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XV!IL vlpj ix. XHE ANA_CTS_<br />

acted according to the exigency _fthe times. Z. occultos<br />

degisse, et licentius locutos, at personam obtinuisse purita.<br />

tern, suique subductionem congruisse epikeiae. K. pure<br />

in their lives, and so entirely secluding themselves from the<br />

world, they rightly used their discretion. Couv. donn_<br />

des avis avec une libert_ excessive etc., le sacrifice des<br />

dignit_s leur 6tait permis _ cause des circonstances.<br />

5- Or, No may or may not, i.e. no rigid unalterable<br />

line of conduct laid down such as these men followed. C.<br />

.fl_, Mencius says, When Confucius saw it right to<br />

take office he did so, when right to cease he did so etc. L.<br />

I have no course for which I am predetermined, and no<br />

course against which etc. K. idem. Z. nil absolute<br />

teqeo, nil absolute respuo. Couv. Je ne veux nine<br />

rejette rien absolument, (mais je con_ulte toujours les circonstances).<br />


BAND.--C. considers this to be a continuation of the last<br />

chapter, and it records the dispersion of the band of Lu,<br />

(which Confucius had reformed), on the degeneration of<br />

morals and music in that State in the time of Duke _,<br />

But these words are unlikely to have been uttered by Con-<br />

fucius, _ _ 5_ 2_" 2;_ _ _]g_ These eight mela are<br />

c6unted as _ Jk for refusing to prostitute their art to<br />

gratify an immoral Court. !. For Chill, see VIII. 15.<br />

9_ read 5[_:_ the Chief as contrasted with _ 1_ the<br />

assistant master.<br />

2. The Emperor had f_ur formal meals a day, princes<br />


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