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V. '$_, II. .THE ANALF.C'I_<br />

M_ng Pi. C. ::_ ]l_, _ *__,_ _] means he would c_rtainly<br />

find employme_, _-]_ _]__ _ _" _-f, ]_ _<br />

_ _ 1_, _ _ _-,_ _]: S_L, because he was<br />

guarded in speech ancl .action he would be employed in the<br />

periods of order and escape evil in times of disorder. In<br />

repudiating the view that Conf. chose an inferior spouse for<br />

his own daaaghter out of respect to his elder bro', _ :_says<br />

that such ideas :derogate from the dignity of the Sage,<br />

who was independent of any such _ _ fear of misunder-<br />

s_nding. L. not .be out of office....... escape punishment<br />

and disgrace. Z. non [ejicietur ....... evadet a poenis et<br />

nece: K. he"_ ill not be neglected ....... escape persecution.<br />

Couv. " aurait toujours une charge ; ..... il saurait, ([_ar sa<br />

circonspection), _:happer aux tourments et A la peine<br />

capitale.<br />


Tzfi Chien v. Intro. V. ,_ the _te of Lu ;--altho'<br />

decadent it ._as stillnot destitute of men of honour, for<br />

otherwise how could Tzfi Chien have learnt to be hon-<br />

ourable? _/'J_ Such a man. C. Th= first:_ is ll_<br />

j_, ttfis man, the second is _ _ig this virtue. _J: _t_ $[Jt<br />

.1_ 1_ _l; _/it, He had respect to the worthy in<br />

choosing his friends, thereby perfecting his character.<br />

L. Of superior virtue is such a man! If there were not<br />

virtuous men in Lu, how could this man have acquired<br />

this character. Z. quantae sapientiae iste via-!. K. W:hat<br />

a wise m_d good man he is [ I wonder if there were no<br />

etc. how that n4an could have acqtlired the cha.racfer he<br />

has. Couv. Quelle sagesse ester/ cet homer,e! Si ...... ;<br />

n_av'4itpas de sages etc. ....... _.,<br />


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