The Shul reserves the right to accept or reject any ad submitted.

In this Week’s Living Torah:<br />

A weekly video magazine featuring the Rebbe's<br />

application of Torah to timely events and issues<br />

Talk<br />

Lamplighters<br />

Timeless Moments<br />

Niggun “L’chatchila Ariber”<br />

Eye to Eye<br />

Politicians for Redemption!<br />

Enjoy a live video presentation every Saturday<br />

Night at The Shul immediately following Havdalah<br />

To see the video on-line:<br />

"Living Torah" Weekly Video Magazine<br />

Featuring the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson obm.<br />

http://www.theshul.org/LivingTorah<br />

<strong>Shabbos</strong> Hospitality<br />

If you would like to host or be hosted at a <strong>Shabbos</strong> meal,<br />

please call The Shul at 305-868-1411<br />

Staying Connected<br />

The Shul's Staying Connected Program<br />

For College Students<br />

More & more Jewish college students from different universities<br />

across the country keep joining The Shul's Staying Connected program!<br />

These students are excited about this "cool" program that offers them<br />

the opportunity to "stay connected" to The Shul family while they are<br />

away at school. They enjoy receiving candies, chocolate, matzah, wine,<br />

menorahs, and special CD's from The Shul video-library to celebrate the<br />

Jewish holidays. Staying Connected students also enjoy sharing special<br />

events such as the Winter- Break & Summer Shabbatons at The Shul<br />

with over 150 Jewish college students from 18 universities across the<br />

country.<br />

To learn more about Staying Connected, please call Miriam Gitman<br />

at 305.868.1411 ext. 7319 or email stayingconnected@theshul.org.<br />

To enroll in The Shul's Staying Connected program , please mail the<br />

Student’s name, Hebrew name, complete address, telephone & email<br />

to:<br />

The Shul - Staying Connected<br />

Attn. Miriam Gitman<br />

9540 Collins Avenue<br />

Surfside, FL 33154<br />

Stay Connected! Sign up now to receive delicious packages throughout<br />

the year to celebrate our wonderful Jewish Holidays! It's Free!<br />

If you already joined Staying Connected, please remember to send<br />

us your new address if the one you had last semester has changed.<br />

Permanent Seating in The Shul<br />

There are a limited number of seat dedications still available<br />

in our Main Sanctuary, with finance options as well.<br />

If you are interested in more information please speak to or<br />

call Lydia Hasson or Penina Wuensch at 305 868 1411<br />

It’s Good To Know<br />

Find out what's going on and how You can get involved<br />

29<br />

Looking for the Perfect Gift?<br />

Would you like to honor someone’s Anniversary, Wedding,<br />

Yahrtzeit, or any other occasion?<br />

Honor them by making a donation to The Shul in their name.<br />

A card will be sent to each Honoree on your behalf,<br />

from The Shul, acknowledging your meaningful gift.<br />

The amount of the donation will not be disclosed<br />

unless requested.<br />

For more information, please call Renee @ 305-868-1411 x 0<br />

It Just Clicks!<br />

The Shul's weekly E-News<br />

Everything you need to know sent straight to your inbox!<br />

Send us your email address to info@theshul.org and let us know your<br />

interests at The Shul and we will keep you in touch.<br />

Write a letter to the Ohel<br />

http://www.theshul.org/RebbeLetter<br />

Find a picture of yourself with the Rebbe!<br />

The Living Archive Preservation Project has launched this interactive archive<br />

