Township Tattle Vol. II No 2 - Millburn Public Library

Township Tattle Vol. II No 2 - Millburn Public Library Township Tattle Vol. II No 2 - Millburn Public Library
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D Ah ERIC AN WO M EN'S VOLUNTARY S C RVICE S VOL.11 HO. 2 JUNE 1943 MILLBURN, N. J, GOSSIP HERE AND THERE No one can accuse us of being rank conscious but when a- Lieutenant takes time out to write 'us two "V" mail letters in one month it makes us pleased and smug as anything, LT, FRANK T. HENSHAW says he was surprised to read in an earlier issue of his visit home on furlough. You are right, Tommy, it Certainly was a case of wishful thinking, and while we can't trace the rumor at" this late date, here's hoping the trip comes through in reality soon. Also we'll try to give out with news of your former Short Kills friends, Dick Williams, Pierce Cassedy, Tommy Lyons and Bill Vanderbilt, so keep reading, Tommy. CPL. RICHARD WELLS manages to push his pen through clouds of dust while writing from Gamp Hyder, Arizona. Dick says the chow is as swell on the desert as it has been everywhere in the West, but he'll take Palm Springs or Los Angolus (next to short Hills) anytime* Aside from the heat the daily dust storms must put plenty of grit in the men because • Dick also tells us that although one shower holds 300 men at one spray, it isn't half big enough. Sounds cosy to us but what will home seem like? PVT, HAROLD R. PALMER JR. is now down at Fort Jackson, S,C, learning to be a truck driver. Babying everything from a jeep to a 2^- ton job must be quite a ticklish job, especially- whan, as Harold says, his teachers purposely drop' one of the latter in a muddy shell hole end then tell the- boys to get it out gently, Harold will be a dandy guy to have around homo when that fine day comes along because soms of his other training consists of learning how to care for and give medical aid to 100 soldiers. We can hardly wait to have you apply a band aid to us, Pvt, Palmer I The old desk fairly glitters with Lieutenants' mail this month, and here's a note from 2nd PALMER BRADNER. Palmer is at, the Ephrata Air Base''way out in the state of Washington, and says he enjoys the Tattle whenever ho comes daw.n to earth. . At present that, can't bo often so it's just as well we aren't a weekly publication because Lt. Bradner is first pilot on a flying fortress. Good luck, and thanks for all those nice compliments. Three postals from our pal ROCCO FIOLA, now-a Staff Sergeant (and congrats on that)* Rocco has been transferred froai his old IOVG, lliami Beach to Gulfport, Miss. Too bad because he really misses those shore front hotels, palms and cocoanuts, although the weather is .just, as hot if not'more so, Rocco must' take "iti all good-naturedly "because no's just been authorized to wear the "good conduct" ribbon •which, combined with the S/Sgt stripes must make his uniform a gorgeous sight. T

D Ah ERIC AN<br />

WO M EN'S<br />


S C RVICE S<br />

VOL.11 HO. 2 JUNE 1943 MILLBURN, N. J,<br />


<strong>No</strong> one can accuse us of being rank conscious but when a- Lieutenant<br />

takes time out to write 'us two "V" mail letters in one month it makes<br />

us pleased and smug as anything, LT, FRANK T. HENSHAW says he was surprised<br />

to read in an earlier issue of his visit home on furlough. You<br />

are right, Tommy, it Certainly was a case of wishful thinking, and<br />

while we can't trace the rumor at" this late date, here's hoping the<br />

trip comes through in reality soon. Also we'll try to give out with<br />

news of your former Short Kills friends, Dick Williams, Pierce Cassedy,<br />

Tommy Lyons and Bill Vanderbilt, so keep reading, Tommy.<br />

CPL. RICHARD WELLS manages to push his pen through clouds of dust while<br />

writing from Gamp Hyder, Arizona. Dick says the chow is as swell on<br />

the desert as it has been everywhere in the West, but he'll take Palm<br />

Springs or Los Angolus (next to short Hills) anytime* Aside from the<br />

heat the daily dust storms must put plenty of grit in the men because •<br />

Dick also tells us that although one shower holds 300 men at one spray,<br />

it isn't half big enough. Sounds cosy to us but what will home seem<br />

like?<br />

PVT, HAROLD R. PALMER JR. is now down at Fort Jackson, S,C, learning<br />

to be a truck driver. Babying everything from a jeep to a 2^- ton job<br />

must be quite a ticklish job, especially- whan, as Harold says, his<br />

teachers purposely drop' one of the latter in a muddy shell hole end<br />

then tell the- boys to get it out gently, Harold will be a dandy guy to<br />

have around homo when that fine day comes along because soms of his<br />

other training consists of learning how to care for and give medical<br />

aid to 100 soldiers. We can hardly wait to have you apply a band aid<br />

to us, Pvt, Palmer I<br />

The old desk fairly glitters with Lieutenants' mail this month, and<br />

here's a note from 2nd PALMER BRADNER. Palmer is at, the Ephrata<br />

Air Base''way out in the state of Washington, and says he enjoys the<br />

<strong>Tattle</strong> whenever ho comes daw.n to earth. . At present that, can't bo often<br />

so it's just as well we aren't a weekly publication because Lt. Bradner<br />

is first pilot on a flying fortress. Good luck, and thanks for all<br />

those nice compliments.<br />

Three postals from our pal ROCCO FIOLA, now-a Staff Sergeant (and congrats<br />

on that)* Rocco has been transferred froai his old IOVG, lliami<br />

Beach to Gulfport, Miss. Too bad because he really misses those shore<br />

front hotels, palms and cocoanuts, although the weather is .just, as hot<br />

if not'more so, Rocco must' take "iti all good-naturedly "because no's<br />

just been authorized to wear the "good conduct" ribbon •which, combined<br />

with the S/Sgt stripes must make his uniform a gorgeous sight.<br />


2.<br />

Speaking of gorgeous, that applies to both the penmanship artd embossed<br />

letter paper of Pfc. JOHN V* PICCIUTO, Johnny is a Scott Field, Ill«<<br />

and dashes off his niee long letter while waiting to go on "Flood Duty 11<br />

Incidentally, there will be a change of rank any day now as Johnny is<br />

due to graduate this month, so we*re.saving space in our Promotion Department<br />

for him, • v ;<br />

Another flood fighter is 2nd LT. C. E. RUSHER who says he's also still<br />

fighting the Battle of Claiborne down in Louisiana, Bob is teaching<br />

surveying in the Specialist School there, so, as he says it's plenty<br />

dusty being sent to battle floods in Arkansas.and Mississippi must have<br />

been a nice damp relief. Playing post Office again, vie pass on Bob's<br />

message -to Fireman Al Shoemaker, "The Deacon thinks his eagle O.K. and<br />

regards to all the rest of the force, too," Please don't get writer's<br />

cramp for another six months as you threaten to# You've got a neat<br />

sense of humorf Lieutenant, and your letter gives us a great lift, •<br />

PFC FRANK DOYLE of the U.S.M.C. expects to be home sometime this month<br />

wearing his brand new corporal stripes, so we're all watching for you,<br />

Frank has passed through Aviation Machinist Mate School with flying •<br />

colors and now is in Jacksonville, Florida learning how to be an Air<br />

Gunner, Our sleuths tell us he's a Dick Deadeye with anything more<br />

powerful than a water pistol so -we'll "yes" you to death. You ask<br />

about Jack Davis and 'Bob Ward, While we haven't a "lost and Found" Department<br />

we can tell you that Bob is now in Newport,- Jack has been<br />

hard to. track down but we'll keep trying,<br />

PVT. LLOYD, C SMITH JR.. paints a bright picture of Drew Field even<br />

though he's not resigned to being in the A,E«F, Parked there since<br />

February although impatient to see some real action, Lloyd says he's<br />

still one of the "Americans exiled to Florida*' 1 Though not as cool as<br />

the Jersey Shore would be we understand why Lloyd doesn't mind too much,<br />

"A new addition to Drew Field arrived the other day -* WAACs.i Morale<br />

here has jumped 100%, We. even have nice looking blonde ones - young<br />

too," Ah me I Happy days,' We only hope your training in the Signal<br />

Corps comes in handy with that gorgeous blonde,' Sergeant Lloyd,<br />

Nice thanks from PVT, A.L. KASPEREEN who is still on Staten Island although<br />

