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X/X. xxv. TI_E A_LE_'rg.<br />

3- C. ]t_, _ -t_-, Stairs, ladder. L. Our Master<br />

cannot be attained to, just in,the same way as the heavens<br />

cannot be gone up to by the steps of a stair. Z. sicut<br />

codum non potes_ admotis seali_ eonseendi. K. carmot<br />

be equalled just as no man can climb up to the sky.<br />

Co_v. Persolme _ peut 6galer notre rr_tre, de _ q_ae<br />

personne ne peut s'61ever jusqu'au ciel avec des 6chelles.<br />

4- The quotation is from an tmknown source. C. 3_<br />

_ /_ _ _ ___,, means set up their means of livelihood,<br />

_, _I _ • _ _ _ _-J- Tao means to lead<br />

(@ ), i e. to teach them. _ _ _, To follow. _<br />

Ydg-, T_ give them peace. _J_ _ V_ _Jg• To come<br />

and attach themselves. _ _ _ J_ ;_ _Z• To arouse<br />

;1_I _ _ 1_, Harmony, as is said (in the Odes), ' Ah !<br />

Reform has come, the times are harmonious ;' describing<br />

the divine celerity of the Sage's mystic influence. L.<br />

Were our Master in the position of the ruler of a State, or<br />

the chief of a Famtty, we s-l_ould find verified this deserip<br />

tion wtdc/z ]tas bsa_ given of a Sage's role :_he would<br />

plant the people and forthwith they would be establL_hed ;<br />

lead them on, fololo_ him ; nuake them hat_py, m,dtitudes<br />

resort to his dominion ; stimulate them, harmonious ; How<br />

is it possible for him to be attained to? Z. sustenat<br />

populum et statim stab_litm'; d_c_, pergi_; treat,<br />

_dhae_t; excitat, fit concors, ete. g._ _ born at, em-<br />

peror or prince, done those thir_ told of the holy kings of<br />

old : What he lays down becomes law ; what fie orders is<br />

earried_out_; whither he beckons_the people follow; wher_<br />

l_ir_aenee is. felt, t_m is pea_. Cow,*. i_a_fi_

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