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Ill._The Analects.<br />

Their History and Authenticity.<br />

"The Confucian Classics are generalty spoken of as the<br />

Four Books and Five Canons. I_! _ _ _.$., The Four<br />

Books, as already stated, are the Lun Y'fi _i_ _, or<br />

Discourses, commonly called the Analects ; the Ta Hs/ieh,<br />

_ or Great Learning; the Chung Yung, @ )_, or<br />

Doctrine of the Mean ; and the Book of Mencius, i_ -_,<br />

The Five Canons are the Yi Ching _ _, or Book of<br />

Changes; the Shu Ching _: _t_, or Book of History;<br />

the Ssfi Ching _ ,_, or Book of Poetry, otherwise the<br />

Odes; the Li Chi _[ _,, or Record of Rites; and the<br />

Ch'un Ch'iu _ :_/_, or Spring and Autumn Annals, a<br />

history of the State of Lu.<br />

Of the Four Books the Analects, in their present form,<br />

are probably the work of disciples of the Sage's disciples.<br />

The Gleat Learning, so far as its text is concerned, is<br />

accJedited to the stylus of Confucius, and its commentary<br />

to that of his ablest surviving disciple Ts6ng Tzu _ _v_,<br />

It forms chapter 42 of the Record of Rites, but is also<br />

treated as a separate work. The Doctrine of the Mean,<br />

which we might for short call the Golden Mean. is attributed<br />

to Tsfi Ssfi 7__ ,_,, i.e. :_[, _ a grandson of the<br />

Sage. Like the Great Learning it forms part of the<br />

Record of Rites, cap. 43, but is also treated as a separate<br />

work. The Book of Mencius is accredited to Mencius<br />

himself, or at least to one of his most intimate disciples.<br />

These then form the Four Book,s,. In the seventh century

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