he's .switched companies since last month. Surely you must get<br />

across the bridge sometimes, Al, so why not give us a flash at the old<br />

Kaspereen features on your next visit home?<br />

LT. ANTHONY WILLIAM MAUCIONE stopped in at Headquarters while home on<br />

leave in April and it gave everyone a great thrill to meet him person-<br />

&Hy, in the flesh and in uniform, Tony is now stationed at Ft. Lawton<br />

seven miles from Seattle, which is one of the most beautiful Army posts<br />

he's ever seen. Being in the Military Intelligence he has to be even<br />

core close-mouthed than the rest of you men but he does say he hopes to<br />

exchange the beautiful scenery for foreign soil soon. Hope you get<br />

your wish, Lieutenant, and thanks for those good ones you sent us.<br />

TECH. SGT, CARL N. WEBER is. still at Camp Murphy, Florida but hopes to<br />

get out soon, (Florida Board of Commerce please note.) Carl says it's<br />

so hot and humid the men go native whenever they're off duty in the<br />

barracks and also that it would be a paradise for a Bug Collector, Only<br />

problem would be the present pin shortage as there are more varieties<br />

of bugs thei*e than any place else in the U.S.A. You haven't for-<br />


gotten our nice juicy home fed brand of mosquitos, have you Carl?' •<br />

After HARRY SMITH'S cheery "Hi, Gals" we'&come right back with "Hi*<br />

Marine" or. should it be "Hi. Lieutenant"? You gather (we hope) that<br />

the erstwhile Mr, H, R, Smith of <strong>Millburn</strong> has now become a 1st Louie in<br />

the Marine .Corp, Harry is with a Fighting Squadron at Parris Island,<br />

South Carolina, doing lots of flying and, according" %G him (and speaking<br />

of mosquitos) "just itching to get in the scrap," Glad we keep you<br />

pod ted on all your friends and acquaintances, Lt, Smith, and thanks for<br />

them kind words, . •<br />

<strong>Millburn</strong> High School's former popular coach is now coaching Japs how to<br />

behave. LT. PAUL CHERIN U.S.N.R. has been on active sea duty since<br />

October but came ashore last month in time to catch up with our last<br />

issue. Paul can't say much except that they've been on tough duty but<br />

when on dry land, believe it or not, their base is an Indian Reservation,<br />

Don't'come back to <strong>Millburn</strong> sporting one of those feathered Redskin<br />

Derbies, but if you can pick up a few war cries in passing they'd<br />

stop any enemy sub in its tracks and save torpedoes, (But who are we<br />

to poach you?)<br />

All is forgiven, but whs.n PVT* ED. PIKAART addresses us as "Dear Sirs"<br />

it makes our voice break (but not- change). Thanks for your letter,<br />

dear Miss Pikaart, because for a group of "Sirs" we're a bunch of sis-'<br />

sies when it comes to flattery and kind words, Ed is at Camp Mc^uaide,<br />

Californja , learning the inside story of Ccast Artillery and as that<br />

means he's also learning to be pretty quick with 37 m.m, and 155 m.m,<br />

guns he's no .one to fool with, so we'll stop kidding before his trigger<br />

finger starts to itch. Galloping up and down hills and ester a<br />

rough course would kill us so when Ed says they do it loaded with full<br />

equipment PLUS wearing a gas mask we see what he means about Army<br />

training being tough. "Sweet" though, and even the toughest Sergeant<br />

is swell-as soon as the day's work is done — well,.,We hope to see you<br />

soon, Ed, and will welcome you with open' arms- providing you stack your<br />

arms at the door before entering - (Just sissias, as we admitted before)<br />

Perhaps we're jumping at conclusions, but wo suspect the SMITH Brothers<br />

(not cough drops) are sunning in the desert. Two "V" letters this<br />

month from PVT. HENRY L, and PVT. THOMAS K. - and although they haven't<br />

gotten together yet they are both in <strong>No</strong>rth Africa so there's hope.<br />

First of all .let's wish Tom a Happy Birthday because since June 14th<br />

he's all of 19 years old. Also thanks for sending us Harry's address<br />

because he says in his letter he likes gettiir*\ the <strong>Tattle</strong>. Red also<br />

feels that the end of World War <strong>II</strong> is very close and .Boy, do we hope<br />

you're righti<br />

Mrs. GEORGE H. TRUNDLE is kind enough to ©end along a personal "V" letter<br />

which she received from her husband so we could see with our own<br />

eyes the nice things he says about our efforts. MAJOR TRUNDLE was<br />

moved to New Guinea last part of April but each is.sue always manages to<br />

catch up with him, and the Postman never has to ring.twice, "<br />

JOSEPH P. IDORE A.M.M. 2/c sends us a nice colored pitcher postal to<br />

let us know he's O.K. though probably breathless from swooshing through<br />

the' waves after the enemy. Joe promises to write a letter soon but until<br />

that comes we'll just ga dreamy-eyed over his signature and that<br />

"from your sailor" part, Nice work, Joe, and with .-that line you must<br />

be holding up the reputation of the Navy for having a girl in every<br />


4.<br />

port. Also at that rate, so have we,<br />

SGT. LEWE. LASSER has been transferred from Arkansas to Ft, Custer,<br />

Michigan, and what a break it turned out to be. Also a lucky thing<br />

that Lew isn't the hard-boiled guy most Army Sergeants are supposed to<br />

be. When he received his new company of men assigned by the replacement<br />

center among "them was one of Lew's former Math teachers, "Lord,<br />

What a temptation! Especially when it used to be his pet hobby to see<br />

that I missed football practise at least three times a week, 11 The exteacher<br />

has been assigned to Lew's barracks and isn't a bad guy at all<br />

except that what he knows about the Army isn't taught in Math classes.<br />

Another interesting bit of news is that Sgt, and Mrs, Lasser are expecting<br />

to have a new "commanding officer" sometime in the fall, Cdngratulations<br />

and keep us posted so viie can elect the newcomer to our<br />

Stork Club,<br />

PFC. HARRY" MAC MANE is still being shifted all over the State of Flor-•<br />

ida and has been sporting a gorgeous tan since February. He doesn't<br />

say just where the last job was but it must have been a honey because<br />

Harry and his pals set up a world's record, • They were building a new<br />

Air Basse and laid a 4000 foot runway with matting in just 3&|- hours.<br />

At that rate you'll be <strong>Millburn</strong>'s champion handy man when you get back.<br />

is one trick we've never tried, PFC. CHARLES HUMMER says he's<br />

wearing a gas mask while writing to us. Come, come, Charlie, surely<br />

we aren't THAT hard to take? Pvt. Hummer's brother, Fred, is now in<br />

<strong>No</strong>rth Africa but from the description of Amarillo Air Field in Texas<br />

where Charlie is stationed he'll be able to stand any climate. Plentyhot<br />

and lots of dust storms and also, just to make things really "jolly,<br />

they put on gaa attacks to keep life from becoming monotonous. (That<br />

clears up the gas mask mystery and we're relieved, too,) Thanks for<br />

writing under such difficulties and we'll try to pass on Jim Bate's<br />

address.<br />

A/C EARL R.<br />

be sent to I, MELLBN JR. U.S.N0R, is out in Olathe, Kansas but hopes to<br />

> Corpus Christi, Texas for his final training. He is only<br />

30 miles from Kansas City which, according to him-, is the best liberty<br />

town in the West, (Chamber of Commerce please take a bow) Great to<br />

hear from you, Earl, and we know 'that once you get in a plane again<br />

after all this ground work you'll fly through the air with -the greatest<br />

of ease. Good luck to you,<br />

JOHN WAREHBffi S 1/c has been busy on a "Big Battlewagon" - (ship to<br />

you) so even if he had more time to write there isn't much he'd be allowed<br />

to say, Johnny says he reads in the <strong>Tattle</strong> of all the home town<br />

boys meeting each other in different parts of the wor"ld, but so far he<br />

hasn't had any such luck. However, there are a lot of Jersey boys on<br />

his ship and they enjoy reading "us" too, .Thanks, and maybe you'll<br />

take us for a row around Taylor Pork when you come paddling home,<br />

SGT. MARK HANSON should change the last letter of his last name to "M"<br />

judging by the attractive snapshot, he sent us of him and his girl<br />

friend "Dotty" both of whom are now enjoying California's sunny cli-<br />

/ mate, (Calm down goils. Dotty is but a mechanical lady eagle,) Mark<br />

says we can take the State of Washington and lay it in the corner for<br />

mouse bait as far as he is concerned?? Sounds like too big a job for<br />

us. Anyhow, thanks for your fine letter and photo, and the news that<br />

your bro-in-law, DOUGLAS MILLER is now a Private at Fort Dix. As for

•J i<br />

-the girls left behind, they'll still be here waiting for the return of<br />

<strong>Millburn</strong> § s choicest malehood when this grim job is done*<br />

S.O.S. for Merlin and his*Pied Piper! To wit, LT.Q.g.) WILLIAM C.<br />

RIDGEWAY JR. was home recently on 12-days leave looking straight, tan<br />

and handsome in his Navy whites and fraught with complimentary comments<br />

on our Tattling work. But he says the cockroaches in his New Orleans*<br />

abode have been supplanted by big belligerent rats • All we can say is<br />

"GlugJ"<br />

A/C ROGER WENT writes us a cheery letter from Glenview', Illinois, and<br />

says that except .for the weather (like Moby Dick - thar she blowst)<br />

it's a great place to be, Roger says he»s lost contact with the four -<br />

other <strong>Millburn</strong> boys who were with him at Chapel Hill but he doesn't<br />

mention their names, so, if any of you readers are "it", we hope you'll<br />

remedy the situation. One of them can*t be CPL» CARL WIJJLIAMS as he<br />

writes that he has been corresponding with Roger regularly. 1 (More<br />

about Cpl* Williams in Sraall World.)<br />

EUGENE GREENBURG A.R.M.3/C has writtn us giving us his new address<br />

(one of the N. Y. Fleet P.O. variety) with a Patrol Squadron. Where-* -<br />

ever he is, the mosquitos are the hungriest and he suggests that the<br />

Red Cross Blood Bank ought to sign them up as the carnivorous pests<br />

sure know how to draw the ruby fluid from the lad f s arteries. All we<br />

can say is that our greedy local skeeters would win in any sanguinary<br />

contest and theya-Iook as big as a B 19 - honest! Happy flitting,<br />

Gene ole boy, and •thanks for addressing us as "Madame" and not "Sirs"<br />

this time,<br />

CPL. SAM ALBANESE writes from Muroc, California, that he*s still hoping<br />

to- find some of his former <strong>Millburn</strong> buddies nearby on the Mojave<br />

