1~'':': . . http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/yag55d00/pdf

1~'':': . . http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/yag55d00/pdf 1~'':': . . http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/yag55d00/pdf

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http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/yag55d00/pdf caLrta iu ZWXRnmau. Grboa soeaNdd., aitroR.n, ard aiteoion dio3ddo v.ro obtainsd froa Matbason Gas Psodaots . Iacorporatod . ill oarpstia2 fibsre r.ro Ls Carp.ts bewd obtain.d fro. Burlington Iodwtrios, Incoryoratod . OtLar rsiants rs .d In this stady v.ro ebt.in.d !1w oossiorcial saiau- faotirars . Swalment I.-houo ososo ws aaasnr.d wing tvo Past lbdel 7244 Osoaa Eaasors ebtainsd iloa tA. Kaat De.elopsent CoapsW . • dia2r.a of the instrasaat•s aiaroeouloab oson . s.nsor is slovn In Ti2ure 1 . !bo sansine solation nsod is a n.utral baffarsd 2% sI solution vitn 5% ®r addod to iner+as• solntion eondaetivity . aull aaoonts of Duviaido 8 aro addd to provant fungus growth In tb . solution rasarsoir or on tba .l.ctrod.s . !ba opsratint yrinciple of tAo instru ..nt is a wierooonlaa.trio ps titrat.ion . Ttio gas pbaso osoao 1s riaotod vitl tba LI near tba eatbado of tM instruwont according to tLe roaatioao 03e2[I•820'4 O2•IZe2DD8• (2) Zodiaa In consqwntly lorsd . it tDo astbedo, a thin ly .r ef ludto- goe ps L ibi..d by a polarisatioa eurronte 22*e2e'-~ 282, ~) Mbaa tba voltate of about 0.25 volts io appliod to tbo alootrod .s tLo 10 C~ ~ ~ L

a ~ : W . fij..-,._. , w ~ -~~ http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/yag55d00/pdf Plgws 1# Tbe Iliaroaovlesb Osone aensor • 'd ebaical sol.tion, containing the propsr s.ounts of sarint rea6enls, is netarod into the s .n.or by wS of the solation supely tube . Tbe solution fiovs in a thin fiL down over the electrode support 'E", tipan which are se ntd naro turns of a fine vire eathod . "C" and ti-v tarns ef a virs anode "A", .aud is depoaited '!n the vaste resersoir V". Tbe air saaple eet.rs through "0", is pvaped through the sensor by way of the narrov snnulus "11" vhere it eoe.s into intiaate contact vitb the solution contained on the electrode support, an.d exits at "J". A saall potential is supplied aeroas the catbode and anode by a . . . D .C, pover_suFp2y and the cursent is deasusad by the sticroa~o.eter.'.41 bydrog.n layer builds to its mazlaum and the pclarisation current ceases. Th. iodine rd.asd by the esone vill r.aet with the WroSent sjou-• .2ffi. (4) Decaus* of this bydrod.n loss, the catbede vill r.-stablisb quilibrium and a repnlerisation curr .nt viil flor. Consquetitly aaob oson. sale- eale decayina ultisataly releases tMO eleotrons and the current flow is direotly proportional to the es,one coneentration .JJ2 !be outputs of tbe two oson. m .ters wre oonneeted to a lfast lfodal 725-3CS Strip Chart Seoorder, obtaind froa the FAst Dsvelop- sy .at Co .pany, by .wns of a bomemade eas,-driwn siicrosvitob. Tbe eaa sbaft was powered by a one half r ..olution per winute synchronous

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>legacy</strong>.<strong>library</strong>.<strong>ucsf</strong>.<strong>edu</strong>/<strong>tid</strong>/<strong>yag55d00</strong>/<strong>pdf</strong><br />

caLrta iu<br />

ZWXRnmau.<br />

Grboa soeaNdd., aitroR.n, ard aiteoion dio3ddo v.ro obtainsd<br />

froa Matbason Gas Psodaots . Iacorporatod . ill oarpstia2 fibsre r.ro<br />

Ls Carp.ts bewd obtain.d fro. Burlington Iodwtrios, Incoryoratod .<br />

OtLar rsiants rs .d In this stady v.ro ebt.in.d !1w oossiorcial saiau-<br />

faotirars .<br />

Swalment<br />

I.-houo ososo ws aaasnr.d wing tvo Past lbdel 7244 Osoaa<br />

Eaasors ebtainsd iloa tA. Kaat De.elopsent CoapsW . • dia2r.a of the<br />

instrasaat•s aiaroeouloab oson . s.nsor is slovn In Ti2ure 1 . !bo<br />

sansine solation nsod is a n.utral baffarsd 2% sI solution vitn 5%<br />

®r addod to iner+as• solntion eondaetivity . aull aaoonts of Duviaido 8<br />

aro addd to provant fungus growth In tb . solution rasarsoir or on<br />

tba .l.ctrod.s .<br />

!ba opsratint yrinciple of tAo instru ..nt is a wierooonlaa.trio<br />

ps titrat.ion . Ttio gas pbaso osoao 1s riaotod vitl tba LI near tba<br />

eatbado of tM instruwont according to tLe roaatioao<br />

03e2[I•820'4 O2•IZe2DD8• (2)<br />

Zodiaa In consqwntly lorsd . it tDo astbedo, a thin ly .r ef ludto-<br />

goe ps L ibi..d by a polarisatioa eurronte<br />

22*e2e'-~ 282, ~)<br />

Mbaa tba voltate of about 0.25 volts io appliod to tbo alootrod .s tLo<br />

10<br />

C~ ~<br />

~<br />


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