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suggests, the sickness recorded in VIII. 3 and 4, was fatal,<br />

but we have no evidence as to the date of his demise. Dr.<br />

Legge thinks " we shall not be far wrong if we determine<br />

its date about the end of the fourth, or begining of the<br />

fifth century before Christ," a date that seems unnecessarily<br />

late. For if, as Dr. Legge thinks, the book " was compiled<br />

by the disciples of the disciples of the Sage,", and, if such<br />

disciples were indeed the followers of T_ng Tzfi and Y'u<br />

Tzfi, a conclusion which Dr. Legge somewhat summarily<br />

declares "does not stand investigation," then such disciples,<br />

whoever they were, must have been far advanced in years.<br />

• It seems more reasonable to place tlle compilation of the<br />

Analects nearer the middle than the beginning of tile fifth<br />

century, B. C.<br />

Whoever the editors were their attempts at arrangement<br />

shew little knowledge either of historical or philosophic<br />

order, for" while the first e[ght or ten chapters seem, in a<br />

haphazard sort of way, to be classified _ubjectively, the<br />

rest are thrown together without any consideration either<br />

of subject or period. This and the repetition of clauses<br />

has led some writers to ascribe various books to various<br />

disciples or their followers, but it seems more accordant<br />

with reason to believe that the material generally is from<br />

different hands, and that the actual editors,-possessing<br />

neither historic sense nor philosophic insight, collected<br />

their material into its present shape to the best of their<br />

meagre ability. They at any rate regarded all the<br />

material in their possession as tob precious to allow<br />

of any excision, as witness the numerous repetitions<br />

that occur,

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