Desert. Sam is busy as anything with his job of technical supply man<br />

to a covey of P 38s» (We"re nuts about those twin tailed, streaks our**<br />

selves, Sam, though we've never been nearer than a worn^s-eye-view to<br />

one.) He sends greeting via this sheet to all his friends and "hopes<br />

to see them all back home when we raise Old Glory all over the wo rid." -<br />

a pretty nice hope we might addl<br />

JOHN HORTON S 2/c has written us two letters. In the ficst one he<br />

says if John Jacobus is so ca^razy about K»P. he can take over for him<br />

any day. While John was waiting for an opening in his school he whiled<br />

away the time at K.P. duties which kept him so busy that his only free<br />

time to read or write was when he managed to sneak into the "you know<br />

what" after taps. In his second letter he* s still at Great Lakes<br />

awaiting shipment, but fortunately not in the K.P. ranks any more. By<br />

the way. John, if you mean PAUL WYKOFF E#M. 3/c we didn't say he was<br />

at Great Lakes, (see page 16 of May <strong>Tattle</strong>) in fact we can't tell you<br />

where he is. So sorry*<br />

We have just received a smart green notice from the Short Hills Country<br />

Day School announcing that MAJOR JJ^ESHQGH QUARRIER VJ;UJL address the<br />

graduating class. Incidentally, one of the graduates i@ Berry Smith<br />

(son of our co-scribe) who won a prize for his model plane last week.<br />

His model and those of three other Short Hills boys will be on exhibit<br />

at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D#C» in the near future.<br />

Speaking of Washington D.C., LT. COM. BERNARD P. DAY U.S.N.R. and his<br />

family are moving into their newly purchased home in Chevy Chase,

6.<br />

Bernie's older brother, LT. JOSEPH P. DAY JR. of the Army Medical<br />

Corps is living with them. Joe, who is waking in the Surgeon General's<br />

office bumped into Mary Irwin in Washington recently, ,and as<br />

they have known each other since they were so high they exchanged a<br />

friendly embrace, but was Joe's face red when he got to his office and<br />

his secretary advised him in a voice coated with suspicion that he had<br />

a nice cupid's bow of lipstick on his manly cheekll<br />

Three cheers for PVT. MARTIN J. FINAN who, although he is overseas, remembered<br />

to show his Mother he; remembered her on Mother's Day, Mrs.<br />

Finan received a beautiful plant and a nice cablegram, so no wonder<br />

that slogan "Say It With Flowers" never had a bigger meaning.<br />

CPL. DONALD COOPER seems to be walking his way into the Air Force but<br />

we know he'll get there eventually. Poor Don just panted in after another<br />

30 mile hike. We can't say just where he is, he's moved so often<br />

but every time he is transferred he arrives just in time to join the<br />

new boys on maneuvers,<br />

LT. JOSEPH A. BENNETT has finished four weeks at Ft, Monmouth and is<br />

now in Philadelphia at the Signal Supply Center, Commuting home from<br />

there isn't bad except Joe will only be there four weeks also,<br />

Nice home town reunion for PFC. JOSEPH BAILEY. When Joe was in Denver<br />

Colorado, a couple of weeks ago he visited JACK HOMEY and his wife.<br />

May we say "a couple of Honeys?"<br />

The Cornwall family are walking on air and sprouting wings these days.<br />

Can't blame them for being proud because their only son and heir.<br />

Clift Jr., sprouted his wings too on June 15th, SONNY C0R1WALL is<br />

waiting to be somewhere for further training, so periiaps he'll manage<br />

to sandwich in a few days at the old homestead en route,<br />

Here«s news of another old pal, ROSS CUMMINS is now at O.C.S. Adjutant<br />

General's School down at Ft, Washington, Maryland, Study, hard, Ross,<br />

and don't forget to turn the charm on Teacher,<br />

PVT. CARL DINGER has applied for O.C.S. but in the meantime isn't letting<br />

much moss roll under the stones (or something like that) . Carl<br />

says the R.O.T.C, course at Rutgers is doing well by him and his. outfit<br />

parades so smartly they've even been mistaken for West Pointers -<br />

and that, as you know, is going some,<br />

PVT. WALTER ER1CKS0N of the U.S.M.C. has finished training at Parris<br />

Island and arrived home June 19th to spend ten days. Just as well<br />

Walt decided to spend some of the time down on the Jersey Shore because<br />

his Father and Mother were so delighted to see him they shot the works<br />

on coupons the first week he was home,<br />

LT. JOHN H. GI1MQRE has his wings now and is soon to start at Gunnery<br />

School, which sounds as though Jack would be a menace in the air any<br />

month now.<br />

And thank you PVT. ROBERT HAMBRIGHT, Bob says he wades through our<br />

every word as it's the only way he.has of keeping track of his fighting<br />


PVT. ROBERT FETTER is literally doubling in brass while fighting war.<br />

Bob is v in the camp band out at Iowa City and has sent a hurry call home<br />

for his trusty trombone. In the meantime he's filling in for the bugler<br />

who is a temporary casualty.<br />

PVT. BENJAMIN HELLER is thriving even, though we can't say -what climate<br />

agrees with him. Ben likes swimming in the Mediterrean and has gained<br />

15 pounds in tspite of all the hard work,<br />

AVIATION CADET "MAC" ERIE will be just another old salt if he isn't<br />

transferred soon, Mac is some where in sunny California where the thermometer<br />

wilts at around 140°P daily and, also daily, he and the other<br />

fliers eat from five to fifteen salt tablets regularly.<br />

We bet PFC. CLARENCE B, HOKE JR. is a bit weary of sun too, Clarence<br />

has seen real action in Tunisia, although we couldn't tell what he's<br />

doing now even if we know. Let's hope it's resting, though.<br />

SGT. JAMES M. GROSSMAN is a lucky bird. <strong>No</strong>t only is he enjoying the<br />

scenery deep in the heart of Victoria, Texas, but his wife is there to<br />

share it all with him,<br />

A/S JOHN D. VOORHEES has completed his boot training at Manhattan Beach,<br />

(You missed an opportunity if you failed to look up our scriirc's husband<br />

LT. COM. FRENCH, Jack, If so it's too late now because Jack has<br />

been sent to Maryland for a few months additional training,)<br />

PVT. HAROLD B. GARRABRANT's Mother was nice enough to to ing in one of<br />

Harold's "V" letters for us to read. He's well and happy and says the<br />

meals are very good,<br />

CORP. DONALD H. SHOFFSTALL's family were baffled and bewildered when<br />

they received the annual report of the American Red Cross of Wayne<br />

County, F.C. Couldn't imagine why they'd been so honored until they<br />

discovered that the cover had been painted by son Don, He is quite an<br />

artist in addition to being a top notch engineer and soldier. While<br />

convalescing in the Wayne County Hospital Don sketched his fellow patients,<br />

nurses and doctors so well that the towns people heard about it.<br />

By the time Cpl, Shoffstall left for Mississippi he also left behind a,<br />

trail of original drawings of the homes, hunting dogs and landscapes<br />

for the residents,<br />

LT. PRESTON T. COURSES" writes from Camp Hale, Colorado, that while they<br />

had no snow in February there is plenty there now, Pete is with the<br />

ski troops and even with the sun out it is so cool they can never work<br />

up a good lather. We always said there's no place like home,<br />

CAPTAIN THOMAS'ALOYSIUS O'LOUGHLIN's gain is our loss. Mrs, O'Loughlin<br />

and the children have banked the home fires and gone to join him in a<br />

beach house at Atlantic Beach, N.C. Sfee was a tireless worker for the<br />

A.W.V.S. (See Cupid's Corner for further O'Loughlin news)<br />

LT. .GEORGE H. PENDERGAST may be in Missouri but he's one boy who doesn't<br />

have to be shown. His engineering outfit knows all the answers,' so<br />

one of their duties is to show the Missourians how to cope with the<br />

flood aftermath. Everything is under control now although still on the<br />

damp side.

