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tion of true happiness, and this Virtue is to be attained<br />

thtough the energy of tile individual will.<br />

But the aim of Confucius was not so much the renovation<br />

of file individual as the renovation of the State, his<br />

mind and object was ethieo-political, his desire the renais-<br />

sance of the golden age of antiquity through a return to<br />

the virtue of those Arcadian days. Hence, as already<br />

remarked, the Prince as Father of his people, must take<br />

the lead, and as the rivers that make fruitful the land take<br />

their rise on the mountain tops, so moral renovation must<br />

begin at the summit of the State. Alas! the mountain<br />

tops were waterless, and what our Sage was able to pour<br />

upon them rapidly distilled in so rare a moral atmosphere,<br />

for if the rich shall hardly enter into the realm of moral<br />

nobility, how much less shall Princes, degenerating generation<br />

by generation through the allurements of luxury and<br />

lust, be able to filter the vitalising waters of moral chastity<br />

to the shrivelled souls of their people? On these arid<br />

heights Confucius failed, for even in his own State, when<br />

the indications were most hopeful of success, the eighty<br />

singing girls of Wei _, proved more potent than the<br />

virtue of the Sage, and in the end it was in the hearts of<br />

his poorer disciples that his doctrines found their early and<br />

more hardy growth, rather than in the Courts of the great.<br />

Though failure dogged his wandering footsteps while<br />

with men, his philosophy wa_ not allowed to die, and<br />

notwithstanding that it has never satisfied the people at<br />

large, as witness the. success of Taoism and Buddhism, it<br />

appeals to the conservative and educated element/'and<br />

has become both the base and summit of Chinese religion

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