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if|and depressed,* educinga querulousremai'kfloraTz_<br />

Lu, XV. I, but the Master maintained a cheerful courage<br />

throughout, even playing on his lute and singing. It is<br />

probably this time of peril he recalls, in the lament of his<br />

old age that none of his companions of that period were<br />

now left to him. XI. 2.<br />

After remaining in Ts'ai a year or so, he proceeded to<br />

another barony overshadowed by Ch'u named She _<br />

whose i'uler had unlawfully assumed the title of duke. In<br />

an interview with Tz_ Lu the "duke i' asked what sort of<br />

a man his Master was, to which question Tz_ Lu either<br />

found no reply, or disdained an answer. VII. i8. When<br />

this same duke enquired of Confucius the art of government<br />

he replied, that it was so to ameliorate the lot of<br />

one's own people that others would be attracted from afar.<br />

XIII. ,6, see also i8.<br />

The two episodes of the recluses recorded in XVIII, 6,<br />

7, _tre said to have occurred while on his return to Ts'ai.<br />

tn one of these Confucius gives utterance to the wise<br />

sentiment, that man is not meant to herd with birds and<br />

beasts but with mankind, and that it is only in times of<br />

decadence that a Reformer is needed and finds his work.<br />

The ruler of the great State of Ch'u, whose name was<br />

Chao 1_, and who styled himself King, _ • interested in<br />

the presence of so distinguished a Philosopher within'lais<br />

domain, sent an invitation to him to visit his Court, Which<br />

was at the modern I Ch'eng hsien _1[ J_ I_, in Hsiang<br />

Chutz_ observes that this must 'ha_e occurred, l_etween Wei and<br />

C.h'en, and not in the domain of Ch'u.-

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