M to N Adrian Ion Magina. B. 1977. Researcher ... - PATZINAKIA

M to N Adrian Ion Magina. B. 1977. Researcher ... - PATZINAKIA M to N Adrian Ion Magina. B. 1977. Researcher ... - PATZINAKIA

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M to N Adrian Ion Magina. B. 1977. Researcher, Museum of the Mountainous Banate, Reşiţa. PhD student of the “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, preparing a thesis on The Reformation in the Banat during the Ottoman Domination (16 th -17 th Centuries). His main research areas and topics, on which he has published several studies and documents, are: the influence of the radical wing of the Reformation in the Banat(e); the Romanian nobility from the Banat area (1400’-1600’), as well as the Serbian medieval and early modern Church. His researches are based on informations extracted from the archives and libraries in Budapest, Esztergom and Vienna. More recently he has turned towards the study of local Romanian institutions from the late medieval area of the Banat. E- mail Address: adimagina@gmail.com Dr. Ernő Marosi G. 1940. Vizepräsident der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Ehemaliger Direktor des Instituts für Kunstge schichte der Ungarischen Akademie der Wis senschaften Budapest. Universitätsprofessor an der „Eötvös Loránd“ Universität, Budapest. Ehemaliger Herderstipendiant (Wien), Fellow in Berlin und Washington. Leiter drei wichtiger Mittalterausstellungen des Instituts für Kunst geschichte (in Budapest): Steinskulpturen der Arpadenzeit (1978), König Ludwig I. von Anjou (1982), und König Sigismund von Luxemburg (1987). Fachgebiet: die spätgotische Baukunst (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bezieh ung zwischen Kunst und Realität der Kunst im 14.-15. Jahrhundert). Autor und Verfasser von mehreren Büchern, Sammelbänden, Austellungskatalogen und Studien die sich mit der spätmittelalterlichen Kunst des Ungarischen Königreichs befassen. E-mail Adresse: marosi@office.mta.hu Szabolcs Marton. B. 1978. University of Szeged. He defended his PhD thesis at the University of Szeged in 2007 and now he is unemployed. His main topics and research themes focus on the every day life in medieval and early modern Europe, in particular in Hungary. Special attention was given to the wine and alcohol culture in the investigated time spans. On the other hand, other studies have been devoted to the question of medieval Hungarian sources. Co-editor of Medievisztikai tanulmányok [Medieval Studies], IV (2005) and author of Az italok és az italozás története jegyzet [Notes on the History of Drinking] (2006 2 ), an abridged version of his PhD thesis. E-mail Address: szabolcsmarton@tvnetwork.hu Gianluca Masi. N. 1965. Dottorando, Università di Firenze. Professore, Liceo Scientifico “G. Castelnuovo” (Firenze). Interessi: filologia greca e latina (edizione delle opere di G. Crisostomo - per cui ho sviluppato una buona conoscenza anche dell’armeno classico; uso delle fonti anti che nel Petrarca e in epoca umanistica), storia dei seccoli XV-XVII (soprattutto i rapporti fra Stati italiani, Europa orientale, Impero ottomano). Co-editore dei volumi: L’Italia e l’Europa Centro–Orientale attra verso i secoli. Miscellanea di studi di storia politico-diplomatica, economica e dei rap porti culturali (2004); L’Europa Centro– Orientale e la Penisola italiana: quattro secoli di rapporti e influssi intercorsi tra Stati e civiltà (1300-1700) (2007). Ha presentato i risultati delle sue ricerche anche sui fonti inediti riguardanti i Paesi Romeni del 500, a convegni organizzati in Inghilterra, Italia e Spagna. Indirizio mail: Pierluigi.Masi@tin.it 128

M <strong>to</strong> N<br />

<strong>Adrian</strong> <strong>Ion</strong> <strong>Magina</strong>. B. <strong>1977.</strong> <strong>Researcher</strong>,<br />

Museum of the Mountainous Banate, Reşiţa.<br />

PhD student of the “Babeş-Bolyai” University<br />

of Cluj-Napoca, preparing a thesis on The<br />

Reformation in the Banat during the Ot<strong>to</strong>man<br />

Domination (16 th -17 th Centuries). His main<br />

research areas and <strong>to</strong>pics, on which he has<br />

published several studies and documents,<br />

are: the influence of the radical wing of the<br />

Reformation in the Banat(e); the Romanian<br />

nobility from the Banat area (1400’-1600’),<br />

as well as the Serbian medieval and early<br />

modern Church. His researches are based<br />

on informations extracted from the archives<br />

and libraries in Budapest, Esztergom and<br />

Vienna. More recently he has turned <strong>to</strong>wards<br />

the study of local Romanian institutions from<br />

the late medieval area of the Banat.<br />

E- mail Address: adimagina@gmail.com<br />

Dr. Ernő Marosi G. 1940. Vizepräsident der<br />

Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.<br />

Ehemaliger Direk<strong>to</strong>r des Instituts für Kunstge<br />

schichte der Ungarischen Akademie der Wis<br />

senschaften Budapest. Universitätsprofessor<br />

an der „Eötvös Loránd“ Universität, Budapest.<br />

Ehemaliger Herderstipendiant (Wien), Fellow<br />

in Berlin und Washing<strong>to</strong>n. Leiter drei wichtiger<br />

Mittalterausstellungen des Instituts für Kunst<br />

geschichte (in Budapest): Steinskulpturen der<br />

Arpadenzeit (1978), König Ludwig I. von Anjou<br />

(1982), und König Sigismund von Luxemburg<br />

(1987). Fachgebiet: die spätgotische Baukunst<br />

(mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bezieh<br />

ung zwischen Kunst und Realität der Kunst im<br />

14.-15. Jahrhundert). Au<strong>to</strong>r und Verfasser von<br />

mehreren Büchern, Sammelbänden, Austellungskatalogen und Studien die<br />

sich mit der spätmittelalterlichen Kunst des Ungarischen Königreichs befassen.<br />

E-mail Adresse: marosi@office.mta.hu<br />

Szabolcs Mar<strong>to</strong>n. B. 1978. University<br />

of Szeged. He defended his PhD thesis<br />

at the University of Szeged in 2007 and<br />

now he is unemployed. His main <strong>to</strong>pics<br />

and research themes focus on the every<br />

day life in medieval and early modern<br />

Europe, in particular in Hungary. Special<br />

attention was given <strong>to</strong> the wine and<br />

alcohol culture in the investigated time<br />

spans. On the other hand, other studies<br />

have been devoted <strong>to</strong> the question of<br />

medieval Hungarian sources. Co-edi<strong>to</strong>r<br />

of Medievisztikai tanulmányok [Medieval<br />

Studies], IV (2005) and author of Az italok<br />

és az italozás története jegyzet [Notes<br />

on the His<strong>to</strong>ry of Drinking] (2006 2 ), an<br />

abridged version of his PhD thesis.<br />

E-mail Address: szabolcsmar<strong>to</strong>n@tvnetwork.hu<br />

Gianluca Masi. N. 1965. Dot<strong>to</strong>rando,<br />

Università di Firenze. Professore, Liceo<br />

Scientifico “G. Castelnuovo” (Firenze).<br />

Interessi: filologia greca e latina (edizione<br />

delle opere di G. Crisos<strong>to</strong>mo - per cui ho<br />

sviluppa<strong>to</strong> una buona conoscenza anche<br />

dell’armeno classico; uso delle fonti anti<br />

che nel Petrarca e in epoca umanistica),<br />

s<strong>to</strong>ria dei seccoli XV-XVII (soprattut<strong>to</strong> i<br />

