PTI8T. Our Pulpit. - Amazon Web Services

PTI8T. Our Pulpit. - Amazon Web Services PTI8T. Our Pulpit. - Amazon Web Services
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To ftU Sufforei-s froiii Prolapsed Organs. Msf or th„« „n„oa. eSJiSS^i/;;^- "'r ("llgue, Md iMve me with with it, 1 oin " '^"y without eihau«uw or huB^n&fj. r now uw it .ttily PTI8T. Iiing« uiid liiiijbttKO tUey uro irivahm- , WH KN( -u, W. f >. rniwfimlvllle, .MfcsH. 1 tftke this mathofi «f cAllIng your at l»ntion to the (wlebraUxl ••»m ox«|wlvenrcHthli.g; 1 oould snaalt Houstonia, lilo. wliltf-l'i ttu hw youth lar Into ohl agtT, and bv but a liUlo while without gclting hoarse; old man t« him t'.. « I.^ VirsTiMOM «i ITIII.K ;,i.i:%iu;iiik;. mjr throat wa* generally »K)ro, an.l oiwilv growing wen knew of ace. I roiu ||i «t I'.Mi.u i.We.-. IrntaUHl, and Ito tone bocame heavy anil Tb(. fullou inj,' c-rtillcatc from Onv husky; wion a hacking cough w»t in, that Incroawxl, until at the close of a loni? luvnriuWo Hutlsfiu-tion. l''.)tmj)elled to dewBt from i.reaching. and, that trrciit army „f m^ a i „ | { , ' NVbal bo i^iiys; If iMMMible, overccjme thone dltlicuiiieit won bniik down (l.o b." I and recovcr the lost treasure,—the t'tlorn, wbicb aro (;austHl |, V!' "«. W. ^pv,>sia and liver con,plain 'vl rmU ..i any iv.irk. I nrite thiH, Ix- ^ a few apecia ciaMr 1 think it ou-i,t t., k- kmnvn, ami tnenda who weie Buffering aa I miflered ilii-uwiinl,.. ot lfii,;ik-H (iiiglit to know iw f e^plidned tije une ol tie Uru^, In J ^wugh me they obtained It, «,d wo o «m i.m>itovr:i> nnAr»:. iiilviiiiliiiM'.' Ill trivhifit!-. I, ,{!'KR«R, relieved aa I waa. 1 now made known the 1 original nitici', niaatoni liuviii;; expired 1 have ,,. ,,, , I'ulton, AIISH., KSRI. A. Km xoi.iM. .^oonrcii (bo inannlacturc of lOOOof the liiiproyci! IJr.icis npoiihucb ternw liiat I can funil,.ili tlicm at (befollow- yiwaking, and weakneana of the back and om. pi1e«, and i.ernia, w /Ac S / y aUiomimxl ,Zcu^ 1 iiviiig given the llnni.iag iinu-o a liiit in;,'prl()(w:~riiilli lir:.,v.n!..linar.v 810.00 « „„,„ NouurSfVl.Vt.V^rV" ts value. I Clin periorm lay labor with MliKlt. IKnilii lirivc-o, oi.llimry «ijn,. ia.B« • 1 Iv (KT rent moreand vointort (luiii " , " lU.ou L^E ore; I m.nld not IK, without ^ I olFcr iiiy iuiproyry object, and beclouding every .scene, he tbo eonsumnnition of holIncoB, thoiKirfcctioliof great things be .shall .lUHer for niy naine'.i Kike" nnist Ilea world, of suHcring. Tbo world where purity, No moro sin! The conncienco no nioro . (Acts ix. Kt) wen; tla» words ol tbo Savior, an ho the spirit is wounded, and the heart is brnkcn, Kullhsl — the tluaightH no n>ort! defiled — theaffec- predicted bin future hi.story, daling it from lil.^ and lea.son is detbroneil, and bo|K! laiigulsbes, titais ntj moro ciwnarwl — but a gl^ry of holiness, niiracuIuiLsconverhioii to bbgiorioiH martyrdoiii and the eye \vts'|)s, and Ihe nervo tremIdes, and dazxllug antl r(>splendent, beyond an angoi'H re- Having alUinied of tint ('bri«lian'rt HiiUeriiigH si. llociiaracteri/y.s tliem tliesoul will beln perfect unison with tho will, nor crying, n< ilb< r shall there bis any more pain ; IW the "MUtleringH of this pnwent lime." That and in iK'rfeet assimihilion to the Imago of God. for the former tilings are paased away." Oh,bow tlio mitrerings of tbo iK'liover are loiinded by (be Wbo can |»aint the happlnoNaof that world from gentle is the iidmonition —"Arise, and depart, for liniitrt of tho pnwnt htatc truth replete with whence everything Is banlHhctI thatcfjuld sully Ita this is not your rest, it is polluted." Tben comes .soothing to ttut Christian mind. l''.iu'tii i.s tli(' iuirily, (lisltirb Its harmony, and rullle Uh re|K>90? the glory,—"The trlory wbicb shall be ri!veale tlH>ro. And yet we would not |)en a tho Hiiirit's regeneration, radiating from a poor,, a mettsir blazing for a nionu'iit, and then disap- Hontonce tending to ItHsen tho dignity and im- falleu son of Adam, —a filnnor redeemed, rouewod^ IM'aring in eternal night? Hut tho glory that portance of our prusent existence, or calciiiattsl lo and .saved. And What In each present ray of wails the sutiering Ciiristlan, is a real, a subslan- ongonder a Hplrit ol (lis.sali.sfactiiai and distrust heavenly light—and each liirill of divine love— tial glory. A( present it is veiled. Tho world with our present allotment. There is much fidly, and each victory of Indwelling grace —and cach sees It not; tlio believer only beholds it through nay, much Inlldolity in ii remark common to gllmi«eof tho upper world, but the foreshadowfaith's telescope, ilut tbo tlay of lt.s full,unclouded many: " it will bo all tho .samo a hundred years IngH of tbo glory yet to be revealed In us? rovelalion await.s us. It drawoth near. It will honco." Not HO: tbo relation of tho present to bo a glory n'vealed in us. This truth may. he Hullcrlng and glory thus placed sldo be side, thus tho future in eau-sal: it is a relation of the elosiut Htartling to some. "What!" they oxolalin, '.'a conlnistcd and weighed, to what conclusion docs chitraclor, and of the most .stdeinn nwults. Timo glory to be n>vealed in mo!' in me, wbo can our aiHwtlc arrive? " I reckon that thosufferlntpi iHlbo infant ofeternily: 11 Is UH eonimencemoni, Hoarcely rellecl a solitary ray of light I Can It ho of Ibis [iresent time aro not worthy lo bo ctunpar^ and ]», in a, its most inoniontoim purl. that in me this glory will bo rovcalod? HoalllrniM witb tbo glory which uhall bo revealed in us." Hliadod with grief, linked with suirering, and tho word of our (Jod. I fft child of the light, dwell- No, not worlliy of comparlaon. Do wo mcaauro IrunHient In lt.s stay, yet all Ibo luture nK'oiyos its ing it may bo, in the world's shado, and ollen their relative duratlort? Th(mj-" our light affllQi eoniplexion, atul it.s cbaracler, from tlu! iirosont. called to walk in great dnrknei;s, you Hhall ono lion Is but for a moment," while our glory Tho llfo that now Is casts lis llgbt^ or it.s shade, day onl.Mhine tbo brightncas of tho llrmamont,and far moro exceeding and eternal weight jjfo UIMm tbo llfo that Is to eome. Ktornlly will be tho slars forever and t^ver, ilut In what roMpoct long all sufl'erlng and HOrrow will fo"ever have. bright or gloomy, Joyous or sad, bajipy or nilser- will It bo a glory roveahHl In us? It will bo,tho pas.wd away-a thing of history ^f memory ablo.aflilinoHhall Impart to It ltn complexion and glory of perfect knowledge." Now wo HOO through only-while glory will und expand as ' its HliaiM?. Each individual of tho human raeo I.n a glufw

To ftU Sufforei-s froiii Prolapsed<br />

Organs.<br />

Msf<br />

or th„« „n„oa. eSJiSS^i/;;^-<br />

"'r ("llgue, Md iMve me with<br />

with it, 1 oin<br />

" '^"y without eihau«uw<br />

or huB^n&fj. r now uw it .ttily<br />

<strong>PTI8T</strong>.<br />

Iiing« uiid liiiijbttKO tUey uro irivahm-<br />

, WH KN( -u, W. f >.<br />

rniwfimlvllle, .MfcsH.<br />

1 tftke this mathofi «f cAllIng your at<br />

l»ntion to the (wlebraUxl ••»m ox«|wlvenrcHthli.g; 1 oould snaalt<br />

Houstonia, lilo.<br />

wliltf-l'i ttu<br />

hw youth lar Into ohl agtT, and bv<br />

but a liUlo while without gclting hoarse; old man t« him t'.. « I.^ VirsTiMOM «i ITIII.K ;,i.i:%iu;iiik;.<br />

mjr throat wa* generally »K)ro, an.l oiwilv growing wen knew of ace.<br />

I roiu ||i «t I'.Mi.u i.We.-.<br />

IrntaUHl, and Ito tone bocame heavy anil<br />

Tb(. fullou inj,' c-rtillcatc from Onv<br />

husky; wion a hacking cough w»t in, that<br />

Incroawxl, until at the close of a loni? luvnriuWo Hutlsfiu-tion.<br />

l''.)tmj)elled to dewBt from i.reaching. and, that trrciit army „f m^ a i „ | { ,<br />

' NVbal bo i^iiys;<br />

If iMMMible, overccjme thone dltlicuiiieit won bniik down (l.o b."<br />

I<br />

and recovcr the lost treasure,—the t'tlorn, wbicb aro (;austHl |, V!'<br />

"«. W. ^pv,>sia and liver con,plain 'vl<br />

rmU ..i any iv.irk. I nrite thiH, Ix-<br />

^ a few apecia<br />

ciaMr 1 think it ou-i,t t., k- kmnvn, ami<br />

tnenda who weie Buffering aa I miflered<br />

ilii-uwiinl,.. ot lfii,;ik-H (iiiglit to know iw<br />

f e^plidned tije une ol tie Uru^, In J<br />

^wugh me they obtained It, «,d wo o «m i.m>itovr:i> nnAr»:.<br />

iiilviiiiliiiM'.' Ill trivhifit!-.<br />

I, ,{!'KR«R,<br />

relieved aa I waa. 1 now made known the 1 original nitici', niaatoni liuviii;; expired 1 have<br />

,,. ,,, ,<br />

I'ulton, AIISH., KSRI.<br />

A. Km xoi.iM. .^oonrcii (bo inannlacturc of lOOOof<br />

the liiiproyci! IJr.icis npoiihucb ternw<br />

liiat I can funil,.ili tlicm at (befollow-<br />

yiwaking, and weakneana of the back and<br />

om. pi1e«, and i.ernia, w /Ac S /<br />

y aUiomimxl ,Zcu^<br />

1 iiviiig given the llnni.iag iinu-o a liiit in;,'prl()(w:~riiilli lir:.,v.n!..linar.v 810.00<br />

