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XIV. xxxvlll, xx_x. THE ._ALEC'_<br />

meaner criminals in the market-place." L. having slandered<br />

etc. Our Master is certainly being led astray ...... still<br />

power enough to cut Leaou off, and expose his corpse etc.<br />

Z. accusaverat Tse Lou ...... dubitantem animum ......<br />

cadaver exponere in foro vel regia. K. slandered ......<br />

info_TmedChung Yu of it. Chung Yu afterwards in speaking<br />

of it to Conf., said "My Lord is being led astray etc.<br />

Couv. avait parl6 mal ...... a con_us des soupcons contre<br />

Tzeu Lu etc.<br />

2. J_ Is the Truth going to make progress? _<br />

_J_ What connection has he with what is ordained ?<br />

C. says, Even if Liao's injurious statements prevailed it<br />

was still Fate, and that Liao had really no power in the<br />

matter. L. If my principIes are to advance it is so<br />

ordered. What can Leaou do where such ordering is concerned?<br />

Z. rectam doctrinam acturam cursum necne,<br />

coetestis est decreti ....... ille quid ad coeli decretum. K.<br />

Whether or not I shall succeed in carrying out nay teaching<br />

among men depends upon the will of God. Couv. Si ma<br />

doctrine dolt suivre sa vole, c'est que le Ciel l'a d6eid6.<br />

Que peut faire L. contre les d6crets du Ciel ?<br />


MENT.--]_ is the same as _, In regard to the _<br />

C. quoting _ -_ says: 1_i a_ _1_ _ ::k: pb _<br />

,f ,g a$ A tho'<br />

the four are differentiated in rank they are not so in worth,<br />

for their experiences were unlike. And _- _ says the _._<br />

_ )Tj _/_ _ _¢_ _ _ ;_ _ _ The three "next'<br />

refer:to the degree of withdrawing, not to the degree of<br />

worth. (This may be so, but the natural interpretation<br />


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