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XIX. XXIV, xxv. THE ANAI_C'I_<br />

ii qul ofScient soli et lunae? Pot{us patebit illos nescire<br />

rerum mensuram. K. abuse ....... mounds you may<br />

climb over. :But C. is like the sun and moon. You can<br />

never jump over them. You may break your neck in try-<br />

ing etc. you only show your want of sense in not knowing<br />

what you can do. Couv. d_pr_ciait etc. comme le solei[<br />

et la lune, personne ne pent s'_lever au-dessus de ]ui.<br />

Quand m_me on se s_parerait de lui en rejetant sa doctrine,<br />

quel tort ferait-on _ celui qui brille comme etc. ? On<br />

montrerait seulement qu'on ne se ¢onnait pas _oi-m_me.<br />


PARABLE.--I. That Tzfi Ch'in was a disciple of Confu-<br />

cius seems evident, though it has been argued that there<br />

may have been two persons o£ the same name. If a dis-<br />

ciple, then the old proverb applies that no man is a hero to<br />

hisvalet. See alsol. IO. C. ::_ _, _ _ _ _<br />

_, ::_ _ _ "Do the modest' means that he reverenced<br />

and deferred to his Master. L. You are too modest.<br />

How can Clmng-ni be said to be etc. Z. tu ag[_ modeste.<br />

K. But you are too earnest and conscientious etc. Couv.<br />

C'est par modestie qu_ vous mettez Tchoung-ngi au-dessus<br />

de vous.<br />

2. _ _' says y_ :_ _*_ _ _ C]_un tz_ means a<br />

man of learning. L. For one word a man is often etc.<br />

We ought to be careful indeed in what we say. Z.<br />

Sapientiae alumnus ex uno verbo aestimabitur prudens etc.<br />

etc. K. For one word an educated man is held to be a<br />

man of understanding etc. Couv. Une parole d'un disciple<br />

de la sagesse suffit pour faire juger qu'il est pl udent etc.<br />

If faut faire attention/t ses paroles.<br />


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