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IX. xxm-x_w. T_ _.a_crs. compellantis verba ....... at perpendere etc. K. If you speak to a man in the _trict words of the law, he will probably agree with you ....... change his conduct. If you speak to a man in parables, he will probably be pleased with your story ....... apply the moral to "himself. Couv. Peut-on fernaer l'oreille A un avis juste et sincere. Mais l'e_ential c'est de se corriger. Un avis dov,n6 doucemcnt et adroitement etc. ? Mais il faut surtout le m6diter. Je n'ai"rien _ faire d'un homme q.ui aime l.es avis etc. CHAPTER XXIV.--Vide I. viii. CHAPTER XX.V.--THE INVIOLABII,ITY OF THE WIL_L.--' Convince a man against hi_ will, He's of the same opinion still.' For Z _ see V/I, l o ; _ carry off, _'ob; 1_ 5_ one of the commonalty; _ Will, convictions. L. The commander of the forces of a large State may be carried off, but the will etc. cannot be taken from him. Z ....... eripi d ux ; privato cuilibet tton potest auferri mentis propositum. K. The general of an army may be carried off,.." robbed of his free will. Couv. On peut enlev_er de force ...... g6tx6rat en chef; ii est impossible d'arracher de force au moindre particulier sa determination de prat2quer la verta. CHAPTER XXVI.--TZO LU'S NONCHAL- ANCE.--I. _ verb, Clad in. C. _'J_ 4]g_ Worn oat _, _i_ _ _I_, Wadded with hemp. A _ is a wadded robe, and a hemp-wadded robe was _ ;

._a.v. 4- o TFIE ANALE._ IX. xsHt-xxvi. assent without amendment,--for such men I can do nothing- whatever." CHAPTER' XXIV.--The Master said" :' Make conscientiousness and sincerity your leading principles. Have no friel?ds inferior to yourself. And when In the wrong, do not hesitate to amend." CHAPTER XXV.--The Master said: "You may rob a three corps army of its commander-in-chief, but you cannot rob even a common man of his will."' CHAPTER XXVI.--_I. The Master said" "Wearing a shabby, hemp-quilted robe, and standing by others dressed in fox and 453

IX. xxm-x_w. T_ _.a_crs.<br />

compellantis verba ....... at perpendere etc. K. If you<br />

speak to a man in the _trict words of the law, he will probably<br />

agree with you ....... change his conduct. If you<br />

speak to a man in parables, he will probably be pleased<br />

with your story ....... apply the moral to "himself. Couv.<br />

Peut-on fernaer l'oreille A un avis juste et sincere. Mais<br />

l'e_ential c'est de se corriger. Un avis dov,n6 doucemcnt<br />

et adroitement etc. ? Mais il faut surtout le m6diter. Je<br />

n'ai"rien _ faire d'un homme q.ui aime l.es avis etc.<br />

CHAPTER XXIV.--Vide I. viii.<br />


THE WIL_L.--' Convince a man against hi_ will, He's of<br />

the same opinion still.' For Z _ see V/I, l o ; _ carry<br />

off, _'ob; 1_ 5_ one of the commonalty; _ Will, convictions.<br />

L. The commander of the forces of a large<br />

State may be carried off, but the will etc. cannot be taken<br />

from him. Z ....... eripi d ux ; privato cuilibet tton potest<br />

auferri mentis propositum. K. The general of an army<br />

may be carried off,.." robbed of his free will. Couv.<br />

On peut enlev_er de force ...... g6tx6rat en chef; ii est impossible<br />

d'arracher de force au moindre particulier sa<br />

determination de prat2quer la verta.<br />


ANCE.--I. _ verb, Clad in. C. _'J_ 4]g_ Worn<br />

oat _, _i_ _ _I_, Wadded with hemp. A _ is a<br />

wadded robe, and a hemp-wadded robe was _ ;

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