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.-j CONCRETE OR MASONRY: For proper bonding, apply wsr a *learn, sound surlacv. F« nerve corouuetior^ Mondrtdd may be Instal led<br />

directly to'gman' concrete without et ching or aging. The only requirement is that the surface temperature be bCrF and rising. All Wtarwe « loose<br />

concrete should be removed and the s urface cleaned looft lekq a hard, bound substrate preferably by dry abrasive bia ft. 'Sweep• abrasive<br />

blasting to to most<br />

effective method of surface prepwetio n. For ol d concrete, or 1 d ry abrasvee blasting Is possible. the Concr ete may be<br />

prepared by acid etching w it h &eolools Clean h4 Etch per label knatnrctlons. Aft er etching, neutr alize concrete w ith a solution of two (2) cups aqua<br />

am'nOr" p er five (17 g allons of water. Flush clean with wa te r and a llow to d ry thoroughly. N ca or gre ase stake exist eAar etc hing , *lean arses by<br />

scrubbing wet a solution of Td3odkzn Phosph at e OW) and a w ar m water. Flush *lean w ith water and al low to surface d ry.<br />

Apply MorwmJd Clew Sealer p er label instructions. Allow one hour Induct ion time aria mbdng, N Monomid Clew Soda b to be uoed as a prkner.<br />

for best adh esion, apply the appropriate topcoad whle the Morwmtd Ciao Scala Is st il l tacky (normally wit hin ten hours). N the Monanld Clew<br />

Sala Is ponnitted to dry (and top000ft Is still desked) and r arry'bluaM «r esidue *Asia on the surface. rernove by e ither %** with bopropyl<br />

&I*" or washklg will solut ion of Tdaodium Phosp hate MM and warm water. N washkq with TSP eduft% twah w it h water and allow loo dry.<br />

H no -bluslf or residue edste, It Is not ne**asa ry to dean the surface and pdmw and topcoat may be applied within 24.ho ure vw*rarm alter<br />

ddiuwWva xne w to Mwe polwa^liwbbn aubae4usi rt000im. ld loesl&Ameedlat Pdryw hwAb*-ldover rWa<br />

seder 1 a odor topcoat Is to bi applied In ord er to avoid `minor pbk-up' of oorwtMS Mddke cracks and o0er kniWectbne of cono rsta Clean<br />

611 10010 and equipmed with Sts loos T-201 after u se.<br />

NOT& Do riot 'puddle Monomld C lew Seal er on the *askew When used as soda only. apply of sari two coats for beet results.<br />

BRUSH:<br />

ROLL.<br />

^THER:<br />


Use a olden, nylon brWo 4iMh . No red' , ' 91 necessary.<br />

Use a oesn, shod nap, mohair roll er with a phenolic eon. No red , olbn nseessay.<br />

On smooth concrete, may, be wild by EZ PaInM Fla! Applbdw.<br />


Gun: OWN Is or oqud<br />

Fluid Noale: as<br />

Ale Nozzle: as PI,a<br />

A ir Flow 10: 1/4'<br />

Militarist Floes t0: 3/r<br />


Pump Rib: 20:1<br />

Gun: Gracto 200327 or equal<br />

Tip Stser<br />

Fan Sks: 04 - B<br />

Pr es s ur Needs: es<br />

e: 2000 - 2300 pal<br />

Material Hose Ill: 1/4'<br />

Preesurr. Pot 10.16 poi ` k<br />

Atorrilra r 30.45 psi<br />

Use rnoisturs and 01 trope. No reduc tion necessa ry .<br />

No roduetlon mo tasary.<br />

The Inlomelldn **,tamed henln Is beeed upon dote sound by our sear, er Mdependenl eellne leeerstary. It is adneee od e*aurele at the did *r Issuance, end Is eublW so<br />

clHnee Mlnpul mit-A.<br />

_. t<br />

loos<br />

^i r

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