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government for the people's welfare. When he had been<br />

on the throne thirty-three years, being over ninety years<br />

of age, he appointed his minister, the afore-mentioned Yii<br />

as his successor, sharing the Imperial power with him till<br />

his death. Shun died in 22o8, and Y/i after the usual<br />

three years ofmoulning took over the reins of govern-<br />

merit.<br />

THE HSI:A _ DYNASTY. With YU _]_, 22o 5-<br />

2j98, begins the first great Chinese dynasty, which ended<br />

439 years afterwards with the infamous Emperor Chieh<br />

_. Yii, as already noted, had distinguished himself in<br />

the days of Yao, by his suceessfi,1 labours in draining the<br />

country of the devastating waters which covered its surface.<br />

Setting out four days after his marriage, for nine years he<br />

took no rest, heedless of food or clothing, cold or heat ;<br />

heedless also of his wife and child, whose door he thrice<br />

passed without entering, though the cry of the child<br />

whom he had never seen reached his ears. In his address<br />

to Shun we have a picture of the herculean labours that<br />

fell to the lot of this early Chinese pioneer, and the faithfulness<br />

with which he devoted himself to his country's<br />

welfare. "The floods," says he, "assailed the very<br />

heavens, vast in their extent they encircled the mountains<br />

and overtopped the hills, and the people were perplezed<br />

and hemmed in. By four different modes did I travel<br />

(cart for road, boat for water, sledge for mud and spikes<br />

for hiJls), clearing the timber along the mountains, and<br />

shewing the people how to obtain fresh food to eat. A<br />

way did I open for the nine rivers to flow to the four seas,<br />

and .,. sowed grain, thus shewing the people how to o1_-

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