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G I B R A L T A R T O M A L A G A . 343 continued poem of íixty-íix thoufand BooK IV - verfes [/]; fo the poets of Granada compofed romances on the principal battles and events of their time, which were fung and handed down from father to fon ; of fuch compofitions they were particularly fond. The Spaniards learned of the Moors From them ti« Spaniards learncd chem- to record their fucceífes and victories by romances; as during iix centuries Spain was under a military barbarifm, they were the beft and almoft the only chronicles they had; and fucceeding writers were forced to have recourfe to them, and depend upon their au- thorities, of which we have repeated inftances in Morales. Many of thefe oíd romances are loít; but about the latter end of the íixteenth century, was publiíhed in Madrid, an edition, in quarto, of all thofe both hiílorical and [f] Voyages de Chardin, vol. II. I have feen a beauriful manufcript copy of this work in the library of a friend in London. VOL. I. Z 4 paítoral,

544 A J O U R N E Y F R O M M a l a g a , paítoral, which were then prefervecl : two fubfequent editions were printed in 1602 and 1614; the former is in my library ; as well as the fírít edi- tion of Romances biflor icos deSepulveda, Antwerp, 1551. The abovementioned book of Guer­ ras Civiles, beíides the romances of the Sierra Bermeja, comprehends the battle of Los Alporchones in 1450; the battle of Jaén, in the time of Au- delbi; and the romance of the lofs of Alhama by the father of the fame prince; this laft was written in fo me- lancholy a ítrain, that, a general dif- content feizing the minds of the peo- pie againft their king Alboacen, he w r as obliged to forbid its being fung under the fevereft penalties. Romancero general Madrid, 1604. I t n e odier day became poffeft of a curious poem in qtiarto, wrote by Duarte Diaz, a native of Oporto, in Spani'h, and in twenty-one Canro?, entided Granada Conquifiada, printed in Madrid,. 159?. The fiegc of Malaga is very particuhrly dc.cribed in the nth, I3th, and 14^h Cantos. From

544 A J O U R N E Y F R O M<br />

M a l a g a , paítoral, which were then prefervecl :<br />

two fubfequent editions were printed<br />

in 1602 and 1614; the former is in<br />

my library ; as well as the fírít edi-<br />

tion of Romances biflor icos deSepulveda,<br />

Antwerp, 1551.<br />

The abovementioned book of Guer­<br />

ras Civiles, beíides the romances of<br />

the Sierra Bermeja, comprehends the<br />

battle of Los Alporchones in 1450;<br />

the battle of Jaén, in the time of Au-<br />

delbi; and the romance of the lofs of<br />

Alhama by the father of the fame<br />

prince; this laft was written in fo me-<br />

lancholy a ítrain, that, a general dif-<br />

content feizing the minds of the peo-<br />

pie againft their king Alboacen, he<br />

w r as obliged to forbid its being fung<br />

under the fevereft penalties.<br />

Romancero general Madrid, 1604. I t n e<br />

odier day became poffeft of a curious poem in<br />

qtiarto, wrote by Duarte Diaz, a native of<br />

Oporto, in Spani'h, and in twenty-one Canro?,<br />

entided Granada Conquifiada, printed in Madrid,.<br />

159?. The fiegc of Malaga is very particuhrly<br />

dc.cribed in the nth, I3th, and 14^h Cantos.<br />


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