8,<br />

DONALD SCOTT has graduated from Princeton (how time flies) and is now<br />

roving around the campus of Columbia University as an Apprentice Seaman.<br />

We don«t know if that entails tight pants j a sailor, collar and<br />

beanie, but if so- -"on Donald it looks good", we're sure.<br />

S/K 3/c HARRY E. NUSE is now in New Zealand, and says the people are<br />

very like Americans and the country beautiful. Harry also mentions an<br />

incident in his recent Father's Day letter home which, should make<br />

everybody cringe with shame - us home folks, we mean. While on board<br />

ship heading'for the fighting zone- a bond drive was put on. The 2nd<br />

day of the drive, with only 40% of the men registered, they passed the<br />

goal « and eight more days to do I If sailors and soldiers en route<br />

can come,through like that—-— Oh well, I guess you get it that we<br />

feel sheepish as anything at this pernt.<br />

All you fine, guys have your fair share'of fan mail and inquiries from<br />

co-combatants but even so you 1 11 agree that LT. ADRIAN DE DECKER leads<br />

the list, and deservedly so. All we can say is tiiat. you're old friend<br />

has been heard -twice over .the. short wave radio and says he is well, •<br />

*<br />

CLARENCE A. HILL JR. was graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy at<br />

Annapolis on June 9th. (Leave-off the "Junior" and that name should<br />

ring a bell with you public spirited ex-<strong>Millburn</strong>ites.) . Clarence is<br />

now an Ensign and•stationed at Jacksonville, Florida,<br />

<strong>No</strong>w that things in <strong>No</strong>rth Africa &re quieter, LT. JOHN" C. CORY is marking<br />

time by enjoying good meals in Tunis and Bizerte. John had a few<br />

close calls but it's all in the game and the old Cory chassis came<br />

through unscathed.<br />

LT. EDWARD L, CHALIF hopes any of the old crowd of Scout Troop 15 will<br />

get in'touch with him if they wander South. (We 1 11 forward any letters<br />

to him, remember,) Eddie is. the only Lieutenant on the Staff of the<br />

Major General at Camp Croft, S,C, All the others have the rank "of<br />

Lieutenant Commander or higher, all of which backs up what the home<br />

town always knew about it's talent.<br />

LT. HAROLD V. NUNGESSER is coming home on leave any day .(or month) now.<br />

Can't blame his family for making the most of every moment and, space<br />

permitting, they're counting on returning; to Minneapolis with him to<br />

prolong the visit.<br />

Another happy break is that Mrs, Ward is on her way to join her more<br />

uniformed half, CPL. FRANCIS F. WARD. Frank has been transferred to<br />

Camp Crowder, Mo. and evidently has been fortunate in locating accommodations<br />

for the little woman, nearby,<br />

A/C JACKSON A RIKER will have good caus6 to throw out those" broad .<br />

shoulders and do a bit of strutting. His Mother and also his fiancee,<br />

pretty Jane Lonergan, left June 24th to see him clown at Chapel Hill,<br />

N.C. (and be seen by his .fellow cadets, we might add - we will add,;<br />

PFC. JAMES N. •TOMBYLL was a bronze beauty when he arrived home from •<br />

California recently on a week's furlough. After his maneuvering around<br />

the desert we don't blame him for enjoying any shade he can find.

By the way, Jim's brother PVT. CLIFFORD FRANCIS TOMBYLL is using his<br />

knowledge of manual training "out at the brand new Camp Ellis in Illi-»<br />

nois. Cliff has be en, making desks for Colonels in his spare time and*<br />

another extra-curricular job is reporting for the hospital paper.<br />

Mo. M»M.2/c GEORGE EDWARD NES1ON must have arrived safely because his<br />

recent letters describe Africa and Arabs. Good luck, George, ^<br />

hope you've regained your sand legs#<br />

SGT. H. PIERCE is in Midland, Texas, and doing more that just flying<br />

around ("which would be plenty) Piercey doesn't know what they'ire get<br />

ting him ready for but lately he's been on 24-hour duty loading bombs<br />

and doing other light chores.<br />

CPL.. RICHARD WARREN 3LUHM got a break when he was sent up frora Washington,<br />

D»C» on an Army job* Dick combined business with' pleasure and<br /> home until it was finished. You didn't string it out and dav

la.<br />

The Sanders family is getting ready" for a big time this month. CPL.<br />

HOWARD L. is due home from Nashville, Tennessee, on his first furlough<br />

since joining up last October, And just to make the reunion c'omplete<br />

SGT, DAVID M. SMDERS expects to get a three d^y pass from Richmond<br />

Virginia.<br />

The finest jewelry Mrs. <strong>No</strong>rman Wiss ever owned is that three star pin<br />

on her A.W.V.S. Motor Transport uniform. She and Mr, Wiss have a right<br />

to be proud (though a touch lonely) with all three boys in the service,<br />

PVT. FREDERICK of the U.S.M.C.R. has received orders to report July .<br />

1st for specialized 'training at Yale, home territory as Fred was a former<br />

student there, KENNETH who was a junior at Lehigh before entering<br />

the service is now at Ft, McClellan, Alabama, while ,.'3KMAN F. WISS,<br />

whom we listed by mistake in our May issue as a Sergeant, is at O.C.S.<br />

at Ft, Monmouth,<br />

PVT. LENNY D'QNQFRIO writes his Mother that while he gets plenty of<br />

figs and olives, the food is scarce. How' about sending us some of the<br />

o3..d oil, Len, and we're not kidding? The days are too hot and the<br />

nights too cold so Len and his buddies decided to warm up over a bot~<br />

tie of native wine at 200 francs per. The price alone should have<br />

done the trick.<br />

While on his recent furlough'SGT. AL COLAMDREA spent most of his time<br />

with Dr. Pat Dante. The Doc. in case you don't know it, is a brother<br />

of <strong>Millburn</strong>'s former hobbyist, PVT. AL. (How is that hobby of yours-,<br />

A17)<br />

Do you know that<br />

1. A/C MICHAEL DI GIOVANNI is missed by all the gals and hanger s-v<br />

around at Kolb r s Ice Cream Clubbe?<br />

2. PFC. GEORGE FLYNN'G family haven't heard from him in three weeks?<br />

3. PFC. ROCCO SMMARTINO, the former dashing postman who never had to<br />

ring twice was kept busy shaking hands while trying to cross<br />

Taylor Park on a recent leave"?<br />

4. CPL. EMILIO MANFRA calls home long distance once a month and DOES<br />

NOT reverse the charges?<br />

and that<br />

5. SGT. JOHN SPERANZA, the lucky lad, gets home -almost every weekend?<br />

If you didn't know, you do now and, apropos of Johnny's note, we<br />

hope you'll all be in the same boat and home soon,<br />

SGT. VINCENT A. SCHAULER is far from home but he's setting up housekeeping<br />

as cozy as you please - in <strong>No</strong>rth Africa. Vince says 'they've<br />

fixed up their tents with beds and mosquito netting. Also foot lockers<br />

made out of bomb boxes and a writing table. "Best of all, we have<br />

electric ligh.ta. Boy oh boy, just like living uptown only not half so<br />

crowded." Another bright note is that they can go to town every third<br />

day (if they aren't busy) for a bath and send their clothes to a laundry.<br />

Sounds like most of the conveniences of homo, Vince, but we know<br />

you'd be willing to swop places with us any day.<br />

We're delighted to have finally caught up with PVT. CHARLES M. KIRK -<br />

PATRICK JR even though indirectly. For a while, way back, we sent the<br />

<strong>Tattle</strong> to him regularly and then lost track of him. <strong>No</strong>w, Charlie old<br />

boy, you*re going to get it again willy nilly, and perhaps on account

of that A.P.O. address it will b e welcome.•<br />

LT. DAVID M. BARTRON writes a nifty letter from Pittsburgh California<br />

(We never were strong on georgraphy but the.postmark backs us up on<br />

this). He says it is just like Grand Central the way people come, and<br />

go but a bit disheartening for the -instructors, like himself, who just<br />

sit around hoping to get a chance at real action. That's the price<br />

you have to pay for being a good teacher, Lieutenant, but if you want<br />

action we hope you get it soon. Also thanks for sending us birthday<br />

greetings and we're glad our gabby gossip saved you from a' dull night<br />

on the desert. Incidentally, Lt, Bartron is the son of Mrs. Elsie L,<br />

Bartron, a name and person to remember. As chairman of Home Service<br />

for the <strong>Millburn</strong> Red Cross, Mrs. Bartron is the lady who is always 4<br />

standing by, ready and willing in case any of you boys need help.<br />

Ever since May 18th it has been CAPT. JOHN L. KEMMERER JR. of Atlanta,<br />

Georgia, formerly Short Kills. Johnny and Mrs. Kemmerer (the former-<br />

Mary Liz Halbach) are both working hard at the'ir various jobs even'<br />

though the weather is getting so warm it*s an effort to even use your .<br />

mind* Their name and address is in the phone book and although it*s<br />

almost as bad as Short Hills to find your way around, they hope<br />

old friends will seek them out. CAPT. BOB WILLIAMS did just -that while<br />

driving through to <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina and Mary Lia outdid the Southern hospitality<br />

by supplying a shower, home grown supper, and chat* The main<br />

dish was an omelet whipped up by Capt. K. from "the harvest of their<br />

eleven laying hens. Matter of fact, eggs are handy things because Mary<br />

Liz still has "Joe" the outsize cat who insists on meat.<br />

A nice picture postal from M.M. 1/c G. N. BECHTLS who says he has<br />

nothing to say but "'thanks a million." That's enough and thanks for<br />

taking time out to write it. Good luck and good health, Boy.<br />

This should really be in our Silver Lining column but as that group of<br />

tidbits has already entered the maw of the typewriter we'll jot it herenamely<br />

