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http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/yag55d00/pdf r .bere r. is a .aitably widLtad .um of all the stibstanoos pnw .nt iu the 624 .61 aov.r .r it bas b..n sMrn that the Aalt-life fbr the first stap ia the So.ogansous tbormal daao.position at a∎biant ts .psratoros is on teo ordor of 103 Sonrs .62 Osans Aas also b.on sAora to bo ir.rt with srspsct to 00 and 802 63•" OtAor wrkars Aa .a soaastad that osos,a d.eoapssaa upoN contact with oirtnslly aay sorfao ..a .6s TLM as:ts+.ord3narily high daoo.positiou sato . .t osoae foimd !a this study strsn4y supports tais lppotDasis . '!bo oobtrollind faotor in the d.ooepositioa of osona is probably tAe transport of the daa to the ralls, eailieKe and fbrpitaro. Wfacta of lir Conditioninc !bs oparation of la.e air oonditionins sUrst ..s affaats earbon .onozida lo.als Ldiroetly. In yb s .parata oooasions iu the oonrsa of this atOdy. aban air aonditiolNrs Mara in opsratlons the itdoor 00 la.ala incr.aaad during opsration and d.oraasd aftor the air oondi- tionar ws tornsd off and the Kindow op .nad . Sinc. vindows and doors of a Do .o ara aLost always alosad durin` the oparation of an air ooa- dition.r, the .antilation rato is at a∎inirun . ?Aar.fora, arq iLdoor sonaration of 00 aoeu.alatos Sn tbo Do.a and is raoyelad by the air oonditlonind q .t... Aftar the sy.t.m is sbat off and the Windovs opansd, the natmal .antilation rato of the booa is sisnifioaatly in- or.asad aad aonraQti.ntly 00 d.er.asas . Oaona eoncantntioes arft sidnifioantly r .dae.d Dy air eondition- ara . 7n 22 iestanow dnrinS the eoursa of this study Msoro tMra wro .aasnraLlo awomats of osoas in the lw .o eafbra tba qstem vas aoti.a- tad, op.ration of the air eonditionars rosnltod in rapid d .araasas in eoncantration. D.oo.position rato constants for osona in air oonditionsd roows ..ra appro:i .at.'1y 15-20% Lrdor than ritbont the syst ... T ~ W ~ 51

http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/yag55d00/pdf !6e rw.ow why air oondition.r oporationm abould ra.ult in osono decr..aes aro ratb.r obvious . SiLro windows aro closed durind air eoMition.r operation, the ..ntilation rato of outdoor osono should be raduood . Sineo the oson. trapp.d iidoora 1a being reploniabod at a alov.r rato, the le.al• abou3d drop. Socondl,j . beoau.e of ita .atr..e r.aati.it', oson. is eff.oti.oly doqtroyod by oolli .iona vitb wlls irsido tbo air conditioner as the air paaae" tbrousb the a? .t. . . Iastly, tb* fan on the air eonditionor eaaaee oon.iderablo turenleeae of the raam air . ?ho rwultini inereaaod .ixint inoraa .os the rate of transport of oson. to the w.lle and e.ilind. . 52 L

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>yag55d00</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

!6e rw.ow why air oondition.r oporationm abould ra.ult in osono<br />

decr..aes aro ratb.r obvious . SiLro windows aro closed durind air<br />

eoMition.r operation, the ..ntilation rato of outdoor osono should be<br />

raduood . Sineo the oson. trapp.d iidoora 1a being reploniabod at a<br />

alov.r rato, the le.al• abou3d drop. Socondl,j . beoau.e of ita .atr..e<br />

r.aati.it', oson. is eff.oti.oly doqtroyod by oolli .iona vitb wlls<br />

irsido tbo air conditioner as the air paaae" tbrousb the a? .t. . .<br />

Iastly, tb* fan on the air eonditionor eaaaee oon.iderablo turenleeae<br />

of the raam air . ?ho rwultini inereaaod .ixint inoraa .os the rate of<br />

transport of oson. to the w.lle and e.ilind. .<br />

52<br />


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