rapporti fra Stati italiani, Europa orientale,<br />

Impero ot<strong>to</strong>mano). Co-edi<strong>to</strong>re dei volumi:<br />

L’Italia e l’Europa Centro–Orientale attra<br />

verso i secoli. Miscellanea di studi di s<strong>to</strong>ria<br />

politico-diplomatica, economica e dei rap<br />

porti culturali (2004); L’Europa Centro–<br />

Orientale e la Penisola italiana: quattro<br />

secoli di rapporti e influssi intercorsi tra<br />

Stati e civiltà (1300-1700) (2007). Ha<br />

presenta<strong>to</strong> i risultati delle sue ricerche<br />

anche sui fonti inediti riguardanti i Paesi<br />

Romeni del 500, a convegni organizzati in Inghilterra, Italia e Spagna.<br />

Indirizio mail: Pierluigi.Masi@tin.it<br />


Loránd Mádly. B. 1978. <strong>Researcher</strong>.<br />

Romanian Academy, “George Bariţ”<br />

Institute of His<strong>to</strong>ry, Cluj-Napoca. PhD<br />

student at the “Babeş-Bolyai” University<br />

(Cluj-Napoca) with a thesis on Relaţiile<br />

saşilor ardeleni cu au<strong>to</strong>rităţile austriece<br />

în deceniul neoabsolutist [Relations be<br />

tween the Transylvanian Saxons and<br />

the Austrian Authorities in the Decade<br />

of Neo-Absolutism]. Research <strong>to</strong>pics and<br />

projects: the his<strong>to</strong>ry of the Transylvanian<br />

Saxons in the Modern and Early Modern<br />

Age; the German his<strong>to</strong>riography from Transylvania; the Transylvanian law<br />

system and custumary law (as a former student and graduate of the Faculty of<br />

Law of the “Babeş-Bolyai” University); the his<strong>to</strong>ry and art of the castle of Lucani<br />

(Aranyosgerend). Author of several studies devoted <strong>to</strong> these themes. Edi<strong>to</strong>r<br />

of documents (e.g. Vierhundertfünfzehn Tage in Wien. Das Tagebuch der<br />

siebenbürgisch-sächsischen Nationaldeputation (1850-1851), 2007).<br />

E-mail Address: lmadly78@yahoo.de.<br />

Daniela Monica Mitea. B. 1980. PhD Stu<br />

dent, “Babeş-Bolyai” University (Cluj-<br />

Napoca), with a thesis on the Relations<br />

between Transylvania and Hungary and<br />

the Romanian Countries (1438-1541),<br />

on the basis of archive material, edited<br />

information and modern his<strong>to</strong>riography.<br />

Her studies (eg. ‘Relaţiile Transilvaniei cu<br />

Ţara Românească, reflectate în Socotelile<br />

Sibiului (anul 1507 şi începutul lui 1508)’<br />

[The Relations between Transylvania and<br />

Walachia in the Account Books of Sibiu<br />

(Hermannstadt, Szeben). 1507-1508], in<br />

Transilvania (secolele XIII-XVII). Studii<br />

is<strong>to</strong>rice [Transylvania (13 th -17 th Centuries).<br />

His<strong>to</strong>rical Studies] (2005), although are<br />

based primarily on an positivistic and do<br />

cumentary approach, emphasize also the<br />

human dimensions of these peculiar chapters in the his<strong>to</strong>ry of the relations<br />

between the south-eastern parts of the Hungarian realm and the Walachias.<br />

E-mail Address: danymitea@yahoo.com<br />

129<br />

Dr. Ekaterini Mitsiou. G. 1973. Werkvertragmit<br />

arbeiterin des Instituts für Byzanzforschung der<br />

Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaten,<br />

Wien. Stipendiantin der Stiftung „A.S. Onassis“<br />

(2002-2005). Gewärtiges Projekt: Edition des<br />

Patriarchatsregisters von Konstantinopel, Band<br />

V. Dok<strong>to</strong>ratstudium an der Universität Wien, Insti<br />

tut für Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik (Abschluss<br />

mit Auszeichnung): Untersuchungen zu Wirtschaft<br />

und Ideologie im Nizänischen Reich (2001-<br />

2006). Au<strong>to</strong>rin mehrer Studien (z.B. Byzanz im<br />

Spätmittelalter. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. In:<br />

Mediterraner Kolonialismus. Expansion und<br />

Kulturaustausch im Mittelalter. 2005; Versorgungs<br />

modelle im Νikäischen Kaiserreich. In: Handels<br />

güter und Verkehrswege. Aspekte der Warenversorgung im östlichen Mittelmeer<br />

raum (4.–15. Jahrhundert). 2007; Ideology and economy in the politics of John III<br />

Vatatzes (1222-1254). In: Change in the Byzantine World in the Twelfth and<br />

Thirteenth Centuries. 2007) über die lezten Jahrhundente von Byzanz.<br />

E-mail Adresse: Ekaterini.Mitsiou@oeaw.ac.at<br />

Dr. Dan Ioan Mureşan. N. 1974. Chercheur à<br />

l’École des Hautes Études en Science Sociales.<br />

Boursier Hermès de la Maison des Sciences de<br />

l’Homme (Paris). Ancien boursier Vasile Pârvan de<br />

l’Académie Roumaine (Rome, 2004-2006). Membre<br />

du Comité Français des Études Byzantines (Paris).<br />

Spécialiste en his<strong>to</strong>ire byzantine médiévale et en<br />

l’his<strong>to</strong>ire de la croisade tardive (XIV e -XVI e siècles).<br />

Principaux domaines de recherche: l’his<strong>to</strong>ire du<br />

Patriarcat œcuménique de Constantinople,<br />

l’his<strong>to</strong>ire du Patriarcat latin de Constantinople, le<br />

Concile de Florence et la croisade tardive et la politique orientale de la<br />

France au XVI e siècle et la «redécouverte» de l’Europe de l’Est. Auteur des<br />

nombreuses études sur l’his<strong>to</strong>ire ecclésiastique byzantine et roumaine (dont:<br />

notamment: «Avant Nicopolis: la campagne de 1395 pour le contrôle du Bas<br />

Danube», RIHM, LXXXIII, 2003; «Girolamo Lando, titulaire du Patriarcat de<br />

Constantinople (1474-1497), et son rôle dans la politique orientale du Saint-<br />

Siège», AIRCRU, VII, 2007), co-éditeur du volume du colloque. Le Patriarcat<br />

de Constantinople aux XIV e -XVI e siècles: rupture et continuité, Paris (2007).<br />

Mél: danioanmuresan@yahoo.com/ danioanmuresan@gmail.com<br />


Dr. Ovidiu Mureşan. B. 1951. Asso<br />

ciate Professor, “Babeş-Bolyai” Univer<br />

sity. Professor Mureşan is the author<br />

of several studies and books (e.g.<br />

Renaşterea europeană în viziunea<br />

is<strong>to</strong>riografiei româneşti [The European<br />

Renaissance in the Romanian His<strong>to</strong>rio<br />

graphy] (1997); Umanism, Renaştere şi<br />

Papalitate în secolul al XV-lea [Huma<br />

nism, Renaissance and Papacy in the<br />

1400’] (2005). Research <strong>to</strong>pics: the<br />

cultural his<strong>to</strong>ry of East-Central Europe<br />

in the Middle Ages; Humanism and<br />

politics in the 15 th century (with special<br />

emphasis on the personality of Aeneas<br />

Silvio Piccolomini); the his<strong>to</strong>ry of the<br />

Later Crusades: the early prints of Central Europe and their social context; the<br />

German and Romanian his<strong>to</strong>riographies of the 20 th century. Co-edi<strong>to</strong>r of the<br />

new series of Mélanges d’His<strong>to</strong>ire Génerale, (Cluj-Napoca 2007-)<br />

