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escape the minister. _ is used in the sense of t_, L<br />

similar. Z. volebat conventum ...... captavit tempus illius<br />

absentiae ...... offendit in via. Couv. choisit le moment o6<br />

Iang Houo n'&ait pas chez lui.<br />

2. _ etc. To embosom his precious gifts and mislead<br />

his country. {_7.might almost be translated patriot.<br />

_t_ _, Liking to pursue state business. _ _ _ _t1_-,<br />

are taken as _j_ _ ;1_ _ rdt_ the years do not wait for<br />

us. -_ is " Yes," " all right." C. _[_ _ _ 9_, _<br />

_ _. ;_ "_ [_ ;:_ __: _L. means to hide one's<br />

virtue and not succour the country in its tribulation. _t;-,<br />

;_ tIL, Frequently..5_ I_ -_ ;_ 2_ !lg ._ ;_ _,<br />

Not avail oneself of the oppoltune concurrence of events.<br />

J_ :_ /_ _'_ ]ffi 5_ _._, _ _, _, (about to) means as<br />

yet indefinite, i.e. Confucius gave a polite assent, though<br />

with no real intention of serving under or advancing the<br />

aims of Yang Huo. L. Come, let me speak with you. Can<br />

he be called benevolent who keeps his jewel in his bosom<br />

and leaves his country to confusion? Anxious to be<br />

engaged in public employment, and yet is constantly losing<br />

"the opportunity of being so ? Right ; I wilt go into office.<br />

Z sinu recondens suum thesaurum, et turbatum retin-<br />

quens suum regnurn, poterit dici plus ? , Amans operari<br />

publicis rebus ...... prudens? anni haud nos manent bene,<br />

ego mox geram magistratum. K. Whether he is a good<br />

man who hides the treasures of his knowledge and leaves<br />

his country to go astray. Misses every chance that comes<br />

to him etc. Yes, I will enter the public service. Couv.<br />

Celui qui tient son h6sor (sa sagesse) cach6 dans son sein,<br />

et laisse son pays dans le trouble, m&ite-t-il d'6tre appel6<br />


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