
0444_Bk 0444_Bk


XIII. m. THE ANALECTS. Now, if names of things are not properly defined, words will not correspond to facts ...... impossible to perfect anything. Couv Si les noms ne conviennent pas aux choses, il y a confusion dans la langage etc. 6. Oct is a verb. _ fi)i: _ etc. have nowhere to put hand or foot. _ _ _ J_: ;_ _ _.. _f_ _ _. _|l 7_ _ _, Li is order, Yo is harmony. L. When etc. proprieties and music will not flourish ...... punishments will not be properly awarded ...... the people do not know how to move hand or foot. Z. si etc. tunc res non perfic[entur ; ...... officia et harmonia non florebunt ;...... supplicia et poenae non quadrabunt ;...... populus non habet ubi ponat manus et pedes. K. Where etc. the arts and institutions of civilization cannot flourish; ...... law and justice cannot attain their ends ;...... people will be at a loss to know what to do. Couv ....... les choses ne s'fix_cutent pas....... les biens_ances et l'harmonie sont n_glig_es ....... les supplices et les autres chitiments if&ant plus proportionn_s aux fautes ...... ne salt plus oh mettre la main nile pied. 7" Had Tzfi Lu attended to the discrimination of Con- fucius he would not have sacrificed his life for an unworthy master. L. necessary that the names he uses may be spoken appropriately ....... carried out appropriately ...... just that in his words there may be nothing incorrect. Z. Ideo sapiens princeps quod nominat, certe decent denominari; ...... peragi ...... nihil habet quod temere sit, idque totum est. K. can always specify whatever he names; ...... carry out ...... makes it a point to be always exact in the words he uses. Couv. Un prince sage donne aux choses les noms qui leur conviennent, et chaque chose 6IO

THE ANALECTS. XIlI m, o accord, then business is not properly executed; 6. when business is not properly executed, order and harmony do not flourish; when order and harmony do not flourish, then justice becomes arbitrary; and when justice becomes arbitrary the people do not know how to move hand or foot. 7. Hence whatever a wise man denominates he can ahvays definitely state, and what he so states he can always carry into practice, for the wise man will on no account have anything remiss in his definitions." 611


Now, if names of things are not properly defined, words<br />

will not correspond to facts ...... impossible to perfect<br />

anything. Couv Si les noms ne conviennent pas aux<br />

choses, il y a confusion dans la langage etc.<br />

6. Oct is a verb. _ fi)i: _ etc. have nowhere to put<br />

hand or foot. _ _ _ J_: ;_ _ _.. _f_ _ _. _|l<br />

7_ _ _, Li is order, Yo is harmony. L. When etc.<br />

proprieties and music will not flourish ...... punishments will<br />

not be properly awarded ...... the people do not know how<br />

to move hand or foot. Z. si etc. tunc res non perfic[entur<br />

; ...... officia et harmonia non florebunt ;...... supplicia<br />

et poenae non quadrabunt ;...... populus non habet ubi<br />

ponat manus et pedes. K. Where etc. the arts and<br />

institutions of civilization cannot flourish; ...... law and<br />

justice cannot attain their ends ;...... people will be at a loss<br />

to know what to do. Couv ....... les choses ne s'fix_cutent<br />

pas....... les biens_ances et l'harmonie sont n_glig_es ....... les<br />

supplices et les autres chitiments if&ant plus proportionn_s<br />

aux fautes ...... ne salt plus oh mettre la main nile pied.<br />

7" Had Tzfi Lu attended to the discrimination of Con-<br />

fucius he would not have sacrificed his life for an unworthy<br />

master. L. necessary that the names he uses may be<br />

spoken appropriately ....... carried out appropriately ......<br />

just that in his words there may be nothing incorrect.<br />

Z. Ideo sapiens princeps quod nominat, certe decent<br />

denominari; ...... peragi ...... nihil habet quod temere sit,<br />

idque totum est. K. can always specify whatever he<br />

names; ...... carry out ...... makes it a point to be always<br />

exact in the words he uses. Couv. Un prince sage donne<br />

aux choses les noms qui leur conviennent, et chaque chose<br />


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