« „„,„ NouurSfVl.Vt.V^rV" ts value. I Clin periorm lay labor with MliKlt. IKnilii lirivc-o, oi.llimry «ijn,. ia.B«<br />

• 1 Iv (KT rent moreand vointort (luiii<br />

" , " lU.ou<br />

L^E ore; I m.nld not IK, without ^ I olFcr iiiy iuiproyry object, and beclouding every .scene, he tbo eonsumnnition of holIncoB, thoiKirfcctioliof<br />

great things be .shall .lUHer for niy naine'.i Kike" nnist Ilea world, of suHcring. Tbo world where purity, No moro sin! The conncienco no nioro .<br />

(Acts ix. Kt) wen; tla» words ol tbo Savior, an ho the spirit is wounded, and the heart is brnkcn, Kullhsl — the tluaightH no n>ort! defiled — theaffec-<br />

predicted bin future hi.story, daling it from lil.^ and lea.son is detbroneil, and bo|K! laiigulsbes, titais ntj moro ciwnarwl — but a gl^ry of holiness,<br />

niiracuIuiLsconverhioii to bbgiorioiH martyrdoiii and the eye \vts'|)s, and Ihe nervo tremIdes, and dazxllug antl r(>splendent, beyond an angoi'H re-<br />

Having alUinied of tint ('bri«lian'rt HiiUeriiigH si. llociiaracteri/y.s tliem<br />

tliesoul will beln perfect unison with tho will,<br />

nor crying, n< ilb< r shall there bis any more pain ;<br />

IW the "MUtleringH of this pnwent lime." That<br />

and in iK'rfeet assimihilion to the Imago of God.<br />

for the former tilings are paased away." Oh,bow<br />

tlio mitrerings of tbo iK'liover are loiinded by (be<br />

Wbo can |»aint the happlnoNaof that world from<br />

gentle is the iidmonition —"Arise, and depart, for<br />

liniitrt of tho pnwnt htatc truth replete with<br />

whence everything Is banlHhctI thatcfjuld sully Ita<br />

this is not your rest, it is polluted." Tben comes<br />

.soothing to ttut Christian mind. l''.iu'tii i.s tli('<br />

iuirily, (lisltirb Its harmony, and rullle Uh re|K>90?<br />

the glory,—"The trlory wbicb shall be ri!veale tlH>ro. And yet we would not |)en a<br />

tho Hiiirit's regeneration, radiating from a poor,,<br />

a mettsir blazing for a nionu'iit, and then disap-<br />

Hontonce tending to ItHsen tho dignity and im-<br />

falleu son of Adam, —a filnnor redeemed, rouewod^<br />

IM'aring in eternal night? Hut tho glory that<br />

portance of our prusent existence, or calciiiattsl lo<br />

and .saved. And What In each present ray of<br />

wails the sutiering Ciiristlan, is a real, a subslan-<br />

ongonder a Hplrit ol (lis.sali.sfactiiai and distrust<br />

heavenly light—and each liirill of divine love—<br />

tial glory. A( present it is veiled. Tho world<br />

with our present allotment. There is much fidly,<br />

and each victory of Indwelling grace —and cach<br />

sees It not; tlio believer only beholds it through<br />

nay, much Inlldolity in ii remark common to<br />

gllmi«eof tho upper world, but the foreshadowfaith's<br />

telescope, ilut tbo tlay of lt.s full,unclouded<br />

many: " it will bo all tho .samo a hundred years<br />

IngH of tbo glory yet to be revealed In us?<br />

rovelalion await.s us. It drawoth near. It will<br />

honco." Not HO: tbo relation of tho present to<br />

bo a glory n'vealed in us. This truth may. he Hullcrlng and glory thus placed sldo be side, thus<br />

tho future in eau-sal: it is a relation of the elosiut<br />

Htartling to some. "What!" they oxolalin, '.'a conlnistcd and weighed, to what conclusion docs<br />

chitraclor, and of the most .stdeinn nwults. Timo<br />

glory to be n>vealed in mo!' in me, wbo can our aiHwtlc arrive? " I reckon that thosufferlntpi<br />

iHlbo infant ofeternily: 11 Is UH eonimencemoni,<br />

Hoarcely rellecl a solitary ray of light I Can It ho of Ibis [iresent time aro not worthy lo bo ctunpar^<br />

and ]», in a, its most inoniontoim purl.<br />

that in me this glory will bo rovcalod? HoalllrniM witb tbo glory which uhall bo revealed in us."<br />

Hliadod with grief, linked with suirering, and<br />

tho word of our (Jod. I fft child of the light, dwell- No, not worlliy of comparlaon. Do wo mcaauro<br />

IrunHient In lt.s stay, yet all Ibo luture nK'oiyos its<br />

ing it may bo, in the world's shado, and ollen their relative duratlort? Th(mj-" our light affllQi<br />

eoniplexion, atul it.s cbaracler, from tlu! iirosont.<br />

called to walk in great dnrknei;s, you Hhall ono lion Is but for a moment," while our glory<br />

Tho llfo that now Is casts lis llgbt^ or it.s shade,<br />

day onl.Mhine tbo brightncas of tho llrmamont,and far moro exceeding and eternal weight jjfo<br />

UIMm tbo llfo that Is to eome. Ktornlly will be<br />

tho slars forever and t^ver, ilut In what roMpoct long all sufl'erlng and HOrrow will fo"ever have.<br />

bright or gloomy, Joyous or sad, bajipy or nilser-<br />

will It bo a glory roveahHl In us? It will bo,tho pas.wd away-a thing of history ^f memory<br />

ablo.aflilinoHhall Impart to It ltn complexion and<br />

glory of perfect knowledge." Now wo HOO through only-while glory will und expand as '<br />

its HliaiM?. Each individual of tho human raeo I.n<br />

a glufw

4.aQ Tmsi<br />

ono draught of tl>o rlvar of plmiHurc ut Clirlat's<br />

right hnndx with oiiO Umith of parRdlHO—wllh<br />

on® «tv« of heavon'ii giory—Aviih one I'tnbraco of<br />

J««tu4, with oon Hluht of Qod ?<br />

Oh, mrhat nfo ths iwiig* of prwont w»|«imtlon, In<br />

«)ini»iUflH4Ui)pruKwd<br />

uy phyaictki force. .Aiental ('vils are nuppnvMod<br />

by inoutal fum", as a fallacy is rrun/nd<br />

(nupprefiKcl) by ioginil arttutnont. In tho rout in<br />

ofapiritH aplrlturti forctwHUpprcHrtHplrltual \viel«edntWH.<br />

Joim fauHt think of tluMo things, and next<br />

tinio 1)0 Huro of tho meaninj,' of wordn iH'fore he<br />

writuH. Joiiii Haya a ^reat deal about another<br />

({UtBtlon, which in gonerally very good; but .iohn<br />

ii Iff much utMom wlien ho IntorpretH tlie .Seri[>turen<br />

aa when lio doaia with the dictionary. \V(< would<br />

iikf to unito witii John in HUppriHHiiig all eyil.i,<br />

IntfunporanfH) inclndixi; but we npprf.-e at the expiration of two montlia I will hind'iuid looao wliat liad iilroady beon bound and<br />

be able to advance tho balance of the ycar'a aub- l,)os(Hl in heaven. In othorAvorda that tholr nu-<br />

Tlil-: Wllii) INDIANH.<br />

Kcrlptbai. I am af'rry 1 loat ao mncli of tho Dlacu-atbority was limited i)y tho Bcrlptiiros, tho laws of<br />

dpslro to acktiowUHlge the rccoipt of

4:84 T H I S B-A.<strong>PTI8T</strong>.<br />

Lm Airaln, thoflo who pvoprly mftkop«'«'"«'»«lu (N»nslHtcnt with fiueh iiropoHlllon! luit huoIi protio.<br />

power of tho iMiator (o eloso tho doors of tho<br />

ilKon by l«ptt»m are tf>o^» who are cotnpc^ H lhm_Hhou d never luive beenmiuloor hniilM.<br />

F1/)UU)A l.KTrEU.<br />

profi'fj a crowd toM IHIIo band ol "luo or now elafe.r,ify i,i,„ as « mild,./<br />

fionlv for inemben^lUp in u ehurch; and all Certainly It has not Iwen my Intention to au-<br />

church, and no earthly itowor could open It; and<br />

PtJllUAI'H you wunr what li;w bmjuui uf<br />

ilir«'»>"mot in IiIm nnme, and AH'lIng l^m^ly vvlth- M'«. The buidcti of my «up|>lic;i(jons is (h:tt ^n•ll .mbs..l. Thisis tberock bas;M,„ ; 5 , , H hl' factHml Ib'ly Hfiirit used the Intervention<br />

tains J by the pns'epts and examjile of its Individ-<br />

Ro" of abiuHt ovirylhinK' ititriiiK the >v»>ry Siunlay at p. m. Sunday evcnitiu prayer-lucetiiii;-." tiud sjiys<br />

its Vote receiving the haptlMsl candiihae It com-<br />

barniid'groumi of thctrulb" shows that all of<br />

to the ministry. We alllrm that tho apostle Paul<br />

detes not only his i|iialil!ealioiis for memberi»hi|i<br />

Praycr-mwtinK' al half-paAt l!vo p. m. 'l"u..>fubiyri, "ojMii yotir ii!outb-> wide iml I will till them."<br />

ftrWsf'hiirclK's, direcllyor iudlrcef ly, are vested<br />

lilt the long mtIis of ii^ uw,, l o-ojierating jiro<br />

biul no authority under Ihe heaven to forbid tho<br />

in wbU'b I'vcry male iin'mlxT taki^ u part, ami I still believe H e.'i-iel- !.» obtain ;^'|eat itiiiifj.x.<br />

Kth iHwer and juri'idictlon over all gospel pro-<br />

l-an.imark:>.o: il Is eon-istency with prlMr<br />

ciHscs as Well.<br />

church at Corinth, i>r .lames Hie church at Jerusatanti<br />

r«"siiHs within tlie bounds of their terri-<br />

sotno of tlio wifitcrs alsu. We aro pi«»r ami Ilian littli' Illill:^' .U llie tlli'onc nC ;,'iai>' if \\tbrj'.<br />

Tliccimcbision is irresistibi" to meihat the We conclude then (hat in a reuion wliere a lem, to ba,i)tl/.ea convert who had conut before It<br />

nwdy, and we foci it keenly, ti. all human h.ive greal laidi, I >! ue are prumi-^ed more than<br />

"fi- '- I'r. M. tr..,t,uf|.|,uJ<br />

jiwlcliiircli can aiitbori/e or fortdd the ailminis- cliiireli is aeeiwsil.le, iio minister li'as a right to and mmle a creditable profewsioti tif faith, and div<br />

auilMnly a^ r.-pe.-i. the adndnistniti-m of<br />

apprtinincw it in su K'bxmiy ami tbeerl oree.-.-arily Iu- iiidlh teil intowith-<br />

