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XVII. xxn, xxHr. THE ANnlJ_C'TS.,<br />

$t_j;H, not after _ "_, C. _:g_,f_ _ O__,, A game of<br />

chess,--said to resemble draughts, and played with twelve<br />

pieces on the board. _, _] _-I_ Chess played<br />

with 30o pieces on a board with 289 lines, that is 324<br />

squares, the men being placed on the lines; the modern<br />

board has 36I lhaes, or 4oo squares. The invention of the<br />

game is attributed to the Emperor Yao. Tile _¢ k_. game<br />

has only 32 pieces and clostly resembles the Western<br />

game. Its invention is credited to _ :_E the founder of<br />

the Chou dynasty;, but _hether it was originally introduced<br />

from India, or from China into India and thence<br />

west is question for research. '_ .ll: -[_, For _1_ see<br />

XI. xS. C. says the Sage does not here teach men.to<br />

play games, but uses an extreme illustration to show the<br />

evil of laziness. L. Hard is the case etc. mind to any-<br />

thing good. Are there not gamesters and chess-players.<br />

To be one of these would still be better etc. Z. At num<br />

non talos et scrupos? hos ducere adhuc sapientius quam<br />

abstinere. K. Simply eats two full meals without etc. Are<br />

there not such things as gambling and games of skiI1 ? To<br />

do one of these things even etc. Couv. Quand oit ne fair<br />

que boire et mange etc. qu'il est difficite de devenir vertueux<br />

! N'a-t-on pas des tablettes et des _checs ? Mieux<br />

vaudrait se livrer £ ces jeux etc.<br />


VALOUR.--C. _, ._ _ -I_, ExaIts it. _ :_ :_<br />

_, tl, A _._:ig _'_. Thech_ntzfi<br />

turning rebel and the hsiao ten turning bandit, both<br />

refer to social position. _ .1_ _ _ ][IJ_l_ _ 4!_J_ _-,<br />

He who highly esteems rectitude will also be of.great<br />


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