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XIV. 'xv,x_x, xvl_. "I_'_IE ANALECTS, might be maintained, he returned to and held Fang, the strorghoId of his fief, and there requested the appointment of one of his h_brothers as successor. This being tantamount to a threh*cConfucius admits no merit in Wu Clmng, but a virtual threat of rebellion. The appointment of successor ought to have been left to grace of the Duke. _., _ _J ":_ -U!,o Demand, i.e. ask for it, with it clasped tightly under his arm,--forcing the Duke's hand. L. keeping possession of Fang ctc. to appoint a successor to him in his fami[ 2. Although it may be said that he was not using force with his sovereign, I believe he was. Z. quamvis dicat _e non coegisse ptincipem etc. K. Although it is said etc. did not use intimidation with his prince etc. Couv. II a beau dire qu'il n'a pas fait violence A son prince ; je n'ajoute pas foi _. son affirmation. CHAPTER XVI. -- CRAFTY AND NOT STRAIGHT.--C. _ 5[ 7_, name" Z_23_, B.C. 635- 627. _ }4 2-_, name _|_ 1_ B.C 683-64o. Both these barons during the _ _)_ period aggrandised the House of _ by territory taken from the barbarians. In reality neither of them was upright, _ ;_ ]E, but in his dealings with _ Duke Huan maintained his honour and his word and refused all treachery, hence -_ _ J>/ _, -J_ L_. this discrimination of their real characters. Cf. next clause. L Crafty and not upright. Z. rectus erat et non fraudulentus. K. a man of honour and without an2,, craftiness. Couv. _tait fourbe et manquait de droiture, etc. sans duplicitY. CHAPTER XII._TO LIVE FOR TItE STATE BETTER TftAN TO DIE FOR ITS PRINCE.--L 67o

.THE _NAI.ECTS. XlV. xv, xvI, xvll. + + S't. o Fang while he begged the Duke of Lu to appoint (his brother as) his successor. Al- though they say he did not coerce his Prince I do not believe it." CHAPTER XVI.--The Master said : " Duke W_n of Chin was double-dealing and dishonourable. Duke Huan of Ch'i was honourable and not double-dealing." CHAPTER XVII.--I. "When Duke Huan put to death his brother, Prince Chiu," 67I J

XIV. 'xv,x_x, xvl_. "I_'_IE ANALECTS,<br />

might be maintained, he returned to and held Fang, the<br />

strorghoId of his fief, and there requested the appointment<br />

of one of his h_brothers as successor. This being tantamount<br />

to a threh*cConfucius admits no merit in Wu Clmng,<br />

but a virtual threat of rebellion. The appointment of successor<br />

ought to have been left to grace of the Duke. _.,<br />

_ _J ":_ -U!,o Demand, i.e. ask for it, with it clasped<br />

tightly under his arm,--forcing the Duke's hand. L.<br />

keeping possession of Fang ctc. to appoint a successor to<br />

him in his fami[ 2. Although it may be said that he was<br />

not using force with his sovereign, I believe he was. Z.<br />

quamvis dicat _e non coegisse ptincipem etc. K. Although<br />

it is said etc. did not use intimidation with his prince etc.<br />

Couv. II a beau dire qu'il n'a pas fait violence A son<br />

prince ; je n'ajoute pas foi _. son affirmation.<br />


STRAIGHT.--C. _ 5[ 7_, name" Z_23_, B.C. 635-<br />

627. _ }4 2-_, name _|_ 1_ B.C 683-64o. Both<br />

these barons during the _ _)_ period aggrandised the<br />

House of _ by territory taken from the barbarians. In<br />

reality neither of them was upright, _ ;_ ]E, but in his<br />

dealings with _ Duke Huan maintained his honour and<br />

his word and refused all treachery, hence -_ _ J>/ _, -J_<br />

L_. this discrimination of their real characters. Cf. next<br />

clause. L Crafty and not upright. Z. rectus erat et<br />

non fraudulentus. K. a man of honour and without an2,,<br />

craftiness. Couv. _tait fourbe et manquait de droiture,<br />

etc. sans duplicitY.<br />




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