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XZ. yJv,XV.- THE ANALHCTS.<br />

the borders of nobility ot character, but had not yet gone<br />

deeply into the finer parts thereof. _., The main hall,<br />

the rooms. L. began not to respect etc. Yu has<br />

ascended to the hall, though he has not yet passed into the<br />

inner apartments. Z. exinde non reverentibus etc. ascendit<br />

aulam,.nondum introivit in penetralia, K. began to<br />

look down upon etc. entered the gate, but not the house.<br />

Couv. con_urent du m6pris pour etc. d6jA mont6 au temple<br />

de |a sagesse :...... pas encore p6n6tr6 dans le sanctuaire.<br />


EQUIVALENT.--I. g_i is _ _J_ and _ is 2_ _ vide<br />

Intro. V. C. _ g_ _ N ,_._.,N_:_.i_<br />

*_ _t _*_ Shih was of"greater talent, with wider interests<br />

and found of taking risks, hence he constantly went beyond<br />

the line. zF _ _ {_ _ -_f, g_j _J_ ]t_ {_ [_-, i_ _I_<br />

;_ _,., Shang was simpler, more circumspect, and of<br />

"narrower mould, hence he constantly failed to reach the<br />

line. I.. was the superior. Z. sapientior. K. the better<br />

man. Couv. le plus sage.<br />

2. C. :_ _ 11_ t1_ Surpass. L. Then the<br />

superiority is with Shih, I suppose. Z. si ita, tunc Che<br />

praecellit, nonne ? K. the first man is better than the last.<br />

Couv. D'apr_s cela, Cheu l'emporte-t-il sur Chang ?<br />

3..C, _ _ gi_ 1_ ;_ _ N, Tao deems the<br />

golden mean the highest exceUence. L. To go beyond is<br />

as wrong as to fall short. Z. excedere aeque est ac non<br />

pertingere. K. To go beyond tl_e mark is just as bad as<br />

not to come up to it, Couv. Dtpasser les limites n'est pas<br />

: up. moLrtdred6faut que de rester en-decfi.<br />

,. 528<br />


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