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_t XIX. xv, % w. THE ANALEC'r_ SUITS.--C. t]. _. _ _ _ _ b ;_ _. Inferior lines, such as farming, gardening, medicine and divining. _)_, 7_ _]_ no thoroughfare, an impasse. (_]_ means water impeded, no outlet). L. Even in inferior studies and employments, there is something worth being looked at, but if it be attempted to carry them out to what is remote, there is a danger of their proving inapplicable. ...... does not practise them. Z. quamvis exilis ars, profecto habet quod sit spectatu dignum. At si etc. vereor ne obstructus haereas etc. K. if the attention to it is pushed too far, it is liable to degenerate into a hobby. Couv. Les metiers, les arts, m_me les plus humbles, ne sont nulle- merit _. m6priser. Mais si quelqu'un les exercvait en vue de plus grands choses (pour se perfectionner etc.), cette occupation lui serait peut-Stre un obstacle. CHAPTER V. -- EVIDENCE OF LOVE OF LEARNING.--C. _ _-!_, _ _ ;_ P)i: >]_ ;_ meaning what one has not yet acquired. L. He who etc. what he has not yet, and from month to month etc. attained to etc. Z. in diem perdiscens quae quis nondum possi- deat, et per mensem nil obliviscens quae ipse jam teneat etc. K. knows exactly what he has yet to learn, ...... does not forget what he has learnt, will surely become a man of culture. Couv. Celui qui chaquejour examine, 6tudie ee qu'it n'a pas encore pu comprendre etc., et qui chaque mois s'il n'a rien oubli6 etc. CHAPTER VI.--WHERE VIRTUE LIES.--C. says these four relate more to study and examination than to steady application to and practice of Virtue, but whoever acts in accordance with this precept will not let his mind 888

...t_ a_, W THE ANALECTS. NiX. Iv,v_ vI. the inferior arts have certainly their attrac- tion, but to go far into them involves a risk of their becoming a hindrance to progress, so the wise man lets them alone." CHAPTER V.mTzfa Hsia said" "He who day by day finds out where he is defi- cient, and who month by month never for- gets that in which he has become proficient, may truly be called a lover of learning." CHAPTER VI.--Tza Hsia said : "Broad culture and a steady will, earnest investiga- 889 O

...t_<br />

a_, W<br />

THE ANALECTS. NiX. Iv,v_ vI.<br />

the inferior arts have certainly their attrac-<br />

tion, but to go far into them involves a risk<br />

of their becoming a hindrance to progress, so<br />

the wise man lets them alone."<br />

CHAPTER V.mTzfa Hsia said" "He<br />

who day by day finds out where he is defi-<br />

cient, and who month by month never for-<br />

gets that in which he has become proficient,<br />

may truly be called a lover of learning."<br />

CHAPTER VI.--Tza Hsia said : "Broad<br />

culture and a steady will, earnest investiga-<br />

889<br />


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