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DOVR1.9946, Rev. 0<br />

07/99<br />

1 Cognizant operators.<br />

2<br />

3 — A CWC Nuclear Process Operator (NPO) from 1988 to the present was Interviewed in person<br />

4 October 29,1998. He stated there had not been any spills or container breaches since the beginning<br />

5 of2401-Woperations.<br />

6<br />

7 — A CWC NPO from before 1988 to the present was interviewed October 28,1998 by telephone. He<br />

8 indicated that no spills or container breaches occurred since the beginning of 2401-W operations.<br />

9<br />

10 — A CWC NPO from before 1988 to the present was interviewed December 10, 1998 by telephone. He<br />

I indicated that that no spills or container breaches occurred since the beginning of 2401-W<br />

12 operations.<br />

13<br />

14 Results of Records Review and Personnel Interviews<br />

15<br />

16 The operating records review and personnel interviews used to establish 2401-W spill history were<br />

17 sufficiently diligent to allow PE certification of these closure activities and for use as a credible basis in<br />

18 establishing conclusive 2401-W spill history.<br />

19<br />

20 Sufficient operating records and reports exist, and cognizant personnel were available for interview, to<br />

21 establish that on authoritative and complete record of 2401-W operations exists.<br />

22<br />

23 Operating records and reports and personnel interviews identify no spills to 2401-W surfaces. No<br />

24 occurrence reports were written to document releases to the-1401-W. No mention is made in'daily<br />

25 operations logs or in weekly inspection reports of waste spills to 2401-W floors. All personnel<br />

26 interviewed indicated that to their direct or indirect knowledge, nowaste leaks or container breaches<br />

27 occurred that could have contaminated 2401-W surfaces. Further, stringent waste acceptance criteria for<br />

28 containers, the relatively small quantity of waste managed at this unit, the minimal level of container<br />

29 handling once waste was stored, and the fact that degradation of containers by weathering was not a<br />

30 factor, greatly minimized the potential for spills.<br />

31<br />

32 From the records, reports, and interviews documented herein, it reasonably can be concluded that no<br />

33 dangerous waste spills occurred to the floors of the 2401-W.<br />

34<br />

35<br />

990624.1020 APP A-4

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