E-mail Address: muresanu@lycos.com<br />

Dr. Camil Mureşanu. N. 1927. Membre de<br />

l’Académie Roumaine. Ancien doyen de la<br />

Faculté d’His<strong>to</strong>ire de l’Université «Babeş-<br />

Bolyai» de Cluj Napoca (1968-1970, 1980-<br />

1988), directeur de l’Institute d’His<strong>to</strong>ire<br />

«George Bariţ» de l’Académie Roumaine,<br />

Cluj-Napoca (1995-2007). Spécialiste en<br />

his<strong>to</strong>ire médiévale et moderne universelle,<br />

auteur des plusieurs livres et plus d’une<br />

centaine des études, dont plus récemment<br />

Naţiune, naţionalism, evoluţia naţionalităţilor<br />

[Nation, nationalisme, l’évolution des natio<br />

nalités], Cluj-Napoca (1996); John Hunyadi.<br />

Defender of Christendom, Oxford-Portland<br />

Iaşi (2001); În templul lui Janus [Dans le temple de Janus], Cluj-Napoca (2002).<br />

Le professeur a enseigné aux universités et fait des recherches d’archives en<br />

Angleterre, France, aux Pays Bas et aux États-Unis. Il est aussi doc<strong>to</strong>r honoris<br />

causa des universités d’Oradea (1999) et de Timişoara (2002) et, dépuis 2002,<br />

membre de Süd-Ost Europa Gesellschaft (Munich-Berlin).<br />

Adresse: Potaissa, 8, ap. 1, Cluj-Napoca, 400090 (Roumanie).<br />

131<br />

132<br />

Emőke Nagy. B. 1978. PhD Student,<br />

“Babeş-BolyaI’ University (Cluj-Napoca),<br />

joint-PhD with the “Eötvös Lóránd” Uni<br />

versity (Budapest). Topic: Motherhood<br />

and Sanctity. The Cult of Saint Anne in<br />

Medieval Hungary (14 th -16 th Centuries).<br />

MA, with a thesis on: The Human Trinity<br />

and Christ’s Human Genealogy in Late<br />

Medieval Hungary. Saint Anne’s Iconogra<br />

phy and textual sources, defended at the<br />

Central European University (Budapest),<br />

in 2007. Author of several studies and<br />

articles devoted <strong>to</strong> the medieval cult of<br />

Saint Anne and, in general, <strong>to</strong> late medie<br />

val and early-modern artistic representta<br />

tions of popular and noble devotion. Her<br />

works are based on resarches made in<br />

Hungarian, Italian and Transylvanian chur<br />

ches, as well as in the archives and libra<br />

ries, namely in Budapest and Pisa, .<br />

E-mail Address: nagyemok@yahoo.com<br />

Gizella Nemeth. N. 1952. Ricerca<strong>to</strong>re presso<br />

l’Istitu<strong>to</strong> Italoungherese “Pier Paolo Vergerio”<br />

di Venezia. condiret<strong>to</strong>re della Collana di Studi<br />

e Documenti Italia-Ungheria delle Edizioni<br />

della Laguna di Mariano del Friuli (Gorizia) e<br />

della Collana di Studi e Documenti Civiltà<br />

della Mitteleuropa» dell’Associazione<br />

Vergerio. È stata dichiarata cul<strong>to</strong>re di Lingua<br />

e letteratura ungherese dalla Facoltà di<br />

Lingue dell’Uni versità di Udine. Si è<br />

occupata in genere di temi riguardanti le<br />

relazioni s<strong>to</strong>rico-culturali italoungheresi. In<br />

particolare, si è occupata di temi di s<strong>to</strong>ria<br />

medievale e moderna. Autrice di circa 70<br />

pubblicazioni, di cui 4 monografie in volume,<br />

6 curatele di atti di convegni, 3 volumi di<br />

annuari<br />

Indirizio mail: gizinem@libero.it

Anca Niţoi. B. <strong>1977.</strong> Brukenthal Museum<br />

of Sibiu, cura<strong>to</strong>r of the Arms and Armour col<br />

lection. PhD student at the “Lucian Blaga”<br />

University of Sibiu, with a thesis on The evo<br />

lution of Transylvanian Weaponry of the 15 th<br />

and 16 th Centuries and its Reflection on Sou<br />

thern Transylvanian panel paintings. MA in<br />

Medieval Studies at the Central European<br />

University, Budapest (2004). Erasmus fellow<br />

at the Institut für Ur und Frühgeschichte und<br />

Archäologie des Mittelalters of the “Karl<br />

Ebehald” University, Tübingen (2007). Author<br />

of several studies and articles on late me<br />

dieval weaponry and paintings. Involved in<br />

several archaeological researches in the sou<br />

thern part of Transylvania. The main goal of<br />

her researches is <strong>to</strong> analyze the evolution of medieval weaponry, taking<br />

in<strong>to</strong> consideration the several collections housed by Transylvanian museums.<br />

E-mail Address: ank212001@yahoo.com<br />

P <strong>to</strong> R<br />

Dr. Şerban Papacostea. N. 1928. Membre<br />

correspondant de l’Académie Roumaine et<br />

ancien directeur de l’Institute d’His<strong>to</strong>ire<br />

«Nicolae Iorga» de l’Académie Roumaine,<br />

Bucarest (1990-2001). Il est co-éditeur de la<br />

revue Il Mar Nero (Rome-Paris). Membre de<br />

l’Académie Ligure des Sciences et Lettres<br />

de Gênes. Auteur des nombreux études et<br />

livres (dont: Between the Crusade and the<br />

Mongol Empire. The Romanians in the 13 th<br />

Century, 1998; La Mer Noire: carrefour des<br />

grandes routes intercontinentales 1204-<br />

1453), 2006). sur l’his<strong>to</strong>ire de la Mer Noire<br />

et de l’Europe Centre-Orientale au XIII e -<br />

XVI e siècles. Le professeur a enseigné aux universités et fait des recherches<br />

d’archive en Allemagne, Italie, notamment à Gênes et Venise, et en Pologne,<br />

de meme qu’en Roumanie, où il est aussi doc<strong>to</strong>r honoris causa des universités.<br />

Mél: spap@b.astral.ro<br />

133<br />

Dr. <strong>Adrian</strong>o Papo. N. 1948. Professore<br />

presso l’Università degli Studi di Udine,<br />

Vicepresidente dell’associazione culturale<br />

Sodalitas adriatico-danubiana. Fa parte<br />

del Consiglio direttivo dell’Associazione<br />

Italiana Studi di S<strong>to</strong>ria dell’Europa Centrale<br />

e Orientale. <strong>Adrian</strong>o Papo ha promosso e<br />

organizza<strong>to</strong> importanti convegni di studi<br />

internazionali, curandone la pubblicazione<br />

degli atti, ma anche mostre d’arte e con<br />

certi. Collabora con numerose riviste, istitu<br />

zioni, associazioni culturali italiane ed es<br />

tere. Ha tenu<strong>to</strong> lezioni e conferenze, parte<br />

cipa<strong>to</strong> a convegni, coordina<strong>to</strong> tavole ro<strong>to</strong>n<br />

de È sta<strong>to</strong> dichiara<strong>to</strong> cul<strong>to</strong>re di Lingua e<br />

letteratura ungherese dalla Facoltà di<br />

Lingue dell’Università di Udine. Au<strong>to</strong>re et coau<strong>to</strong>re di circa 90 pubblicazioni, di<br />

cui 4 monografie in volume (tramite: Ludovico Gritti. Un principe-mercante del<br />

Rinascimen<strong>to</strong> tra Venezia, i Turchi e la Corona d’Ungheria, 2002; Pippo Spano.<br />

Un eroe antiturco antesignano del Rinascimen<strong>to</strong>, 2006), 6 curatele di atti di<br />

convegni, 3 volumi di annuari, riguardanti in genere le relazioni italo-ungheresi.<br />