Wy ofdcH'iding the quest on ; and there h no ev- mental and essential to a Seripliiral church, and and thus forever remove one of tho most formid-<br />

from all ovor the .State, ami many iulelli};eid<br />

lence that that prerogative was over taken from to the existence of Hajitlst churches. To modify able abstacles in the way of Christian union? r^or<br />

What e.ui, will the .M trioa iViard do to help out an ..r.laiiu il pi(•-•«!-ytrry. rin>t elitirciHuiiiuft |<br />

l)Ooplo from the hmm North, will sjK-ud the<br />

ilm.<br />

this is to (essentially mndily the character of Dap<br />

my own part 1 must confow myself unable to<br />

the eau-e in tiii- destitute and ilesolati' lleldv Ilut be plaiitf'd as the eentei uV ( hri-,lii»n inilmm'ull "with tb.'(Special ministry and authority of ClitW.aii'd<br />

tho truth. Southern Uajitists must ^ive it to<br />

nt of his whose prerogative alone it is to take irrwistable to me, thai tnai the tne local cliurcti church can<br />


oueai'cord in phiee" and "a};re«'d us touch- under ihe -cp, eial mini.-tration of the Holy ,S|Hiit,<br />

thoju. Wv. arc havinj,' the Haplist Ikhm* n'painter. Harrison (the p;wb>r of the<br />

and ill regions out ot the reach of its inllaoncciind<br />

day night for prayer, oppiHilion trivintr way, in-<br />

interpo-~ition, iiiini -lers were anthoriitcii toilivitle<br />

Tin; TltlU: IIO.TIU.VK.<br />

We believe that tbe cliuri'li should have all due<br />

McKavett, Texas, 1.30; .1. W. Hashan, I^a<br />

Iteformod Episcopal) has reently inau^runitiHl<br />

(iuardo, Tenn., Jil.iH); Mrs. I-:. P. Ihmhan, l4i<br />

terest increasing. Twd services {public) a'day. iipon the ipie-llon of theaminixtralioiiof Uiplisui.<br />

respect for the opinion of lier [laslor loueliing flu?<br />

for every Friday nli,'ht in our cimrch, (in which<br />

h. The church and the administrator, lie he pa.s-<br />

(biarilo, Tenn.,$l.(H); L. F.,Canton, Mis.s., fl.(K).<br />

I'ray for us. tliat (bal m.iy !«• ^di.rilied in a gr»«'rii'nc(i in the presence of this ordinance we are received into th(» holy con<br />

tution whose tlcsigii is to maintain miUHuppw<br />

ary, and a year at L(>ipsic, (jiTinany, inu fuBt revenient,<br />

the recpieMt of liro. I'enn to con.slder our BnNlnlfcit adviee, but in that<br />

He has had one year,,s PX|K'rience as a piutorat<br />

rUk ; olliorwlw'at tlio wiiil«ro|»agation ofiwn;<br />

E "" imthoritative vot

486 b a p t i s t .<br />

O U R Stll'JOLH.<br />

•caiii UllOWNHVU-LK rj.MALE l,x>«u:.<br />

Thii wUoul «;U«e»l it>j •ossloii on Hit; I'-tli iii«t,<br />

m h m It wuaour Jilwuinre to Iw i»rt«eut, litmr lh»'<br />

gnuJuiitlng tt».-iuyeima dollvor (lutm«?n»r.v mUlrt-w.<br />

Tlio itumyii, w o wrro aiwuroit wore tin' jirtKlm-tlons<br />

wf Ihorto w h o reutl thimi, not from Iho llurouii, or<br />

«fa('oomiuo huvi- tlm luo^t<br />

gatUfactory ifport of duo ndvaiiwiiicnt and thor-<br />

•iHghrKSw. \V« r«»i,'«rd Dr. JohiiHtoii an au itluua-<br />

tor of HUiK-rlor nblHty, and havoovt-r placid hln<br />

BthtHil HM w * o n d only to tlio M a r y Sliarji in lli«<br />

»julhwrcsi(Unt of a<br />

feniido school. Thero havo ijocn one loindted and<br />

forty-one matriculated thin year, »n t.-videncf of<br />

the hard times, and theso have lurn ;;atliered<br />

fromolevon different SlaieH South, one from X e w<br />

Hanii»shiro, and ono from the Indian Territory,<br />

North (Jrtrolina and Virginia, the only .states<br />

having no reproK-ntutive at thi.s cullej^c. Ttie next<br />

gpnlor oIhsm promi.«CH to be aH lar),'e a,s the Ia.xt.<br />

T h e juniow n u m l x T twenty-one. T h e twniorrt<br />

iK-fore tho p.vannincrs all day Tuesday, nnd<br />

w c have never witnesaed a more pHDiistentalti nipt<br />

»'?«>mlnKiy to break a cIuh< d o w n , Init tliey passed<br />

through tho ordeal without the smell ol tire ui>'iii<br />

them. "We think with the old I'rer^idcnt of ih.'<br />

Board of Trustefd unci<br />

iwored high.<br />

Thifl In^itution elainw tbut her f;raduate^ can<br />

in mathematiCfl, metapliysic-^, lo;,'ic ami ancu nt<br />

l«nguap;o«, stand ft creditabif) e.vainination with<br />

thOHO of tho University of Virginia, Yttlc, Har-<br />

vard, or Brown, nnd is ever ready lor the ici^t to<br />

be made. T h e graduated tliemnelveH of tluwc in-<br />

rtltuteH are most willing to ndmit the claim. Tliis<br />

la, of pouree, what no other Foninle school in the<br />

South can riRhtly or doen claim. \Vhen w e say,<br />

therefore that tho M a r y Sharp justly «tanils<br />

emineht a m o n g the Female Institutions of tho<br />

country, w o only state fachi freely adtrdtled<br />

by educator and fchoiars, and w o are not dls-<br />

paraglnfc other Rchools of hi^h order and jii«tly<br />

dwiervinpr n liberal i>atroiu«ge. T h e M a r y Sharp<br />

wBaffltabll-ihetl in tho interest of Ihe or<br />

dcr of femnle rcdture. C o m m o n fvlueation can b«><br />

har^»nai chanjcter<br />

of the brethren of w h o m they bfive hinj,' heanl.]<br />

olt. 1. «., Ki KNt-;.<br />

tine of (h.- abbwt Haptist mioi-^ters in the iSiiutli<br />

in Dr. T. tiucated ..•hictly al Hamilton Liter<br />

iiry and Tliooloijlcat In^liUUi'in, n o w Mlolii^oti<br />

I'inverHily. H e wan called to i-nlioatioii hy tlic<br />

Kir-it cburcft of NiHhvillc, Teiiii., in IHli'. I'r. U.<br />

11. ('. llowell beinir HI Hi"' tinn'|>avto!. i(iiili 111' riH-eivcd ;iiirl acieptcil a rail<br />

from the First • liurcli of I'deraburi,', \"a. H e<br />

servcxl ihni eliurcb nine yciir^i and tlu'ii iv1i!rn»bl« worker, it genuitvo Siiiw,<br />

day swdiool ntrtn, nbovo reproiu-h in all rwpwjta as'<br />

ii OlirisUan, ho Is ti iiowenimonK the UapllntH hi<br />

ids HtaUj nnd e o m m a n d n unlverwil re«|H)Ol. H e<br />

Ims lMH<br />

plea.*^' copy.<br />

Ai.aii.vma.— A u y iier-.m<br />

abouts of the cbildr^'n of < Jt n<br />

Ktihcrl<br />

H'lfhrii<br />

of Texas.<br />

li'tri/nhr.<br />

I.nowing the wher**-<br />

!'. V a n Dorn w ill do<br />

an act of k i n d H m s V>y eniiiiiiunicating with (icii.<br />

.lo.seph Wlieelcr, at Coiirtlaiid, Lawrence county,<br />

it m a y bo the means of (ireatly heiiefittinj'the<br />

ebililreii. Southern pii|iers are reiiucstcd to cop.v<br />

this notice. AVo learn w ilh rorla church,<br />

from the w a y Dcjicon Miller writes, seems to i)®<br />

overflowing. N e w t o n church, organlrxid flv-c<br />

months ago, has eighty-five members, a n d Is<br />

prospering. T h e Arkansas Valley ABSortatlon<br />

will mw^t with Goshen church, Pratt coiinty, Fri-<br />

day N'foro the first S m u U y In Octolwr. T h a<br />

church In Burllnpton is flourishing, tind ha» a<br />

good house. A corresponent wij-s the church In<br />

Leltoy Is fearfully dlvldrsl.<br />

Viur;iMA.-'-Georgr.<br />

K . W . Fuller of AtlantH, Ga., has been elecle'-slx.-r-»ThenMwit church iii<br />

the Htut« Otter, which Ctt®P Into exhilenca 111<br />

i7on.<br />


4.88 T H B B j ^ g l T I B T ,<br />

D i s c u s s i o n o n U n i v o m l i s n i .<br />

TkeNrriiilMrpti tcncH llif> mtllrii^ iiiiiilNliiiicnt «f<br />

MuKiiMicUouor fhi- iMiiiinii rMinll).<br />

•»ll.i:i!l\'\TI(lN OJ- .\|(,N. II h . Iiiiiiie.1 that „<br />

is from w/,Hlwayr,ahii (K/.l'i-in;.' n!w.iyslieiiit;. it<br />

is not clearly eHtidilisbetl tli:!i il'.,ii< !l).. n„,t.snl<br />

ninii. Some eniit"Md that itio : l uiiie- froni tlie<br />

verb f(/(; — others, (liltI it ...iiipo^d nl mn, .i<br />

poetiiml Word, signifyiii^: It '' UI ilil, MIKI ..//, to<br />

exist. Hetbisas it iii i\', il uinn from mi^<br />

and on, it mii-t be McUiiowled^'i il ils^|^•nvlh<br />

as to (furatiiin, is deriv.'ij ir.MiiN.iw I drijue<br />

tliat tliis svord is lint u-e.l in IIK' Sniiiture-, to sig-<br />

nify diinttlnii, hut r,,iiliiiiii>iis/i/ lunger ur<br />

siiorter, according to ein-iiMi-taiiee-t. This has<br />

Ihh'u my |Ki«.itinn coini iin'„' tu. fionu^, etc., in<br />

this discussion ; and 1 am-u^tniaed not onl>' bv<br />

t'. DiH'm-', .i>. i»., lii'v. ,Ii.|ui INnter and Dr.<br />

Aii'Knight, but by I'Vof. stuiiii. than wliom, no<br />

bitr! U'l' tlIIttiMi'it^y uH tfd' A ijHTtcii(1 ciIII!!nciit rottl,•. .l/jV/w,<br />

