
Carl%20Sagan%20-%20The%20Demon%20Haunted%20World Carl%20Sagan%20-%20The%20Demon%20Haunted%20World

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THE DEMON-HAUNTED WORLD Detection Network; a 6 x 9 ft walk-in camera; a fossil pit seeded with local shale where visitors hunt for fossils from 380 million years ago and keep their finds; an eight-foot-long boa constrictor named 'Spot'; and a dazzling array of other experiments, computers and activities. Levin and Levine can still be found there, full-time volunteers teaching the citizens and scientists of the future. The DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund supports and extends their dream of reaching kids who would ordinarily be denied their scientific birthright. Through the Fund's nationwide Youth-ALIVE programme, Ithaca teenagers receive intensive mentoring to develop their science, conflict resolution and employment skills. Levin and Levine thought science should belong to everyone. Their community agreed and made a commitment to realize that dream. In the Sciencenter's first year, 55,000 people came from all fifty states and sixty countries. Not bad for a small town. It makes you wonder what else we could do if we worked together for a better future for our kids. 332

21 The Path to Freedom* We must not believe the many, who say that only free people ought to be educated, but we should rather believe the philosophers who say that only the educated are free. Epictetus, Roman philosopher and former slave, Discourses Frederick Bailey was a slave. As a boy in Maryland in the 1820s, he had no mother or father to look after him. ('It is a common custom,' he later wrote, 'to part children from their mothers . . . before the child has reached its twelfth month.') He was one of countless millions of slave children whose realistic prospects for a hopeful life were nil. What Bailey witnessed and experienced in his growing up marked him forever: 'I have often been awakened at the dawn of the day by the most heart-rending shrieks of an own aunt of mine, whom [the overseer] used to tie up to a joist, and whip upon her naked back till she was literally covered with blood . . . From the rising till the going down of the sun he was cursing, raving, cutting, and slashing among the slaves of the field ... He seemed to take pleasure in manifesting his fiendish barbarity.' The slaves had drummed into them, from plantation and pulpit * Written with Ann Druyan. 333


Detection Network; a 6 x 9 ft walk-in camera; a fossil pit seeded<br />

with local shale where visitors hunt for fossils from 380 million<br />

years ago and keep their finds; an eight-foot-long boa constrictor<br />

named 'Spot'; and a dazzling array of other experiments, computers<br />

and activities.<br />

Levin and Levine can still be found there, full-time volunteers<br />

teaching the citizens and scientists of the future. The DeWitt<br />

Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund supports and extends their dream<br />

of reaching kids who would ordinarily be denied their scientific<br />

birthright. Through the Fund's nationwide Youth-ALIVE programme,<br />

Ithaca teenagers receive intensive mentoring to develop<br />

their science, conflict resolution and employment skills.<br />

Levin and Levine thought science should belong to everyone.<br />

Their community agreed and made a commitment to realize that<br />

dream. In the Sciencenter's first year, 55,000 people came from all<br />

fifty states and sixty countries. Not bad for a small town. It makes<br />

you wonder what else we could do if we worked together for a<br />

better future for our kids.<br />


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