
Carl%20Sagan%20-%20The%20Demon%20Haunted%20World Carl%20Sagan%20-%20The%20Demon%20Haunted%20World

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THE DEMON-HAUNTED WORLD magnetic fluid, and that all magnetism - including the power that resides in a bar or horseshoe magnet - is due to moving electricity. The Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted had performed a little experiment in which electricity was made to flow down a wire and induce a nearby compass needle to waver and tremble. The wire and the compass were not in physical contact. The great English physicist Michael Faraday had done the complementary experiment: he made a magnetic force turn on and off and thereby generated a current of electricity in a nearby wire. Time-varying electricity had somehow reached out and generated magnetism, and time-varying magnetism had somehow reached out and generated electricity. This was called 'induction' and was deeply mysterious, close to magic. Faraday proposed that the magnet had an invisible 'field' of force that extended into surrounding space, stronger close to the magnet, weaker farther away. You could track the form of the field by placing tiny iron filings on a piece of paper and waving a magnet underneath. Likewise, your hair after a good combing on a low-humidity day generates an electric field which invisibly extends out from your head, and which can even make small pieces of paper move by themselves. The electricity in a wire, we now know, is caused by submicroscopic electrical particles, called electrons, which respond to an electric field and move. The wires are made of materials like copper which have lots of free electrons - electrons not bound within atoms, but able to move. Unlike copper, though, most materials, say, wood, are not good conductors; they are instead insulators or 'dielectrics'. In them, comparatively few electrons are available to move in response to the impressed electric or magnetic field. Not much of a current is produced. Of course there's some movement or 'displacement' of electrons, and the bigger the electric field, the more displacement occurs. Maxwell devised a way of writing what was known about electricity and magnetism in his time, a method of summarizing precisely all those experiments with wires and currents and magnets. Here they are, the four Maxwell equations for the behaviour of electricity and magnetism in matter: 362

Maxwell and The Nerds It takes a few years of university­level physics to understand these equations. They are written using a branch of mathematics called vector calculus. A vector, written in bold­face type, is any quantity with both a magnitude and a direction. Sixty miles an hour isn't a vector, but sixty miles an hour due north on Highway 1 is. E and B represent the electric and magnetic fields. The triangle, called a nabla (because of its resemblance to a certain ancient Middle Eastern harp), expresses how the electric or magnetic fields vary in three­dimensional space. The 'dot product' and the 'cross product' after the nablas are statements of two different kinds of spatial variation. and represent the time variation, the rate of change of the electric and magnetic fields. j stands for the electrical current. The lower­case Greek letter p (rho) represents the density of electrical charges, while ε 0 (pronounced 'epsilon zero') and μ 0 (pronounced 'mu zero') are not variables, but properties of the substance E and B are measured in, and determined by experiment. In a vacuum, ε 0 and μ 0 are constants of nature. Considering how many different quantities are being brought together in these equations, it's striking how simple they are. They could have gone on for pages, but they don't. The first of the four Maxwell equations tells how an electric field due to electrical charges (electrons, for example) varies with distance (it gets weaker the farther away we go). But the greater the charge density (the more electrons, say, in a given space), the stronger the field. The second equation tells us that there's no comparable statement in magnetism, because Mesmer's magnetic 'charges' (or magnetic 'monopoles') do not exist: saw a magnet in half and you won't be holding an isolated 'north' pole and an isolated 'south' pole; each piece now has its own 'north' and 'south' pole. The third equation tells us how a changing magnetic field induces an electric field. 363

Maxwell and The Nerds<br />

It takes a few years of university­level physics to understand these<br />

equations. They are written using a branch of mathematics called<br />

vector calculus. A vector, written in bold­face type, is any<br />

quantity with both a magnitude and a direction. Sixty miles an<br />

hour isn't a vector, but sixty miles an hour due north on Highway<br />

1 is. E and B represent the electric and magnetic fields. The<br />

triangle, called a nabla (because of its resemblance to a certain<br />

ancient Middle Eastern harp), expresses how the electric or<br />

magnetic fields vary in three­dimensional space. The 'dot product'<br />

and the 'cross product' after the nablas are statements of two<br />

different kinds of spatial variation.<br />

and<br />

represent the time variation, the rate of change of the<br />

electric and magnetic fields. j stands for the electrical current. The<br />

lower­case Greek letter p (rho) represents the density of electrical<br />

charges, while ε 0 (pronounced 'epsilon zero') and μ 0 (pronounced<br />

'mu zero') are not variables, but properties of the substance E and<br />

B are measured in, and determined by experiment. In a vacuum,<br />

ε 0 and μ 0 are constants of nature.<br />

Considering how many different quantities are being brought<br />

together in these equations, it's striking how simple they are. They<br />

could have gone on for pages, but they don't.<br />

The first of the four Maxwell equations tells how an electric<br />

field due to electrical charges (electrons, for example) varies with<br />

distance (it gets weaker the farther away we go). But the greater<br />

the charge density (the more electrons, say, in a given space), the<br />

stronger the field.<br />

The second equation tells us that there's no comparable statement<br />

in magnetism, because Mesmer's magnetic 'charges' (or<br />

magnetic 'monopoles') do not exist: saw a magnet in half and you<br />

won't be holding an isolated 'north' pole and an isolated 'south'<br />

pole; each piece now has its own 'north' and 'south' pole.<br />

The third equation tells us how a changing magnetic field<br />

induces an electric field.<br />


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