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III. xxv, xxv,. THE A_NALECTS.<br />

I 122-11 I_. Shun succeeded Yao peacefully and by virtue<br />

of his goodness; Wu overcame the tyrant Chou _-_ by<br />

force of arms. The characters of Shun and Wu were<br />

equally virtuous, but their music differed as did their<br />

experiences ; the one was the music of peace, the other that<br />

of strife and victory. (C). L ....... of the Shaou that it was<br />

perfectly beautiful and perfectly good. Z. dicebat musicam<br />

"Concordia " esse absolute pulchram turn absolute<br />

lenem ; "]3ellator " etc. K ....... all the excellence of the<br />

physical beauty of harmony; but it has not all the excellence<br />

of moral grandeur. Couv. Chants du Successeur<br />

...... du Guerrier etaient tout _ fait beaux, mais non<br />

tout _ falt doux.<br />


THE SPIRIT IS DEAD. C. )_ I-._ _, _ J_,<br />

_ :_ 21_, The essential thing for a man in office is<br />

affection for his people, hence magnanimity is his root of<br />

action. So reverence is the root of ritual and sorrow of<br />

funeral ceremonies. 1_ _I_ LI_ 21_ 1_ P/ _ :_ I_ _l;<br />

_ _ _ _ _, Without the reality wherewith is<br />

the benefit of the man's actions to be viewed? L. High<br />

station filled without indulgent generosity; ...... wherewitk<br />

should I contemplate such ways. Z. tenentem sumrm<br />

minirne beneficium ....... ego, quo fultus, videam illos ? K.<br />

Possession of power without generosity ; courtesy without<br />

seH.'.ousness;...... I have no desire to look at such a .state of<br />

things. Couv. De quelle rt_gle puisje me servir potw<br />

iuger la conduite d'un homme etc.<br />


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