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XIX. Ill, iv. THE ANA_ECT_<br />

pelling of others? C. Tzfi Hsta's remarks were too<br />

narrow-minded, and Tzfi Chang was cbri*ect in his satire i_,<br />

on the other hand his own remarks _ _ _/ ._ _z<br />

have the fault of going too far. _ ;J_ _" ][_ _ p_<br />

_-, #2I};_ i_ J-_ N _ _ For though a man of high<br />

character may be universally tolerant, yet even to him<br />

there may be sufficient cause for separating himself from<br />

_., The not worthy may verily not repulse others,<br />

nevertheless a hurtful fiiendship is to be avoided. L<br />

about the principles that should characterise muiual intercourse.<br />

' Associate with those who can advantage you. (Cf<br />

I. 8, 3.). Put away from you those who cannot do so.'<br />

' The superior man honours the talented and virtuous, and<br />

bears with all, etc. Am I possessed of great talent and<br />

virtues ? Who is there etc. not bear with ? Am I devoid<br />

of etc. What have we to do with the putting away of<br />

others. Z. quaesiverunt de amicitia, probatis, his conso-<br />

ciator ; qui non probantur, eos repelle, sumne ego insipiens ?<br />

alii sunt me repulsuri; quomodo fiet illud repellere alios?<br />

K. Those whom you find good make friends with,<br />

ete. not good turn your back upon ...... If we our-<br />

selves are not worthy men will turn their backs upon<br />

ug. How can we turn our backs upon them? Couv.<br />

sur l'amiti6 ...... qu'on dolt faire socidt6 avec les hornrues<br />

dont l'amiti6 peut _tre utile, eL qu'il faut repousset<br />

les autres ....... il encourage par des 61oges ceux<br />

qui sont encore faibles....... Convient-il de repousser<br />

quelqu'un?<br />


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