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XlL xxI, x_dl. Tl_Ilg ANALE_'_<br />

a good question: If doing what is to be done be made the<br />

first business, and success a secondary consideration etc.<br />

To assail one's own wickedness and not etc. For a morn-<br />

ing's anger to disregard one's own life, and involve that of<br />

his parents etc: Z. -o pulchram questionem : antehabere<br />

• actus, posthabere acquisitionem etc. ? impugnare sua vitia,<br />

non veto etc. ? ob unius mane iram, oblivisci suam perso-<br />

ham et usque ad suos parentes etc. ? K. Make it a ru'.e<br />

to work for it before you accept anything as your own etc.<br />

Make it a habit to assail your own vices and failings before<br />

etc. lose his temper and forget himself of a morning etc.<br />

Couv. Quelle excellent question! Avoir en vue la pratique<br />

plut6t que la possession de ta vertu etc. ? Faire la<br />

guerre _tses propres d6fauts, et non etc. ? Dans un mo-<br />

•ment de col6re, mettre en danger sa vie et celle de ses<br />

parents n'est-ce pas illusion ?<br />


LEDGE OF MEN.--I. C. _. Jk {_%;_ _,, _ ]k<br />

_,0 _ _J:, Philanthropy is altruism in practice, know-<br />

ledge of men the objective of knowledge. L. benevolence,<br />

It is love to all men. Z. de humanitate ; amare alios.<br />

de prudentia ; nosse alios. K. The moral life of a man<br />

consists in loving men. Understanding consists in understanding<br />

men. Couv. d'humanit6. Elle consiste /Laimer<br />

les hommes, la prudence ...... _, connMtre les hommes.<br />

2. # ]_ says that Fan Ch'ih misapprehended, thinking<br />

the _ )k was general NI_ and the _[) )'_. special _,<br />

two opposites. L did not immediately understand.<br />

3. Cf. II" 19. C. J_ii_ _ _i_;i_ J_ll f_,-, _E<br />

:_ i1_]t_1_ _, To promote the upright etc. is wisdom;<br />


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