- HUGH M. AUSTIN was one of 52 Blue jackets out of a class of<br />

129 promoted to the petty officer rating of Mo,]l.,M. 2/c upon graduation<br />

from the Wavy*s. School of Diesel Operators at, the University of<br />

Illinois, and is now taking advanced Diesel'training at Wavy Pier,<br />

Chicago, according' to a newspaper clipping that has fluttered onto our<br />

desk, Hugh, incidentally, is but 18 years old and earned his promotion<br />

through outstanding scholarship and. exemplary conduct* Three<br />

cheers for you Hugh!<br />

Out of Darkest Africa comes a "V" letter from Lt. R. V/. COOK who says<br />

the ebon continent looked anything but dark as they landed after days<br />

and. days afloat, Lt. Cook is looking forward to getting his silver<br />

bars sometime this month (or should we call you Cap-ain already?) and<br />

to adds "that "all is not sand" as some reports would have us believe.<br />

In fact, his part of 'the country is not unlike California, but of •<br />

coarse he'can't tell us just where he is except.that he was moved<br />

farther East recently. Write us again Bob.<br />

PFC. ED PRESSLER pens us a nice billy doo from Santa Maria Army Air<br />

Base, Calif ornia. , whence he has arrived from South Dakota, ' Ed is still .•<br />

trying to find out the correct definition of "furlough" as the version<br />

in the dictionary doesn*t seem to jibe with his C.O.*s ideas on the<br />

subject. Anyhow, whatever it isf Ed ain't had none of it -to date - a .;•

12.<br />

little matter we hope will be rectified soon. And don't forget to come<br />

and see us if, and when.<br />

A hasty note has come in from CPL. ROBERT 0. L. KENT informing us of<br />

his new and mysterious A.P.O. La, address, warning us that he can no<br />

longer receive parcels and winding up with the cheery message that<br />

he'll write soon and that he enjoys the <strong>Tattle</strong> no end. Well, Bob,<br />

wield that pen our way when you can. Meanwhile, good luck.<br />

We note with pride that it is CPL. MICHAEL PASSARELLI now, according to<br />

his latest and very interesting letter. He's going to school-at Camp<br />

Consair, San Diego, California, learning the innards that make those<br />

B 24 Liberators, such a sky menace to To jo and Adolph. To get to San<br />

Diego Cpl* Passerelli really saw a good bit of the ole U.S.A. from a<br />

train window. The only part that saddened him a little was that -each<br />

mile took him farther from Millburh, He hasn 1 1 met any other local<br />

lads since he entered the service 6g- months ago either, so if any of<br />

you boys are in that vicinity, how about making news for our "Small<br />

World" column next issue.<br />

We'd already written up S/SGT. JOSEPH FORMICHELLI in "Silver Lining"<br />

when -a "V" mail letter came in at the zero hour, so we want to thank<br />

you Joe for giving us the lowdown on all your exciting doings in the<br />

Africa Theatre of war. Also for giving the American Red Cross such<br />

nice compliments. We know they are doing a fine job but it's good to<br />

hear it first hand, too. Happy raiding and keep up the good workj<br />

CPL. ARTHUR S. MACOMBER has finally arrived at Colorado Springs, although<br />

leaving Spokane was a wrench as he enjoyed everything about it.<br />

This can't be so bad either though, or else Artie is a born optimist.<br />

He's living in a tent now, but that's 0,K. because it's cooler and<br />

pleasanter than a barrack is in the summer. Also they are only 75<br />

miles from Denver (with an eye on future leaves) and nestled at the<br />

foot of Pikes Peak. In fact there are lots of side "trips to take when<br />

and if there .is the time but Art is hoping for a real furlough soon so<br />

he can get home. After almost a year we think you rate one too.<br />

Another friendly face we may see soon belongs to PFC. ANTHQN¥ CAIVANO<br />

even though he is down at Camp Hulen, Texas. Tony has finished his<br />

courses at Aberdeen, Maryland, and is back at work which gives him a<br />

great kick. As he says, "Every time I tighten a bolt or repair a part<br />

on one of these guns I feel we're all getting that much closer to<br />

Freedom." His camp is on the Gulf of Mexico and at night and in the<br />

early morning the views are beautiful. What goes on at noon, Tony?<br />

Too busy to look?<br />

LT. R. B. KOSTER takes time out from flying pursuit planes to tell us<br />

he likes the <strong>Tattle</strong>. He received his April and May issues in a batch<br />

and noticed that Steve Wilson was trying to locate him and Pierce<br />

Cassedy, <strong>No</strong>w all we need is a word from the latter, as Steve is always,<br />

one of our Grade A correspondents. By the- way ? Bud drops all<br />

capitals when referring to Pierce and Pensacola as it's "the best he<br />

can do for the Navy. Master Koster, as you can guess, is an Army man,<br />

RUSSELL A* HERBSTSOMSR S 2/c sends all his friends best regards and<br />

hopes to meet them all again as soon as this war is ended, Rues is

studying to be a radio operator at Bainbridge, Maryland, after finishing<br />

boot caqp the last of March,-and-while. Maryland is all very fine<br />

still "Jersey is the best state in the Union, and <strong>Millburn</strong> and its<br />

people -the best in the world." Nice letter and thems nice sentiments.<br />

Many thanksr . • •- . .<br />

SGT.' FRED. BROWN sends.a- message from Sacramento, California, to us and<br />

also to. PFC. CLARENCE HQXE«... Referring to a news flash on'Clarence in<br />

a recent issue, Fred wants us to pass this along. So here we go, docile<br />

and eager to oblige, - "Glad to hear from you, Clarence, also to<br />

heap about Stinky, Limey,. Chico and the rest of the boys. I see you<br />

are getting a chance to put. to use some of the tactics you and I were<br />

taught in the Carolina maneuvers." Fred goes on to tell us about -his<br />

work,but space cranes our. style as usual. Tanks a lot, Sarge, and that<br />

signature "from .an ardent fan" really gets us cold.<br />

Judging from the tricks glamour puss WILLIAM lil. WAREHIMSi S 2/c is picking<br />

up he 1 11 be nobody to trifle with when he gets home. Bill is at a<br />

Landing Craft School out on the Pacific Coast working seven days a week<br />

but all nights free (except when he has to work). While practising<br />

landing they have to back off the beach and some of the breakers are<br />

15 and 20 feet high. After three months of this Bill and his outfit<br />

move to another base where 'they will 'train with Marines. And here's<br />

the tough part —- (only don't leave this paper around for any snoopers<br />

or Marines to read, Mr,, Wartime)-, Bill s ays "if the Marines start<br />

acting wise we let down the ramp in ten feet of water. When they Jump<br />

out it teaches them to keep their .mouths shut." Maybe you boya know<br />

best but we'd.rather not be around when you start the fun. Keep writ-'<br />

ing us. Bill. Your .sense of humor gives' the scribes a great lift.<br />

PVT. CARL S. BAl)E!NHAt|SSN was visited by his parents recently at Fort<br />

Bragg, <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina ? and his Mother tells us he looks fine ~- all •<br />

eun bronzed and what have you. He 1 a with the artillery which sounds<br />

good to us but bad for the enemy as he is reputed to be a deadeyedick<br />

like his father. Good. nuntin 1 , Carli<br />

* # sy: J}: * * * * * * * * * *<br />

jjff. .QffE/ FEMININE FIELD •<br />

We te&v from A/C ROGER WSIT that his sister, JOYCE WENT, is now a 2nd<br />

Lieutenant in the I'JAAC stationed at Camp Ruston, Louisiana. Congratulations<br />

