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XVIs I, II. THE ANALECTS. of civil culture and virtue are to be cultivated to attract them to be ,"o ; and when etc. they must be made contented and tranquil. Z. Haec ira se habent; quapropter si remofiores populi etc. K. This being so, when the people outside etc. Couv. Si les habitants des contr6es 61oignfies ne reconnaissent pas l'autorit6 du prince, qu'il fasse fleurir les vertus civiles afin de les attirer etc. 12. C. _ Jk _ _ ._-, The distant people means those of Chuan-yh. _ _ ll_ _tii _ IN[ _ _ _ )_ _j_ means, the ducal possession_ had been divided, and his ministers were often rising against h;m. L. Now, here etc. Remoter people are not submissive, and, witk tour help, he cannot attract them to him. In his own ter- ritory there are divisions and downfalls, leavings and separations, and, with your/zelp, he cannot preserve it. Z. regnum divisum concidit distrahiturque in partes, nec potestis conservare. K. factions, dissensions, outbreaks and dis- solutions. Couv. penche vers sa-ruine, et se divise en plusieurs parties. Vous ne savez pa_ lui conserver son intfigrit_. I3. C. _ ]l_t, _- O_.,_ The screen-wall before the gate. L. And yet he is planning these hostile movements within our state. I am afraid that the sorrow of the Ke-sun family with not be on account of Chuen-yfi, but will be found within the screen of their own court. Z. sed in- veniantur honorarium diathyrum intra. K. within the walls of your master's own palace. Couv. Je crains bien ...... ne recontre de grands embarras ...... mais dans Fint&ieur mSme de sa maison. CIIAPTER II. -- USURPED RIGHTS CARRY 78z

THE ANALECT_, XVI, I, IX. _L-_ _ _ 7= _ _>_ _ ++-_ • 0 unsubmissive he attract-; them by the promotion of culture and morality, and when he has attracted them he makes them contented. i2. But here are you two, Yu and Ch'iu, assisting your Chief, yet though an outlying people are unsubmissive, he cannot attract them, and though the State is disorganised and disrupted he cannot preserve it: 13 . and yet he is planning to take up arms within his own State. I myself fear that Chi-sun's cause for anxiety does not lie in Chuan-ytL but within his own gate-screen." CHAPTER Ii.--Confucius said : "When 183


_L-_ _ _ 7= _ _>_ _ ++-_<br />

• 0<br />

unsubmissive he attract-; them by the promotion<br />

of culture and morality, and when he<br />

has attracted them he makes them contented.<br />

i2. But here are you two, Yu and Ch'iu, assisting<br />

your Chief, yet though an outlying<br />

people are unsubmissive, he cannot attract<br />

them, and though the State is disorganised<br />

and disrupted he cannot preserve it: 13 .<br />

and yet he is planning to take up arms<br />

within his own State. I myself fear that<br />

Chi-sun's cause for anxiety does not lie in<br />

Chuan-ytL but within his own gate-screen."<br />

CHAPTER Ii.--Confucius said : "When<br />


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