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XVo I, II. THE ANALECT$o<br />

have never studied the arts of war. Couv. l'art de ranger<br />

les arm6es en bataille. On m'a enseign6 de ranger le.n<br />

supports et les vases de bois etc ; je n'ai pas appris _ commander<br />

Ies arm6es.<br />

2. [_ was a smallcountrybetween _ and _ to which<br />

Confucius was proceeding;see XI. 2, also Introduction.<br />

Cut off, deprived of. C. _1_, _ O__, Arise, stand<br />

up. L. When he was in Ch'in their provisions were ex-<br />

hausted etc. Z. intercepta annona; K. Their provi-<br />

sions failed them ....... so reduced that they could not proce-<br />

ed. Couv. (il [fit assi_g6 durant septjours, par ordre du<br />

prince), les vivres lui manqu&rent.<br />

3- ._ To interview. C. takes [] as _ -_ ][_] ;_f j_<br />

/_ The chfin-tzfi has indeed his straitened times, but qnotes<br />

_. z]_ approvingly who interprets by _] ,-_ _t_ _ keeps<br />

steadfast (in) his want. e with evident dissatisfaction<br />

said, Has the superior man likewise to endure in t,_is way ._<br />

may indeed have to endure want, but the mean man etc<br />

unbridled license. Z. indignationem prodens air : sapienti<br />

etiam accidit angustari ? sapiens certe angustatur, at etc<br />

statim diffuit. K. A wise and good man,--can he, too,<br />

be reduced to such distress ? Yes, etc, sometimes also<br />

meets etc, but ...... reckless. Couv. Le sage est il auss_<br />

expos6 a manquer de tout? ...... ne connait pas ptus aucune<br />

Ioi.<br />


--I. ][_ is --_ _', see Intro. V. J_[ --_ _ Take me to<br />

be. C. Tz_ Kung was noted for his multifarious know-<br />

ledge and retentive memory, bul_ Confucius wished to shew<br />

him the fundamental principle of teaming :---objective rather<br />


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