r. I2s. Clearly then, the sii/>Jul to which th.'<br />

word is applied ddermines its nieaning.<br />

.Siiifniii: I's.ACii. ()|- .\i;i._Iliold that tin<br />

Scriptural u-age ,)f tliis word precludes tlteitlw entlli-Mslv<br />

cuntiMiie:^, liolinesscannot, that misery must ex.isi<br />

while lioii reigns, or the happinesM of iieaven i.-,<br />

ill jt'npurdy: ! Is it not strange that any niiui can<br />

be --O blinded by a creed as to td'lieve this'.' is il<br />

not Ibe eliniax of al.sur.iityAs well say a man<br />

e.Hinol he hone.-.t iiidess he is assured that rogucrv<br />

shad :ilw ays abouml!!<br />

.-^iMinir-s NorifKii.-- Vou fell us "every man<br />

willing' to accept tlie truth,"wiLLbelieve just wliat<br />

you tell liini about tbe duration of punishment'.'<br />

Tiiis may ap|>i'ar very l>a|)'.i^tic ami C / i r M i n n on<br />

your purl, but 1 opine tliere are many uo{ i/uUr<br />

ready to concede to yon infullihilit;/.'<br />

Vlir t'ltOVK AlON TO MKAX MMITKI) IM ItATmN.<br />

Vou give us tliirty-nve instancw in tlic Xew<br />

'I'l'stament where you say niou cl(>arly means<br />

" l i i t i i l h i l iliira/hin," but as though alarmcil and<br />

conscious of tbe damaging etrect this might have<br />

on your theory, yiai add : " i'.iit let it 1h> born in<br />

mind in this sense il is never applied to tlie |inn-<br />

isluiienl of tin wiek( d." I'II " bear il in mind,"<br />

and I will also bear it in mind tiiat for llie truth<br />

of this Htalenient we h ive your ban" iis,sertion—<br />

notbing more. II your nsserlions were only<br />

proof, the ioniiorl:d reitrn of the devil and bis<br />

kin^tloni would bo e.slalilisbed lieyond penid-<br />

venlure.<br />

Till nAi!iii;N I I'i TKi:!''.. -"And .lesiisiiiisw'cred<br />

and said unto it. No mini ejif fruit of fiice, liere-<br />

aIter forever." Mark vi. II. On this, you reiniirk,<br />

"when Ibe barren llg tree bears fruit the sin<br />

against the Holy .Spirit will be forgiven,—but<br />

when? To this, 1 reply, that the thing to which<br />

the words are here applied, prove conclusively<br />

thai endless tlui'iition was not ex|iressed. Only<br />

during the life of tbe llg tree, was all the Savior<br />

meant, for no OIK* Is'lieves the tree will stand<br />

wliiie the throne ot tist siilc of tiie (jiiestion, you must not<br />

stop lit what thry say alonr-, hut you must j,'o on<br />

lo the corrolKtraiing testimony and cooeessiniis<br />

wliifli rlusfer around Haptist doctrines fnuii all<br /> denoniinatimis. The Ihiptists wish no<br />

easier tusk lhan to prove every and eacii one of<br />

Ihcir (Idctritns, from the writin;,''* of of her denoin-<br />

inatidiH, I am satisfied lic (ndlnnnce. Many others, convertwl in our<br />

mwting, whose fiindlieH are I'edoijaiitist, havo<br />


4 9 0 T H K j m S ^ t t ^ S T ,<br />

T H E JBt'<br />

IlonmaulA—8«nrlA.<br />

In tU«f«Uof tlteTurkI«h MmDiro<br />

lifw nttlons hkvo nlmuly oome into rx'<br />

i*tpnc8, aud fwth w m prfljMrecl lo nrnln-<br />

lain their /rwsdom by tho dmit«rnte rc-<br />

dort of war. One of them liui biiil n<br />

liiiUiry io rmarkablo Ihlit it mnv yet<br />

form ilie thrnio of some nativu AI«o.iu-<br />

lay or Motlvy. Kuuniriniti, which eiturKiit<br />

on the brinit of a gn>«t conflict with<br />

Ruvtia, turronmlcd by all tho ficrcofit<br />

(•IrmpntD ot thet aitern iitrirt>, wit^i t^r<br />

via, forma the moat rrccnt of thow iitw<br />

jiowrr/t tbnt Imvii Joined tho KuMiifaii<br />

family of nation*. It alroldiftt a brogii<br />

rx'i'nt o( ftrtilo tcriitory iiiclowd by<br />

tiie Danulw ami ti>e ('ArimtbiAn iiioiint-<br />

ainii, and boun(Ie.'<br />

oyp*irh-wild, balfHavsgo, who wore<br />

long h( 11 in ivcry by the Turki,«b rni-<br />

erit, but who oerm to have clnni; with<br />

tenacity to a land whicl> glt^'rfd tluin<br />

only a miserable oppression. Why thoHO<br />

wanJerent have fixed tliemn lvM in !hi»<br />

inland iand inhoapitable region can<br />

pcarcelybe imagined. But cinco ii «-<br />

mania tia« liecimo a nation the giriMiei"<br />

have be«-n set freo; tluy were pnteliH.TiI<br />

from their maaterit by goverTuncntftid,and<br />

Uiawii'lnre rti>w finip|f>ye(i ai wrvaiitH<br />

and in various uwful pursuit-. A Hlill<br />

more unfortunate clafHof the |«ijtu!iilion<br />

are the Jew*. They too h. ;(riitioti and<br />

tyranny, and have refi.'ed to fly ir«>in u<br />

land or b.ndtge. Thiy niimlif r ahnom<br />

om-tenth of the pfojile.' llioy aru often<br />

of light complexion and hair, of Hpani-fh<br />

•'eaoent. Th«ir activity in trade exciter<br />

ihe jealouay of' the ruling' claw.<br />

They are atiU exfm d to variouH<br />

diiiabllltieii. But it i« Htale.i that<br />

finee it» erection into a neparatr<br />

Ht*te, and ita freedom frum Tiirkinti con-<br />

trt/I, Roumnnia baa nude wrnis y r.>grej>K<br />

toward toleration, and that emihl r ghu<br />

will be awardfd at laat to all Its jioople.<br />

A new natid'ii haa be« n form-d; Jas-y<br />

and Bucharekt are the centr-* of a rinlntt<br />

civiUxUion; an I the Roumanians have<br />

jnved on many a bloody field their<br />

resolution to be free. A l»r({0 exjKirl<br />

frnd im|iort trade haa Bnruinr up ».n the<br />

Danube, and the fl«g of almxit every<br />

Eur "pean nation i^smjin the harbor*<br />

of the towns jnd cities that line itn<br />

ahoret.<br />

Still more rpniarkable in the auddcn<br />

r H-j of Servift to fr.'cdom and proMi>erity.<br />

The Servians were Sclaves whowttled in<br />

ancient Mieala; a famous Kinit Stephen<br />

DuHhan, in the fourtec nth ceiuury, de-<br />

fMtod the Turka, Dyxantinca, Ilunga-<br />

il8n< n yrontxi.<br />

The tl iuien spread rapiiily, and the (H'O<br />

pie on the ouickirtB of tl?e viliege were<br />

unable to olFer any atxistHnre. Ttie<br />

nhrieksol the dying were to ive heard lor<br />

a long time alxive the cra dling ot tin<br />

rtampit. Fully ihreo hundred live-* were<br />

lost at Cua that night'. itepetiiionH of<br />

the parthouake were Itwked lor, and<br />

those who had wcajied were in a con«tanl<br />

state of terror (or a number o( days<br />

The buolnefs of the country WHS HI a<br />

stand-still, and the greateat tenor itru^<br />

vailed whenever telegrams prophesying<br />

tho approach of a heavy -hock wt-re<br />

reeelve«. The people in the towns on<br />

such occasions would remain in tiie<br />

streets during the greater part of the<br />

night. Tho shocks have snverely<br />

damaged the industries of tho whole<br />

countrv. Workmen bad not the heart<br />

to work In the su^ar factories, many of<br />

which had fallen in. The los e., will Ite<br />

very large, but can not yet bti PHtimated.<br />

Th« earthqnako was thn severest ex<br />

nericncetl in Venezuela for many yeari,<br />

it being O'lnsidered much heavier than<br />

that of 1812.<br />

A gentleman of Venezuelan birth w< re<br />

acquainted with the dovastated neiKh<br />

borhood, writes: "Having received<br />

complete flies of the UHraoss daily<br />

papers, I should like to give you some<br />

more information in reference to the<br />

earthf|uake which destroyed, nn the<br />

12th ol last month, the beauM'nl,<br />

wealthy, and flourishing town of Cua.<br />

It aipesra tiiat the number of ileaihs<br />

reaultiDg 'rum that sudden cHlaDiltv<br />

must have bi-en several hundred, Includ-<br />

ing about eighty or ninety of the most<br />

proiniDent lohabitantB of the place.<br />

Charity in thoM oountriea operate<br />

awihly. The instant the news roiolied<br />

Oarncas the preskjentof tho ro|)ubllo not<br />

only fi^rwardtd li>rpe supplies of evety-<br />

thing net^dful in t-tieh esse*, bnthendrd<br />

the list ol snbicripll 'Ut, whieli at la»t<br />

aeeoiinU showed a n ul^'!ea»urel('H-iire. The nmilier Ims lifr<br />

lunisi'lioM (Win H, 1111(1 the eomforts ol lier<br />

l'ir,.l!y tn study ; iiiid tiiili. sitlefs, there<br />

iiniiK-lito l>e ilovoted lu fiieey-work,<br />

viiitoiN, nnd to (niuisi'iiienlit ol osu' kinii<br />

iind unolh.'-r. lU-r ol<br />

.l;iii.^eii, Hi rM l.oi, an.) iiUie.-^, lm?i iiddt.l<br />

very ly tii iriir koo'vii-Jm- ,.ii ||,ij,<br />'ct Y"nii- in ! oil nS-eivu! n roli-<br />

