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XII. xl, xJ_. T_m ANAI.]ECTS.<br />

low it, with the result that his successor was not appointed,<br />

and the way was opened to _ _ both for regicide and<br />

usurpation. ,_ was the Duke's posthumous tire. L.<br />

7here is government, when etc. Good! If indeed the<br />

prince etc. although I have my revenue can I enjoy it ? Z.<br />

heu sane! revera si princeps non sit princeps etc. licet<br />

praesto sit annona, num ego potero frui ? K. It is very<br />

true. Indeed, if a prince is not a prince etc.--even though<br />

I had my revenue, how should I enjoy it ? Couv. Tr_s<br />

bien. En effect, si le prince ne remplit passes devoirs de<br />

prince, quand m_me les grains ne manqueraient pas, pourrais-je<br />

en avoir pour vivre ?<br />


PROMPT ACTION.--I. This reads likea remark made<br />

after Tzfi Lu's death. The absence of tenses is a great loss<br />

to the Chinese language. C. _ _'_ -_ -_'_ Half a<br />

word, or phrase. _:_ _ 0__ To snap, break, decide.<br />

_ _ ._ _ _., His sincerity and acuteness made<br />

men submit to his decisions without waiting for him to<br />

finish speaking. L Ah ! it is ¥u, who could with half a<br />

word settle litigations ! Z. qui dimidio verbo possit dirimere<br />

lites etc. K. One who can settle a dispute with half<br />

a sentence. Couv. homme A terminer un procds en disant<br />

un seal mot.<br />

2. It is interpreted in the sense of fulfilling, not giving, a<br />

promise. C. _:t_ _ _ Delay. ,_ ]/_ _---_ In<br />

haste to fulfil his promises. This is said to be _ecorded to<br />

shew why Tz_ Lu's decisions were not disputed. L.Z. IC<br />

idem. Couv. exdcutait ses promesses sans retard.<br />


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