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_. VITI. _ A_ALEC'I"S.<br />

J_ El _. Decaying, putrid. _[. _ _] _[_ _ ;_ _.<br />

Under or overcooked. 7[K 1_. _ _ _ ]_. _ _ 5_<br />

_ _o Immature. L. injured by heat and damp<br />

and turned sour, nor fish or flesh ...... gone. He did not<br />

eat what was discoloured ....... bad flavour ....... ill-cooked,<br />

...... not in season. Z. Oryzam mucidam etc. piscem putrescentem<br />

etc. vitiose preparata etc. nondum matura non<br />

edebat. K. unwholesome colour ...... flavour; spoilt in<br />

cooking ....... out of its season. Couv ..... un mets qui<br />

n'6tait pa$ cult convenablement, nitm fruit ...... pas assez<br />

mfir.<br />

3. L ...... meat ...... not cut properly ...... without its<br />

proper sauce. Z ....... non instructa suo embammate etc.<br />

K. not properly Cut...... proper sauces. Couv. coup6<br />

d'une marti_re r6guli_re ...... pas 6t6 assaisolm6 avec la<br />

sauce convenable.<br />

4. NotelX. xs. C._ _ _[_. iti_[_ _[_ _<br />

J_t ,_ _j_, Grain being man's staple rood etc _ _<br />

]_ Wine is for man's exhilaration _o he did not stint<br />

it, barfing only intoxication and confusion. L Though<br />

_aere might be a large quantity of meat ....... not allow .....<br />

exceed the due proportion of the rice ...... laid down _o<br />

finfit for hirasdf, ...... not ...... confused by it. 7_,. ...... ut<br />

excederent oryzae succum; ..... quin deviniret ad turbationema.<br />

I( ....... exceed a du¢ proportion to the rice he<br />

took ...... tinfit ....... excess. Couv ..... pas ph!s tie viande<br />

q_te de nourriture v6g&ale ..... pas d&ermin_e ...... jasqu'A<br />

lui troubler la raison.<br />

s. c. A L ey o d<br />


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