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XlII. m, THE ANALECTS.<br />

Apparently however he put no obstacle in the way of his<br />

disciples accepting service, for at this time Duke Ch'uh<br />

had already ruled for nine years. L. What is necessary<br />

is to rectify names. Z. quod potissimum, nonne reformate<br />

appellationem ? K. If I must begin, I would<br />

begin by defining the names of things. Couv. A rendre<br />

/Lchaque chose son vrai nora.<br />

3" ;_f J_ _J_., Is this sol or, Well, really! You<br />

are a long way from the point, Sir. What has that<br />

correcting to do with the matter. C. i_, _ _ _.<br />

_I_, _" _ "_ [:] 2:_ ,_; _j: "_-Lo Far from the matter'<br />

i.e., not an affair of immediate urgency. L So, indeed!<br />

You are wide of the mark! Why must there be such<br />

rectification ? Z. estne ita ? magister digreditur ; quorsum<br />

haec reformatio ? K. Oh! really, but you are too<br />

impractical. What has definition of names to do here.<br />

Couv. I_2st-ce raisonnable? Maitre, vous vous 6garez<br />

loin du but. A quoi cette rf_orme des noms?<br />

4. _l_ Cf. II. 18. "-_ _ _ll 4Jr thereupon is reserved-like.<br />

L. How etc A superior man etc, shows a<br />

cautious reserve. Z. quam rusticus iste Yeou ! Sapiens<br />

etc. quippe omittentis instar. K. Sir, you l_ave really no<br />

manners. A gentleman, when he hears etc. will always<br />

wait for an explanation. Couv. Que Lou est grossierl<br />

Un homme sage se garde de dire ou de faire ce qu'i[ ne<br />

sait pas.<br />

5. L If names be not correct, language is not fn<br />

accordance with the truth of things. If etc. affairs cannot<br />

be carried on to success. Z. Si titulus non sit rectus,<br />

tunc appellat/o non probatur ;...... res non perficientur. K_<br />


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