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II. v. Tm_ _u_At._crs. life, while M_ng I Tz_, i.e. M_ng Sun, named _ _ was his disciple, see Intro. P. 37. Conf. is supposed always to laave framed his answer to the need of the person addressed. Hence in this and iv each of the three follow- ing chapters his answer is different, though the subject is the same. _ from Refractory and to go; means in- tractable, disobedient. C. says _]_ _. _ _ _!_ _" _i! means, Not turn the back on, i.e. oppose right principles. Kuan. _ _ or :;_ _ {_., L. It is not being disobedient. Z. nihil transgredL K. Do not fail in what is required of you. Couv. suivre les prescriptions. 2, For Fan Ch'ih see Intro. V. C. 5_ "_" ,_ _J, _ :_:_ Tht_.'_ recognising that I Tz_ had not fully apprehended his meaning, yet did not like to ask further, and fearing he would lose the lesson and consider mere obedience as filial duty,_opened the meaning to Fan Ch'ih for him to repeat. Kuan. _ _ _ _ __ l_ 2 tui indicates a reply to a superior. L. Soon after etc. IL My Lord M--asked me about what constituted the duty of a good son. 3. c. To serve them while living, to sacrifice to them when buried, this is the beginning and end of filial service, lit Intro. VIII. i_ J_; says: Not to do what one ought to do, and to do what one ought not to do are alike unfilial, hence Li means to do just as one ought to do, C. says that at this _ the three noMc families of Lu, who it must be remembered were of ducal descent, had usurped rites they" were not entitled to, and

THEANALEC'q_ II. V,W, Vtt. here Conf. wishes in an indirect manner to draw the atten- tion of the youthful head of the great house, his father being already dead, to the usurpation. L. That parents, when alive, should be served ...... when dead ...... buried ...... and ...... sacrificed to according to propriety. Z. juxta ritus, K ....... do his duties to them ....... bury them ...... honour their memory according to the rites prescribed by propriety. Couv. selon les prescriptions. CHAPTER VI.--THE FILIAL SON AVOIDS CAUSING ANXIETY. :i_ _ was eldest son of _ hence the rifle t'fl_ His name was _• C. says the love of parents for their offspring knows no limits, and (translat- ing Ir_ by _ ,_) only fearing they4wiU be ill are in constant anxiety. The moral is that "the son must make his parents' heart of anxiety his own, _ 3?, t_ ;_ J_ :1_ _¢,,, and take care of himself ;N _, C. also corn mends t_e ancient interpretation ]k :_ 1_ /ill[_ _ ]9 _ _ _, If a son can cause his parents no anxiety on the ground of wrong doing, but only on the ground of illness, he may be called filial. In this sense it may be interpreted : Let your parents have no other anxiety than that of your being sick. L Parents are anxious lest their children should be sick. Z. parentes unice de illius infirmitate solliciti-sunt, or tint. K. Think how anxiou,s your parents are when you are tick, and you will know your duty towards them. Couv. Les parents craignent par-dessus tout que leur ills ne soit malade. CHAPTER VII._FILIAL DUTY DEMANDS RE- VERENCE. For Tz_ Yu see Intro. V. More literally I55

II. v. Tm_ _u_At._crs.<br />

life, while M_ng I Tz_, i.e. M_ng Sun, named _ _ was<br />

his disciple, see Intro. P. 37. Conf. is supposed always to<br />

laave framed his answer to the need of the person<br />

addressed. Hence in this and iv each of the three follow-<br />

ing chapters his answer is different, though the subject is<br />

the same. _ from Refractory and to go; means in-<br />

tractable, disobedient. C. says _]_ _. _ _ _!_ _" _i!<br />

means, Not turn the back on, i.e. oppose right principles.<br />

Kuan. _ _ or :;_ _ {_., L. It is not being disobedient.<br />

Z. nihil transgredL K. Do not fail in what is<br />

required of you. Couv. suivre les prescriptions.<br />

2, For Fan Ch'ih see Intro. V. C. 5_ "_" ,_<br />

_J, _ :_:_ Tht_.'_ recognising that I Tz_ had not<br />

fully apprehended his meaning, yet did not like to ask<br />

further, and fearing he would lose the lesson and consider<br />

mere obedience as filial duty,_opened the meaning to<br />

Fan Ch'ih for him to repeat. Kuan. _ _ _ _ __ l_<br />

2 tui indicates a reply to a superior. L. Soon after etc.<br />

IL My Lord M--asked me about what constituted the<br />

duty of a good son.<br />

3. c. To<br />

serve them while living, to sacrifice to them when buried,<br />

this is the beginning and end of filial service, lit Intro.<br />

VIII. i_ J_; says: Not to do what one ought to do,<br />

and to do what one ought not to do are alike<br />

unfilial, hence Li means to do just as one ought to<br />

do, C. says that at this _ the three noMc families<br />

of Lu, who it must be remembered were of ducal<br />

descent, had usurped rites they" were not entitled to, and

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