Indirizio mail: apgn@libero.it<br />

Tamás Pálosfalvi. B. 1970. <strong>Researcher</strong>,<br />

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Insti<br />

tute of His<strong>to</strong>ry, Budapest. Author of the book<br />

Nikápoly tól Mohácsig 1396-1526 [From<br />

Nicopolis <strong>to</strong> Mohács] (2005). His studies<br />

and archive based researches focus name<br />

ly on the mid 1400’, on the period between<br />

the reigns of Sigismund and of Matthias<br />

(Mátyás, Matia) Corvinus. His interests<br />

cover also the late 1300’, mainly in terms<br />

of military <strong>to</strong>pics. Other studies were devo<br />

ted <strong>to</strong> questions of social his<strong>to</strong>ry and rise in<br />

the Middle Ages, with particular emphasis<br />

on the relation between the royal court<br />

and the nobility. He has also translated<br />

several major works such as Pál Engel’s his<strong>to</strong>ry of the Hungarian realm or<br />

Peter Brown’s study on the genesis of European Christendom.<br />

E-mail Address: vajdaeszti@freemail.hu<br />


Dr. Zrinka Pešorda Vardić. B. 1974. Research<br />

Assistant. Croatian Academy of Sciences and<br />

Arts, Institute of His<strong>to</strong>rical and Social Resear<br />

ches, Zagreb. Currently, working on the project<br />

Croatian Medieval City: social structures, <strong>to</strong>po<br />

graphy and urban life”. Her primary research<br />

interest is late medieval - Renaissance Ragusa<br />

(Dubrovnik), especially the his<strong>to</strong>ry of its social<br />

structures, political and religious life. Another<br />

research <strong>to</strong>pic is the relation between the King<br />

dom of Hungary and the Republic of Dubrovnik<br />

(in particular during the reign of Sigismund of<br />

Luxemburg). Author of several studies that<br />

discuss these <strong>to</strong>pics, such as ‘The Crown, the King and the City: Dubrovnik,<br />

Hugary and the dynastic controversy, 1382-1390’, Dubrovnik Annals, X (2006).<br />

She was co-edi<strong>to</strong>r and transla<strong>to</strong>r of Filip de Diversis, Dubrovački govori u<br />

slavu ugarskih kraljeva Sigismunda i Alberta [Orations in Honor of the<br />

Hungarian Kings Sigismund and Albert delivered in Dubrovnik] (2001).<br />

E-mail Address: zrinka.pesorda@zg.t-com.hr<br />

Dr. István Petrovics. B. 1953. Associate Pro<br />

fessor. University of Szeged. Dr. Petrovics gra<br />

duated from the University of Szeged in <strong>1977.</strong><br />

Since then he has been working at his Alma<br />

mater, first at the Department of His<strong>to</strong>rical Au<br />

xiliary Sciences, from 1984 on, at the Depart<br />

ment of Medieval and Early Modern Hungarian<br />

His<strong>to</strong>ry. Dr. Petrovics earned his doc<strong>to</strong>r’s title<br />

and his PhD degree from the same University<br />

of Szeged. His special field of research is<br />

medieval Hungarian and European social and<br />

urban his<strong>to</strong>ry, but his research interests also<br />

include medieval church, legal and military<br />

his<strong>to</strong>ry, in particular in the area between the<br />

rivers Danube, Tisza (Tisa) and Maros (Mureş). Dr. Petrovics was involved<br />

in several national research programs, the most important of which was the<br />

publication of a medieval Hungarian his<strong>to</strong>rical lexicon (Korai magyar<br />

történeti lexikon, of 1994), and also in various Tempus JEPs and Socrates/<br />

Erasmus programmes. He has published three books and more than 30<br />

studies, a significant part of them were written in English.<br />

E-mail Address: petrovic@hist.u-szeged.hu<br />

135<br />

Dr. Ioan-Aurel Pop. N. 1955. Professore<br />

ordinario di S<strong>to</strong>ria medievale e s<strong>to</strong>rio<br />

grafia presso la Facoltà di S<strong>to</strong>ria dell’Uni<br />

versità “Babeş-Bolyai” di Cluj-Napoca.<br />

Membro corrispondente dell’Accademia<br />

Romena (2001-). Nel 1989 ha consegui<strong>to</strong><br />

il dot<strong>to</strong>ra<strong>to</strong> in s<strong>to</strong>ria con una tesi sulle<br />

istituzioni romene della Transilvania fra<br />

Trecen<strong>to</strong> e Cinquecen<strong>to</strong>, per la quale ha<br />

vin<strong>to</strong>, nel 1991, il Premio “George Bariţ”<br />

dell’Accademia Romena. Ha insegna<strong>to</strong><br />

come Visiting Professor presso l’Univer<br />

sità di Pittsburgh (1991-1992). È sta<strong>to</strong><br />

diret<strong>to</strong>re del Centro Culturale Romeno<br />

di New York (1994-1995) e diret<strong>to</strong>re dell’<br />

Istitu<strong>to</strong> Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Uma<br />

nistica di Venezia (2003-2007). Attual<br />

mente (dal 1993) è diret<strong>to</strong>re del Centro<br />

di Studi sulla Transilvania di Cluj. Ha scrit<strong>to</strong> numerosi volumi d’au<strong>to</strong>re e studi, su<br />

temi concernenti la s<strong>to</strong>ria delle istituzioni medievali, la s<strong>to</strong>ria della Transilvania, la<br />

formazione delle nazioni, le fonti latine medievali, la s<strong>to</strong>ria della s<strong>to</strong>riografia.<br />

Indirizio mail: i_a_pop@yahoo.com<br />

Dr. Cosmin Popa-Gorjanu. B. 1974. Lecturer,<br />

“1 st of December” University, Alba-Iulia. I have<br />

collected several diplomas from various univer<br />

sities. I have a BA in His<strong>to</strong>ry-Archeology from<br />

the University “1 st of December” of Alba Iulia<br />

(1997), a MA in Medieval Studies from the<br />

“Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj (1998), a MA in<br />

Medieval Studies, from the Central European<br />

University of Budapest (1999), and, finally, a<br />

PhD earned at the same Central European Uni<br />

versity (2004). I am currently teaching medieval<br />

his<strong>to</strong>ry at the University of Alba Iulia. I have<br />

mainly been interested in researching various<br />

aspects of the his<strong>to</strong>ry of nobility of Hungary<br />

and have written several papers on <strong>to</strong>pics of social his<strong>to</strong>ry. I plan <strong>to</strong> publish<br />

very soon my PhD thesis in<strong>to</strong> a book. My future plans include comparative<br />

in vestigations of various nobilities of medieval Europe.<br />

E-mail Address: pgcosmin@yahoo.com<br />


Dr. Mihailo Popović. G. 1978. Junior<br />

Scientist, Österreichische Akademie der Wis<br />

senschaften, Institut für Byzanzforschung,<br />

Wien. Tätig in der Abteilung His<strong>to</strong>rische Geo<br />

graphie und Denkmalkunde mit dem Ziel,<br />

eine his<strong>to</strong>risch-geographische Monographie<br />

über Makedonien (nördlicher Teil) für die<br />

Reihe Tabula Imperii Byzantini (TIB 16) zu<br />

verfassen. Dok<strong>to</strong>rarbeit: Mara Branković –<br />

Leben und Wirken einer Frau an der kultu<br />

rellen Schnittstelle zwischen Serben, Byzan<br />

tinern und Osmanen (2005). Die Diplom<br />

arbeit (2000), Die Reiseliteratur des 14. bis<br />

16. Jahrhunderts als Quelle zur Via Traiana<br />

und zu den an ihr lebenden Völkern, wurde,<br />

2006, gedruckt. Verfasser mehrer Studien<br />

zur Geschichte der süd-ost europäischen<br />

Gesellschaft im Spätmittelalter, vor und in der Osmanenzeit.<br />

E-mail Adresse: Mihailo.Popovic@oeaw.ac.at<br />

Dr. Johannes Preiser-Kapeller. G. <strong>1977.</strong><br />

Junior Scientist, Österreichische Akademie<br />

der Wissenschaften, Institut für Byzanzfor<br />

schung, Wien. Mitarbeit an der Neuherausga<br />

be des ersten Bandes der Regesten der byzan<br />

tinischen Kaiserurkunden von Franz Dölger<br />

(Zeitraum 565-867) und an der Edition des<br />

Patriarchatsregisters von Konstantinopel,<br />

Band V. Dok<strong>to</strong>rarbeit (mit Auszeichnung):<br />

Studien zu den Metropoliten und Bischöfen<br />

des Patriarchats von Konstantinopel in der<br />

Palaiologenzeit (1258-1453) (2006). Verfas<br />

ser mehrer Studien die die kirchliche, wirt<br />

schaftliche und politische Geschichte des<br />

Byzantinischen Reiches betreffen. Gegen<br />

wärtige Forschungsthemas: Überlegungen zum byzantinisch-sasanidischen<br />

Frieden von 591. Ideologische Ansprüche und Realpolitik; Überlegungen zu den<br />