so that you can locate and request a video of your personal moment with<br />

the Rebbe. http://www.theshul.org/mymoment<br />

Download and listen to the latest classes and lectures<br />

in The Shul, at the convenience of your home or office.<br />

http://www.theshul.org/audio<br />

Fill all your Judaica needs<br />

(Books, Tefillin, Mezuzahs, etc) at www.theshul.org/store<br />

The Shul will get commission on every sale!<br />

The Shul Video of 'Journey of The Souls' has been one of the<br />

main popular features this year all over Chabad.org.<br />

To view go to:<br />

http://www.theshul.org/Journey<br />

The New Jewish Marriage Website:<br />

http://www.theshul.org/marriage<br />

The New Jobs Board<br />

www.theshul.org/jobs<br />

JNET: The Jewish Learning Network:<br />

Learning one-on-one over the phone:<br />

http://www.jnet.org/<br />

The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute<br />

http://www.myJLI.com<br />

Emergency Evacuation Procedures:<br />

Older Folks with special needs can call 311 or register at<br />

http://www.miamidade.gov/oem/EEAP.asp<br />

www.StandWithUs.com<br />

You will find a very informative, factual and - not political, short booklet<br />

about Israel, which was issued by a non partisan organization "Stand With<br />

Us". Your readers around the world will definitely benefit from the available<br />

multiple languages.<br />

www.MythsandFacts.org<br />

Go to this website for the link to the booklet “This Land is My Land”<br />

educational booklet by Eli Hertz.<br />

All the books can be downloaded for free.<br />

Get connected to The Shul online<br />

at www.theshul.org

30<br />

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Daily Study<br />

A complete guide to all classes and courses offered at The Shul<br />

Sichos Kodesh Rabbi Zalman Lipskar 6:20 - 6:50 am<br />

Halacha (Men) (Monday - Friday) Rabbi Dov Schochet 7:00 - 7:25 am<br />

Daf Yomi Rabbi Dov Schochet 8:00 - 8:45 am<br />

RamBam (Monday - Thursday) Rabbi Dov Schochet 8:45 - 9:00 am<br />

Chok L’Yisrael - Sephardic Custom Shimshon Tzubeli 8:45 am<br />

Sichos - The Rebbe’s insights on the weekly Parsha Rabbi Shea Rubinstein 10:00 - 10:45 am<br />

Community Kollel (Men) Mon - Thurs. Shul Rabbis and Kolel 8:00 - 10:00 pm<br />

Daf Yomi (Men) Rabbi Dov Schochet 9:00 am<br />

Spanish Kolel - Chassidus (Men) Mr. Isaac Gorin / Mr. Moshe Lerman 8:00 - 10:00 pm<br />

Executive Smicha (Men) Rabbi Dov Schochet 8:00 - 10:00 pm<br />

Weekly Torah Portion (Spanish) Rabbi Shea Rubinstein 8:30 - 9:30 pm<br />

Women’s Study Group -<br />

At the home of: Mrs. Jenny Tate<br />

12855 Biscayne Bay Dr., Keystone, FL 33181 Tel: 305 987 7166<br />

*All classes located at The Shul unless otherwise specified.<br />

Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar<br />

8:30 - 10:00 pm<br />

Senior Torah Academy: Meditations in Prayer Rabbi Mendy Levy 11:00 - 11:45 am<br />

Senior Torah Academy for Men & Women<br />

Ein Ya’akov: Stories of the Talmud<br />

Rabbi Dov Schochet<br />

12:00 - 12:45 pm<br />

Tanya Class in Spanish (Women) Mrs. Vivian Perez, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village 1:45 - 2:30 pm<br />

Torah Portion Class in Spanish (Women) Mrs. Vivian Perez, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village 2:30 - 3:45 pm<br />

Ben Ish-Chai (Sephardic Class) (Men) Rabbi Dov Schochet 6:45 - 7:40 pm<br />

Acharei-Kedoshim: Experiencing the Miracle of Yom Kippur Rabbi Zalman Lipskar 8:00 - 8:45 pm<br />

Executive Smicha (Men) Rabbi Dov Schochet 8:00 - 10:00 pm<br />

Rabbi Lipskar’s Tuesday Class:<br />

Reflections on the Parsha<br />

Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar 9:00 - 10:15 pm<br />

Parenting Class (Women) Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 9:15 - 10:00 am<br />