liiitu-u ' uprc.r'i'O. ..iiil-i .i«"..n- oriliiiary lfle.-eopie<br />

CHniprns »-nip|o\.«l. 'l'|,e loinly Hi^jn-i<br />

niiMilol tho iniiiUnitntH li«» to Mn««i»r<br />

lor much of Uii-. I hHn-little doubt,"<br />

hp continiKM, "iIihi it the Httcnipl is<br />

made in .Tu y. w .m uny ounnilty ol<br />

skilhd liclp will II,. on iiatnl, imd any<br />

amount oi poxnihie, thsl a mil<br />

measure of Kiieee»«s will he obtsined, at<br />

all events lor themo't pMotoL^raphic piirt<br />

of the sisrtnim. An ordinary plioto-<br />

crnph (d' the corona wa^ filitained by Dr,<br />

.Schuster in tivop,eeoi.d;le haul of<br />

tlK> seine, s' lne of iliVm weiirhing ironi<br />

lorty-fiv* to OOP hundre.l j^nind*. PI>CII.<br />

TIIOH' cHpltired at Orook'* inlet nverajie<br />

even heavier, and diflance all C"MI(*ti<br />

tion in Oregon or plsewiiere. in the<br />

mining region near tka tpn well-devol-<br />

ojied lp''ges ol gtdd-lwaiing quartr- liave<br />

fieen una»vpre.l, and pight miups am al-<br />

ready located and will Kmn be in active<br />

operation. Tliese ledges, which have<br />

lieen followed three miles or more, arp<br />

pronounced, bv a comiHitent Russian<br />

engineer, capablp of averaginit tbirtj-<br />

two dollars )K>r ton. F)x((eripncpd min-<br />

ers who have erara ned them think the<br />

Alaska yield of gold and silver will<br />

pventualiv Iw Isiger ihsn that of C^nli-<br />

fornia and N« vatia comiiincd.<br />


Tli« Aiufrli-O.t n'nol iHdiKlry-<br />

Fiirmorly the gremer part of tho wtioi<br />

In the knitiln^ hiuuirlps at Ooiiops csme<br />

from Australia. A 'ew years ago sam-<br />

pl(M4 (il Oa'iioriila wisd were t.r fed and<br />

fuund tu be ol superior quality, though<br />

so dirty that hall the Ireigbt chargM<br />

weie iMlii for dirt. To remedy this<br />

delect, large W.KJI scouring eatabUshineDts<br />

wero opened lo Oaiiibmls, and ever<br />

since then they have ^en rending clean<br />

wool, saving not only ball the oo«t of<br />

Iroight, hut placing tlio Oohoes mantt-<br />

T , , ii, Vis1^ should bp avoided, as it will ulti-<br />

'inU-ly injure tho akin and dpstroy tho<br />

iwHUty ot tin eomplexh.n.<br />

HAHHAKHAH nuisn.—I'our two quarts<br />

0' Isiillog wnter ujain two large siKion-<br />

litis of cieam tartar, aud add ten drops<br />

"f oil of Horsalrnii, ten droiw of oil oi<br />

"I 'lice, icn iirops of winlrgreen, then<br />

s'ld eight quails of cold water and a<br />

I'liit ol >:ood yeasland sweeten to taste;<br />

[''t it stsaci twenty^four hours, and then<br />

ti^itUii This makes a dellclotis sum'<br />

beverage.<br />

Ct'RR FonOnonp.—A medical journil<br />

•• f". »(t eur^'l 'n one mlnu"-<br />

•ml I<br />

lugar. They way to accomplish tho deenful ol<br />

alum, then mix it with twice its quan-<br />

tity of sugar, to make it palatable, and<br />

administer as quickly asiwssible. Almost<br />

Instantaneous relief will foUow.<br />

Dr. Foote's Health Month I v says<br />

the following, served with CBiined straw-<br />

berries for sauce, is a dish too givwi ;for<br />

anv but very good pofila: Onu teacup<br />

full of riee, one Jicaning Ifrtup full of<br />

oocoanut and the milk I'DHI ibe ccnlor<br />

ot the nut, on quart of wait-r, one pint<br />

of milk, and sail to ta-ite. It'jd Ihree or<br />

four IKJUIH in a doiibl.^ boil r II it<br />

iKjiUaway too' nHtch add moie water.<br />

OvHUWATKUiS'i kilh more oiatitn<br />

liian dryn(»') I'ots in the hoti^ % speci-<br />

ally lUe liaiK'n imo ghir.-d om - ,ou!d<br />

lie provided with iibundiinl drair.pge;<br />

brokon JHIIH, eludeiK oyster shells « iy-<br />

thiiig to make an open layer hI ti.e i...,<br />

torn; llieu u Isyei ,1 moss lo key sand tli;.l il will<br />

always allow ihe water (.. llip ujrh.<br />

With lbe.*< precatilioitH llicre is n.i<br />

danger, but wliefo Uie HiuJaw 1 the roil<br />

is miiddy an h(tur after watering, itieic<br />

is .sjmethiiig wrong, uiid plant'* will not<br />

thrive.—I American AKrig'i<br />

not led away by evil compHrioiis!iii><br />

rarely commence their deprediitions u|!on<br />

sobar, full-grown sheep In ninety nine<br />

cases on' «/< U)0 they have previondy<br />

yielded to the great iemplaiio.-i of run-<br />

ning down S-'iTf* 'ri-king lamb, whose<br />

animatc'l garatio!'< ."oemed to court pur-<br />

suit.—[Lmd .'•nd Water.<br />

U.oil.Ki) TOSOI'E.—In clKMisioii: a<br />

touguo,'rtain how loiiii il has Iweu<br />

dried or piekied, and n-lei t one with a<br />

smo'tth skin, which denotes its iK-intr<br />

vonng nod tender. Ifa dried one and<br />

"ratiiei hard.mak il at least for twplv,'<br />

hours previou'( to co king it; f. how<br />

" ' the pickle, iw.i or<br />

ever, il il* frcdi fr<br />

three hotiiH will l>.' s'jflicieiit fo' il lo re-<br />

main in soak. Tul tho tonj^ue into a<br />

stew pan witli plenty ol cold water and<br />

(I iniiK h of Kavory lierhi; Ivl il gradually<br />

come to a fkim well, and simmer<br />

very geutly until tender. I'eel olVthe<br />

Hkin, pn'iiish with tiitt- nf caiilitlower or<br />

lirii'^'eU KprnntK, ami «'rve, I! iilea|H'r ruciie around the root and<br />

garnish with tufts of parsley. (;.sik a<br />

large smoke*-BrT .\s»P(M»tlon (o rttn"a«s<br />

till Us sals.<br />

fash orders P'r 'I'S tollowinn hooks mii.-d<br />

rMwiptl.v ! —<br />

nyntH and Time BOOK tn every fHmily. Tbla<br />

tsachalMieleeUou or ttie very bast or Hymns<br />

that toncli BJiund doctrine, and a aeteflUou ot<br />

1 tie swettosi jHi votlonal,K«vtvftl and Hunitay-<br />

Mlioot HOURS yet made; and Ui« muslo lu<br />

Hliat)«d notes, ami can IH> used by those<br />

iiequaBted wtlh tlio round uotwaa wi-ll. Uny<br />

tills nlM Hymn and Ixnie ttook fortlieKaini<br />

fly HItde, and one (or each olilld. Tills Is do-<br />

slKuvd to lakettio plana or tlie old ^uthern<br />

INuiUutst, iMhuod twenty year* «i{0. Kxamlne<br />

It iiotorc you purc»ia»e.<br />

I'rlott,»!.«) each, tiy lusll,<br />


witlKMit Minnie.-Siicts.<br />

TIIK l.l'rri.K NKRAI'lt Ik tlif K»M: MKI;.*!*!! I:XIHMITIO!I- or<br />

nol»K.II\ MFIIIITIH.W, lly J. II. «ilriivf>k. read II, and ael all<br />

your family to ft-n.I It. Jt In tlm iiio»t liitDr-<br />

e«llii« little iKH'li you ever lead, aint wUl ex-<br />

j.liilii a large niiiiiher of lti« most dlincull<br />

pu'»«ttH(^^ of HiMiiiture. You Kliduld read 11<br />

wlttiout lall. • rrlt'O hy '"«>!. '5 •'l*-<br />

4. TIIK OKI«I.N- or IIAI'TISTM. II,V N.<br />

II. rord, oiiBlit to he fainlilBr<br />

with the History of ymir own ileiiointnattoii,<br />

111 least tho outline ol It. Yon have no llnie<br />

t'l roa.l n 1»IK«' 1"<br />

ISS IIIMJCH you hav« It all In y. uiit-«liell. Tho<br />

author coiunieiices and tracew bark the Itap-<br />

tl'Atdnnomliitttlon from the prc«cut ee.nliiry<br />

tfl days of tho ApiwtlcH. It will »hOw you<br />

hat IJaptistsdld m"l you<br />

will emstiiiilly protect Uiem aKalnstdanuer<br />

ons<br />

rellKloiiN ( riorn; and yon will do ia««t<br />

kikhI hy loanliiB them lo your nelKliffiirs.<br />

J'rlcp hy mall, lifl CIS.<br />

Tilt: «jit\vrj«i-i>iT7.i.i;R I»I;HATI<br />

This Is the Iildest and most learncSJ rtoo, lu ctotii, «aehifl.(iO.<br />


iWBAOTieT,<br />

H')L'T»Kiu M:WH items.<br />

A iSilt well hw been di«f)v«rc>(l !o<br />

Aoikrian roUuty, TeiiariMiv.<br />

li»» recelreU 2 900 Norlliern<br />

m til«ni wUhIn tl>e Ux t«i) month*.<br />

'I'ho lVu«i-oln Advance mji the<br />

("riuKf* pUuliuK mnnit l« IncrcMlne in<br />

Kli/rido.<br />

Thoiiherin'(if Pickeiw couiity, W. 0.,<br />

. vbtirce* lliAt flvA rav«line offlceni hrtiMUy<br />

uiiotletvil « niooii«h)l)«r n»m««<br />

tiiiiU lliroiiKli to Tftim 111 tlit? tlitirliiit jiuit.<br />

sililu lliiii-.<br />

Tlipy hHVP locitwl Crt|>tKiii Kidd'ii<br />

(r»iiure ui-nr Kfv \Vc»f, Klonila , nnit ihrrc<br />

h ounniilcrithle exritciiirnt ovff it in tlie<br />

llti' Atlsnta JuiJpe to whom wan re-<br />

fi rri tl til*- IrRftlily of the rtrilinnnoe ngHin»t<br />

o|>iiy o mli for<br />

iMitnn, [dtnled the crop exlcn'.ively. Fiistcbe<br />

went hack on hU jiromi^e, and pili-a of that<br />

ve^t-labli-,lurgB enoui;h to ejtcile the cnvv of<br />