Fak<strong>to</strong>ren des Aufstiegs zur Bischofswürde in der Palaiologenzeit; Untersuchun<br />

gen zu den byzantinisch-armenischen Beziehungen vom 6. bis zum 9. Jh.<br />

aufgrund der Neubearbeitung der Dölger´schen Regesten der Kaiserurkunden.<br />

E-mail Adresse: Johannes.Preiser-Kapeller@oeaw.ac.at<br />

137<br />

Dr. Constantin Rezachevici. N. 1943.<br />

Rechercheur à l’Institut «Nicolae Iorga» de<br />

Bucarest, de l’Académie Roumaine. Viceprésident<br />

de la Société de Héraldique et<br />

Généalogie de l’Académie Roumaine.<br />

Membre des comités inter-académique<br />

(Roumanie-Pologne, Roumanie-Ukraine).<br />

Il este l’auteur de plus des 300 livres et<br />

études, traitent de l’his<strong>to</strong>ire européenne et<br />

roumaine (XIV e -XVII e siècles), dont la<br />

Cronologia critică a domnilor români [La<br />

chronologie critique des princes roumains],<br />

I (2000). Il est aussi l’éditeur de la Cronica<br />

Moldovei de la Cracovia [La Chronique de<br />

la Moldavie de Cracovie] (2006). Intérêts<br />

et sujets scientifiques, sur lesquels il enseigne aussi à l’Université de<br />

Bucarest: l’his<strong>to</strong>ire politique, diplomatique et culturelle de l’Europe Centrale et<br />

des Pays Roumains du XIV e au XVII e siècle.<br />

Adresse: Şoseaua Giurgiului, 122, Bl. 5, sc. 7, ap. 201, Bucarest, 75314<br />

Dr. Vasile Rus. N. 1955. Lecturer.<br />

“Babeş-Bolya” University. <strong>Researcher</strong><br />

at the “George Bariţ” Institute of His<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

(Cluj-Napoca) of the Romanian Aca<br />

demy. Specialist in ancient Greek, an<br />

cient and medieval Latin and medieval<br />

and early modern Italian cultures. Edi<strong>to</strong>r<br />

of documents for the series Documenta<br />

Romaniae His<strong>to</strong>rica, C, Transilvania, of<br />

the Romanian Academy. He defended<br />

his PhD thesis on the Jeusite Missions<br />

in Transylvania, Banat and the Partium<br />

(1579-1715). Elements of Cultural Spiri<br />

tuality, in 2003. He has done several<br />

researches in the archives and libraries<br />

of Athenes, Bratislava, Bruxelles, Budapest, Geneva, Rome or Venice. Author of<br />

studies and books on the Latin Church His<strong>to</strong>ry in Hungary and Transylvania in<br />

the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age. Since 2000, he has started editing<br />

and translating the complete works of Plotin, as well as the work on Glossarium<br />

Mediae Latinitatis Ac<strong>to</strong>rum His<strong>to</strong>riam Transylvaniae Illustrantium.<br />

Indirizio mail: basilrus2003@yahoo.<br />


Dr. Enikő Rüsz-Fogarasi. B. 1966. As<br />

sociate Professor, “Babeş-Bolyai” Univer<br />

sity, Cluj-Napoca. She defended her PhD<br />

thesis on the Privileges and Duties of the<br />

Urban Settlements of Medieval Transyl<br />

vania in 1999 (the thesis was published in<br />

2003). In 2005, professor Rusz organized<br />

in Cluj-Napoca an international conference<br />

devoted <strong>to</strong> the City in the Middle Ages.<br />

She is the author and edi<strong>to</strong>r of studies and<br />

collections of documents regarding the<br />

medieval cities and <strong>to</strong>wns of Transylvania.<br />

Main research <strong>to</strong>pics: County nobility in<br />

the medieval Voivodate of Transylvania,<br />

medieval Transylvanian welfare and “social<br />

care”; women in the medieval and early<br />

modern his<strong>to</strong>ry of Transylvania.<br />

E-mail Address: enikorf@gmail.com<br />

S <strong>to</strong> W<br />

Dr. Tudor Sălăgean. B. 1968. <strong>Researcher</strong>,<br />

National Museum for the His<strong>to</strong>ry of Transyl<br />

vania (Cluj-Napoca). Specialist in the his<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

of medieval Transylvanian institutions and of<br />

ficial expert for the preservation of the Transyl<br />

vanian cultural heritage. Author of several<br />

books (for instance: Transilvania în a doua<br />

jumătate a secolului al XIII-lea. Afirmarea<br />

regimului congregaţional [Transylvania in the<br />

Second Half of the 13 th Century: The Rise of<br />

the Orders], 2003), studies and articles de<br />

voted <strong>to</strong> medieval Transylvania (9 th -14 th cen<br />

turies), based on extensive researches in the<br />

libraries and archives of Budapest and Rome.<br />

His latest work (Ţara lui Gelou. Contribuţii la<br />

is<strong>to</strong>ria Transilvaniei de nord în secolele IX-XI [The Land of Gelou. Contribu<br />

tions <strong>to</strong> the His<strong>to</strong>ry of Northern Transylvania in the 9 th -10 th Centuries], published<br />

in 2007, puts a new perspective on the his<strong>to</strong>ry of Transylvania, as well as one<br />

the his<strong>to</strong>ry of early Romanian-Hungarian relations.<br />

E-mail Address: tsalagean@yahoo.com,<br />

139<br />

Dr. Ferenc Sebök. B. 1963. Associate Pro<br />

fessor, University of Szeged. He obtained<br />

the title of doc<strong>to</strong>r universitatis in 1993 with a<br />

thesis on the his<strong>to</strong>riography regarding<br />

medieval Hungarian his<strong>to</strong>ry. He defended<br />

his PhD thesis in 2005. The <strong>to</strong>pic was a<br />

source publication on the his<strong>to</strong>ry of the<br />

Anjou age (1301-1387). The researches of<br />

dr. Sebők focus on the medieval his<strong>to</strong>ry of<br />

Hungary and Europe. So far, he has pu<br />

blished several studies on late medieval<br />

political, military his<strong>to</strong>ry and his<strong>to</strong>riography.<br />

