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XIII. m, xv. THE AN_.ECTS.<br />

dolt &re trait6e d'apr6s la signification du nora etc. Dans<br />

le choix des noms il est trks attentif.<br />


THAN ROYAL FARMING.--1. _[_ _, See Intro.<br />

V. It is supposed that he was in office at this time.<br />

C. _." _ _/_ El _Jj_,,_t_ i_ _ El l_lo Corn growing<br />

is called farming, vegetable growing kitchen gardening.<br />

L. husbandry. I am not so good for that etc. husband-<br />

man ...... gardener. Z. ego baud par veterano agricolae<br />

...... nee tanti ac veteranus olitor. K. For that etc.<br />

farmer ...... gardener. Couv. Un vieux laboureur vous<br />

l'enseignerait mieux que moi ...... jardinier etc.<br />

2. C. :]" Jk-_ _ R:o A plebeian; L. A small<br />

man indeed. Z. vulgarem hominem. K, a petty-minded<br />

man. Couv. l'esprit petit.<br />

3. Note the parallels fl_, _, _, _1_, _, _] {1_,.<br />

_l]_, might be translated ' a like spirit.' C. defines it by<br />

_[_ Sincerity. _ _ _/J][_ _ J._ ,_ :]_ _<br />

_i_ :_., A piece 9 f cloth with tapes attached for tying a<br />

child on the back,--as is still in vogue. L If a superior<br />

man love propriety, the people will not dare not to be<br />

reverent ...... righteousness ....... submit to hzs exat_ple .......<br />

good faith ...... sincere. Now, when these things obtain,<br />

the people from all quarters will come to him ....... what<br />

need has he etc. Z. si superior amet ritus, tunc populi<br />

nemo audebit non revereri ;........ .jusfitiam ......... acquiescere<br />

;...... sinceritatem ...... adhibere voluntatem ...... populi<br />

fasciatos gestabunt suos infantes et accurent. K. When<br />

tim rulers etc. encourage education and good manners the<br />

.people will never fail in reslx_t ...... encourage the love of<br />


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