U«"on, now niton tlie wrtv of |ieaiml<br />

to have been of vn«t dimenaiona. The ae-<br />

count Riven in the bible, however, ahow*<br />

thai in «lr,e it diil not exct^pd many private<br />

hoiiaie of the |irc«enl liiilu. Inliigth alxty<br />

cnbit«, breadth twenty f-ut»it», heUht ibirly<br />

cublia The porch wan twenty cubita Ioik',<br />

Knd (en cnbila broad. The cubit of the<br />

,le«a wnii about inches in linijlh.<br />

The IhiitiHj Siaten coiimiineH annually<br />

twifn six and aevea hnndrcil Ihouaand<br />

li<br />

lonx tons of cane nngar, le** than 13 per<br />

ct'nl. of which ii of buuie prod ictien. The<br />

IrHdini; aonrcea of foreifiUHUpjdy are ! I'ulm,<br />

000 font . Hpaniah poii»e».ion«, fO.UH);<br />

I'orto Uico, WM» 0; French l»l»n(le, SJi iXHl;<br />

Hrar-'l, H.WKi; Dutch F„f.l lutlics. 11,WW<br />

Uritiah Went luilien. 10,U»{>, ItritiMi (iulanH,<br />

I0,(k,0; Handwlch Inland*, 10,(XK). Iwenly<br />

one other couiitriea tnpply leea than tin luanv<br />

thouuuil tonn in all. lu IKti^ our h'liue<br />

product was lyi.W*) t4ins . it fell to 5,(KH)tonii<br />

in IWiTi, then nlowly roae to 71».0(W (oim i i<br />

IS71. The crop of 1870 was 77,WU Ion*.<br />

During the twenty ycjira ending .lunc<br />

30th, l.S 11, the lluileil Slates iiuporlnl ov.r<br />

2,20,»,0' coUee, leim Ihau loO.OOO lonh<br />

of which were rettjiorted. IiuiIhk the<br />

Teareiidion .lune SOih, 1877, «c im|».rteU<br />

32O,tXi0.UXJ l>ouud» »f coriee, inree fonrina of<br />

which ounie from Briiiil. For the twenty<br />

yrara inrntioaeJ our conauiuptlon of codec<br />

uveraucd 300,0()0,0l0 poundsn year. During<br />

iho la-t five years of ihe period it waj,<br />

(XjO.OtiO pounds. Latterly, Ihc rrUtivo<br />

umouiit firouRlit troni IlrsKil haa dvclimd,<br />

owing to the greater incrtafe In the nmount<br />

imported from other Couulriea. I,a»t year<br />

our conVe Bccount with Itraril exceeded ihe<br />

sum of our exports thilher by more thin<br />

• J8.000,000,<br />

MIMIKLLANEUt'.s.<br />

Peter C00(ier'« lifelonx busincM<br />

have bfen few nnd aimii<br />

and idljpnew.<br />

IK bus<br />

lie—to<br />

rules<br />

avoid debt<br />

on<br />

Ohm VV. Y. C. Hume, at. the unveil,<br />

iiiis f Ihti confedeiate mnnnuK^ni In Mem.<br />

p.i »I I.MI Ihe dead past bury lla tie d. We<br />

t.l .( til esabllsh 'he coufi deiaii* i let ut<br />

* of eaiployea, so a's<br />

to protect overland trains a{;aiast robbers.<br />

South Carolina nnppliei nearlv half<br />

the rice produced in this coun'rv. ^iporaia<br />

Is next, or iioiily sevt-n niiPinn ;>oiinils<br />

ahenil of Ijouisinna. Nearly iiM uur rice<br />

noiups from these three sliitf*.<br />

The mining and mnnufaclurinp ol<br />

II e phosphite rook in.South ("aroilna h,iH be-<br />

come nneof the Ica ling and nifist imiiortJint<br />

industriea of the state. From Hnmll hcKin<br />

ninip', the shipment nml mnniirHciure Im.]<br />

ri»cn In nine vears to ihe larce anmnnt of<br />

100080 Inns in 1877-TH, of which Il.'.O-f,<br />

were shipped to foreign poru, (>(,I8« K.ns<br />

cOB»twise,Buil 1« I'.Jfi tonsconsunitil bv home<br />

manufacturers.<br />

Hy a recent order of the IrraaHry de-<br />

partnient medical officers of the marine<br />

hospltiil seivice pre Instructed to ust. Ihe<br />

inetri" sy«tcm of weigbta and measu'es f..r<br />

all offioinl and pharmnceuticat purpose*.<br />

The "gram" and "centigram" only are to<br />

be useil for (piantities by weiizht, and in<br />

expresaiiiK .piHutitles by nica«ure only ihe<br />

term "cubic cenlinieter " A circular issiit-.l<br />

by the nmrlne hospilal dep.rlmonl «lve»<br />

simple rnlea for the ready conversion of the<br />

United States apolhecarlea' welKhta anil<br />

meaanrea Into their respective mriric<br />

eijulvalenla.<br />


A glaaa of milk at Ixsd timj will often<br />

answer well na a hypnotic in nervous per-<br />

eons afllicted wlih insomnia,<br />

Keroeen* oil haa been Icuown (or one<br />

thonaand two hundred years to exlat in<br />

Japan, and now It Is beInK refined and<br />

manulactured there on a large i.cale.<br />

Tho«laily motinn nl the great Swiiw<br />

Rlacier, Ihe Mere ile lllace, ia from reven to<br />

thlrty-aix Inches, de|Mniwnnu4 fare<br />

powder baa recently (irevailed in I/indon.<br />

VounR children eajWclally suRercd from It,<br />

and many died. Tlie powder waa «.hown,<br />

on cheraical analysis, lo contain twenty five<br />

per cent, of araenic,<br />

At tlie New York SUtw Inebrialo<br />

Asylum, varioua remediea are/tlven aii leni-<br />

porary subNtltutea for abohollo allinii ttni.<br />

AinoiiK the most reliable of them la a pie-<br />

acrlptlon ooMtalolUK diluted phoai.hoiitt<br />

aelj and tb« alialr ol callMva bark<<br />

A frrlt»r to th« Londmi Lanoel, H|>««k-<br />

fngof lhe«Arolte of cold and warm b.itha,<br />

tare '*11ic uUlnmta reaull of hot and cold<br />

bath*. If their teni|.«r»iur» be tuuderate, l»<br />

altoul the wuie. Ihe diflerence l>eiBju, lo use<br />

the words of Itr^un.: that Void r^ftesbfabv<br />

atimolalinif the lunetii.ns, beiti by p|,pU'4,|ly<br />

fauditatini; tbeni) and hi thl* lies ihe<br />

Important |ir*t'tk"»l dllleirhw befw. en the<br />

cold wster.Kyflem and Hip thermal nielh.Hl<br />

of irr.'tlnieot.<br />

Texas hait prudiicetl a netv mrdit ini',<br />

which fr.iiii iU Intoxicnil iiuiiliilcSi uniy<br />

Vet be Iintl *« n tipple It In (Iriivcl li-.m<br />

o bean 1,'roHinK on n i.lant kimwn hi the<br />

tnp/ioiv f/irflffii. Trof. H. t'. Wjnid, nf Ih'<br />

UniVffftir I'diMsylveiiia, hiiti diM^ov. if l<br />

in It A ncu alksltii.l, wbiitlt he ^mponi'ii |i><br />

call Sviiluiiia, lla'f of .iiic Kenn, it i« csid.<br />

Hill |ir'Mlu',e » delicious txliil)ir. i<br />

Ic li Ihc iili.ii<br />

mm li>i;it))i><br />

II l«<br />

allcr<br />

Tiic (i. rntHi) tclfiirHpli<br />

Itpxlncini; tin- icloj li- iif<br />

tioiiK iir<br />

ineiit, I- rl5 nnt<br />

weeks, aii'l iiiit<br />

befnri' theciiil<br />

lie then h tottil<br />

telephone siiri<br />

alri'.iilv pnn uli il<br />

iiiliir-<br />

h'<br />

• f the<br />

if lUfl'llllll<br />

n» III tlcrii<br />

'il<br />

I llicc ifi rnpidly<br />

"Iviy 1 iulit «(«-<br />

»i h ihiH inslrn-<br />

li ivc it 111 n few<br />

m'l dcveii more<br />

ihiix (here will<br />

Ueil Hinl l«ei (y<br />

i^^IISSLiF!<br />




r/if afflkted rah now bf rcsturflit to /vr/Vv/<br />

hrnlth ami bmtihj i-nergi/, a! home, wilheut<br />

Ihe liKf of mnittine of any kind,<br />

I'l i.,>'i:itM A< !i<br />


AX1» 1I,V>I>H.<br />

/l>r tflf-appi'iciilUm la any put of the,My,<br />

mivt iLiTi/ rciuire'iwnt.<br />

The most hwiutl pbyxidam mid scinUiJIi<br />

im n nf Kimipc ami this cwntfy indorse them<br />

Till w iiiilMl CiiriiliVf iippllrmccs linvi' Iinw<br />

III.I...I Ihc l.-t li.r iipwiinl (If llilrly yi>:ir«.<br />

.ill- pn i- clxl liv i(.-f» riiti-iil 111 Hll III.'<br />

ptli.i ipMl citiriiti.ndl llic wiirlil Tlii'y were<br />

U.^-ricil IhiMiiilv A»:iril(>f .M.-fll lor Klci'lrlc<br />

Appll.iiK-.-* iitlhc tr.Mil \M.i|.r» Fxhililll-.ii-<br />

l';.ilM, PlilliKl. Ipliiii. mill . iM' - i.iiil<br />

ll;iv- li.< II I'.liii.l 111.- m.KI viillliililc, sill. .<br />

vim]ii. . iiimI . llicli iil l.imwii Iniuiiii'lit fur<br />

111.' cure 111 illM-iis.-<br />


tl.c siiinn I|.-Br.>(' ol<br />

•in ruy ii» cxpi rlciiinl<br />

iiiiV "II the fiilliiwhm<br />

iviiipliiiiln Iiicel your<br />

(>t the .loy ol ii iiiiiiil (onxclence<br />

The >;l 0 "I (uni-^ni nre<br />

* it lo bear very<br />

I'hcerfiil in ailvcri'i-<br />

hIw, y^ fearful<br />

if thy heart<br />

Have n (»(hi<br />

rvi r havo piy.<br />

A tjO'id (viiHciciu:<br />

nnicii, iind i^ vry<br />

Ilea.<br />

All evil ci.iiMicnfo<br />

and iiii(|iiii-l<br />

riiuli kiirtlt rest ,'KM nii-rivK PAMPHIirr and<br />

Tiik Ki.ei'rHic yi'AiiTKBi.Y, a larRo Ilius<br />

triileil Joiiinnl. iiniliilnlng flill partlculani<br />

mill ixFOHMA ruiN wiiiiTll TilouaAwna. top-<br />

ic* iniilleil fni' A.ldrcKH,<br />


Cor. Eighth ond Vino Cts., CmCIHUATl, 0.<br />

ggt' Avoid iHum ttiiplinmvii (•laiminq<br />

Me gualiii*!. <strong>Our</strong> FamphUt txpklHM Iwip to<br />