Lately dr. Sebök has been involved in the<br />

editing of the documents of the Anjou age<br />

(Anjou-kori oklevéltár), in a series, that aims<br />

<strong>to</strong> publish, in the form of abstracts, all the documents related <strong>to</strong> the his<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

of the Kingdom of Hungary between the years 1301 and 1387.<br />

E-mail Address: sebokf@hist.u-szeged.hu<br />

Alexandru Simon. B. 1979. PhD Student.<br />

“Babeş-Bolyai” University (Cluj-Napoca)<br />

with a thesis on East-Central Europe and<br />

the Concept of Gate of Christendom (1456-<br />

1526). Author of books (lately: Ştefan cel<br />

Mare şi Matia Corvin. O coexistenţă medie<br />

vală [Stephen III the Great and Matthias<br />

Corvinus: A Medieval Coexistence], 2006)<br />

and studies on East-Central Europe in the<br />

late Middle Ages, on the Walachias and the<br />

Romanians of the Hungarian realm. Most<br />

of his works are based on the archive and<br />

library material in Budapest, Genoa, Milan,<br />

Rome, Venice or Vienna. He was awarded<br />

scholarships by the universities of Geneva<br />

(2004), Vienna, <strong>to</strong>gether with the Romanian<br />

Academy (2007) and Paris IV (2000-2001).<br />

Main research <strong>to</strong>pics: the Later Crusades, “medieval geopolitics”, the Romanian<br />

communities and elites of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary, the political his<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

of Walachia and Moldavia (14 th -16 th centuries), as well as modern nationalism<br />

and its impact on (early) modern and also medieval societies and his<strong>to</strong>ries.<br />

E-mail Address: alexandrusimon2003@yahoo.com / @gmail.com<br />


Zsolt Simon. B. 1975; Research Fellow.<br />

Romanian Academy, “Gheorghe Şincai”<br />

Institute of Socio-Humanistic Research,<br />

Târgu Mureş. He has studied medieval<br />

his<strong>to</strong>ry at the “Babeş-Bolyai” University of<br />

Cluj-Napoca and at the Central European<br />

and “Eötvös Loránd” Universities of Buda<br />

pest and received in the 2006 the debut<br />

prize of the Society of the Transylvanian<br />

Museum. Author of several studies that<br />

focus on the economic, fiscal, urban and<br />

administrative his<strong>to</strong>ry of Transylvania in<br />

the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern<br />

Age, on the documents regarding the his<strong>to</strong>ry of Târgu Mureş (Marosvásárhély,<br />

Neumarkt). He also involved in other research projects, one regarding the<br />

academic studies of the Transylvanians (between the years 1867 and 1918)<br />

and another one, entitled Transylvanian biographical lexicon.<br />

E-mail Address: simonzsolti@yahoo.com<br />

Dr. Sorin Şipoş. B. 1969. Associate Pro<br />

fessor. University of Oradea. He teaches<br />

medieval Romanian his<strong>to</strong>ry, the his<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

of Transylvania, regional anthropology,<br />

by means of early modern and modern<br />

travel accounts and reports. Author and<br />

(co-) edi<strong>to</strong>r of 8 books and volumes and<br />

some 80 studies (e.g. An<strong>to</strong>ine Françoise<br />

Le Clerc, Memoriu <strong>to</strong>pografic si statistic<br />

asupra Basarabiei, Valahiei si Moldovei,<br />

provincii ale Turciei din Europa [Topogra<br />

phic and Statistic Memoire on Basarabia,<br />

Walahia and Moldavia, European Provin<br />

ces of Turkey], 2004; or Silviu Dragmoir-<br />

Is<strong>to</strong>ric [Silviu-Dragomir: His<strong>to</strong>rian], 2002, or more recently De la „Mica la Marea<br />

Europă“ Mărturii franceze de la sfârşitul secolului al XVIII-lea şi începutul<br />

secolului al XIX-lea despre frontiera răsăriteană a Europei. Studii şi documente<br />

[From “Little <strong>to</strong> Great Europe”. French Testimonies from the End of the 18 th<br />

Century and the Beginning of the 19 th Century on Europe’s Eastern Border:<br />

Studies and Documents], 2006). Edi<strong>to</strong>r and member of the edi<strong>to</strong>rial boards<br />

of the reviews Crisana antiqua et mediaevalia and Eurolimes of Oradea.<br />

E-mail Address: ssipos@uoradea.ro<br />

141<br />

Dr. Renáta Skorka. G. 1978. Wissen<br />

schaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für Ge<br />

schichte der Ungarischen Akademie der<br />

Wissenschaften. Dok<strong>to</strong>randin an der<br />

„Eötvös Loránd“ Universität, Budapest.<br />

Wissenschaftliche Forschungsbereiche:<br />

Mittelalterliche Stadt- und Wirtschafts<br />

geschichte; die mittelalterlichen deutsch<br />

sprachigen Quellen. Au<strong>to</strong>rin mehrer Stu<br />

dien, die, unter andern Themen, auch die<br />

Frage der Medizin in der Zeit Sigismunds<br />

behandeln (Medicina aetatis Sigismundi<br />

regis. In: Studia Caroliensia, I, (2000), 1).<br />

Weitere Beiträge und Arbeiten, für die wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft oder für<br />

ein breiteres Publikum geschrieben, behandeln Fragen der mittelaterlichen<br />

Chroniken und „Memoiren“ oder die städtische Bevölkerung im Mittelalter.<br />

E-mail Adresse: skorka.renata@gmail.com<br />

Dr. Florin Soporan. N. <strong>1977.</strong> Re<br />

Searcher. “Babeş-Bolyai” University<br />

(Cluj-Napoca). He has successfully<br />

defended a PhD thesis on Naţiunea<br />

Medievală în Europa Centrală şi de<br />

Răsărit (secolele XIII-XVI) [The Me<br />

dieval Nation in East-Central Europe<br />

(13 th -16 th Centuries), in 2006, as the<br />

first visually challenged Romanian<br />

graduate <strong>to</strong> receieve the doc<strong>to</strong>r’s<br />

title. The thesis will be printing at the<br />

beginning of 2008. Dr. Soporan, “un<br />

officially” unemployed, is the author<br />

of several studies devoted <strong>to</strong> the<br />

question of medieval national ideo<br />

logies in East-Central Europe as<br />

well as <strong>to</strong> the matters of the rise of<br />

the House of Habsburg <strong>to</strong> power<br />

at the borders of Christendom. His<br />

other research <strong>to</strong>pics are: the late<br />

medieval and early modern Romanian his<strong>to</strong>riography (the figure of Dimitrie<br />

Cantemir in particular), world economics and their impact on modern society.<br />

E-mail Address: florian_d@clicknet.ro<br />


Dr. Szilárd Süttő. G. 1964. Privatdozent, Uni<br />

versität von Miskolc. In den Jahren 1992–<br />

1993 studierte er mit einem DAAD-Stipendium<br />

an der Justus-Liebig-Universität, Giessen, und<br />

im Münchner Südost Institut. 2005 arbeitete<br />

er in Wien, im Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv<br />

mit dem Stipendium des Wiener Collegium<br />

Hungaricum. Er hat die Promotion 2001 mit<br />

der Dissertation Ungarns politische Geschich<br />

te zwischen 1382–1387 (mit einer politischgeschichtlichen<br />

Urkundensammlung) erwor<br />

ben. Dr. Süttő beschäftigt sich in erster Reihe<br />

mit Ungarns Politik-, Gesellschafts-, Kirchen-<br />

und Militärgeschichte unter den Anjou-Köni<br />

gen sowie Sigismund von Luxemburg. Den<br />

Regierungswechsel nach dem Tode König Ludwigs (Lajos) des Grossen hat er<br />

in einer selbständigen Monographie und in mehreren Aufsätzen bzw. Vorträgen<br />

erörtert. Ein anderes Forschungsthema ist die mittelalterliche Geistesgesichte.<br />

