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IX. _, xA¢!xv_L ' __8_h_h,,._,.<br />

ministers and noble&b ..... in all duties to the _lead, not to<br />

dare not to exert one'_ _elf, and not to be overc_pe of wine ;_<br />

which one do I attain to ? Z ....... non fled vino obrutus ;<br />

ista _ui ex_nt in _e ? K- In p4blic life etc. in _rivate<br />

life...... to the members of one's family ; in performing the<br />

last _ffices to the dead etc. ; and in using W!lae....... resist<br />

the temptation of taking it to excess,--which ...... been able<br />

to d,o? Cotw. H_ de la paaison, remplir rues d_oirs<br />

etc., gt la maison etc ....... 6viter l'ivresse; ces quatres<br />

m6t_._ se trouvent-il_ en moi<br />

GHAPTER XVt.--SIC TRANStT.--Cf. Menc. 1V.<br />

c.<br />

_], _ _, The revolqfions of Nature are unbroken<br />

and I_nceasing in their progressive changes,--they are the<br />

external phenomena of Tao, and their simples_t illustration<br />

is that df a flowing stream. The moral is that _]_ _ It_<br />

1_ /1_ _, the lfaLner ._ltotlld b_ cQn_tantly ._]ert,--ne_re r<br />

b(e_king down for a hairs=breadth of time. _. _ says<br />

this is the nature of Tao ....... the days go and the months<br />

come, the cold goes and the heat comes, the water flows<br />

unceasing and things are hrol4glat ff_tfl _xistence _an_x.-<br />

h_ustedly. C. _ays this and the rest of the _ook are an<br />

incen.tive to diligence. L. It passes on just like this, not<br />

ceasing etc. Z. transeuntes ita! non cessant etc. K.<br />

H_W all tb_ing_il_nature are passing away even like this<br />

etc. Couv_ Tant _ cgmme cetW ¢au, _ _m_'_,rr_t¢<br />

etc.<br />


a pretty face, the fair sex, sensual desire. C. quoting<br />

_!_'i '--'"1

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