4t$itnfui$h Ih* g»Huint frm Ih* ipurim.<br />

3SBBA<strong>PTI8T</strong>. 4=93<br />

.1 \V llaiihnii,Tiiliiii.'NS(>i->. —Tim louuil pad<br />

will i-oit you twelity-nv* (-ciiIh.<br />

Kid !• H lluircll, l lotidH.-t orin;t iinw.<br />

Thiink you fur iiotllyliig nn of the OIIIInkUIII.<br />

A V; VVmllcy, ti(;(ii(4lii. Vi iyyooil.<br />

emi Hid 5i> III niiiUliix up Itic i liit,<br />

iimiiil UN.<br />

W 1.1'a, AiiciliiKit., Vmii »rlli-le Ik<br />

(111 iiiihllcallDii. uMHilliiK ItB iiiri) miii<br />

eMiiyn.llml i(' u'l .In<br />

ly eiinlliiiii in<br />

• .SIml (.-In iilHi<br />

M.<br />

tl.-ili riceiMd,<br />

Why not K. ml<br />

r will aliswei I<br />

ilK I<br />

111.<br />

M.<br />

Iiilve nil pri-dt<br />

• Ijdtil, lull eon.<br />

I III) llie v..ulll<br />

They iir.'.iiilt<br />

, - Ij II |.(«ii,iiouihimoliuo.<br />

li.OUi H I, iHiuijiii. l-huiaii, I.«»i Wlllla<br />

Uuiiih, iniiliorrurrlKuy, 10.0IJ,<br />

Uvoi«l,i.„.i M Jiiaid-vm l.iu, A K Hllolbur<br />

l.HI, Ilf K.«jliliilii;|7o.<br />

Kitusiw...^ I, I, oiek 3.311,4„),m upxroa.l l.av<br />

fnlifornbt. Mt« V A l.ewlH l((.tiO, H II<br />

ilanliiiiiii Imi,<br />

IliWU.,^!, l,()r.i;i,U,. I'|, iiee.'.MI McMolo..<br />

J! I ••DSW<br />

mill will lilt,<br />

'I'uiii.ii-i, riH.iHin<br />

lie, li n,<br />

S>|.hl!H. Stil.'llll,<br />

(illiei-, til.l M.ilii<br />

I J llrook.'S, 'IViitiM. - We<br />

that you me a pniplii t ol il<br />

Iraiywisc. your m.sMii;ih I<br />

i-lllVlllC-us that y.Ill 1,11-lli.t<br />

unlike uiiytliliiit tlml (fml lui.s li.i.i,',(. .,<br />

eiiiiiniiiiilcat. iiV A 1,1, oui immm<br />

!• al IW- t<br />

Tin: hi;vim:u M'i(ii>i'iriii;K.<br />

OpIiiluiiN Of r.niTiieni Kehvlnr*.<br />

"A competent (Jrc<br />

IHIIi lollllii.<br />

Tenn«»«oc.-..\i M Wiiuma-Jii.w.Klllla.shan<br />

A.I IvdiKo l.iU, llnrdlii Hmllh s.-,i, ,1 \V<br />

II Coker 2.1*1, M Klowers 10.(W, H W Cowden<br />

I.00, T ij lluulmnnn a.Oit, J a I'liylur T.m', A<br />

Tiiycra OOc, Ur It J Carr lU.Oli, J 11 II llachcltir<br />

6«o.<br />

Mlsalaalppl.- Jir), K (• WeMhrook It.M), .1 C<br />

.McNe'l lOUW, 1) A Itolmiin (1.2,5,1.H KoaterU.OT.<br />

H II Culpepper 170, W !• Wllllanis 2.7il, K (I<br />

rtobcrlaon J.OO, Oliver Home I.W. II KHolii-<br />

iuona.lO,TJ Kowlcr5.2f., A fc; fMllte MO, A<br />

1 Wblto 3.«1, II K IMItmnn die, t'liiis (inlvanl<br />

II.25.<br />

AlaiMmii.-J II JInrahall N K Allen<br />

9.7(1, W « farler fi.TII. I, U roulson lO.OO, .foe .1<br />

Kinbry 1.18, W t'rltebctt 11.05.<br />

North l^wllna.-j U AmniouN I.7(i, A M<br />

•arherHtk., W II laal.l liJMi, w II Wlgitliia<br />

All I luhiiiiilile'I'riilli.<br />

^ ,111 ,I.-S, rv- lo Mitn-r; mid II \ou lead a<br />

miM-iable, unwillNtactory lite In ibis beanll-<br />

nil Horl'l, II W eiillrely your (iwn laull, mid<br />

Ihere Umilj oiiee.\cUNe for you,-your iiii-<br />

r..a-ii, Wbokaaln I' ,V; o IteiilerK,<br />

Axi.iiai Knvannali,(ii,.<br />

O U K A T K S T B A I K J A I N S 'li<br />

linos mill Onana durlim tbla monih e»ep<br />

htioWM in tbn U, H. \Vn aie ilelei nilmil to<br />

maintain ourpoalilon aa.ihe rlieMuesi m,.|<br />

moat rellMbIn bonae In tJie worl.i, niiil win,<br />

10 dlK|Hw« of our pn«ent aioek offiui new nml<br />

aewmd band ItiairuineniHot i«-k| uiHkeM lo-.<br />

cludlnn WATKMN* ami NIIONI.VNI.It'N,<br />

place tliem within tbii reach ofcvciy

Valuable Premiums.<br />

Wo Imve iwrfwwU iirrftUBoroeiiW hy wl»lch<br />

ii«b)tcHbenitoTiiKMAnii.r mm "ecure Oiw,<br />

or nil, i.f lUo fqllowlu* valiiulile tKX»Ui<br />

Biwilly HfliKwl or by ftcHliilj UP «<br />

Club «.^<br />

I ilim iliiili lOO.OOO wort Ji 111 H« v'H fil>ii|(ir),<br />

"tvmoloKV. «n WMU^ IM eiiibrn. .Hi hui oi ^<br />

, j.i^illf.l l.lnl.'«,.ill wvroflilly i.Mil Ix aiUlf I 1><br />

...lori^l by l.ftiiti; t.)K.ali.>r Willi inu.' 1 v» I.ii,Uuhr«iiolf.«U'»l<br />

aii.l KtiitlHUriil Ii alio. 1 li.i<br />

VliolH In eleK»nlIy «.«1 f"' " ' " k I'<br />

Is (.orompaJilcl "l^'y II<br />

fnriik. lleUill prico, In clolli, ?3.W; In nan<br />

Turkey, «.«>. Wp olTur<br />

Tiiic UAITIHT ami Hook, lii t:Iotli, at W W<br />

In Half Turkey binding<br />

Ton ni-w »ub«crlbcr« will itwiiro tho I'liiHir<br />

mill Hook, m cloUi blnillnR, I- UKK,<br />

Hvcrn c<br />

T h e o l o g i c i l S e m i n a r y ,<br />

lH>ulitvillc« Ky<<br />

I'rflro.woniI IJoyco, Ilrondus, WUllHott ntid<br />

^Viill tlictJottloH.WiwrW, and nompb lo Kiir-<br />

UMi UicolOKleat Aum-l or.a pnrtlal cour«.t<br />

nl Uir optimi oTIho Htudont. Thow who<br />

riinlrti ppcHiilary ivW for t be<br />

Inuln Iho Hoinluary, will plniKo coninimil-<br />

•t^Ri wllh lUv. J. A. flroHdtiM. I^uUvn ^Ky..<br />

aiullnu fully pccuiiurycoudtUon nndl Horary<br />

ur"parBtloi^,ViuI kWIiib rcllabio ri.foronw^^^<br />

lorCaiiUoa'uo iipply to lt«v, J. P. ">0<br />

opiiiiH BflpUJinbnr Ihi.oii wlilob<br />

diu'torv Icctuin by llroiidliii. I'rompl iH""'!iinco<br />

m linporlfttit.<br />

rtAltn A«KHT» Miiul Mtntiip for "<strong>Our</strong><br />

C l"rlfbllo of BpciduiciiH." KiiffPI<br />

lUiy, in. AXllMilH<br />

u T E I i E P H O N E S !<br />

ii^^ttih Uml iriitinmlui th« vm'!o w h m^<br />

110 "or 11* Ui lui lintinl In nil pwOiof nti oriilnnrv<br />

rootn. Moiid ne. lor JiluH.CIrtnilnr. .1.11.<br />

MOIX-OMII, Mitlltil VMH<br />

,ut til «t*H«y-»f>'i>cl I'.<br />

.iT«r 11 i'-> « W , r.'mJu<br />

FAl/hTlK (<br />

, A 11 llKI'"""*<br />

THIS MKW<br />


' SSaWt, Vl-ri. iiKir to »lt —Hi-"<br />

Eoo'e«lon Truss Co., Chloaflo, iii..<br />

Atlanta Vi\\m iHills,<br />

iiooH. am»<br />

I'lxc; I'iiMin,<br />

AI.I. N17.»J» AISI> «<br />

-ia. I«K«ai> mt., ATI.»ma.<br />

Art»lrw»» J4M»:W«imo.\l», l»rie«««,ylifa llln'nK<br />

il »Mrr^l .WM >f tlin » phoHwraph for Ihj »ngr^i!i. TIimc- »q|Uw.«<br />

'^..JZflriurlnii 111 Urgu niuiuHlflii for the Humtiict They uru >i(C«It nwd, uS<br />

In with. While piping, Rii.t<br />

rtDBC froni « 10 « 'n'-''^". miidt. to orrtor when ili-Hlttd,<br />

fhnrec tiwlntt I" th«i iinnrmmiii charfie* miulc by dr«Mmakii ihc mwS<br />

lii mdJMiW HnlWi, thii ewimmy In tnivimti SulU miidy miirtii .iich low HiariT<br />

' temlil? I)""'"' •• Aosicni. Mid »em»|iig ordetn tor Tul to<br />

^ will ?lvf. ONK SnT KUJft , _<br />

In iwiidina your ordem. wrile your N»mj', Po»lofflw, vniinty Oiiiinty jmi uxt jui* 8ui)s<br />

FUHNl-T. rULinuT. »o knHk thai 110 mliUlns wmocciir. Heiid illl monvyhy Ili-glHwedUlW dUiia<br />

Mont * «rdf • f iir Himk I>r»fl Wf sollrll rll your ordm, Biid Olid iiiHriiiiUoHi<br />

jfHHfui,tooHiiii^<br />

J • I A ' Hrtfifl kli t.iuuiiufcu. V'<br />

>Vlint Die<br />

MiihiK.<br />

, r.HOOi llVlliVi'l. TUi: HI HI 7<br />

m >Vh (M' r ri<br />

lo -lo Willi mioli . i<br />

swedimkih<br />

ll> .1. H.^raviv., I,l,.l».,<br />

UL<br />

1<br />

iMlHi'fll llfHUl MllI<br />

l iiil Kxiwiif or Mi.l<br />

ll'»! SIMIIIO.' Willi tllr<br />

Ninv Viirk, llitii'Hoin<br />

' 111! I'MII lll'llH)H»lr»l«<br />

lU IMili il liKvi' nutliiiij<br />

\ ri'llirilldll 'llirilldll i>! .)!<br />

IMiloi of TilK lUi'Tisr, M. liililil«,T.'mj.<br />

I'llbllHlH'it by Tilt.' lUl'Tlvr Hunii Hot.ii:,<br />

MrriiphlH, Tt-iui. luiiio. I*:.!. I'p i;i,<br />

rrUi) TAci'iilJt, by mall.<br />

TlilM lii a rnru botiU, aniUlinulil bi-rcmlbt<br />

evorv Hlbli. r.'iKlt.r, and •••.iirelHlly liy »I1<br />

nilnlfti'ih; II ha* rfwlvinl I In; liUli wt cemlutiiiilatloiiii<br />

from wvcnil m ilii. Ilnil wlioljs<br />

of Ui« i:iilo«. III. Alvnii IUivi.'y, prtnlilm<br />

1'" •-'•I'''- 1 of Nfwiou TlimiliHTlcnl "ciiiliiiiry, Msumi'<br />'iiH^ I oliuhtllM, sayH, in a h-tU'r K; llii.< (iiitliori-<br />

o i j R N H A M ' S i<br />

m jn-.'<br />

T<br />

VVAVflAsiuo'BtsV&RHEAPKT.<br />


"I bavo rojiilyour voluiiU', —Tli« Ulfe<br />

Itoi'trlni' of llui Mldillo Ufn, wllli mucliliitiTCKl<br />

ami protll 1 wiiHsri'iiUy IuUthM<br />

lu your twl of HiilillunllKiii; Hiid 1 Ihiiik<br />

your vliiW of It must t>p corrccl.''<br />

Dr. Wiiylaiul, iitllor of Hit. XuUuimUUpllNl.<br />

luiyH ol II • —<br />

" \Vn liavM ri'iul ni-.tiravi'^BarumaMiUiiil<br />

«ro wiMnIUiI witb It; lif linii.lli« liW nuld'rt<br />

^ rsiCSS BELUCSD ATS. 20,'TO., ably Hii.l 111 II flirlHllaii iiiiliil: Iwiiiaiiiilil<br />

