Etude des marchés d'assurance non-vie à l'aide d'équilibres de ...

Etude des marchés d'assurance non-vie à l'aide d'équilibres de ...

Etude des marchés d'assurance non-vie à l'aide d'équilibres de ...


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tel-00703797, version 2 - 7 Jun 2012<br />

Chapitre 1. Sur la nécessité d’un modèle <strong>de</strong> marché<br />

Let us first regress the bronchitis indicator on all variables<br />

⎛ ⎞<br />

⎛ ⎞<br />

Y =<br />

⎜<br />

⎝<br />

B1<br />

.<br />

Bn<br />

⎟<br />

⎠ and X =<br />

⎜<br />

⎝.<br />

1 P1 C1<br />

.<br />

.<br />

1 Pn Cn<br />

with a logit link function. The regression summary is given below<br />

⎟<br />

⎠ ,<br />

Call: glm(formula = bron ~ 1 + cigs + poll, family = binomial)<br />

Deviance Residuals:<br />

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max<br />

-2.4023 -0.5606 -0.4260 -0.3155 2.3594<br />

Coefficients:<br />

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)<br />

(Intercept) -10.08491 2.95100 -3.417 0.000632 ***<br />

cigs 0.21169 0.03813 5.552 2.83e-08 ***<br />

poll 0.13176 0.04895 2.692 0.007113 **<br />

---<br />

Signif. co<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1<br />

Null <strong>de</strong>viance: 221.78 on 211 <strong>de</strong>grees of freedom<br />

Residual <strong>de</strong>viance: 174.21 on 209 <strong>de</strong>grees of freedom - AIC: 180.21<br />

So the GLM fit seems good because all variables (including intercept) are significant with<br />

a very low p-value. However the plot of residuals ∗ (see Figure 1.8a) against fitted values † is<br />

quite puzzling. Two distinct curves are shown: one for ill patients and the other for healthy<br />

ones.<br />

When categorizing the P variable, we lose information but we transform binary data into<br />

binomial data. This makes the fit better on this aspect, see Figure 1.8b. So for the same data,<br />

with the same (significant) variables, the two analyses of residuals lead to different conclusions.<br />

Hence, conclusions of residual analysis must be taken with great care.<br />

GLM outputs of Section 1.3.1<br />

See below the summary table with coefficients values, standard errors, z-statistics and pvalue.<br />

For confi<strong>de</strong>ntiality reason, all the <strong>de</strong>viance and AIC statistics shown in this paper have<br />

been scaled by the same positive coefficient.<br />

Here follows the regression summary when variables are categorical.<br />

Call: glm(formula = did_lapse ~ agepolgroup2 + priceratio:agegroup4 +<br />

priceratio * (gen<strong>de</strong>r + agevehgroup2 + prembeforegroup2),<br />

family = binomial(), data = workdata)<br />

Deviance Residuals:<br />

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max<br />

-3.1587 -0.6633 -0.6060 -0.5193 2.8747<br />

Coefficients:<br />

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)<br />

(Intercept) -2.522477 0.120852 -20.873 < 2e-16 ***<br />

∗. Working residuals are ˆɛi = Yi − ˆπi. Note that using other residual types, Pearson, Stu<strong>de</strong>ntized, do not<br />

change this behavior.<br />

†. Fitted values are ˆπi.<br />


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