? hitrn Vfcaitl When last we heard from you you were an O/C at<br />

Fort jDes ITi<br />

Here is a grand letter from B.A. 1/c CATHERINE CIANCI v^ho v/rites tliat<br />

she liPvS coirpleted her training at Brooklyn Ho'Spitiai and 1B now a Hospi\.:il<br />

apprentice l/c which is the e

14.<br />

We have another feminine Marine, ' This time it's MARION WOLFE who<br />

joined the Lady Leathernecks on June 15th. Marion has a brother in<br />

the Army, PVT. DAVID H, WOLFE. JR.<br />

*3{ss& # # * #>;< >j;^j >js>jc* ^<br />


PFC. JOSEPH WITTKO? writes from somewhere in the South Pacific that he<br />

is being' royally entertained, having been invited to dine in various<br />

peoples homes three times in one week0 All of which proves that Joe's<br />

nice manners and thoughtful personality are also appreciated beyond<br />

the confines of <strong>Millburn</strong>,<br />

PFC. KAZIER MAZURKI must learn fast as he is off for parts unknown already,<br />

having only entered the service in February,<br />

SIGURD HOLME' (-^ ox the Holme Brothers' Radio Store) who has been somewhere<br />

in Africky since way last August sent some interesting snapshots<br />

to his brother recently showing the local color of his locale. The<br />

subjects included a family of leopards, a camel definetely cheering<br />

for the Bronx, and some decidedly un-Valentino looking shieks swathed<br />

in face veils. In fact, we were so interested in the photos that we<br />

absentmindedly walked off with the "Home Holmes" Brother* s lunch bag<br />

instead of our similarly clad purchase„ So here we are with sandwiches<br />

to refuel our flashlights while poor Mr, Holme tries to dine on our<br />

bulbs and batteries -- tchk,tehkj<br />


Mary Irwin, our ex-scribe, has thoughtfully forwarded us a letter from<br />

LT. COL. E. P, FliULDj JR, who was unaware of her Washington war job.<br />

Anyhow Bub goes on to say that wherever he is (A.P.O. to you) he could<br />

do with the Kless Diner and Kaiser's Drug Store and that life isn't so<br />

bad but they are kept very busy (from what we see by the papers that<br />

ain't no lie, Pearsalll) He has seen George Stone (who-is now back<br />

here) and Dick Rumery is still over there with him. Drop one down<br />

Benito's neck for us, Colonel, and do write and tell us how he liked<br />

it!<br />

Miami Beach really ought to change its name to <strong>Millburn</strong> judging by all<br />

the local lads in the A.A.F. down there, TONY PASSARELLI writes that<br />

he won a 10 mile race recently (good boyi) and ran sr i .k into ROCCO<br />

GUGLIEMO and bride on-the finish line. And OF CQF 0 ' Je has seen that<br />

ever-present Sergeant, our own soldier ROCCO FIOLAy *-oo, (More about<br />

Sgt, Rocco elsewhere.) Many Salaams for your sweet, sayings about this<br />

clarion, Tony, and we hope you'll find an opening soon. Hurrah, hur:*rah}<br />

hurrah for you tooil<br />

From Miami to Maine in one short paragraph - here we have a letter<br />

starting "Dear Friends" (we like that) from A/S STEWART DOUGLAS way up<br />

in Waterville, Maine, whence he was sent from Atlantic City, He has<br />

seen DON BOOTHBY while both were indulging in "Physical Torture" (our<br />

own title for calisthenics) on the beacho Stewart is attending Colby<br />

College and hopes to be a pilot 'ere long. He spends his spare time<br />

getting "spares" (oooh\) in the local bowling alley. Sounds like fun.<br />

Incidentally, he also says he is proud to notice how many <strong>Millburn</strong><br />

warriors are earning more than Private before their names.

15.<br />

CPL. CARL WILLIAMS types us a neat and nifty letter from Camp Hale,<br />

Colorado, telling us that PVT. BILL VAN INGEN is there too, in the Medical<br />

Detachment Service. Both boys want to know FRED SCHAEFER'S address<br />

at Lowry Field. (Our records have a John P, Schaei'er, formerly.of<br />

Lowry Field and now in <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina. Is he your man 1 ?) Carl is<br />

waiting to be called for Aviation Cadet Training - from ski to sky as<br />

it were. Meanwhile he wishes to send his regards to CPL. JACK<br />

MCKE3VER via the <strong>Tattle</strong>, (yoo hoo, JackJ) and would like to hear from<br />

him,<br />

LT. JOHN BZRMINGHMt U.S.N.R. has finally written us after many fruitless<br />

attempts (if we are to believe him on that.) He says he saw<br />

ENSIGN ED WARNER recently and gave him his first aeroplane ride. John<br />

says it's impossible to give that location of his outfit but he would<br />

enjoy meeting any <strong>Millburn</strong> boy that happened along — BO you all can<br />

figure THAT one out by your dear little selves as John has a Fleet P.O.<br />

address and that ole Pacific is pretty beegI<br />

PFC. CARMEN MARCANTONIO sees a lot of CPL. JOSEPH MARCKETTA out at Keyfield,<br />

Miss., according to one of our ace reporters.<br />

We don't know where but S 2/c A.M.M. FRANCIS CIAifCI recently met CORP.*<br />

WARREN W. YALE of Short Hills for the first time. In other words, join<br />

the Navy and meet your neighbors, eh Francis?<br />

Another "Dear Friends" letter came from CORP. J. McKEEVER who tells us<br />


and all have had many pleasant sessions of fat-chewing on old times.<br />

Corp. McKeever is enamored with his present setup and tells us to keep<br />

•our fingers crossed so's he'll remain at Camp Forrest, Tennessee a<br />

while. O.K. -we'll keep the digits BRAIDED for you, Corpi As to the<br />

addresses, see last paragraph in this <strong>Tattle</strong>.<br />

CARL SCHDEN3R T.lvi. 3/c writes that PVT. JOHN GRIMBILAS is located only<br />

90 miles from Carl's base in San Diego, California, and that they are<br />

anticipating a get-together soon in Los Angeles or Hollywood (zoots<br />

permitting?) Carl is ca-razy over his new base as they are allowed<br />

liberty every night a week but one. Write us again, <strong>Millburn</strong> Sailor.<br />

We like itI<br />

CPL. CARL WILLIAMS celebrated his brand new double chevron by being<br />

hospitalized with a sinus cold at Camp Hale, Colorado, which must have<br />

been brought on by the high altitude (9500 ft!) We could use a little<br />

of that rare air ourselves right now as the current heat wave has<br />

melted our brain to the consis.tancy of boiled custard. Carl is with<br />

the quartermaster corps of the ski troops, slithery slats to usj<br />

Also hospitalized at Camp Hale is PVT. WILLIAM VAN INGEN who was recently<br />

transferred to a Medical Detachment of an Infantry Mountain Reg<br />

iment following eight weeks in the hospital with scarlet fever. And<br />

now if you please, poor Bill is recovering from pneumonia, so maybe<br />

we won't envy these two high altitude boys after all. Thanks for your<br />

letter, Bill, and we sincerely hope 'that both you and Carl are on 'the<br />

okeydoke list as we go to press.

16*<br />

Poor PVT. RICHARD PHILP has been in the hospital three weeks with tonsilitis<br />

but reports that he has had more o&j?e than he needed* Whattno<br />

pretty nurses hovering about?<br />

ENSIGN JAMES MOORE has been suffering from an infected ear but is Improving,<br />

we»re glad to relate, and reports that ho*s received •wonderful<br />

care too.<br />

SGT, ROBERT JOHN HUFF has been ill with malaria somewhere in the South<br />

Pacific area but is almost recovered at last report, all of which is<br />

good news.<br />

Via the old vine we hear that CPL, SOL GABRIEL was in the hospital last<br />

month. Are you out now, Sol? If so, drop us a line and give us the<br />

lowdown,<br />

3/SGT. LEWIS BUFO has been in the hospital following a slight opera*<br />

tion (we trust it wasn't of a cardiac nature, Lew?) from which, for- f<br />

tunately, he is recovered.<br />

•<br />

CPL. V, MASI is out of the hospital again after a bout with a bad<br />

cold - Goodyl<br />

Poor PFC. RQCCO MARCANTONIO finds wisdom a painful acquisition, as far<br />

as teeth go anyway, as he's been laid up for over three -weeks giving<br />

birth to a few of those mental giant molars. Good luck and a speedy<br />

recovery,. Roccol<br />

CPL. JAMES GROSSO has been reported as having a bullet wound in his<br />

finger somewhere in Africa. Were you by any chance giving a digital<br />

salute to those NAZZYS, Jimmy? We trust it isnH your trigger finger<br />

and that the wounded member is back in working order by now.<br />

**************<br />


A promotion with fanfare i& what we call LT, NORMAN MARKS ento?y into<br />

the Shavetail realm, as we received a gilt*edged announcement of same<br />

from Miami Beach, Florida -• all very fawncy, and our frillyest congratulations,<br />

<strong>No</strong>rrnan.<br />

To JAME0 ¥. CONCHAR A.M.M. 3/c - Dear Jim, Worry not. itfJl is taken<br />

care of. If you only knew how many times we've had that same requestl<br />

Thanks for your letter and best of luck,<br />

RAYMOND LYONS -JR. definitely belojigs in this happy column, having just<br />

been promoted to H.O.M.M. 1/c with the highest honors in his division*<br />

He has one of those puzzling Fleet P.O. addresses so «e hope our congratulations<br />

won 1 1 take forever to reach him,<br />

CORP. STEVE WILSON writes cheerily that he is all un-raun^ed now and<br />

back drilling, etc* He*s at Ft. Monmouth where he can get home Weekends<br />

to his newly bought home on, Wyoming Avenue* Steve says he Bought<br />

the house so he«d hava a place to come home to now that his parents<br />

have moved to Cape God, Until there is a Mrs. Corp. Wilson to keep<br />

house, Steve's brother Bill and family are doing the job.

