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KVIII. vXL _m ANm._"_.<br />

3. L. kept Tsz_-lu to pass the night in his house ere.<br />

feasted him. He also introduced to him etc. Z. para_t<br />

millium et apposuit Jill. K. making millet pudding for<br />

him to eat etc. presented his two sons. Couv. l'invita A<br />

passer la nuit dam sa maison etc,<br />

4. C. _ :_,,etc. _ _ ;_ _ _- _ _] t<br />

_ Confucius sent Tz_ Lu etc, wishing to point out to<br />

him the duties of princes and minister_ but the old man,<br />

surmising Tzfi Lu would soon return, departed earlyin<br />

order to cover up his tracks, k Next day etc.<br />

5- _ _:_ Not to take office. The _/ :_ is taken by<br />

some. to mean Confucius. C. q: g_ _ _1_:_ _<br />

lit, thus narrated his Master's ideas. ---_ _ A ;_<br />

i_ ]_ _ _ flJ] _ I_ ;_S, When the old man received<br />

Tz_ Lu very arrogantly, the latter shewed him the more<br />

respect, and, seeing that the old man knew to introduce his<br />

two sons, he evidently recognized that the institutions of<br />

seniority were not to be discarded, hence Tzfi Lu, wished<br />

to shew him the logical outcome of what he already admitted,<br />

L. Tsze Lu then said to the family. Not to take<br />

office is not righteous. If the relations between old and<br />

young, may not be neglected, how is it that he sets aside<br />

the duties that should be observed between sovereign and<br />

m_nister ? Wishing to maintain etc., he allows that great<br />

relation to come to confusibn. A superior man takes<br />

offiCi_dnd perfarms the _ighteous duties belonging to it_<br />

As to the failure etc., he is aware of thaL :°Z. Ve.llq pumt¢/

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