Morning Torah Class (Women) - Weekly Parsha Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 10:00 - 11:00 am<br />

Senior Torah Academy for Men & Women<br />

Tanya<br />

Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar 11:00 - 11:45 am<br />

Tanya Class in English (Women) Mrs. Vivian Perez, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm<br />

Spanish Kolel Rabbi Moshe Lerman 8:00 - 10:00 pm<br />

Tefillah Class in French (Women) - Haime Library Rabbi Zalman Gansburg 10:30 am - 11:15 am<br />

Talmud Class in French (Women) - Haime Library Rabbi Zalman Gansburg 11:20 am - 12:00 pm<br />

Mitzvos of the Weekly Parsha (Men & Women) Rabbi Shea Rubinstein 11:00 - 11:45 am<br />

Senior Torah Academy for Men & Women (Main Sanctuary)<br />

Jewish History: Joshua and the Conquest of Israel<br />

Rabbi Dov Schochet<br />

12:00 - 12:45 pm<br />

Tanya in Spanish (Women) Mrs. Vivian Perez (Chabad of Aventura, 21001 Biscayne Blvd) 2:00 - 3:00 pm<br />

Tanya (Men & Women) Rabbi Eily Smith 8:00 pm<br />

Talmudic Mishmar for Men & Women<br />

Select Thursday evenings<br />

9:00 - 10:00 pm

In the weeks prior to Pesach 5770<br />

multiple classes were given in The Shul as<br />

well as in private homes. The topics<br />

ranged from the practical laws of<br />

koshering and Pesach preparation, to<br />

insights into the Rebbe’s Haggada and<br />

Seder laws and customs. The classes<br />

where given by Rabbi Sholom Lipskar,<br />

Rabbi Dov Schochet and Rabbi Shea<br />

Rubinstein.<br />

Approximately 300 people attended<br />

over 6 hours of pre Pesach classes.<br />

In the week prior to the Chag a series of<br />

model matzah bakery workshops where<br />

held where children had a hands-on<br />

lesson on how matzah is made. The<br />

workshops were lead by Rabbi Mendy Levy<br />

and were each 45 minutes to an hour<br />

long.<br />

Over 200 children participated in the<br />

model matzah bakery workshops<br />

Thursday, March 26, the 11th of Nissan, a<br />

grand Farbrengen was held at The Shul in<br />

honor of the Rebbe’s 108th birthday and in<br />

preparation for Pesach.<br />

Over 100 people attended the<br />

Farbrengen<br />

In the week prior to Pesach, The Shul<br />

offered the community a koshering and<br />

toiveling service on the deck. Many<br />

residents of the community brought their<br />

utensils to The Shul to be koshered and<br />

toiveled in preparation for the chag. The<br />

Shul’s bochurim also went out into the<br />

community and assisted with koshering<br />

multiple kitchens.<br />

Thousands of Shmurah Matzahs and<br />

Pesach guides were distributed within<br />

the 33154 area, reaching out to our<br />

unaffiliated Jewish neighbors.<br />

The Shul hosted both Seders<br />

this year, accommodating over 150<br />

visitors each night who would<br />

otherwise have had nowhere to go,<br />

and assisting many who could not<br />

afford the full cost. The communal<br />

warmth, delicious food and<br />

excellent service were enjoyed by all<br />

who attended.<br />

Community Nachas<br />

A Peek at Recent Happenings<br />

Model Matzah Bakery<br />

31<br />

We would like to extend our deepest<br />

gratitude to our beloved members who<br />

participated in the important Mitzvah of<br />

Maos Chitim. Your kind contributions<br />

enabled The Shul to help literarily<br />

hundreds of families with essential<br />

components for Pesach. The funds were<br />

distributed in a most confidential and<br />

dignified manner.<br />

May Hashem bless you for you kindness<br />

with abundant health, prosperity and<br />

Nachas.<br />

Pre-Pesach Learning in the Kolel

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