17,<br />

BILL KERR writes us a nice letter from Washington, D»C. telling us he<br />

expects to see the home town soon and that he likes reading about the<br />

boys in our <strong>Tattle</strong>. He was especially impressed with our mention of<br />

GEORGE EDDY. Good luck, Bill, and we hope to se«e you »<br />

\ S.E. LOEHNER must be wearing a bewildered smile these days as he's<br />

i the recipient of 8 cartons of cigarettes and the poor lad doesn't<br />

e| We can 1 1 help but wonder if he will become bottom man in a<br />

rage pile once the news leaks out.<br />

JOE SALADINO is missed sorely on the <strong>Millburn</strong> Sanitation Department<br />

truck. The home town ain't the same without that broad smile,<br />

Beans, Don't lose itj<br />

DR« FISCHER has recently received his promotion to Captain and is a<br />

surgeon with the vifildcat Division now on maneuvers in Tennessee* He<br />

wants to be remembered to all his <strong>Millburn</strong> friends. Thank youj<br />

S/SGT. JOE FORMICHELLI is now adorned with an airmants medal and ribbon<br />

for putting' in the required number of missions (no doubt his early<br />

practice in piloting Miller's truck over these Hills was a helpj)<br />

Come out from behind that red beard, Joe, and tell us whether there<br />

are any eagle eggs in it.<br />

PFC, LEWIS CUSAifO whose hobby is photography is acting as a waiter for<br />

the officers 1 mess. Send us a photo of some nice juicy steak and a<br />

hunk of butter, will you Joe?<br />


Ohi Oh I Just as we thought we had consigned this department to a long<br />

sojourn in mothballs, along comes a mournful epistle from ANTHOJNY<br />

O'CONE S 3/c. He says, "We are on some island in the South Pacific<br />

and it's not pleasant down here," The poor guy sounds plenty homesick<br />

and blue, but cheerfully adds that we mustn't think he is kicking<br />

as he is glad to be doing his share if it means that his family<br />

and all back here will bo safe. Buck up, Anthony, Who was it that<br />

said, "Things are never so bad that they cannot be worse. 11 Anyhow, we<br />

hope this edition finds you," happier. We sincerely trust that "Things<br />

are never so bad that they cannot be lots better" for YOU!<br />

##************<br />


June is living up to its name all right as the list of June brides<br />

marrying service men grows daily. However, let's start with the engagement<br />

of LT. THOMAS J. O'LOUGHLIN (son of CAPT and MRS. THOMAS hi<br />

O'LOUGHLIN) and Miss June Sofie34 of Montclair. The lieutenant was<br />

home recexitly but had to return to duty in Arizona prior tp the engagement<br />

announcement.<br />

And nov» for the Yielding belle which have been and are , tolling merrily<br />

In a few days ENSIGN JOSEPH D. SCOTT is to be married (on June 25th to<br />

be exact) to Miss Eleanor Kaighn of Atlantic City.<br />

LT. A. D. SNYDER was married to Miss Mildred Peifer of Philadelphia by<br />

the Arn^r Airfield Chaplain at Congaree, S. C»

18<br />

And here*s our old pal, REDMOND P. ROGERS, who celebrated his recent<br />

promotion to Radioman 2/c by taking as his lifetime partner Miss Muriel<br />

.•/.Ecker of Union at the Wyoming Church on June 19th. They have found a<br />

lovely honeymoon cottage in Southampton, L.I. near the groom's station.<br />

And here's another old friend, CPL,. TERRENCE GILI, now in the role of><br />

^rldegifoom, the blushing bride' being Miss Mary Eldam of Rochester, N.YJ<br />

Tha oarerLony vms performed in the chapel at Camp Butner, <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina<br />

on May 23rd, So THAT'S why we haven't heard from you lately, Terrence?<br />

Best wishes to you both and thanks for sending us the amiouncement.<br />

HARRY T. DEVERELL is a man who believes in signing his life away all at<br />

once-.. In other words, concurrent with his voluntary enlistment in the<br />

recent group of inductees, his engagement to Miss Mary Louise Bacon of<br />

Weotfield has been announced and. we offer our double-barrelled congratulations.<br />

LT, WILLIAM E. TAPLIN (son of one of our <strong>Tattle</strong> reporters) and Miss Ann<br />

Baxter Foster of Newport were wed. on June 12th at Trinity Church in Newport..<br />

A reception followed at the home of the bride's parents.<br />

Lucky SGT. VINCENT TIGHE has his bride (the former Miss Felice Price<br />

of Wyoming) staying with him at present at Ft. Knox, Kentucky.<br />

LT. JAMES E. BARRETT, U.S.N.R. and his bride (the former Theresa Chalmers<br />

of Soarsdale, N.Y.) have returned from a brief honeymoon following<br />

their marriage in New York on May 29th,<br />

On June 5th Miss Patricia Mullen and PVT. REGINALD V. SPELL JR. exchanged<br />

"I do's" at Christ Church in Short Hills. Pvt. Spell is now<br />

stationed at Sea Girt.<br />

Gamp Campbell. Kentucky was the happy background of rice and orange<br />

blossoms recently when SGT. ROBERT B. THORNLEY toqk as his bride Miss<br />

Florence Bennisoh of Trenton? New Jersey.<br />


LT. and MRS. FAIRFIELD P. DAY, .U.S.N.R. have a baby daughter, born<br />

June 8th and a girl child is just what they wanted, too, to be a nice<br />

little sister for Fairfield, Junior. 'We don't know what, young Miss<br />

Day's name is yet. .<br />

We hope that MAJOR FRANCIS J. SKIDMORE (A.P.O. somewhere?) received<br />

Mrs. Skidmore's cable announcing the advent of Francis, Jr. on June,<br />

4th. Congratulations, pop I<br />

lay 25th heralded the arrival of C, F. Rogge 3rd to LT.. and MRS. FRED-<br />

ERICK ROGGE, JR. According to statistics C.F.R. 3rd is a husky young<br />

gent who weighed 8 lbs., 3 o«J :<br />

And here is a snappy engraved card from ENSIGN and MRS. WALTER KABIS'<br />

bearing the happy news that v they had a son, Walter, Jr. on June 15th.<br />

All of which makes a fine total of three Juniors and one young lady "'. '<<br />

added to the tiny garment department this month.<br />



Pardon us for being "punny" with the above title, but we have received<br />

so many letters of thanks that we have decided to start a new department<br />

and, after all, it was you boys who began 'saying "tanks" instead'of<br />

"thanks" so we're not entirely to blame.<br />

We'll start taking our bows with a letter from LT. F. EVERETT ABBOTT<br />

who pens his praise of our work from a palm thatched shack in one of<br />

those A.P.O. spots. He says that the two big things that keep you all<br />

happy are plenty to do and news from home, and for us to see to it that<br />

our" mine ographod sheet continues to go out. Bless you, Evvyl<br />

PVT. A, N. MARCANTONIO (a new Mar cant onio on our list, by the way)<br />

writes us a delightful letter from Atlantic City saying, how happy he<br />

was- to receive the <strong>Tattle</strong>,, as it's the only source of news about his<br />

friends he has to date. Ho likes Atlantic City very much, what with<br />

its many'amusements augmented by U.S.O, shows. Y#io wouldn't? Do write<br />

us again, A.H., and tell us what the A. stands for as your first ini-'<br />

fcial. . '<br />

A very attractive scenic postal has come from PVT. HUGH FITZSIMMONS (we<br />

love 'snow-capped mountings, especially in the non-oyster monthsJ) out<br />

at Camp Carson. Colorado. He thanks us for the <strong>Tattle</strong> and says he always<br />

looks forward to it, Hughie has been made assistant instructor<br />

of machine guns — rat-tat-tat-tat and congratulations J<br />

Another 1 card, scenic .with stars and eagles, comes to us from A/c JOHN<br />

E. WOLF at Waco, Texas who informs us that he is at a basic training<br />

school for-pilots and that he prowls through our publication with interest.<br />

Thank you, John.<br />


Goodnessi ~ We got so snowed under with work last issue that we completely<br />

forgot to tell you that • JOHN W, WHITE JRi is now a LT. COMMAN-<br />

DER in the Naval Reserve. 3?erhaps that gleaming extra half stripe. just<br />

bedazzled-us. Anyhow, our belated congratulations, John, and though<br />

we haven't any words to eat exactly, wo are sucking our fingers and<br />

standing in the corner in shame over our se'eming neglect.<br />


The Mil3/burn~Short Hills Item gave the <strong>Tattle</strong> a vary nice "congratulations"<br />

editorial in their paper on our first anniversary, and we, in<br />

turn, would Xike to hand,-them a large bouquet. The Item has had a<br />

multitude of worthy birthdays and will have many, many more, long after<br />

our little, sheet has completed its "duration"servico and written "30"<br />

for the last time.<br />

$t % * si< % * * # Ho|< *** =i<<br />

REV. RALPH H. READ, minister of the Wyoming Church, <strong>Millburn</strong>, has writ<br />

ten this article, , which ch is the third of a series' of messages from each<br />

of of the ministers of our township.<br />

township<br />

This is simply to let yop: know that you are always in our thoughts' and<br />

prayers. There is no doubt that <strong>Millburn</strong> misses its boys and will be<br />