E-mail Adresse: suttszil@freemail.hu<br />

Dr. György Székely. G. 1924. Universitäts<br />

professor, emeritiert. „Eötvös Loránd“ Universi<br />

tät. Er studierte (1942-1946) an der Rechtswis<br />

senschaftlichenlichen Fakulät der Universität<br />

„Peter Pázmány“, Budapest. Er wurde durch<br />

die wissenschaftliche Richtung des Professors<br />

Ferenc Eckhart so beeinflusst, dass er im Semi<br />

nar für Konstitutions- und Rechtsgeschichte<br />

arbeitete und seine Dok<strong>to</strong>rarbeit über das „III.<br />

Gesetzbuch“ des Hl. Ladislaus (László). Er stu<br />

dierte dabei an der Philosophischen Fakulät<br />

Soziologie, Urkundenlehre und Geschichte der<br />

Philosophie. Seit 1948, unterrichtet er an der<br />

Philosophischen Fakulät mittelalterliche ungari<br />

sche und allgemeine Geschichte. Er war Mittarbeiter des His<strong>to</strong>rischen Instituts<br />

der Akademie der Wissenschaften (1949-1953) und Generaldirek<strong>to</strong>r des Haupt<br />

städtischen Museums für Geschichte (1982-1987). Forschungsrichtungen: die<br />

Stadtgeschichte und Universitätsgeschichte Ungarns und Europas, Geschichte<br />

der ungarischen, mitteleuropäischen Bauernaufstände und vorreforma<strong>to</strong>rischen<br />

Bewegungen, die byzantinischen und osmanischen Beziehungen Ungarns.<br />

E-mail Adresse: kkmtt@ludens.elte.hu<br />

143<br />

Dr. Dumitru Ţeicu. B. 1955.<br />

Senior <strong>Researcher</strong>. Museum<br />

of the Mountainous Banate,<br />

Reşiţa, direc<strong>to</strong>r (since 1990).<br />

In 2004, the printed version of<br />

his PhD thesis of 1997, The<br />

Montaineous Banat in the Mid<br />

dle Age, received the award<br />

of the Romanian Academy.<br />

Edi<strong>to</strong>r-in-chief of the Banatica<br />

revue (since 1990), member<br />

of the edi<strong>to</strong>rial board of the<br />

revue Arheologia medievală<br />

[Medieval Archaeology] (since<br />

1996). His researches have<br />

focused, over the last three decades, on archaeological excavations (e.g. Ilidia,<br />

Gornea, Moldova Nouă, Berzovia, Obreja, Cârneca). Dr. Ţeicu’s primary objective<br />

was the early and late medieval habitat, namely the villages (11 th -16 th centuries).<br />

Lately, his excavations and studies concentrated on the ecclesiastical heritage<br />

of the Banate, which led <strong>to</strong> a Ecclesiastical Geography of the Banate in 2004.<br />

E-mail Address: Muzeul Banatului Montan, B-dul Republicii, 10, Reşiţa.<br />

Dr. Ioan-Marian Ţiplic. B. 1972.<br />

Lecturer. “Lucian Blaga” University<br />

(Sibiu), Head of the Medieval De<br />

partment of the Faculty of His<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

and Patrimony. Author of several<br />

books (Organizarea defensivă a<br />

Transilvaniei în evul mediu (secole<br />

le X-XIV) [The Defensive Structure<br />

of Medieval Transylvania (10 th -14 th<br />

Centuries)] or Fortified Churches of<br />

Transylvanian Saxons, both 2006),<br />

studies and lectures devoted <strong>to</strong> the<br />

medieval Transylvanian system of<br />

fortifications, and medieval Transylvanian weaponry (e.g. Breslele producă<strong>to</strong>rilor<br />

de arme din Sibiu, Braşov şi Cluj (sec. XIV-XVI) [The Guilds of the Weapons<br />

Manufacturers of Sibiu (Hermannstadt, Szeben), Braşov (Kronstadt, Brassó) and<br />

Cluj (Klausenburg, Kolozsvár). 14 th -16 th Centuries], 2001).Dr. Ţiplic has also been<br />

involved in several archaeological excavations in southern Transylvania.<br />

E-mail Address: ioan-marian.tiplic@ulbsibiu.ro<br />


Dr. Norbert C. Tóth. B. 1974.<br />

Research Fellow, Hungarian<br />

National Archives, Budapest.<br />

Since 1997, member of the re<br />

search group of the Hungarian<br />

National Archives for the study<br />

and edition of the Archives of<br />

Sigismund’s Age. Since 2007,<br />

member of the research group<br />

Hungarian Medieval Studies<br />

(joint project of the Hungarian<br />

National Archives of Budapest<br />

and the University of Szeged.<br />

Main research <strong>to</strong>pics: the age of Sigismund Luxemburg, namely the edition of<br />

the sources from that period; government in the medieval Kingdom of Hungary.<br />

Co-author of Itineraria regum et reginarum (1382-1438) (2005), edi<strong>to</strong>r of the<br />

Ugocsa megye hatóságának oklevelei (1290–1526) [The Documents of the<br />

Authorities of the Ugocsa County (1290-1526)] (2006) and author of several<br />

studies on Hungarian society and politics in the Middle Ages, the documents of<br />

that time (such as the unedited Arpadian documents in the Sigismund archive).<br />

E-mail Address: <strong>to</strong>th.norbert@mol.gov.hu<br />

Szidonia Weisz. B. 1983, MA Student, Cen<br />

tral European University (Budapest). 2006<br />

Fellow of the Center of Resources for<br />

Ethnic Diversity (Bucharest). Former student<br />

of the universities of Cluj-Napoca (“Babeş-<br />

Bolyai”) and Udine (Università degli Studi),<br />

she has recently completed a MA thesis<br />

on the heraldry of the age of king Sigismund<br />

of Luxemburg’s in relation <strong>to</strong> the nobility<br />

of Transylvania. Her main research <strong>to</strong>pics<br />

are late medieval Hungarian heraldry and<br />

the structure of power of the Transylvanian<br />

nobility (14 th -15 th centuries), giving room<br />

for the less explored aspects and <strong>to</strong>pics<br />

of the medieval Transylvanian society, both<br />

in terms of its ‘domestic’ relations as well<br />

as in terms of its connections <strong>to</strong> the king<br />

ship and the royal Hungarian court.<br />

E-mail Address: weiszsz@yahoo.com<br />

145<br />

Dr. Károly Vekov. G. 1947. Privatdozent.<br />

„Babeş-Bolyai“ Universität Klausenburg. Nach<br />

einer Ausbildung als Mediävist trat in das<br />

„Nicolae Iorga“ Institut der Rumänischen<br />

Akademie (Bukarest) ein, um mehr als zwei<br />

Jahrzehnte später nach Klausenburg zurück<br />

zukehren, wo er Hilfswissenschaften der Ge<br />

schichte, byzantinische Geschichte oder Ge<br />

schichte des ungarischen Mittelalters unter<br />

richtet. In den letzten Jahren hatte er sich<br />

auch der Geschichte des Kommunismus in<br />

Siebenbörgen in 40er und 50er Jahren gewid<br />

met. Seine Hauptforschungsgebiete blieben<br />

aber das mittelalterliche Urkundenwesen, die<br />

Verwaltungsgeschichte des mittelalterlichen<br />

Siebenbürgen und die ungarische Geschichtsschreibung des Mittelalters und der<br />

Frühen Neuzeit zu denen er mehrer Bücher, Studien beigetragen hat (z.B. Locul<br />

de adeverire din Alba Iulia (secolele XIII-XVI) [Das Weissenburger Glaubwürdige<br />

ort (13.-16. Jahrhundert)], 2003; die gedruckte Fassung seiner Dok<strong>to</strong>rarbeit).<br />

E-mail Adresse: cvekov@cluj.astral.ro<br />

Dr. László Veszprémy. B. 1958. <strong>Researcher</strong>.<br />

Hungarian Institute of Military His<strong>to</strong>ry (Buda<br />

pest), direc<strong>to</strong>r. Lecturer at the Central Europan<br />

University (Budapest), where he teaches paleo<br />

graphy and codicology. His researches have<br />

been focused on medieval military strategy,<br />

with particular emphasis on the structure and<br />

financement of Hungarian military units (e.g.<br />

co-edi<strong>to</strong>r of A Millenium of Hungarian Military<br />

His<strong>to</strong>ry, 2002). Other works have been devoted<br />

<strong>to</strong> the early Hungarian his<strong>to</strong>ry, <strong>to</strong> the editing of<br />

chronicles, such as those of Magister P. or Simon of Kéza, translated also in<strong>to</strong><br />