".ui.vldett frw. (,)Jilc». I'A- I'liutupluil on Ihl.t lluld ol bullli.. Tlis lUlila<br />

1 X I ''J doctiiuo of tblM nilddl." lll'n H rleiirly jUtM<br />

lu till- llrst on.i liundri-il imttcdof thi> volume'<br />

,II,oroMoltbclKK>kli«|.orimt.««liu*,<br />

|',,r l.u.Ur«'. MIhh,,.' iukI « l.lhlrH.<br />

Prices Down!<br />

l.ooU 111 IlK'No FlBiiroH.<br />

N A .M i ;<br />

!<br />

1<br />

htylk<br />

'111<br />

1 M<br />

(1<br />

i i<br />

|,'ii><br />

IJrover and Ilaltur iUI ai<br />

llowp<br />

UenilUKloil<br />

Hlngur....<br />

(<br />

•111<br />

11)<br />

;» ,<br />

III<br />

'M M<br />

While .'HI !«<br />

Wlliinu<br />

Whcclfirnnd Wllnoii<br />

miuior. 1« llie nowoHi imrt ,bfltt inolhod (or<br />

IW Ik) •JH<br />

liio llio * ..<br />

I'lmio-Korto I'mno . . roriii "v«ti «v«r<br />

aninMn.* iiu.i.ini.^i, publwhwl,<br />

#tf •ilann<br />

Hy<br />

Int.*.. i.i.n lbln<br />

inullioil UiB Wholp Itomnop of iilano lorto<br />

piny uuURrctttly ulinpl nttl nntl Imnroywl,<br />

r«tlHtUmoRci''itCi'»•<br />

Univc.! lioldh, ou an '•"•''l''"""''<br />

i nn.-inuKh 111 ui rlirh '<br />

it'iiiliy. iiii'l (111. iiiiri.a''oiiiihi,.iiii»« 1,1 iiiil,..<br />

Ili-I : imr do «'.• Umnv i.| nn v on,. \i ho U<br />

.lonui It illlh Oli'h loltiilrnlili' loli|illii..'. Ml<br />

ilriuii ilU'Inl-i iirtli.^'." '/'ii Jii''rfH'nif''tu.<br />

lOll lll'l' III I lu* tllH»\ It 1/I.,0k« Nl lit. pIMl I'llld,<br />

(.11 H i.(.i|,t of lhlU( It.lllU lllMlSf.<br />

i.iii).iil«, Ti'iiii.<br />

K C ) II _ s y \ 1 . 1<br />

1<br />

J .<br />

rlhroNKh A|t,f,ta. llcunlalml<br />

, , , .IrtUlMldM, ABtl I41l«ll bllirrm.<br />

I vtilrliiKlUMMflMi ank Mun'y 1,1 Uoi* l^cklnjf In-<br />

I rurmiiUatlMtii. criiMiiiiiiwiitriii'U ttr >iii».n»t,fr<br />

I AdrcrtltlDi. Stnil dlilreM ..n ri>»l*l ev'i ud llili<br />

Ii«>»»iii4f mBoaaHBaanMo<br />

Xl filiC!<br />


T H K B A i e T i s r t ^<br />

pEBBU'SPE^XQIiBi<br />


0«» PKI1III.K «P»'.'rrACH:H Ann E*K.«JI-ANSEN mo the bcm f.» f^lllnff or<br />

Inipjlinl ttlghl. Cm Inmi rtii; Morni, llicy arc hanger mul cliarcr thiui alniwi, aji'i nlwayn rciimla so.<br />

11V CKir imw nyitleia hir Ictunf; ho di/lil, wc an.'ciiiihlcil u. «ilt purwiin with Hiieitiickunr Kye-Oltnai*<br />

will) I ii!i not trill on nr., :i« w« I a-; if ihey ure pr»ntti|i"J'll|'; WiiUl.ll,<br />

iioMllcal, liollllcal, eoniniireliil, rIVer, Keleiilllle, iv- lu<br />

4 9 6<br />

lt4.lMN*a<br />

I'of i'i,iaph;«!4;"ldrif»j lilt. KAr.fiinii. \otli.<br />

,1 IH': II 44 MiW<br />

I ON THKCuuuncAMMANurAOTumE Qr-I<br />

'SOnOOAND IMRMttC, St«T«^<br />

BlymyerManufacturinc Co.<br />

CI MCltslNATI.O.<br />


A xl »i m oow<br />

Cliurcli Kccord-Book<br />

liiilU|ii>i|iiil>l to r.verf I'iiiiM-ti,<br />

,V Kca hlinri. Ui'Hldi.|it'.' mid i ii.iiii;iM,i»i\i',<br />

ni-iii'lA'caii Hpi liifiH, M INM. '<br />

riii: \Vi.hi<br />

and li'Oiil unli*rU."i, Kltchi'ii, Moi-,' riHiiiiH and \V II |.1"1 of 11 Slii.„|i and Hiork I'.l Iliillilliii; South or ro'itoin.'o. si. I<br />

lUiiii'lii., whii'h U vny i.ioilialili'. iind iiii iiii: i.Aiiii'.s A.mi iii';.\Tij.;.M|.;.\. j<br />

iiraiiKe plaiiliilloii. Il will ho rt'imiiu'iiillvi-<br />

~ " ' nniilliiK r.'iHc, for Jin Rri'CiSit and llaM For Stiio<br />

Iroiii lb.. Ilr>il year, l.ii, H-Vitiht. 11 :S opi-ii liay anil .Nlgbt nil tli.i Vi-iu. i Miilwcrlli.-iJi lo llii. KA.N'HAM t'M'V 'ri.Mi;H, at<br />

(f'JO.dli lur a l ull ( oiliHJ. of Hiinhhi Miiliv line iKilIiir laib. AnjlKhly ean ml iiii a<br />

O,** NlyleN 111'fl;;llOI,l,Alt I'KIl ANNUM, wllh IKWUIKO Imidkikii, Kiioxvilli), Atlulibi Itiiil lirlnidpiii<br />

„ " ilrood Bow*, bred, cnphiUm 111 I.-.O.<br />

(rew, b.|iiK UK low. iiti iilij'^jiHiriiiil 1.1 iKiual miliilNln UioMoiilliDniit. KurtldktilHnnil nii-<br />

ANk foi- TlcUctn »'iu niniitiililH. lut'ii, i-i.i, 111., llie<br />

nieril eiMi bi'^hiriiWiHl at,lite publlHliiiii ol ' ibur liinirmiilloit uiiply hijMH.HiiM.illan Mfiiii<br />

Km WKKKI-Y A VAIiANtl'll<br />

Kor ll.'kiitsruid liiftirmullou Kiilliil'jhT Miilii<br />

NUIIBiWllhiitlh<br />

B U-i iimi.iiH>y lioy HI,, or to II. I'. Umith, TU(k«l Aitnlit, II.-.1 ol<br />

Hltu,>l,oriil ilepotof N.A h uiid (II, UitiliiiiiU.<br />

liuutiol iiljiilit liny iilmlKiiiei.t III pilee ni huU- Mulh Hi., MfmphtN.<br />

M, H. JA V, UOU. I W „„., Tlikit Ab'C ' HOUptloil lo I'ltlliH. Hpetilmoii (Xildi'N aeiil<br />

Xl lu Ijllll* ftaak, ArkauM<br />

n-0«. Aiidn**, i'li« AVAiiAiiliriiB,<br />

1» iimupbta,T«MW.

4:96 T H K B A . F T I S T , f fM:<br />

To aU Sufferciu IVoni Pro-<br />

'' laiiscd Organs.<br />

I tAke thlB luetboil of calling your nitenlion<br />

to the celtbnited IkwJy and Luna<br />

Jlruce, which I linve nold for tlio liul<br />

eighteen yearn, thnl I may make U a<br />

ixjiicflt f4»ij»y p«| vou.<br />

Now, after a jierHoiial pxpnrienco of<br />

nearly twenty yrara, and Llm addmi oxperirnco<br />

ol inoro than ono tbanmuid minliitera<br />

and public dimliers ujHm wh(»ni J<br />

have fitted tho llraco with invnriablo<br />

Huccewt. I am i)ro|)iir9(l t« tcHlify of Its<br />

rtal nierllH. Witiiout It, 1 am natisflwl I<br />

xhiMiht have been laid iwldo from public<br />

fijieaking eighteen yfuraBgo. Jly uaing<br />

it, I have luily recovered n !o»t voice,<br />

and RHi lileHMHl with one of iincoramun<br />

IKJWW and endurancei. Without It, two<br />

or three wnuonH oxlmiiit and giv« me<br />

the auiDO of fltticue. And (mtc me wiUi<br />

« beavjr, huaky votco; irtlh I i«n<br />

ik four bourn « day witlwHii wxluiun-<br />

or iMMUMnow. I'mw urn H only<br />

jrhon tpeMng, and tliiwi pwawrvemj<br />

Toloe »nd and phyalcai euwH^ I ik)<br />

not boljcve that any one would ever be<br />

I nroscrlbed ono of your llrueot to<br />

n huly imtient of mliio imjl full. Bho<br />

HnyHsho wouhl not take ono hundretl<br />

dpilnm for It, If «ho could not got another<br />

ono of tho snino kind.<br />

S. TUIINEW, M.D.<br />

Hnynovlllo, Ln., April 10, J877.<br />

All tho Bracca wlilcli I Imyo orgrcatflBt<br />

Htttlaflttctlsn.<br />

For oil kludaofwombaisonaos, woiik<br />

luugH aud lunduigu tliey nro luvHhmbio.<br />

W. il Xa W I! • J M. D.<br />

(rruwfordvllle, Mj«8,<br />

1 rfeolved the Uratf for njy patient,<br />

Mrs. Martin. She apidinl It, and It<br />


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