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VIII. x, m. THE ANALECTS. CHAPTER X.--DRIVEN TO DESPERATION.-- C. _ _j, ]]_ :;_ _ _, ll_[ _-_, flz _, The daring who are not content with their lot will rebel. " _ :_ {::: push their dislike of illdoers so as to leave no place for them, drive them to rebel. L The man who is fond etc. dissatisfied with poverty, will proceed to insubordination. So will the man who is not virtuous, _llen you carry your dislike of him to an extreme. Z. amator fortitudinis aegre ferens paupertatem, perturbator erit ; si quis etc. et adverseris illi jam nimis etc. K. A man of courage who hates to be poor will be sure to commit crime. A man without moral characte r, if too much hated etc. Couv. Celui qui aime _t montrer de la bravoure ...... d6sordre. Si ...... se volt trop d6test6, il tombera etc. CHAPTER XI.--PRIDE AND PARSIMONY CO- VER A MULTITUDE OF VIRTUES.--Or, His other qualities are not enough to look at. C. _ _)_ _ _1_ ]_ _ _ _.- means the excellence of his wisdom, ability, and skill, lj_ _ _ff Boastful. _ _[_ _ s_ Mean, stingy. _ _' takes_ as Ca _ if, _upposing._ -_ says : If he have Duke Chou's _ he could neither be vain nor mean, but if he only had Chou's _ etc. _And agMn, Jj_ _j_ _1_ _ _ _ Chiao is excess of spirit, lin deficiency. But Chu Tzfi notes their connection lj_ being the fruit ot the tree :_, Hence too _ _- Jj_ _ :_, :_ ]_j _ Jj_ _-_ -I!_, they are always found together. L. Though a man have abilities ...... yet if he be proud and niggardly, those other things are really not woith being looked at. Z. "si habeas ...... dotum splen- 396

THEANA_CTS. VIII. x, Jw + - + CHAPTER X.--The Master said:- "Love of daring and resentment of poverty drive men to desperate deeds ; and men who lack moral character will be driven to similar deeds it resentment of them be carried too far." CHAPTER XI.--The Master said:-- "tf a man have gifts as admirable as those 397

THEANA_CTS. VIII. x, Jw<br />

+<br />

- +<br />

CHAPTER X.--The Master said:-<br />

"Love of daring and resentment of poverty<br />

drive men to desperate deeds ; and men who<br />

lack moral character will be driven to similar<br />

deeds it resentment of them be carried too<br />

far."<br />

CHAPTER XI.--The Master said:--<br />

"tf a man have gifts as admirable as those<br />


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