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VIII. vl, vH. T_IE ANALECrS. CHAPTER VI.--WHOM NO TEMPTATION SHAKES.--C. takes 2_ ability, as the text, other commentators include both _ and _ which, when above the ordinary, connote a _ -_, Re 7_ _ ;_ _t_ the ancient is said to be only 7.4 of the present foot, so fl_ would be 4.44 feet at the present day, representing fifteen years of age, every J_ making a difference of five years in age. A hundred li was the dominion of a 7_k or Men. V. 2.2. Re [_ ;k g_f C. says _ _f _ _[_ /_ _ _ _iJ _ i*l _]_, An emergency involving his life, and yet unshaken from his devotion. L Suppose that here is an individual who can be etc. and can be commissioned with authority etc. no emergency ...... drive from his principles ....... superior man? Z. cui possit committi sex palmorum pupillus, ...... et subeunfi magnum discrimen adhuc non possit eripi, is sapiens vir ? K. .A man who could Ix; depended on when the life of an orphan prince ...... or the safety of a kingdom ....... not in any great emergency betray his trnst,--such a man I would c_Ita gentleman. Couv ....... peut confier la tuteUe d'un jeune prince ....... et le gouvernement d'un ]_tat....... au monmnt d'un grande trouble ou d'une r6volution, reste fidb_lea son devoir ;...... un sage. CHAPTER VIL--A HEAVY LOAD AND A LONG WAY.--Cf. Ars longa, vim brevis. I, C. _1_ J_ tlg breadth, c_paciousness. ]t_ _ _ t_ Endurance, fortitude. _J_ i]_ _ l_ _ _-_ _2 etc. without capacity he cannot bear the burden. L. The Scholar ...... breadth of mind and vigorous endurance. His burden is lmavy and his course is long. Z, litterati neclueunt, quin

THEANALECTS. VIII. w, vu. CHAPTER V I--Ts4ng Tzh said:- "The man to whom one could entrust a young orphan prince and delegate the com- mand over a hundred li, yet whom the advent of no emergency, however great, could shake,--would he be a man of the nobler order ? Of the nobler order he would certainly be." CHAPTER VII.--I. Ts4ng Tzfa said :-- "The scholar may not be without capacity 39x

THEANALECTS. VIII. w, vu.<br />

CHAPTER V I--Ts4ng Tzh said:-<br />

"The man to whom one could entrust a<br />

young orphan prince and delegate the com-<br />

mand over a hundred li, yet whom the<br />

advent of no emergency, however great,<br />

could shake,--would he be a man of the<br />

nobler order ? Of the nobler order he would<br />

certainly be."<br />

CHAPTER VII.--I. Ts4ng Tzfa said :--<br />

"The scholar may not be without capacity<br />


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