20<br />

waiting with eagerness the day of your return which we hope will not<br />

be too. long. I wonder if this war hasn't raised a good many religious<br />

questions in your mind, as it has with all of us. Many people want to<br />

know these days what has happened to God that such things as war can<br />

take place. But God isn't the kind of being we can believe in in time<br />

of peace and not in time of war. He does not will the destruction of<br />

war or desire it any more than we do, God however takes the tragedies<br />

of life and seeks to bring good from them. The history of the human<br />

race has not been one of sweetness and light. But out of our human"<br />

struggles we do slowly, but surely climb to a higher life. And "God<br />

is not a cowardly being," as a friend of mine put ±tr "who runs away<br />

when the going gets rough." He sticks by us when the way isn»t easy<br />

as well as when its easy. He is a God of love and mercy. We trust<br />

Him in His great mercy to take: the human failures of the race and lead<br />

each of us to something better. One thought more, there isn't anything<br />

tough that can happen to us that cannot be used to make our<br />

lives and characters stronger. ,We may wish it might not have happened.<br />

It might be better if it hadn't, but we find it and get as much good<br />

from it as possible. God makes it possible for us to take even the<br />

difficult and make it serve the good. And since He is not a God that<br />

is only good in time of peace, it means that He will go with us and be<br />

with us in yrfiatever'we have to face. This is just a rambling thought<br />

which may or may not seem to you to be helpful. Take it for what you<br />

think it is worth and good luck.<br />


Austin, Hugh<br />

Bailey, Joseph F.<br />

Barr, Vfc. M.<br />

Bartrom, Arthur<br />

Bluhm, Richard W,<br />

Bonelli, Anthony<br />

Boothby, Donald, Jr.<br />

Boub, Win. C«, Jr.<br />

Harrington, Robert<br />

Chalif, E. L.<br />

Cherin., Paul<br />

Chisholm, Ray E.<br />

Cianci, Catherine<br />

Cianci, Francis<br />

Clark, John D.<br />

D'Elia, Peter<br />

Delano, Sal.<br />

DeSessa, Daniel<br />

Montgomery, Richard<br />

Padgett, John Iff.<br />

Passarelli, Michael<br />

Petrillo, Dominick<br />

Picciuto, John<br />

Pierson, Donald<br />

Powers, William<br />

Reino, Anthony<br />

Retallock, R. L.<br />

Rizzo, Frederick<br />

Saladino, Joseph<br />

Mo.M.M.3/c<br />

Pfc.<br />

Corp,<br />

Lt.<br />

Cpl.<br />

Sgt.<br />

Cpl.<br />

Sgt.<br />

Ensign<br />

Lt.<br />

Lt.<br />

Pfc<br />

H.A.'l/c<br />

S2/c A.M.M.<br />

2d Lt.<br />

Sl/c<br />

Pfo.<br />

2d Lt.<br />

Pfc<br />

Lt.'U.g.)<br />

Cpl.<br />

Cpl.<br />

Pfc.<br />

Cox.<br />

Pfc.<br />

Sgt.<br />

Cpl.<br />

Pfc.<br />

Pfc.<br />

Dick, George B. Pfc<br />

Dilonno, Anthony S.M*3/c<br />

Drummond, Robt. F. Jr. Pfc.<br />

Feeiey, John J.<br />

Cpl.<br />

Fischer, David<br />

Capt.<br />

Gerardiello, Eugene Q.M.3/c<br />

Gilmore, John H., Jr. 2nd Lt,<br />

Hanson, Marcus<br />

Staff Sgt.<br />

Huff, Rqbert J. Staff Sgt.<br />

Idore, O'os.<br />

A.M.M.2/c<br />

Jenkinson, Edwin Corp.<br />

Kemmerer, John Jr. Capt.<br />

Kraus, Edmund G. Cpl.<br />

LaRocca, Julia<br />

Sgt.<br />

Laurino. Henry<br />

Cpl.<br />

Malvossi, Thomas Sgt.<br />

Marcantonio, Carmen Pfc.<br />

Metz, A. E.<br />

Cpl.<br />

Schoener, Carl<br />

T.M.S/c .<br />

Silbersher, Mervin Sgt.-<br />

Smith, Douglas M.<br />

Capt."<br />

Smith, H. R.<br />

2d Lt.<br />

Solazzi, Constantino<br />

Cpl.<br />

Taplin, Vim. E.<br />

Lt, "<br />

Taylor, John N.<br />

Sgt.<br />

Thomas, Russell<br />

Cpl.<br />

Ward, Kenneth F.<br />

Sgt.<br />

"i/Varhime, William<br />

Wassmer, Eugene J.<br />

S2/c<br />


Sanders, David M. Sgt.<br />

Sanders, Howard L. Cpl.<br />

Sammartino, Rocco Pfc.<br />

Gangster',. Frank 0. Jr. Cpl.<br />

The following le'ft town for .service in June:-<br />

Frank J. Arimenta<br />

Eugene F. Becker<br />

Reginald ?, Bellinger<br />

Richard L. Berry<br />

Jerry A. Boffilo<br />

Robert J. Calvin<br />

Arthur F. Cardone<br />

Frederick M. Oarlsen<br />

John C, Clayton<br />

Daniel F. D»Andrea<br />

Frank DcClessis<br />

Joseph A. Delano<br />

Harry T. Devorell<br />

Lester H. Gershenfield<br />

Nicholas G. Gordy<br />

Weber, Carl N. Toch. Sgt.<br />

White, John W, Jr. Lt. Com.<br />

Williams, Carl W. Cpl.<br />

Young, W. R« Sgt.<br />

Campbell, Vforthington Jr. Ensign<br />

•Went, Joyce 3d Off.WAAC<br />

^< ^ ^ ^ 5(< jfc * ^ •% ^ * * £ *<br />

David K. Ward<br />

Lawrence P. Hourihan<br />

Frederick Howe11<br />

Nathan Keats<br />

Thomas H. Klebold<br />

Lee E. Lacliat<br />

"Vance Lauderdale, Jr.<br />

Frank J. MacDonald<br />

John L. McNamara<br />

Walter J. Meyer<br />

Frank J. Mischo, Jr.<br />

James A. Ross<br />

Louis J. Selzer, Jr.<br />

RoGwell G. Smith<br />

Daniel J. Terono<br />

George E. Thompson<br />

Vfo v;ant to thank the following for sailing at A.W.V.S. Headquarters<br />

yo\ir visits were enq'oyed by usj-<br />

Major E, C. Heinzinger<br />

Lt, Comdr. Deati Marquis<br />

Pfc. George McFadden<br />

S l/c Williara McMane<br />

Sgt. Harry G. Nuneviller<br />

Cpl, Oominiok J. Pet.rillo<br />

Cpl. Jonoph 0. Policarpio<br />


Midshipman Bruce A. Winner<br />

Cpl. Charles Praizner<br />

Lt. Henry A. Slayton<br />

Frederick L. Smith, Jr.<br />

Lt. William IS. 1'aplin<br />

Pfc. James N. Tombyl<br />

David K. Ward<br />

A/0"Roger K. Went<br />

Honestly, we are not falling apart, but due to circumstances beyond<br />

our control we will be compelled to print a double issue for July and<br />

August.Hope you liko the Jumbo Job, and do keep writing -V- we mean<br />

TOUT! Also, P.P.3. we think you would like to know that the following<br />

township tots gave a party for the benefit of the a.W.V.S. recently<br />

which netted us "3.64" from the proceeds of lemonade and admission:<br />

namely, Clair and Carol O'Brien,"Mary O'Mara and Betsy and Bobby<br />

Breevar - <strong>No</strong>ne of these youngsters is much over ten and most are well<br />

below the mark, so its nice to know that even the woe onoo are doing<br />

their bit.<br />


L<br />

22<br />


Many are asking us to send them addresses of friends in service —<br />

too many to print in the <strong>Tattle</strong> even if censorship permitted same.<br />

So-oo, - if any of you want to send letters to friends, address them<br />

to the friend in care of the <strong>Tattle</strong>, A.W.V.S. Headquarters, <strong>Millburn</strong>,<br />

New Jersey, and we will gladly forward them prontoi<br />


Mrs. Stewart H. Hartshorn, Chairman A.W.V.S. <strong>Millburn</strong>-Short Hills Unit.<br />

Editor Reporters<br />

Mrs. Carl Egner<br />

Co-Editor<br />

Mrs. G. W. Gilman<br />

Scribes<br />

Mrs. A. E. French<br />

Mrs. C. F, Smith<br />

Printing .Staff<br />

Mrs. E. T. Burton<br />

Mrs. M. E, Anderson<br />

Miss Anne Zimmerman<br />

Mrs, John S. Baohelle<br />

Mrs. Dominick Bufo<br />

Mrs. Coleman Burke<br />

Mrs. F. W. Lawrence<br />

Mrs. R. F. Layton<br />

Mrs. E. E. Spencer, Jr<br />

Mrs. H. W. Taplin<br />

Circulation Managers<br />

Mrs. W. G, Lupton, Jr«<br />

Mrs. G. P. Robinson<br />




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