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XV, xxvIi, XXVIIL TIlE ANALECTS, not to find out the cause of popular like or dislike may leave the mind darkened by prejudice. L. Whefl the multitude hate a man, it is necessary to examine into the ease etc. Z. Si multitudo odit quempiam, omnino examinandus etc. K. When a man is unpopular it is necessary to find out why people hate him. Couv. Quand la haine ou la faveur s'attache A un homme, il faut examiner sa conduite, avant de juger s'il est digne etc. CHAPTER XXVIII.--A MAN BROADENS HIS PATHS, NOT HIS PATHS tlIM.----This aphorism sententious and apparently fallacious has a sense in which it may be true. Mere principles are dead things without inherent vitalising power ; the power is in the living man, never in the principle. Another version might read : " It is the man who can magnify his ways, not his ways that magnify him." C. P_2__ _J _ _:_ 4J_, To broaden and enlarge, develop. By j_ is meant ru'le of right living, religion, and in this sense C. says )_ #_ ,_, _ _ _,']._t_ J_, Jl_ 51"(i_ JV 3.; .]_ -I_, Apart from the man there is no such tiling as tao (path of duty), and apart from lao there is no such thing as the man ; but the mind of man is sentient, while the inanimate body tao is incapable of action, fllerefore, etc. L. A man can enlarge the princi- ples wlzict_ he follows ; those principles do not enlarge the man. Z. Homo potest amplificare doctlinam etc. K It is the man that can make his religion, or the principles he professes great etc. Couv. L'homme peut .d_velopper et pertectionner ses vertus naturelles ; les vertus natureIles ne rera:lent pas l'homme parfait (s'il ne fait aucun effort). 754

THE ANALECT:5. XV. xxvll, XXVIII0 A _L A n gate the cause; and though all like him, one must also investigate the cause." CHAPTER XXVIII.--The Master said' "A man can enlarge his principles; it is no_ his principles that enlarge the man." 755

THE ANALECT:5. XV. xxvll, XXVIII0<br />

A<br />

_L A<br />

n<br />

gate the cause; and though all like him, one<br />

must also investigate the cause."<br />

CHAPTER XXVIII.--The Master said'<br />

"A man can enlarge his principles; it is no_<br />

his principles that enlarge the man."<br />


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