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Master is several "fathoms high. If one do not find the door etc. ancestral temple with its beauties nor all the officials in their rich array. Z. nisi invenias ejus portam et ingrediaris, non vides etc. variortmaque rnagistratum opulentiam. K. Hundreds of feet high ....... the treasures of art and the glory of the men that are in the holy temple. 4. _ _JE May be few. :;_ _ _C:i_ Does it not indeed accord with ttfis ? L. But I may assume that they are few etc. Was not the observation ol the chief only what might have been expected ? Z. illud domini dictum nonne etiam merito? K. Perhaps, however, there are few etc. I do not therefore wonder that the officer spoke as he did. Couv. Peu savent en trouver la porte. L'assertion de etc. n'est-elle pas contraire _. la v6rit6 ? CHAPTER XXIV._THE INCOMPARABLE EX- CELLENCE OF CONFUCIUS.--C.._ _ _, _i /_J :_ ]I_, No use doing this 2[: i_ 15I 15:., :/¢ I_ ::_ 1_ Piled up earth is called a ch'hl, a large hillock a ling'. _ _ here suggests ' make an end of himse]f in trying,' but C. takes it: i_1 _l_ _ J_ }2_ _ l_l _l_ :_L "-_, By cutting himself off is meant that Wu Sbu, by detraction, cut himself off from the Sage. /_ is fl_, only, or _ just, i.e. /_ _r_ very manifest. _ :_ :_: _1 91_ [_ _ti :J_ _ :_*, tt me.am, he had no idea of his own measure. L revilingly ....... It is of ao use doing so etc. The talents and virtues etc., which tray be ste_ over, ere. Although:a man may wish to cut himse|feff fc_in the Saffe, what harm ca_ he do fo the sun and' rnoor_? He on_ shows that he does not know his own capaci_. 7_,. detrahehat _etc. atii tieet vetint seipsos ab eo sepamm, 910

•rue ANAt,Ec'rs. XIX. xxm, xxtv. and go inside, you cannot see the beauties of the temple and the richness of its host of officers. 4-But those who find the gate perhaps_ are few,--indeed does not His Honour's remark confirm this view ?" CHAPTER XXIV.--Shu-sun \Vu-shu having spoken disparagingly of Chung Ni, Tz_ Kung observed" " There is no use in doing that, for Chung Ni cannot be disparaged. The excellences oI .others are mounds and hillocks, which may nevertheless be climbed over, but Chung Ni!he is the sun, the moon, which there is no 9tz

Master is several "fathoms high. If one do not find the door<br />

etc. ancestral temple with its beauties nor all the officials in<br />

their rich array. Z. nisi invenias ejus portam et ingrediaris,<br />

non vides etc. variortmaque rnagistratum opulentiam.<br />

K. Hundreds of feet high ....... the treasures of art and<br />

the glory of the men that are in the holy temple.<br />

4. _ _JE May be few. :;_ _ _C:i_ Does it not<br />

indeed accord with ttfis ? L. But I may assume that they<br />

are few etc. Was not the observation ol the chief only<br />

what might have been expected ? Z. illud domini dictum<br />

nonne etiam merito? K. Perhaps, however, there are<br />

few etc. I do not therefore wonder that the officer spoke<br />

as he did. Couv. Peu savent en trouver la porte. L'assertion<br />

de etc. n'est-elle pas contraire _. la v6rit6 ?<br />


CELLENCE OF CONFUCIUS.--C.._ _ _, _i<br />

/_J :_ ]I_, No use doing this 2[: i_ 15I 15:., :/¢ I_<br />

::_ 1_ Piled up earth is called a ch'hl, a large hillock a<br />

ling'. _ _ here suggests ' make an end of himse]f in<br />

trying,' but C. takes it: i_1 _l_ _ J_ }2_ _ l_l _l_<br />

:_L "-_, By cutting himself off is meant that Wu Sbu,<br />

by detraction, cut himself off from the Sage. /_ is fl_,<br />

only, or _ just, i.e. /_ _r_ very manifest. _ :_ :_: _1<br />

91_ [_ _ti :J_ _ :_*, tt me.am, he had no idea of his<br />

own measure. L revilingly ....... It is of ao use doing<br />

so etc. The talents and virtues etc., which tray be ste_<br />

over, ere. Although:a man may wish to cut himse|feff<br />

fc_in the Saffe, what harm ca_ he do fo the sun and' rnoor_?<br />

He on_ shows that he does not know his own capaci_.<br />

7_,. detrahehat _etc. atii tieet vetint seipsos ab eo sepamm,<br />


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