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IX. v_ VL THE ANALECT_.<br />

enlightenment I should not have been associated with it;<br />

since I am associated therewith it is evident it is not to be<br />

ended, and since etc. the K'uang people-cannot go against<br />

the will of Heaven. L. If Heaven had wished to let the<br />

cause of truth perish, then I, a future mortal, should not<br />

have got such a relation etc. Z. Si coelum deleturum<br />

fuisset hunt apparatum, posterus mortalis non obtinuissem<br />

participate etc. illi ad me quid ? K. _f God is going to<br />

destroy all civilization in the world, it would not have been<br />

given to a mortal of this late generation to understand this<br />

civilization etc. Couv. Si le ciet avait voulu que la<br />

doctrine disparfit de la terre, il ne l'aurait pas confi_e apr4s<br />

la mort de Wenn wang etc.<br />


OF VARIED TALENTS.--g,_g, A sage, or man divine-<br />

ly htspired.<br />

I. C. The :Z_ _ was the Chief Minister of _ or<br />

_o;]_g_ J_A _ _ _ _ O__, He thought a variety<br />

of ability necessary to sagehood. L May we not<br />

say that your Master is a Sage? How various is his<br />

ability! Z. Summus gubernator etc. magister nonne<br />

sanctus ? Quam ille multa callet ! K...he is a holy man,<br />

s he not? What a variety of acquirements he seems to<br />

possess. Couv. Le premier ministre ...... est-il un sage<br />

parfait? Que d'arts lui sont familiers !<br />

2. C. _, _ t_. L_, Prodigal, _" ;:_ _ _¢ ;_<br />

t1_, it means without limit. _f_ _'_ _, _ _ 2_ _[_ _ll<br />

;_ _ 011 the verge off--as if modesty forbade him to<br />

recognise it L. Certainly Heaven has endowed him<br />

unlimitedly. He is about a sage. And, moreover, his<br />


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