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IV. II, III. THE ANAI_CTS. Couv. Un bon voisinage est celui off r6gne la probit& Pourmit-on appeler sage etc. CHAPTER II.--THE CONTENTMENT OF VIRTUE. _ ,_g'J_ or cannot 'abide' adversity. C. ,_ _J I_ tg_ straitened. _a] _ _ 4tl,, covet. The virtuousless _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ if long in adversity casts off restraint, if long in prosperity goes to excess. But the virtuous _ _ _Z. _ ,_ _ _ _ rests in his virtue'and has no aim outside it. As to the wise D] _a] ]22 _j _1"__ _i: _ he counts it gain to be virtuous, and holds fast to whatever of it he has attained. L. " _lq n--J"may not, _1_ I_ cannot. The inability is moral." L ....... cannot abide long in a condition of poverty-and hardship, or in a condition of enjoyment. The virtuous rest in virtue; the wise desire virtue. Z. destitutus prohitate non potest diu manere in paupertate ....... g-audio : probus quiescit in virtute, sapiens lucro ducit probitatem. K. A man without moral character cannot long put up with adversity .......... enjoy prosperity. Men of moral character find themselves at home in being moral ; men of intelligence find it advantageous to be moral. Couv ...... indigence ou darts l'opulence ...... trouve son bonheur dans la vertu ;...... n'ambitionne que le tr_sor de la vertu. CHAPTER III.--ONLY THE GOOD CAN LOVE AND HATE. C. J[_ 2;_ _ _ _, only. -_[ _ al_"i_/ _ _ _ _ _ _, For a man must be without selfishness before he can love or hate his feUowmen aright. L It is only the truly virtuous man who can love, or who can hate, otl_rs. Z. Solum virtute praeditus potest amare ali_s, potest odisse alias. K. It is only men of _20

THE ANALECfS. IV. III, IV, V. naomi character who know how to love men or to hate. men Couv. Seul l'homme vertueux sait aimer et hair les hommes comme il convient. CHAPTER IV.--TO WILL VIRTUE IS TO BE FREE FROM VICE. _r_ C. _ ___ Really, or, If really; Kuan _i_ ]_o C. _ q_ _ _ J_ _ By ' will' is meant the aim (li_ ;_) of the heart. _1_ _, _ _ _ Ig, _ _i _ ,-_ ill| _ _o The philosopher Yang says : Tho' the will be set on Virtue it does not follow that mistakes will not arise, but deliberate wrong will not be committed. L. If the will be set on virtue, there will be no practice of wickedness. Z. vere intentus in probitatem, nihil mali aget. K. If you fix your mind upon a moral life, you wilt be free from evil. Couv. Celui qui s'applique s_rieusement _t cultiver la vertu s'abstient de real faire. CHAPTER V.--THE RIGHT BEFORE ALL ELSE. I. _I_ _;_o The first is _ J[_ _;_ retain them, the second f/_ _ _ leave them. _ -_ ;;_ _ _" il_ :_ _ Jl_ 4_ _ 11_o In this way does a man of honour examine his prosperity, or remain content with his adversity. I__ Riches and honours etc. If it cannot be obtained in the proper way, they should not be held. Poverty and meanness ...... dislike. If etc. they should not be avoided. Z. Divitiae cum honoribus etc. pauperitas et ignobilitas ....... aversantur; at vel si non ex recto jure offenderis ea, ne deseras. K. Riches and honours are objects of men's desire ; but if I cannot 15_avethem without leaving hhe path of duty, I would not have them etc. 22_


Couv. Un bon voisinage est celui off r6gne la probit&<br />

Pourmit-on appeler sage etc.<br />


VIRTUE. _ ,_g'J_ or cannot 'abide' adversity. C.<br />

,_ _J I_ tg_ straitened. _a] _ _ 4tl,, covet. The<br />

virtuousless _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ if long in adversity<br />

casts off restraint, if long in prosperity goes to excess.<br />

But the virtuous _ _ _Z. _ ,_ _ _ _ rests in his<br />

virtue'and has no aim outside it. As to the wise D] _a]<br />

]22 _j _1"__ _i: _ he counts it gain to be virtuous,<br />

and holds fast to whatever of it he has attained. L. " _lq<br />

n--J"may not, _1_ I_ cannot. The inability is moral."<br />

L ....... cannot abide long in a condition of poverty-and<br />

hardship, or in a condition of enjoyment. The virtuous<br />

rest in virtue; the wise desire virtue. Z. destitutus<br />

prohitate non potest diu manere in paupertate ....... g-audio :<br />

probus quiescit in virtute, sapiens lucro ducit probitatem.<br />

K. A man without moral character cannot long put up<br />

with adversity .......... enjoy prosperity. Men of moral<br />

character find themselves at home in being moral ; men of<br />

intelligence find it advantageous to be moral. Couv ......<br />

indigence ou darts l'opulence ...... trouve son bonheur dans<br />

la vertu ;...... n'ambitionne que le tr_sor de la vertu.<br />


AND HATE. C. J[_ 2;_ _ _ _, only. -_[ _<br />

al_"i_/ _ _ _ _ _ _, For a man must be without<br />

selfishness before he can love or hate his feUowmen aright.<br />

L It is only the truly virtuous man who can love, or<br />

who can hate, otl_rs. Z. Solum virtute praeditus potest<br />

amare ali_s, potest odisse alias. K. It is only men of<br />


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