German, the first one (1991), respectively in<strong>to</strong> English, the second (1999), as well<br />

as <strong>to</strong> modern political <strong>to</strong>pics (e.g. co-edi<strong>to</strong>r of Trianon and East-Central Europe:<br />

Antecedents and Repercussions, 1995). Dr. Veszprémy has also inquired on<br />

the personalities and actions of leading Hungarian figures (such as the kings<br />

St. Stephen and Charles Robert of Anjou in his books of 1994, Károly Róbert,<br />

and 2002, Szent István és az államalapítás [St. Stephen and the Foundation<br />

of the State], as well as on the controversial and legendary figure of Attila.<br />

E-mail Address: veszprem@ceu.hu<br />


The Continental Hotel, Oradea<br />

General perspective, conference room, restaurant<br />

147<br />

148<br />

Perspectives<br />

On the 9 th of December 1437, Sigismund of Luxemburg passed away<br />

in Znaim. Born on the 15 th of February 1368, in Nürnberg, he was 69 years<br />

old. The venerable Sigismund had outlived most men in his “generation”.<br />

570 years after his death, Sigismund of Luxemburg seems <strong>to</strong> be more<br />

popular than during his life or the years following his passing away. His fully<br />

medieval, according <strong>to</strong> some scholars, perception of the world seems <strong>to</strong> suit<br />

rather well present day Europe. What appeared far-fetched or obsolete in<br />

his actions in the late 1300’ and early 1400’, is now a part of modern culture.

Mélanges d’His<strong>to</strong>ire Générale, Nouvelle Série, and the<br />

Time and Rule of Sigismund of Luxemburg<br />

(1387-1437-1927-2007)<br />

In 1927, 490 years since Sigismund of Luxemburg’s death, 540 since<br />

his rise <strong>to</strong> the Hungarian throne, were commemorated. Little or no attention<br />

was given <strong>to</strong> these anniversaries in inter-war Romania. A journal recently is<br />

sued in Cluj received also not <strong>to</strong>o much of attention. In fact the second is<br />

sue of the revue was only printed eleven years later (1938). For nearly seven<br />

decades it was <strong>to</strong> remain also the last. The review, bearing great similarities<br />

<strong>to</strong> the Revue d’His<strong>to</strong>ire Comparée of Budapest, in terms of medieval his<strong>to</strong>ry,<br />

was not viewed on the domestic level, both prior and after the Communist<br />

age, as a welcome addition <strong>to</strong> the series of his<strong>to</strong>rical journals published in<br />

Romania. In return, studies and documents from the two issues of the revue<br />

were very often quoted inside and, namely, outside the Romanian borders.<br />

The Mélanges d’His<strong>to</strong>ire Générale, published by professor Constantin<br />

Marinescu, a leading European authority in terms of mid 15 th century relations<br />

between the Italian Peninsula and the Balkans, who fled the country at the<br />

end of the 1940’, was intended <strong>to</strong> serve scientific communication in Central<br />

Europe, in particular, in international languages (at the time, it was French).<br />

Naturally, and unfortunately at the same time, it did not however overcome<br />

the boundaries traced inside the scientific community as well after World War<br />

I. In fact, in these respect the journals published in Bucharest, but devoted<br />

in particular <strong>to</strong> areas beneath the line of the Lower Danube, seem <strong>to</strong> have<br />

been much more successful. Nevertheless, for a journal, which from the be<br />

ginning was published other the precaution that it might not be printed every<br />

year, Mélanges d’His<strong>to</strong>ire Générale had a rare density of valuable studies,<br />

some still authorities in their field decade after they were published in Cluj.<br />

In the second half of 2004, the thought of bringing Mélanges d’His<strong>to</strong>ire<br />

Générale back <strong>to</strong> life arose. Two joint international conferences, Hungarian-<br />

Romanian (in Szeged), respectively Italian-Romanian (in Gorizia), gave this<br />

opportunity. The papers of the first conference (Stephen the Great, Matthias<br />

Corvinus and their Time) were gathered in<strong>to</strong> the first volume (issue) of the<br />

first section of the new series of Mélanges and were published after a pain<br />

taking bureaucratic journey late this year. The second volume (John Hunyadi<br />

and his time), that contains the proceedings of the international conference<br />

of Alba Iulia devoted <strong>to</strong> the medieval governor of Hungary (2006) is in print.<br />

149<br />

One could say the his<strong>to</strong>rical anniversaries, the conferences triggered by<br />

these anniversaries, made the edi<strong>to</strong>rial re-birth of Mélanges possible. It is<br />

entirely true. It is also a local feature that has a lot <strong>to</strong> say on the fashion in<br />

which the scientific communities relate, on most occasions, <strong>to</strong> each other.<br />

This might not be proof for a perfect scientific world, but it reveals a ‘safe and<br />

functional’ scientific channel, that allows us <strong>to</strong> include Mélanges d’His<strong>to</strong>ire<br />

Générale on the list of such reviews as, for instance, East-Central Europe,<br />

devoted <strong>to</strong> a better his<strong>to</strong>rical understanding of the <strong>to</strong>rmented area and <strong>to</strong> a<br />

better scientific communication, that has <strong>to</strong> go beyond, as it did even in the Mid<br />

dle Ages, what became known in the last century as (East-) Central Europe.<br />

The new series of Mélanges d’His<strong>to</strong>ire Générale has four official internatio<br />

nal languages (English, French, German, Italian) in which different studies<br />

are published and one language <strong>to</strong> bridge the parts of the content (English).<br />

Each of these languages, each of the classic edi<strong>to</strong>rial standards for writing in<br />

these languages, has its specificity that is respected in the new series, as a<br />

small reflection of the diversity involved by modern his<strong>to</strong>rical knowledge. For<br />

a journal, better said a series of volumes, dedicated in particular <strong>to</strong> the Middle<br />

Ages and the Early Modern Age, the natural need for uniformity must come<br />

from the respect for diversity, in terms of language and of scientific opinion.<br />

Under these circumstances, it is hard <strong>to</strong> find a more fitting <strong>to</strong>pic for a<br />

volume in the series than that of Sigismund of Luxemburg and his Time. The<br />

ruler under scientific attention in Oradea does not belong merely <strong>to</strong> the his<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

of East-Central Europe. He is a figure for the his<strong>to</strong>ry of Western, as well as<br />

South-Eastern Europe, if we use the conventional designations and markings.<br />

The personality and time of Sigismund of Luxemburg has also the advantage,<br />

given the latest methods of scientific evaluation and of evaluation of the<br />

scientific activity, of being a subject that suits almost every area of research<br />

and it is at the same time very hard <strong>to</strong> be fitted in<strong>to</strong> a restrictive framework. It<br />

may well be that is also a medieval response <strong>to</strong> modern standards that, at<br />

times, make us question the real differences between the his<strong>to</strong>rical ages.<br />

Most events from Sigismund of Luxemburg’s time became landmarks in<br />

European his<strong>to</strong>ry. His actions, successes and failures influenced the shape<br />

of the continent. At first glance, contemporaries and later scholars had great<br />

difficulties in realizing or in accepting his impact. The ruler had great traditions<br />

<strong>to</strong> defend, great challenges <strong>to</strong> face, and little room <strong>to</strong> do so. In this respect,<br />

the volume in the new series of Mélanges, devoted <strong>to</strong> him, could be regarded<br />

also as a tribute for the quest for possibilities and options in difficult times.<br />

150<br />

Alexandru Simon<br />

(edi<strong>to</strong>r, Between Worlds, section I of<br />

Mélanges d’His<strong>to</strong>ire Génerale, Nouvelle Série)

The President Hotel, Băile Felix<br />

The Fishermen’s Inn, Săldăbagiu de Munte<br />


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